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Alfred 10-11-2008 06:58 PM

I was wanting to check them out. Any good starting albums?

jackhammer 10-11-2008 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 529812)
I was wanting to check them out. Any good starting albums?

Rafi's Revenge was the album that got them noticed although it is ten years old now.

sleepy jack 10-11-2008 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 529754)

10 : Politicians Who Use Music To Show How 'Down With the Kids' They Are

Apparently a young David Cameron's favourite band ever was The Smiths. I know this because he keeps on going on about it all the time , so much so he decided to visit the Salford Lads Club , as seen on the inside cover of The Queen Is dead. And many LOLS were had when the local Labour party showed up and protested about his visit and stopped him getting a publicity shot outside the building.
I'm sure i'm not the only one who wonders why , if he was indeed such a fan of the band that meant so much to him why on earth he would become a Thatcherite and join the Tory party. Somehow I get the impression he may have slighty missed the point somewhere.

Apparently he also loves The Killers and regually plays them on his IPod.


As for Blair much was made of him being in a band in his younger days. Looking at that picture all I can assume where that this band were some godawful prog rock tribute band who probably played Genesis covers.
ROCK N ROLL eh Tone !!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Tony Blair claimed he learned to play a Foo Fighters song on the guitar, as a sign of mutual respect Dave Grohl learned to detain and deport terror suspects with no legal justification."

Zarko 10-11-2008 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 529754)

10 : Politicians Who Use Music To Show How 'Down With the Kids' They Are

lol yeah it happens :p:

Reminds me of McCain and Obama recently (August sometime) releasing their list of favourite songs, and its obvious enough that they were picking the safies and targeting different audiences...

Kirby 10-12-2008 12:36 AM

McCain should have went the smart route, and said Put On by Young Jeezy.

right-track 10-12-2008 02:38 AM

McCain wins.
He'd get my vote just for having Dancing Queen at number 1 and Sweet Caroline has to be the best drunken singalonginapub song ever recorded.

And if Urbans number 10 is, Politicians Who Use Music To Show How 'Down With the Kids' They Are.
Then number 9 should have been; Musicians Who Suck Up To Politicians Who Use Music To Show How 'Down With the Kids' They Are.

I'm looking at you Noel Gallagher!

Zarko 10-12-2008 02:45 AM

I respect anyone that puts ABBA in their top ten list once let alone twice :p:

WaspStar 10-12-2008 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Brad Stengel (Post 529646)
Thank you. I used to think like that in like 9th grade, but then it hit me-would it make any sense at all if something like music, that's been expressing the human spirit better than anything else for thousands of years suddenly ended after (insert last great record someone has in their collection and assumes everything after blew)? It doesnt make sense, music will always be great, and it will always be presented in different ways, and thank CHRIST I figured that out, or Id be stuck with DSOTM on repeat for the rest of my life like all the classic rock bores.

Folly of youth, I guess; until a few years ago, I was also convinced that no one had made anything good since the 60's. Then I heard the Sex Pistols and The Clash and revised that opinion to read "no one's done anything good since the 70's." Then I heard Echo & The Bunnymen and realized that I'd spent the past eighteen years being an ignorant wanker and that I shuold just shut the fuck up and spend time trying to find decent music instead of whining about how there haven't been any good bands since Keith Moon died.


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 529754)

10 : Politicians Who Use Music To Show How 'Down With the Kids' They Are

You forgot to mention the worst travesty of all; Ronald Reagan appropriating Born In The USA as some sort of patriotic anthem. Jesus, people really don't listen to the lyrics!


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 529782)

9 : Special Editions Of Albums That Are Released Just A Few Months After the Original Album

Thank you! I refused to buy the "American Land" edition of The Seeger Sessions after I'd gone to the store three months earlier and paid full price for the normal album. What happened to taking care of your fans, Bruce?

Urban Hat€monger ? 10-12-2008 09:32 AM

Bet you weren't expecting to see them here.

As a fan of The Fall I am in a constant turmoil. You see there are times when I listen to the band and I really wish they were more like a conventional band. I would love nothing more to see Mark E Smith go out and do a tour where he plays a greatest hits set , records it properly and releases it as a double live album instead of having a constant stream of badly recorded live stuff that only covers about 2 or 3 albums. I wondered why it was that I should have so few Fall bootlegs considering I love the band so much. And then I realised it was because Smith has pretty much released them all officially.
Smith doesn't do looking back into the past. The Fall's live shows are dominated by whatever 2 albums they just recorded plus a load of stuff you won't here till the next album comes out. But he'll tease you by throwing in one classic from the past. Recently it was 'Wings' off Perverted By Language , before that it was 'The Man Who's Head Expanded' and he's been known to throw in 'New Big Prinz' off the Kurious Oranj album as well. It's like teasing you with scraps , he knows people really want to hear this stuff but to him it's what he's doing now thats important , and so it should be. I'd also love to see him do some collaborations , some of the stuff he's done with other people has been brilliant , but he's never done it with The Fall. The whole beauty of the Fall is him finding these musicians off the street , throwing them into the band without even bothering with auditions or practice and just see what happens. It might sound amateurish or ramshackle but it makes them still one of the most spontaneous & compelling bands around still even after 30 years.

But the biggest irony in all this is if they were ever to become a more conventional band it would destroy everything that is special about the band. It would stop them being most uncompromising & unique band around and it would stop them being everything that they go against.
And that is the most frustrating thing at all.

Bulldog 10-12-2008 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 530088)

Bet you weren't expecting to see them here.

As a fan of The Fall I am in a constant turmoil. You see there are times when I listen to the band and I really wish they were more like a conventional band. I would love nothing more to see Mark E Smith go out and do a tour where he plays a greatest hits set , records it properly and releases it as a double live album instead of having a constant stream of badly recorded live stuff that only covers about 2 or 3 albums. I wondered why it was that I should have so few Fall bootlegs considering I love the band so much. And then I realised it was because Smith has pretty much released them all officially.
Smith doesn't do looking back into the past. The Fall's live shows are dominated by whatever 2 albums they just recorded plus a load of stuff you won't here till the next album comes out. But he'll tease you by throwing in one classic from the past. Recently it was 'Wings' off Perverted By Language , before that it was 'The Man Who's Head Expanded' and he's been known to throw in 'New Big Prinz' off the Kurious Oranj album as well. It's like teasing you with scraps , he knows people really want to hear this stuff but to him it's what he's doing now thats important , and so it should be. I'd also love to see him do some collaborations , some of the stuff he's done with other people has been brilliant , but he's never done it with The Fall. The whole beauty of the Fall is him finding these musicians off the street , throwing them into the band without even bothering with auditions or practice and just see what happens. It might sound amateurish or ramshackle but it makes them still one of the most spontaneous & compelling bands around still even after 30 years.

But the biggest irony in all this is if they were ever to become a more conventional band it would destroy everything that is special about the band. It would stop them being most uncompromising & unique band around and it would stop them being everything that they go against.
And that is the most frustrating thing at all.

Agreed. I'd have given anything to hear even the opening bars of Cruiser's Creek when I saw them live a few years back, or to hear them close the set with Music Scene. Luckily when I saw them they were touring Fall Heads Roll, so it was still a great gig

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