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Urban Hat€monger ? 02-11-2013 02:23 AM

Same old ex members returning over & over to say how much the place annoys them even though they can't keep away.

The Batlord 02-11-2013 08:56 AM

On an arbitrary note, since this thread doesn't seem to have any real purpose other than some people bitching at other people, I have to ask Urban just where his constant name changes are going to end up? Is Urban Exchange Monger next? Urban Cookie Monster perhaps?

Sansa Stark 02-11-2013 09:02 AM

Urban Catmonger imo

FETCHER. 02-11-2013 10:13 AM

Vege, I'm glad atleast someone has the common sense to realise I don't want you dead lol, you're a lovely woman to me and I have no reason to even dislike you never mind that! :)

FRED HALE SR. 02-11-2013 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by FETCHER. (Post 1284996)
Vege, I'm glad atleast someone has the common sense to realise I don't want you dead lol, you're a lovely woman to me and I have no reason to even dislike you never mind that! :)

You went way too far this time Fletcher way too far. :p:

I love Veg shes awesome.

Key 02-11-2013 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1284881)
I think Erica's got a point. You start a mock/parody thread; if the person you're mocking does not find it funny, then it was mean and you shouldn't have, mod or not. Particularly not mods.

I can agree to this to some extent, however if people aren't old enough to realize that they should be able to take a joke on an internet forum, they shouldn't be on said internet forum.

However, in all cases, the future of the thread should rely on if the person being targeted think it's funny or not. It's only fair.

Plankton 02-11-2013 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? (Post 1284882)
Yeah, funny that.
Do you really think we all woke up one day & decided to hate on the guy?
Are you really that naive?

You really have no clue how this place needs to be run. You can be nice to people until you are blue in the face sometimes and it makes no difference, sometimes the only solution is to descend to their level. You don't like it , I don't like it. But in a lot of cases it's the only thing these people understand.

And lets not pretend that thread was anything malicious, that guy loved the attention. As proved when he got all upset with me for closing other threads that were about him.

It was about ALCOHOL! sheesh. :p:

Janszoon 02-11-2013 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1285016)
It was about ALCOHOL! sheesh. :p:


Urban Hat€monger ? 02-11-2013 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1285016)
It was about ALCOHOL! sheesh. :p:

I wasn't talking about that one :p:

Scarlett O'Hara 02-11-2013 03:49 PM

Doesn't worry me, I had plenty of members happy with what I do. It's not my fault that what we do behind the scenes isn't available to normal members. We as a mod team support each other for that very reason. If most people here were around 2005-6 then you would be picked on quite naturally because the rules weren't as strict. But I didn't pick on Whiskey, he was begging for attention so I put him in the lime light.

Whisk 02-12-2013 12:09 AM

Hey all. Its Whiskey. I just created this account to get in touch with a moderator.

I would like to be unbanned please. It was a big mistake to ask to be permanently banned. Also, Im sorry for being rude towards everyone lately.

Bloozcrooz 02-12-2013 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Whisk (Post 1285387)
Hey all. Its Whiskey. I just created this account to get in touch with a moderator.

I would like to be unbanned please. It was a big mistake to ask to be permanently banned. Also, Im sorry for being rude towards everyone lately.


Freebase Dali 02-12-2013 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by Whisk (Post 1285387)
Hey all. Its Whiskey. I just created this account to get in touch with a moderator.

I would like to be unbanned please. It was a big mistake to ask to be permanently banned. Also, Im sorry for being rude towards everyone lately.

Banned for multiple accounts.

Guybrush 02-12-2013 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1285400)
Banned for multiple accounts.

I love you, Freebase.


Freebase Dali 02-12-2013 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1285401)
I love you, Freebase.


That makes two of us.
Welcome to my tiny house!

Guybrush 02-12-2013 02:00 AM

By the way, I also got a PM from Whiskey where he asked about whether or not Trollheart was a touchy sort of guy.

Did anyone get a PM from him about me?

Freebase Dali 02-12-2013 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1285405)
By the way, I also got a PM from Whiskey where he asked about whether or not Trollheart was a touchy sort of guy.

Did anyone get a PM from him about me?

