Music Banter - the law against Gay marriage Music Banter

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it writes itself... Blog Tools
Creation Date: 11-24-2007 02:11 PM
under under is offline
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i write a lot and i have some feelings toward certain things...
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Status: Public
Entries: 18
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In Angry the law against Gay marriage Entry Tools
  #4 New 11-30-2007 06:16 PM
first off.
i hate George Bush for passing this law

because im always reading in archives that people should love anyone and be who we want to be. shouldn't that mean we should marry who we want to marry.
i mean a man and a woman can marry, why cant a man and a man or woman and a woman.

its not fair.
i would go to war to bypass this law.
i would even let myself die if it were to lead to make it legal for gay people to marry.

i'd be one of those people who would marry.
Views: 400

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