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Old 01-12-2011, 01:03 AM   #242 (permalink)
Unknown Soldier
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Originally Posted by Hitting_Singularity View Post
What I'm saying here is that we are similar to the British in a lot of ways. For example we both have better comedians than the US, but Britain's are better than Canada's. And our vocabulary and pronunciation is somewhere in between the two.

Of course we are 100% Canadian, but if you don't know what that means, its just to help you get an idea.
I don`t know any Canadian comedians so I can`t say whether ours are better.

As for your pronounciation, lets just say I couldn`t tell the difference between an American or a Canadian if they spoke. Similiarly I couldn`t tell the difference between and Australian or a New Zealander.

As far as American accents go, the only ones that sound really different to me are those from the southern states.
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