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princessoftheyt725's Blog Blog Tools
Creation Date: 07-04-2010 10:02 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 1
Comments: 4
Views: 5,320

In Lifestyle Keeping up with trends Entry Tools
  #1 New 09-01-2010 04:40 PM
Trends, it really a stupid word, yea if you like the style that people are wearing then go ahead go along with it, but don't do it just b/c everyone else is. Do what you want to do, make up your own style, bring back a style. Do what feels right to you. It's the same thing with your music and poetry, write how you feel how your life is, things you've seen and what fits you if your some girly priss don't try to write dark poetry about how you h8 your life write about the positive side of life. I'm bypolar when it comes to my styles for a month str8 I would where nothing but black then I'd start to dress like a girl. All together I dress how I'm feeling at the time. Whenever I'm feeling lazy, sweats, t-shirt, and slippers or sneaker or flip flops. Let your life be your life not your friends or your parents.
Views: 3205 | Comments: 4

RSS Feed 4 Responses to "Keeping up with trends"
#4 08-16-2015 03:33 PM
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#3 01-23-2012 07:12 PM
Music Lovers Everywhere!!! I came across this group Dacav5 on youtube. They have a single out called "Dirty Style" that is really good! I was so happy to find a new group that i liked..i figd id share with everyone! You can check out the official vid for "Dirty Style" right here -- They also have a mix by the Wideboys that is currently doing really well in the can check that out here! --
#2 09-09-2011 09:50 PM
Lola Belle Says:
The thing with me is that what successful singers are are doing now is what i want to do and i am not even "discovered" yet-it sucks seeing the artistic creativity that you would do go out the window-i want to be noticed in the pop world i want to be out there and do crazy musical performances-but how do i get noticed and stay to true to my self with out being a "sell out" or repeating what others have done? and yes nothing is original but i won't last long as a copy of a copy-any advice?
#1 09-22-2010 11:42 AM
Highly concur!

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