We've gotten many PMs from him. We would have to go through all of them to recap. I personally didn't get any about you, but you may want to ask the other mods. He literally PM'd the sh*t out of us.

slappyjenkins 02-12-2013 03:03 AM


Guybrush 02-12-2013 03:30 AM

^I think you are a bit overzealous, slappy (ex. I doubt anyone here hates Erica), but I agree with a lot of what you write. I f.ex also believe that when moderating, personal is not the same as important and that a professional mod leaves personal out of it and mod for the sake of the community and not him/herself. They should not mock members, but adhere to the rules they enforce and act as role models for the rest of the community.

That's not something we can always achieve because we're just people, but it should still be an ideal to strive for, I think.

About Erica, I wholeheartedly agree. She's a beautiful person full of strength and even if I don't always agree with her "lectures", I appreciate them because I know they come from good intentions. She's been tried, tested and mocked on these forums, but her convictions never buckle. I have more respect for Erica than most other members on here and love to see her argue her opinions here, even if they're usually not the popular ones.

It's also refreshing to read the posts of someone who's not the typical disillusioned, cynical bastard on the internet (a sort of stereotype I fear I myself am turning more and more into). She doesn't get the recognition she deserves, I think.

FETCHER. 02-12-2013 04:39 AM

I joined Musicbanter, Musicforumz and some trance forum around 4 years ago (**** I'm getting old) I started posting on MB and instantly felt like part of the community, members were replying to me as if I was part of the community already, whereas I was basically ignored on the other two, I stuck them out for a month or so but nobody was interested in me as a noob so I stopped posting. That's just my two cents. If you're not acting idiotic or troll like as a noob then you should have no problem at all fitting in. I mean look at PoorOldPo and Rijnn, they basically slotted into the community because they were posting decent stuff.

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-12-2013 06:32 AM

Oh look SlappyJenkins is back.

I find it funny you mention me as being one of the reasons you left here when my only crime was to agree with you.... twice.

FETCHER. 02-12-2013 06:40 AM

I couldn't bring myself to even read by the first paragraph.

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-12-2013 06:40 AM

You should it's great

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-12-2013 06:40 AM

Wait, are you in the clique?
Shouldn't I be banning you by now?

FETCHER. 02-12-2013 06:50 AM

why is everyone so butthurt over my **** grammar, its nothing new. Vege and I have been friends on this forum for a few years and yet she is the only one who didn't get her knickers in a twist over my comment because she's not an idiot.

Go home slappy, ur drunk.

Edit: who knows, the cliques chop and change each time someone gets butthurt.

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-12-2013 06:54 AM

I like how I'm in a clique with a bunch of people I have absolutely nothing to do with outside the mod forum.

FETCHER. 02-12-2013 06:55 AM

I beg to differ, you're plotting in there. :)

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-12-2013 07:00 AM

Only because it's my JOB

(Yes i'm trying to start THAT argument again :D )

Plankton 02-12-2013 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1285403)
That makes two of us.
Welcome to my tiny house!

Key 02-12-2013 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by slappyjenkins (Post 1285411)
I had to come in and say something about this.

I was a very enthusiastic new member back in NOV 2012. I posted everyday. Responded in many threads and started threads, trying to contribute to the community. I think I was treated 'ok' by most. But I have to tell you as an 'outsider' who has no stake in MB, this is a really bad community. It was so startlingly bad that I just had to flush it out of my system and walk away. <---this is from an outsider, please can you guys not understand this?

I can look on MB and easily find hundreds of posts from members(and yes mostly new ones) that ask what is wrong with this place? Why are the moderators so mean and nasty here? Can't they see they stunt the community's growth and enjoyment? <---again words from outsiders looking into your disfunctional little house, but you've refused to listen for 10 years and we know you will not listen now.

I believe a moderator should never have a personal stake in performing their tasks. They should not even be allowed to post insults to the other members, but that's all I see. 'Are you an idiot?' 'Do you understand english?' 'That's stupid!' And a slew of unending insults and tags and icons and pictures that have no purpose but to insult, and bully and intimidate. <---and this is from the MODS!

Can anyone show me where Erica has done anything wrong? Has she cursed at anyone? Has she said bad things? Has she been rude? Has she supported a system of cruelty and immaturity and spitefulness?

I think that's why you guys hate her so much. Because you can never be what she is. You talk about having strength to deal with the internet. You'll never have her strength. She's been dealing with this place for years now and you can't find one post out of thousands from her where she's been mean to anyone. Not even towards those of you that attack her. You can't find one harsh word or malicious action. She has strength none of you will ever develop in your whole lives. (Nor will I.)

