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Paul Smeenus 05-06-2016 09:55 PM

What Kyle says here

Chula Vista 05-06-2016 10:11 PM

DAMN. Sobering vid. And 100% spot on.

RoxyRollah 05-06-2016 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1695823)
They better recognize

Hillary ain't fascist

Trump is

There's a big difference

Bro, you're right she looks nothin like Mussolini....She dresses like Chairman Mao for godsakes that's arguably worse. I dunno what to say to get you to understand that Hillary Clinton is a war criminal, a liar, and globalist.She doesn't care about you, and yours or anyone else in this country.And she's going to continue on with Obama's administration. She isnt a nice person dude.Not in anyway.She and her husband put MORE black people in jail then any other administration in Us history. Bro women even get the creeps from her. Im all for a woman president, a good woman tho. One that actually uses her heart and empathy rather then a psychopathic vindictive woman that dresses like Dr. Evil for godsakes.

Fascism isn't nationalism btw.

There is nothing wrong with national pride. And there is a massive difference between being a racist and saying you love America. We are a melted group of misfits that banned together to create a ****ing culture and have held these traditions for 200 + years .There is nothing wrong with liberty, and freedom. Why do people want to come here? Because we are the liberal loving west. But we are no longer that. We have turned into a nation that is lost confused, depressed, suicial, and homicidal.

Why? Why is it so wrong to put ALL AMERICANS FIRST. SWORN IMMIGRANTS AS WELL AS THOSE BORN HERE. We can't even help ourselves man. And frankly we need to be broken free of this perception that that these ****ing jokers have told us we are. We're not a group of unintellectual losers and dumb downed behemoths that we need to be told what f****** restroom to use what is that?
I don't understand how suddenly nationalism is become Nazism or fascism. It doesn't mean for people to go to Auschwitz . IT means help us first because we need it! Then we can go back to being the west that we used to be instead of some hijacked fukny version of what we once were. A vote for Hillary Clinton is going to ensure that we stay this new Mega destructive war-mongering force on this planet doing more harm than good and killing thousands of our people in the process and that's not right. We don't own our government anymore the bankers do and anyone connected to anyone and any of the major major firms in this country should not be allowed to run for president. Imo.

Lastly your joke about women during an abortion was the most crude and grotesque thing for me to read.Both as a mother and someones daughter.I was very very dissapointed in your comment and by the moderation of this board. Abortion is one of the most soul toutrting thing for a woman to go through. And what on earth about someones emotional dispair and anguish gets you off bro. That was arguably the worst comment and most blatantly offensive degrading rude mean-spirited comment I think I've ever read on this board and that being said I would like someone to delete my account please I no longer want to be associated with this place.

The Batlord 05-07-2016 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1695839)
I would like someone to delete my account please I no longer want to be associated with this place.

Sober up and calm down.

RoxyRollah 05-07-2016 04:56 AM

I was cool as a polar bears toenails when I wrote that. I wasn't mad.I was embarrassed by the lack of empathy and the lack of consideration for what abortion really is like. Until you have seen first hand what pain these women go through you will honestly never ever know how in poor taste that was.In poor taste was being poliet imo. Because had O.H. been near it could have gotten ugly really fast. You guys some of you whom I love and know personally can be awesome I never debated that I just dont think I need to be here if this is how far we have fallen in the name of a chuckle .Two I dont like the way you folks talked to me 2 and a half weeks after my father passed. Again completely un empathetic, calling me schizophrenic, paranoid, and on sumthin. At least I have the courage and determination to get up every day to get up everyday and not let my self be smashed to simtherens emtionally to do things like drive to MLk and pass out the bill of rights. And engage people in discussions no matter wheter or not "I sound a homless man muttering to myself under a bridge". A week ago when I logged off you all jumped me you guys and mod know who you are then the mod threathed to temp ban me not realizing 3 hours prior to that **** show I ALREADY ASKED CLANCY TO DELETE ME AND HE SAID NO AND TO THINK ABOUT IT.SO I LURKED AND THOUGHT AND BECAME MORE DISGUSTED WITH HOW WE DEHUMANIZE EACHOTHER BECAUSE ITS JUST SOMEONE WE NEVER MET ON THE OTHER END OF THE COMPUTER.Because frankly none of you would have the balls to look me in the eyes and say those things to my face. You would have had a real hard saying all those things you all said staring into the eyes of a broken person.That king pricky pants is why I dont want to post here anymore .Everytime Ive cared about you guys, called u sent gifts seen you run races, checked on you incase you needed something when you all have been dealt **** hands you can't even return the compassion.Why do I need to be here? Im all for jokes and can hang with men its not a joke problem its a systematic lack of caring and dehumanizing of eachother that we keep doing to one another and nobody says hey thats bull****. Well I call bull**** on it and Im done.

Zhanteimi 05-07-2016 05:16 AM

I understand, as well as a stranger on the internet can, where you're coming from. If you need to quit this place, quit. It can be at sometimes toxic. I took at half year off recently because things got heated. Do what's best for you.

