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Old 02-03-2011, 10:17 AM   #538 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Tore, when you have kids maybe you'll open your mind a little to the fact that some children CANNOT be controlled without physical discipline being used every now and then. It is NOT abuse, it is a light slap, the kind of thing they do to eachother when they give their friends dead arms. Not a beating.

Also, you can find scientific studies to support ANY arguement, there's plenty studies out there supporting physical discipline but you most likely haven't seen them because you're only looking at the things that support your arguement.

Hell i've seen scientific studies that link the colour of your walls in your bedroom to the increase of the chances of you getting cancer. They're constantly spouting out utter tripe simply because they're paid to do so. I doubt I've ever read a scientific study that was 100% true and hadn't been corrupted or altered to exaggerate the topic at hand. Their opinion has everything to do with those who pay their wage and very little to do with science. Even independent studies can be swayed at times. I wonder how many of these studies were carried out by scientists who live in those countries and who work for those governments? They certainly wouldn't shed it in a negative light they want the world to think they made a good choice not a bad one.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. But remember this thread when you have kids of your own.
I don't think most parents decide to spank their children purely out of necessity. Or at least, I think it has more to do with the way they were raised regarding physical punishment. Of course, I'm only speculating about it, as I'm not a parent myself, but I just assume that physical punishment presents itself as an option that makes sense more often to those who've grown up with the idea that it's right, than to those who were raised in a different environment. While that seems obvious enough, I've met enough people in my day to see a general trend regarding how much reason is really being applied behind the decision to spank.
I grew up getting my butt whooped. And after all that, I had the idea that that's how you effectively manage disobedience (using myself as "proof" of its effectiveness, which is kind of a mistake for anyone to attempt, considering the nature of our ego). But thanks to a broadening of my horizons by insights from others and a willingness to recognize that I can't make a qualified decision about it at the moment, I realized that it's a lot easier to see the other side of it and have it make sense just as much, if not more, than what I was raised to put stake in.

All I'm saying is regardless of the side of the fence we're on, the important thing is to be willing to challenge our own beliefs in the matter and actually get the evidence rather than to simply give in to what's comfortable to our sensibilities.
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