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Thread: Lady Gaga
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Old 11-13-2010, 04:43 PM   #1770 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CHCl3 View Post
If you had actually bothered to read my post before replying you would have seen that while I don't necessarily hate gimmicks, I don't approve of Lady Gaga's. If a gimmick is reflective of the music like Marlyn Manson's or a Black Metal band then its fine as I said in the post you first quoted.

I agree with you but I wanted needed to point out the inconsistency.


This has been around in mainstream music for as long as I can remember. For someone that looks down on my argument cause it complains about something that is so common place in the music industry you would think that this one falls under the same category. Of course she is going to cover her ass so the parental groups get give them some breathing room. This is probably the most "mediocre" argument that I've heard against any artist ever.
I did read your post. I don't really listen to Black metal, so you're going to have to explain what you mean by "so long as the gimmick reflects the music" if you want to keep using that argument. I guess I should have probably said "In a perfect world, artists would not have to rely so much on misleading gimmicks and images."

I wouldn't call it an inconsistency. I know good and well that Lady Gaga is pretty unoriginal. That doesn't stop me from loving her music (and her in general). Her songs are appealing to me. I love them for what they are, not because they're "original." I see a lot of Lady Gaga fans proclaim her as the most original artist on the planet -- which makes me wonder if they live in a cave. She's definitely interesting and a bit out there. Original? Nah. I can see you aren't the type of person I first thought you were, so you can take what I said in that paragraph with a grain of salt.

In regards to her commenting about drug usage, I was annoyed with her that she has the stupidity to say something like that in such a blase manner. If you know you're a ****ing huge hit with kids, are you really going to go on proudly about how drugs are how you make your music? I can understand she wants to be honest, but she should have been clear from the get go that she does not want anyone (i.e. children) to emulate her behavior. This was something she did not do until later. If her fans consisted of mainly adults, I would change my tune. (Most) adults can rationally reason and separate an artist's personal life with their work. Children on the other hand are not as readily able to do so.

Last edited by Consolator; 11-13-2010 at 05:06 PM.
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