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jibber's blog Blog Tools
Creation Date: 01-24-2007 06:56 PM
jibber jibber is offline
I decided to start a blog.
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Status: Public
Entries: 3
Comments: 13
Views: 8,106

In Angry I hate people cont. Entry Tools
  #2 New 01-24-2007 08:31 PM
so my last entry triggered another topic: This one will be entitled "spoiled brats are a waste of space."

It's tough to determine who I'd like to slap more, spoiled brats, or their parents who stand calmly beside them, watching them turn blue in the face screaming about how their $400 roboti dog doesn't know how to jump through a flaming hoola hoop and saying "now [insert name of said waste of space here], I don't think that's appropriate behavior"; they should both be sent to clear landmine fields in Sierra Leone.

I was at work one day when one such a child came into the store with her parents. I say 'child' in reference to the way she acted, she was really probably about 16, more than old enough to know what should be considered socially acceptable behavior. Apparently the poor muffin's brand new snowboard bindings, attached to her brand new snowboard that mommy and daddy bought her the week before (I was in the store when she bought it), had broken. Now, upon telling her parents that we'd definitey be able to fix the bindings, right that second, and free of charge, the poor slighted child threw a full on hissy fit.

waste of space: "NO!! I do NOT WANT to fix these bindings! I HATE these bindings! I want NEW ONES!!! THESE ONES SUCK!!!"

waste of space's useless mother: "well, we'll get you new bindings later, but right now you still have a full day's lift ticket to COP, so why dont we fix these bindings now and you can snowboard for the rest of the day on them, and then we'll come back and get you new ones."


clearly the poor girl is just misunderstood, no one understands her pain, her mother's a skier, she can't POSSIBLY comprehend the hardships her daughter goes through every day in order to strap her $600 equipment to her $250 boots.

Give me a f*cking break. How the hell has this whiny little b*tch gone this long without her parents putting her in her place? If I had acted that way at any age past 3 years old, my parents would have left the store, told me they were driving home, and if i didnt come right that second i'd be walking. And that would NOT have been an empty threat. How is it that these parents arent utterly ashamed of themselves for the waste of skin they've brought up? This girl didnt pay a PENNY for all her new equipment, and here she is standing in the middle of a store, screaming her lungs out about how it all sucks. I had to leave the front counter and go down to the service shop to avoid tearing into her. Luckily my manager always speaks her mind, so when the little princess left the store with her newly repaired bindings, she let her know that if she ever came back into the store and yelled like that again, she'd be kicked out before she could get the second syllable out, and then called her a spoiled brat as she stormed out the door.
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