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bungalow 01-18-2006 03:45 PM

Lets get back on topic here

Hype8- This guy never gets enough credit. He never posts off topic, he is always posting about music. He never tries to start arguments with people.
He is probably one of the best posters here

jibber 01-18-2006 03:52 PM

ok, so back to being positive, i'll probably add to this later on:

urban: made a great thread, and always good for a debate, since he doesnt back down or resort to petty name calling.

riseagainstrocks: says whats on his mind, and I respect that a lot. Always can be counted on to be fair and objective, just an all around great member on the boards.

misfits/alexisonfire/crowquill: cracks me up constantly, and just a fun guy to talk to. Another guy who isnt afraid to say what he's thinking, and knows a sh*tload about music. He's exposed me to some really great bands. plus he puts up with my constant excited babbling about skiing, and patiently waits for me to get it out of my system.

Black-T-Shirt: this girl really knows her stuff, i'm always impressed by how insightful her posts are, especially in the punk forum, and another member who's steered me towards some amazing music. thanks for that

jesus: funny as hell, and like misfits and black-t, knows her stuff. I always look for her posts in the punk forum, especially if she starts a thread, I know it's gonna be a gooder.

thebig3killedmyraindog: he's just got such a sweet name. On top of that, he's another member who truly adds to the content of this board, his posts always contribute something different to the conversations, in other words, he adds spice.

vanilla: really friendly, cheerful, and just a nice person in general.

adidasss: can always be counted on to speak his mind, and not back down in a debate, which is great quality to have in any situation. Plus he's often online when i'm in an insomniac period to give me some good entertainment.

crowe: first off, amazing lyricist, the song writing forum has definitely taken a turn for the better since he joined. Gives me some great critiques and tells people straight up if he doesnt like something.

creepinson: another guy who's upped the quality in the song writing forum. I really value this guy's opinion because it's obvious by his songs that he knows what he's talking about.

and last, all of the mods: You guys do so much work for this site it's rediculous, and it's all behind the scenes, which makes it all the more comendable. As many posts as there are about these forums going downhill and sucking, we all still come here, because despite it all, it's a great place to dicuss music, and you guys have kept it that way. props.

sleepy jack 01-18-2006 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
why do you think ethans so popular? and why does everyone know who kashmir was?

I really don't think the fact i argue a bunch if why im well liked...I mean i talk to the majority of people on here and post alot too.

rob the vile - Knows a CRAPLOAD about metal and has gotten me into some kick ass groups.

SittingBehindYou 01-18-2006 04:44 PM

Cha... you're like my favorite person on here... I mean you should so be made a mod! I mean the way you like get so much practice moderating topics already would really make you good for the job.

bungalow 01-18-2006 04:44 PM

Who is Cha?

Trauma 01-18-2006 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
To both of you let me say this: Don't care. Honestly, this isn't one of those "why do you care what people on the internet think" posts cause I hope to trip those **** suckers off their high horse.

To clarify: If you're not getting recognized its because you're out of public conciousness. Snickers more so then Silence, but silence is still absentee.

If you want my advise then read on, if not, you were warned. Both of you loose your lackluster non-descript avatars. And be someone. Get into arguments and take the side you honest believe in, and if its not popular, don't water it down to avoid flamming, jsut stikc to it. If people know who you are, then they will remember you in threads like this.

That goes for everything else to, no one gets recognized taking the easy opinion. And before some moron says "what if I always have the popular opinon" then that isn't you, because you wouldn't. End of story.

Happy Posting Gentlemen.

Alright point taken Big3.
I disagree with two points though.
Don't flame me, I mentioned you.
And, Bloodlined Calligraphy is not non-descript.

Happy Posting Gentleman.

SittingBehindYou 01-18-2006 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
Who is Cha?

Are you kidding? It's like yeah... cha? Crazy annnoying valley girl word when used incorrectly but when used prorperly... totally Wayne's World!

Sabgoat 01-18-2006 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
Who is Cha?

i'm pretty sure it means any of these things

-yea you
-right on dude
-totally yea man


TheBig3 01-18-2006 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Snickers
Alright point taken Big3.
I disagree with two points though.
Don't flame me, I mentioned you.
And, Bloodlined Calligraphy is not non-descript.

Happy Posting Gentleman.

That wasn't flamming, that was me stating what's true. And maybe that CD is amazing, but it looks like a red and white square with indecipherable writing.

Your call from here cheif.

adidasss 01-18-2006 06:49 PM

i just wanted to commend moses and bill, i like these guys for two reasons, because i thought it was really adorable how they shat their pans when fenix was messing with them, and second , more importaint reason, of all the new people who post a lot, i've only noticed these two actively searching out new music, it seems they have figured out the advantages of belonging to a music forum, and i simply love that, when people actually check out threads about bands they never heard and give them a go.....
plus, one of you, can't remember which one, is a doors fan, and i can't help but like people who like the doors, especially because when i was your age, that was the only band i listened to ( and on regular tapes mind you, before i even owned a cd player and before i got into the internet and started to download music )

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