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Old 07-07-2010, 08:19 PM   #11 (permalink)
Gavin B.
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Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt View Post
What can I say? I don't enjoy their music. All be it, I've only heard one album.. the album that's deemed their most popular though.
I'm assuming your referring to Mezzanine when you talk about MA's most popular album. I made the nomination and Mezzanine may be my least favorite album of all their five studio albums. Nearly every MA album has a different production approach, so if all you've done is give a listen to Mezzanine you're not making an informed decision.

Since you've claimed to not like Massive Attack on the basis of one album, I'm interested in hearing exactly what you didn't like about the band. Did their bass player suck? Were their song lyrics trite? Did every song sound exactly alike?

When someone tells me they don't like a certain band; I usually ask them why, and 90% of the time they can't give me a single reason. A person hasn't even heard the band or heard very little of the band's music should consider sitting out the voting instead of casting an ill informed vote. There's been a few bands nominated that I didn't cast vote, for or against, simply because I hadn't heard enough of their music to cast a meaningful ballot.
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