You guys can never be what she is. If she sees someone getting bullied on the internet she will stand up for them. If she sees someone getting bullied in real life she would put herself between that person and their attacker like a shield. If she sees someone down on their luck she will pick them up and dust them off and put them back on the right track. It isn't a game or a show to her. It's how she's lived her whole life. Kindness and love and peace to others. It's a way of live not many have the courage or strength or ability to follow. And it eats you guys up inside. You seem to absolutely hate her and you can't even find one word, action, or post where she's done anything but be nice and consistent and helpful.

I think the saddest part of this is....let's take Vanilla for example...if Erica knew you were down on your luck, Vanilla, she'd be the first one to take up for you and help you even as crappy as you have consistently treated her. And I think the part that kills you and Urban, and Janzoon and Burning Down, Freebase and Ki is you all know it too. She is able to do what you can not, which is be consistent in believing that people should be treated with kindness and respect. She would take up for you guys, where you would just as soon spit in her face.

I have never been able to find one single mean word or action from Vegangelica on here, anywhere...thousands of posts, years of contribution. I can look at any one of you and find some snarky, meaningless, unecessary comment in the last HOUR. <---this is why you hate her

And there is nothing any of you can do to corrupt her. MB is a very small part of a rich and varied life she lives, and she's been consistent in all parts of her life.

You set up a 'mock' thread trying to goad her into a fight. And then sit and wait on her, attacking her, laying bait. You attacked her on her love of animals before she ever posted, and you all know how important that is to her. Vanilla and Janszoon you commented on her being on a high horse and how she was probably preparing her post long before she posted. You whine and complain about the job you're doing as MODS. And then you wait like a pack of dogs for Erica to post.

And she posts the nicest, most neutral response you can imagine, and you guys still jumped her ass like a pack of jackals. The first few posts were all from MODS(surprise? no, just what the rest of us expected), trying your best to pick her kind comments apart in some way to bash her.

She even defended the person who told her if she couldn't hack it(the internet) she should go kill herself! She came right in and said she understood it was a misunderstanding and knew he didn't mean it. How many of you would have done the same? (That 'dead' comment upset me greatly, but she handled it perfectly as always.)

I just don't get it guys???? I am an outsider looking in. She's a very nice person. The absolute best in every way. And you guys are often very rude, INSTANTLY rude, and often for no reason. You can't find one thing she's done wrong or one rude comment or word. I can find several from any of you just from today's posts.

I came in just to say how I feel about Erica. She has strength I can't even imagine. I couldn't put up with this place for a month. And she's done it for years. I can't find one single thing she's done to deserve this reaction. You guys jump on her all the time for doing what? Saying, 'Hey we're the established members here, we should be taking care of the new members and others who don't know how things work around here. No need to be rude.'


If you mods feel you should be allowed to do your job and there are things going on behind the scenes that no one else understands...hey 'what ever helps you sleep at night' is all I can say.

I'm an outsider looking in and I'm telling you, this place feels dead to me. It feels like a clique for Urban, Vanilla, Janzoon, Ki, Freebase(the mods basically) and a very few well established members. The rest of us new people can't even get a foothold and frankly don't want to try to establish ourselves in a place like this.

Erica is one of the very few redeeming aspects of this place.

I can't find a single thing she's done wrong. All I see is kindness and defense of others, thoughtful responses and immense contribution to threads. She's one of the very few 'functional' members of MB!

The way you guys treat her I'm actually wondering how she is able to do it! She always has a smile on her face and good cheer in her heart and kind words for all of us, even the ones of you that attack her the most.

So, I'm sorry I don't see where she deserves the scorn of the moderators.

And yes I know....I'll get a whole long line of ....'I hate her so much, she's always so nice!'....and here comes Vanilla with 'She gets on my nerves with her kindness!!!' and Urban will say 'We should respect the members? WHAT? F**K the members!'

^^you guys really don't see what's happening here do you? I'm serious, you really don't see it?

And you know what I expect? You know the silliest, funniest thing I expect to happen next?

For Erica to come in here and defend you guys. LOL That's just how she is.

Because she's Vegangelica. And she would take up for each one of you if she saw something going down the wrong way and you know it.

