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RoxyRollah 09-05-2017 07:34 PM

Thats a wig

Zhanteimi 09-05-2017 07:34 PM


RoxyRollah 09-05-2017 07:36 PM

My dad was so black he tanned purple bruh. My mom is pure as the driven snow put em together in a blender you get a lightskinned green eyed baby.

Zhanteimi 09-05-2017 07:37 PM


RoxyRollah 09-05-2017 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1871007)
You should try hanging out with crackers when there aren't any minorities around.

Well I see you're not on fire .... And uhhh I do. I hear more ****ed up **** outta black peoples mouths then whites tbh.

Also whites are becoming the minority now homie.

Frownland 09-05-2017 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1871016)
Well I see you're not on fire .... And uhhh I do. I hear more ****ed up **** outta black peoples mouths then whites tbh.

I'm talking when there's zero minorities around. It's pretty surprising how fast it'll turn like it's no thang.

RoxyRollah 09-05-2017 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1871018)
I'm talking when there's zero minorities around. It's pretty surprising how fast it'll turn like it's no thang.

Again I pass as white bro umm yea.

Please educate me white man I has the dumb today suh.

The Batlord 09-05-2017 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Mord (Post 1870992)
When's the last time you took your head out of your American ass and saw the world? As insular as I am, I've seen way more of the world than you ever will.

That's just where you're at. That's not the whole world.

First, how honestly many black people are you gonna meet in ****ing Japan? Soldiers I guess? Either way I don't expect that the social dynamics between blacks living in predominantly white countries are going to be the same as they are in your neck of the ocean, nor do I expect your memory of the world outside to be reliable.

Secondly, experienced people say stupid **** too. Like whenever my well-travelled grandfather trades racist jokes with my uncle and praises Donald Trump.

Frownland 09-05-2017 07:45 PM

Point is that I've met some straight up racist white mother****ers.

RoxyRollah 09-05-2017 07:48 PM


The Batlord 09-05-2017 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1871020)
Again I pass as white bro umm yea.

Please educate me white man I has the dumb today suh.

Srsly? It doesn't take much to alert white folk to non-whiteness. I was never really kidding about you looking Hispanic tbh.

Zhanteimi 09-05-2017 07:50 PM


RoxyRollah 09-05-2017 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1871024)
Srsly? It doesn't take much to alert white folk to non-whiteness. I was never really kidding about you looking Hispanic tbh.

Dude, I dont actually speak in ebonics you know that right? I grew up in Maine one of only two black people on my island and I was litterally treated no differently than anyone or trashed because of my skin tone. If anything I was regarded as exotic when puberty came calling. You can't change whats in someones heart. And you cant police their thoughts. Who gives a **** if someone thinks differently than you do? Honestly they are allowed freedom of thought and exspression and its protected under our constitution. Get used to it. And stop flogging yourselves for the messed up ideas of a few retards. Jesus white guilt is so prevalent these days its almost like an epidemic.;)

Zhanteimi 09-05-2017 07:57 PM


RoxyRollah 09-05-2017 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mord (Post 1871026)
This shows your ignorance. There are a lot of black people here from African countries. I've actually never met a black American soldier here. I'm sure they're here, but black Africans are far more prevalent.

Tokyo is far more diverse and cosmopolitan than you'll ever comprehend from your hole in Virginia.


Frownland 09-05-2017 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1871023)

Basically I'm racist and project it onto anyone who is remotely like me.

RoxyRollah 09-05-2017 08:07 PM

Wow the first step is admitting it dude.Hard parts OVER^

The Batlord 09-05-2017 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Mord (Post 1871026)
This shows your ignorance. There are a lot of black people here from African countries. I've actually never met a black American soldier here. I'm sure they're here, but black Africans are far more prevalent.

Tokyo is far more diverse and cosmopolitan than you'll ever comprehend from your hole in Virginia.

lulz. Not even sure what nerve I touched, but I still doubt that your place in Japan gives you an understanding of race relations for blacks in the West. Just from my hole in Virginia I get to see the end result of 200 years of slavery, 100 years of segregation and Jim Crow, and years afterward of racist housing policies that kept blacks out of middle class housing. Lo and behold they're poorer per capita.

Zhanteimi 09-05-2017 08:20 PM


Frownland 09-05-2017 08:25 PM

Like the terrorism **** going down in Myanmar? Oh wait that's just a Buddhist thing.

