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imogen24's Blog Blog Tools
Creation Date: 08-30-2008 12:41 AM
imogen24 imogen24 is offline
We all have our bits and pieces to offer to the world, I channel mine through a blog
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In Rant Try sidewalks Entry Tools
  #2 New 09-03-2008 01:46 AM
Has anyone else found youtube to produce some not so bad, slightly funny videos? Just recently I started watching some of the videos on there. After all of my friends were quoting the "my new haircut" video like there was no tomorrow, I watched it, and I began to understand their obsession. Recently I have been watching these "fred" videos, apparently their pretty popular, and for some god forsaken reason I find them funny. Well, today was watching the news, and they brought him up, and the news caster described his videos as "the most popular youtube video over hannah montana, jonas homos, etc. and the viewers were mainly the younger 12-16yrs crowd." Of course they had to say that. Indeed it made me re-think why I found it funny in the first place, which drew me to recall my favorite episode when "fred" loses his meds that he takes to "activate" like a normal human, and essentially loses his ****. Which also made me recall why I liked Charlie Bartlett, and that was because of the scene when he is prescribed adderall, clearly not needing it, and also loses his ****. I concluded whether or not the movie, skit, tv show, etc. I am watching is substantially dece or not, if it involves an aspect that is somewhat well played of a person reacting badly to the loss or addition of medication, I will find it wildly humorous.


Blockbuster was the winter of my discontent yesterday, today is a new day, and fate has chosen to spite me, so I have a new bone to pick. This one goes to bikers. I don't know how many people will be able to relate, or understand where I'm coming from, but I live in Seattle, and yuppies, teens, kids, families, lance wannabes, etc. all assortments of people bike here. And the majority of the roads in Seattle are already pretty narrow, but when egotistical bikers believe they have the same privileges as a car, the streets become pretty chaotic. They only go a merely 10-20mph, 30 for the lesser of the group, they take up the whole road, and cause serious backups. Or they destructively contradict themselves resulting in doubling the chance one has of getting in a car crash in Seattle. I don't call it car "accident" because it's not an accident when a biker is involved, they think their invincible, and are superior to all. Spoiler alert; their definitley NOT. This is how they contradict themselves. They take on the same privileges of a car by taking up the whole lane, yet they seem to forget the privilege of abiding by the law by not stopping at red lights, weaving through cars to get to the front of the light to make an illegal right, and sometimes left turn, or fail to pay attention to the road and swerve recklessly about. Now that is almost as annoying as the "halfsie" bikers. The halfsie bikers have split personalities, one being that of a biker, the other of a "I am the equivalence of a care" biker. Some of their tendencies include unpredictable transitions from the bike lane to the main road, unstable water breaks, and the ability to be in the bike lane, but be so close to the main road, they carry the illusion of being on the road, so drivers are afraid to risk passing them. Pure nonsense if you ask me. Having this slight resentment of bikers brings me to my morning altercation.

I run on this trail by my house pretty frequently, and have never had any problems. Today was like any other day, I was running, listening to my Ipod too loud, same ol' same ol'. After 2 miles or so I hear voices behind me, I couldn't fully make them out, but I heard "bitch", and a "get off your ass”. Real classy. I turn around and two male hot shot bikers in their late 20's, were riding by making obscene comments to everyone they passed. Knowing this was not going to be handled maturely on either sides, I turned around, and could feel them getting closer to me. “Looks like that bitch you ****ed last night” “You want to suck my dick?” I responded with an unbeatable compromise. First they’d have to tell me what they packed in their spandex to make it look like they had a dick. So, they didn’t like that, and turned around, most likely for a rebuttal. But were brutally rebuffed thanks to the popularity of the trail, and the many people surrounding me.

You know those situations when you know the right thing to do is to take the higher road, by not stooping to the other person’s level, and responding to their negative comment with more negativity. Well, this wasn’t it. Some d bags just need to get back sassed, because they may not show it, but it really lowers their self esteem, and confidence. And until they have a serious intervention, or epiphany to transform into a decent person, I am perfectly fine with lowering their self esteem. I am aware I am going to hell, knowing this just makes me that much more likely to be highly inappropriate, ignore the consequences of my actions, and disregard social norms.
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