My brain hurts from all the text.

duga 02-12-2013 12:00 PM

We were all new members at some point.

I think some people come in here, see the tight-knit community aspect, and expect to be welcomed into that aspect with open arms. Well, I'm sorry...but just like in real life, that doesn't happen immediately. You've got to let us get to know you, learn your quirks, and convince us you will be sticking around. Of course, this is Music Banter so you should probably do that by talking about music first. You've also got to appreciate there are a lot of different personalities here - some you will clash with, some you will love. Just like in real life.

We will discuss, debate, argue, and appreciate music with absolutely anyone, however. That will never change and I've never seen any evidence otherwise. But newbs should also keep in mind...we are mostly AUDIOPHILES here. This adds a whole new level to our appreciation for music, and it can't be helped if someone coming in to talk about bands audiophiles universally loathe implies you don't appreciate music on our level. It's just an unfortunate side effect of taking music this personally.

So stop bitching about how we don't let anyone in our community. It's just not true. There are plenty of very new members who are still here and we all feel they are part of our community now.

Arya Stark 02-12-2013 12:10 PM

When I was new, I was only a member because I had to join a forum for a class project. People were great and helped answer my questions and eventually I chose to stay.
My taste in music changed as did many other things, and they are still changing.
I was super weird when I first joined and the community still embraced me. I took the joking and arguing as acceptance and I've basically grown up with Music Banter in my life.
I really don't think it's that difficult to be a part of MB as long as you love music. There will always be someone who agrees with you.

Bloozcrooz 02-12-2013 01:59 PM

I always feel very loved, and very much a part of the community here at MB :)

The Batlord 02-12-2013 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Bloozcrooz (Post 1285633)
I always feel very loved, and very much a part of the community here at MB :)

Shut up, Bloozcrooz.

Bloozcrooz 02-12-2013 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1285659)
Shut up, Bloozcrooz.

:(.....:laughing: see

The Batlord 02-12-2013 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bloozcrooz (Post 1285711)
:(.....:laughing: see

Don't get stabbed.

ribbons 02-12-2013 11:58 PM

I love Erica and admire her so much for her very genuine kindness, tremendous intellect, and her willingness to go to bat for the underdog time and time again. I have never seen Erica exchange harsh words with anyone here. Surely that is something we should all respect. When I think of Erica, my mind always automatically goes to the Henry James quote, “Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” It doesn’t cost anything to be nice, you know.

FETCHER. 02-13-2013 03:46 AM

And that's why she's mostly valued as a member here.

I do agree with the mods though, sometimes vege can almost be too nice and jumps to the rescue of members who don't need/deserve the help.

PoorOldPo 02-13-2013 06:37 AM

I really like Vegangelica, whats this about?

Lisnaholic 02-13-2013 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by ribbons (Post 1285939)
I love Erica and admire her so much for her very genuine kindness, tremendous intellect, and her willingness to go to bat for the underdog time and time again. I have never seen Erica exchange harsh words with anyone here. Surely that is something we should all respect. When I think of Erica, my mind always automatically goes to the Henry James quote, “Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” It doesn’t cost anything to be nice, you know.

^ This sums up how I feel about VEGANGELICA, that she makes a very positive contribution here, although, as FETCHER says, I can see that she may occassionally exasperate the mods. And of course, the mods deserve a lot of respect too, which is why I completely disagree with this :-


Originally Posted by slappyjenkins (Post 1285411)
I'm an outsider looking in and I'm telling you, this place feels dead to me. It feels like a clique for Urban, Vanilla, Janzoon, Ki, Freebase(the mods basically) and a very few well established members. The rest of us new people can't even get a foothold and frankly don't want to try to establish ourselves in a place like this.

I think slappyjenkins didn`t stay around long enough to work out some of the nuances of MB. I don`t perceive the mods as a clique; they`re a group of individuals who put in a lot of unappreciated effort to maintain the site. For example, Janszoon (being the mod I know best) is fair, friendly, helpful, well-informed and humourous. That`s why he`s respected, slappy - not because he`s part of some clique.

So, like many other MB members, I don`t like to see my friends angry with each other and I`m hoping this drama can be forgotten asap: VEGANGELICA, perhaps you could trust the mods` judgements a bit more readily, and MODS, please cut Erica some slack if she launches a crusade without being fully informed - she`s one of MB`s best.

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