The Batlord 09-05-2017 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mord (Post 1871043)
This thread isn't "Racism in America". It's "Racism (Yeah, that's right: I'm callin' it!)".

The nerve touched is one of irritation whenever I hear Americans whine about racism when the racism they see is weak compared to race relations on a global scale.

Well that's stupid. I got shot in the chest so some bitch with a stab wound in the leg better shut his whiny face.

Zhanteimi 09-05-2017 08:29 PM


The Batlord 09-05-2017 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Mord (Post 1871046)

That reminds me of one of my least favorite quotes, "I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet." Aside from the fact that it's condescending to assume that someone with a physical disability is necessarily worse off than someone who can't even afford shoes, and that both problems are wildly different, it's silly to think that someone's worse problem makes your problem not suck. A woman from Rwanda who was raped and had her tits cut off is not going to make a woman who was "just" slipped a roofie at a bar feel any better while doing a rape kit.

It's also a convenient excuse to ignore the problems of others when you simply don't want to be bothered.

Zhanteimi 09-05-2017 08:37 PM


Frownland 09-05-2017 08:39 PM

I don't have any feet, I just have two foots.


Neapolitan 09-05-2017 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Mord (Post 1871043)
This thread isn't "Racism in America". It's "Racism (Yeah, that's right: I'm callin' it!)".

The nerve touched is one of irritation whenever I hear Americans whine about racism when the racism they see is weak compared to race relations on a global scale.

I was a bit disappoint when Trollheart created this thread. I wanted to start a thread to talk about ethnicity and nationality in a positive way. I always shied away from creating it, always having the fear it would go down in flames a like village being torched by Godzilla.

The Batlord 09-05-2017 08:41 PM

One of my fav moments on the forum was when that guy with the missing foot got mad at somebody who posted that no shoes/no feet quote.

Lisnaholic 09-05-2017 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1871042)
lulz. Not even sure what nerve I touched, but I still doubt that your place in Japan gives you an understanding of race relations for blacks in the West. Just from my hole in Virginia I get to see the end result of 200 years of slavery, 100 years of segregation and Jim Crow, and years afterward of racist housing policies that kept blacks out of middle class housing. Lo and behold they're poorer per capita.

Oddly enough I watched a documentary about Section Eight Housing last night, and that backed up your statement, Batlord.

From what I've seen and read, a regular black guy trying to make ends meet or better himself has a much harder time of it:-

in the USA, as Batlord says.
in Britain, by subtler but effective discrimination, in the job market for instance.
in Africa, where standards of living are low and so many of the governments are corrupt or sporadically genocidal.

Zhanteimi 09-05-2017 08:42 PM


RoxyRollah 09-05-2017 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1871054)
For example you can be mentally retarded but you'll still never be as dumb as Roxy itt

Sigh .Is* you tit is. Im not dumb at all I just have my own thoughts and ideas. Get fucked.

The Batlord 09-05-2017 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Lisnaholic (Post 1871060)
Oddly enough I watched a documentary about Section Eight Housing last night, and that backed up your statement, Batlord.

From what I've seen and read, a regular black guy trying to make ends meet or better himself has a much harder time of it:-

in the USA, as Batlord says.
in Britain, by subtler but effective discrimination, in the job market for instance.
in Africa, where standards of living are low and so many of the governments are corrupt or sporadically genocidal.

Not the only example of racist housing policies in America unfortunately.

The Batlord 09-05-2017 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1871062)
Sigh .Is* you tit is. Im not dumb at all I just have my own thoughts and ideas. Get fucked.

itt=in this thread

RoxyRollah 09-05-2017 08:56 PM


The Batlord 09-05-2017 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1871065)

Shut up and get in the oven. It needs cleaning if you're going to bake me a cake.

Zhanteimi 09-05-2017 10:54 PM


Lilja 09-05-2017 11:20 PM

Maybe it has been posted 20 plus pages ago but this keeps popping in my head everytime I see this thread:

Lucem Ferre 09-05-2017 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1870917)
^ You get to sit back and complain that so and so isn't doing enough for your liking but you aren't doing a damn thing yourself to attack systemic issues. You are just complaining about people that don't agree with you and your unpopular opinions. Sounds like a whole bunch of whining without backing it up with action.