William_the_Bloody 05-07-2016 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1695839)
Bro, you're right she looks nothin like Mussolini....She dresses like Chairman Mao for godsakes that's arguably worse. I dunno what to say to get you to understand that Hillary Clinton is a war criminal, a liar, and globalist.She doesn't care about you, and yours or anyone else in this country.And she's going to continue on with Obama's administration. She isnt a nice person dude.Not in anyway.She and her husband put MORE black people in jail then any other administration in Us history. Bro women even get the creeps from her. Im all for a woman president, a good woman tho. One that actually uses her heart and empathy rather then a psychopathic vindictive woman that dresses like Dr. Evil for godsakes.

Fascism isn't nationalism btw.

There is nothing wrong with national pride. And there is a massive difference between being a racist and saying you love America. We are a melted group of misfits that banned together to create a ****ing culture and have held these traditions for 200 + years .There is nothing wrong with liberty, and freedom. Why do people want to come here? Because we are the liberal loving west. But we are no longer that. We have turned into a nation that is lost confused, depressed, suicial, and homicidal.

Why? Why is it so wrong to put ALL AMERICANS FIRST. SWORN IMMIGRANTS AS WELL AS THOSE BORN HERE. We can't even help ourselves man. And frankly we need to be broken free of this perception that that these ****ing jokers have told us we are. We're not a group of unintellectual losers and dumb downed behemoths that we need to be told what f****** restroom to use what is that?
I don't understand how suddenly nationalism is become Nazism or fascism. It doesn't mean for people to go to Auschwitz . IT means help us first because we need it! Then we can go back to being the west that we used to be instead of some hijacked fukny version of what we once were. A vote for Hillary Clinton is going to ensure that we stay this new Mega destructive war-mongering force on this planet doing more harm than good and killing thousands of our people in the process and that's not right. We don't own our government anymore the bankers do and anyone connected to anyone and any of the major major firms in this country should not be allowed to run for president. Imo.

Lastly your joke about women during an abortion was the most crude and grotesque thing for me to read.Both as a mother and someones daughter.I was very very dissapointed in your comment and by the moderation of this board. Abortion is one of the most soul toutrting thing for a woman to go through. And what on earth about someones emotional dispair and anguish gets you off bro. That was arguably the worst comment and most blatantly offensive degrading rude mean-spirited comment I think I've ever read on this board and that being said I would like someone to delete my account please I no longer want to be associated with this place.

That is refreshing to hear from someone who isn't white, had I said I would have been branded a politically incorrect racist.

The left in the western world, (not just the United States) has long since stopped representing the interests of the native born working class, be they white, black, Asian etcetera.

I'm not going to whitewash the xenophobic and often intolerant bigoted views of the white working class, who screwed themselves in the 80's by jumping into bed with Reagan & Thatcher, and who are now willing to jump off the cliff with Trump but...

left wing parties are now run by middle class professional social justice warriors, who are more concerned about the plight of migrants than the percentage of trade union jobs & wages in their country.

You have wages dropping through the floor for non skilled labourers for decades in the United States, and a democrat party is hellbent on continuing record high numbers of immigration each year...

because this is where left wing parties now get their votes, and this is why if you come out against immigration or multiculturalism your branded a racist, its how they win elections...

and it is why Hillary will hand Bernie Sanders his ass after the California primary, and it is why if Trump doesn't win Florida he's toast.

If anybody wants to argue this out with me, I'm more than happy to do so, I do like Trump, but at the end of the day i'm a Bernie Sanders supporter...he represents the old left, and doesn't come with any bigotry or misogamy.

As for abortion, I'm pro choice, but I have a lot of sympathy for the pro life movement. When I was younger I use to be hardcore pro choice, primarily because I thought I was being progressive, but sub consciously because I was a selfish prick who liked the idea of sticking my pecker anywhere without having to be responsible for the consequences. Seeing an abortion video for the first time actually started shifting my direction, although I still believe that at the end of the day a woman should have the choice.

OccultHawk 05-07-2016 02:51 PM

I see my views on abortion have been aborted.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 05-07-2016 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1695965)
I see my views on abortion have been aborted.

I feel awfully awkward considering I sig'd it, but I mean, where do we draw the line on what's too "inappropriate" to be joked about? I'm still fairly new around here I guess but I didn't think there was many topics that were off the table.

OccultHawk 05-07-2016 03:28 PM

My comment wasn't made in jest. It was also deleted that I explained I'm completely pro-abortion. I've impregnated two women who thought nothing of the process and neither did I. There was nothing soul searching or tormenting about it. No one was hurt in anyway. And I do find it erotic. If that's an offensive sexual preference to some people I say get over it. It doesn't mean I'd intentionally impregnate a woman just to see her go through what MIGHT be for her a big ordeal. Both times both my sexual partner and I knew we were taking a chance doing it unprotected. Every step of the way was the action of two consenting adults, both times. I don't feel any shame about it or what gets me off.

If this too gets deleted then I think Roxy's objections should be deleted as well because if I can't defend my position it shouldn't be up for public scrutiny. But it's yalls world. I'm just typing in it.

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