I complain about people pretending to give a **** that don't. It's easy to follow. Because they don't actually further the cause they muddy it up with fake bull****. Often times becoming a detriment to the cause. Like, okay, lets discuss and try to change this ****ty holiday instead of talking about real issues.

I don't do **** other than call out bull**** just as most people, but I don't make up bull**** to call out for the sake of a hero roll. I think that right there, the discussion, rather than narcissistic name calling for a facade, is at least half the battle. And I honestly don't even give enough of a **** to help myself, what makes you think I give enough of a **** to protest or vote? Like, ****, I live in Utah, we honestly don't have most of these racial issues here too often.

Think about it. I had a hard time understanding why I should identify somebody as a certain gender. Elph calls me a moron, you just tell me to just do it because it's the thing to do, and Chio and Pae break it down and help me understand just a little more. Now who the hell do you think actually gave a ****? The people that put enough thought into it to know what to tell me. Who do you think helped the cause more? The people that actually gave a ****. Maybe it only slightly changed only one person's perception just a little bit, but that one conversation actually added something to help the cause. And me? That's what I've done and have completely given up on because I stopped giving a ****. Got sick of arguing with brick walls that don't give a **** about fixing or helping anything because all they give a **** about is being right and stroking their own cocks for picking side to sheepishly follow.

Edit: And it's more upsetting seeing these retarded fake liberal issues being handled by arrogant pricks because you expect more from them. Like, ****, Trump people are just flat out dumb. Lets admit that. They made a ****ty decision through terrible reasoning and a lot of them are too egotistical, idiotic or, dare I say, racist to admit it.

RoxyRollah 09-06-2017 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1871066)
Shut up and get in the oven. It needs cleaning if you're going to bake me a cake.

Im going to posion you .

Trollheart 09-06-2017 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Mord (Post 1870954)
Black people don't have it any easier or harder than anyone else. Life's a bitch for pretty much everyone.

Even with my admittedly pitifully limited experience I'd have to call bull**** on that. Even here in Ireland blacks can be viewed with suspicion, probably not as much as say America or maybe the UK but still, they definitely evoke the most distrust and a sense of "you're not one of us." I think that's true for black people no matter where they are, unless we're talking about countries where they're the majority, such as Africa, the Caribbean etc.

Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1871058)
I was a bit disappoint when Trollheart created this thread. I wanted to start a thread to talk about ethnicity and nationality in a positive way. I always shied away from creating it, always having the fear it would go down in flames a like village being torched by Godzilla.

Well I'm sorry, but I didn't create the thread solely for you. Sure, we'd all like to live in a world without racism, where everyone is afforded the same rights and dignity, but sadly that's not the case, and wishing it were so and closing our eyes to what's going on is just stupid. We talk about racism in many threads, especially in this section, so I thought why not have one dedicated to the subject, where we can explore it, discuss it and so forth. Nobody's under any illusions that this thread will make a blind bit of difference in the real world, but it's worth at least talking about.

Also, nobody's stopping you creating your "racial diversity/melting pot/can't we all just get along?" thread. What are you waiting for?

Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1871059)
One of my fav moments on the forum was when that guy with the missing foot got mad at somebody who posted that no shoes/no feet quote.

That was ****ing classic! :laughing: Wasn't it Taxman?

Originally Posted by Mord (Post 1871080)
Just watched this:

Not surprised they left out all the unpalatable things Lincoln thought about blacks in America.

Karen was so upset at the end of that movie (I call her "Tiny Tears" now) until I reminded her of this (1:44) and then she couldn't stop laughing. DDL is amazing though.


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1871115)
Im going to posion you .

You cannot kill what does not live.

riseagainstrocks 09-06-2017 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1871058)
I was a bit disappoint when Trollheart created this thread. I wanted to start a thread to talk about ethnicity and nationality in a positive way. I always shied away from creating it, always having the fear it would go down in flames a like village being torched by Godzilla.

I'll engage with you on this if no one else will.

I can understand and even support national pride, hell, even something approaching nationalism. I love America, I love American values, I think the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are still revolutionary documents and the world would be a better place if every country adopted and effectively implemented American democracy. With nationalism comes culture and I also support celebrating one's heritage with food, dance, dress, and veneration of folk heroes.

But I don't understand celebrating ethnicity. Can you explain what you mean by that?

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