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Freebase Dali 10-22-2009 08:57 PM

Eh... I don't organize my CDs intensively because I don't use them. They're placed randomly between several large CD books. Because of the fact that I ripped all of them to my computer, the only organization I do is on my computer, by Genre > Artist > Albums > Songs
If it's classic, it gets its own folder and the above organization applies from there.

To me that makes the most sense for my situation.

bjornfjordnord 10-26-2009 10:43 AM

One giant folder called MP3s, each album separated by artist and album. Takes upwards of thirty seconds to just load the MP3s folder due to the number of albums in there.

Pillowmint 10-26-2009 07:18 PM

ITunes... I have only purchased a total of two CD's (They are both Nightwish albums not available on ITUnes), and feel kinda bad about it, but... oh well...

TheCunningStunt 01-11-2010 11:17 AM

Alphabetically FTW.

Arya Stark 01-11-2010 11:24 AM

:3 My CDs are alpabetized from right to left.
Everything I organized alphabetically is from right to left.
It just seems easier.

OceanAndSilence 01-11-2010 11:28 AM

alphabetised by artists name at first, then the music i listen to most stays at the top of the stack. every 3 months i get a cauldron and chant to voodoo duppies and melt the music in it. i then harvest the "mystical musical mist" unto myself

p.s. i chose other

Phillyboy 01-13-2010 07:43 PM

I pretty much listen to everything on Ipod, so alphabetically. If there is an album that I like all the songs on or maybe 1 or 2 I'm not crazy about, I will make that album a compilation, so that's where I use to find my favorites.

I prefer CD quality, but mine is busted so the Ipod it is.

ElephantSack 01-14-2010 03:09 PM

I used to do the alphabetical thing, but now I just leave what I listen to most at the time or whoever I have the most music from at the easiest access.

heatherfeather 01-14-2010 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by WaspStar (Post 518948)
A spinoff from a discussion on Urban's "100 things that piss me off..." thread.

I used to file everything alphabetically, but it was annoying to have Beatles albums, which I never listen to, cluttering up the top shelf, not to mention the embarrasing albums like the Joan Armatrading album a friend bought for me. So now I organize everything based on:
1. How much I like it
2. How often I listen to it

#2 is more important. I'm extremely lazy and don't feel like wading through the bottom shelf everytime I want to listen to XTC or X-Ray Spex, which is pretty often, so I just put those albums up on the top shelf. Problem solved.

It's also more interesting because I'm the only one who can find anything, unless someone else knows my tastes pretty well and can guess that Who's Next will be somewhere near the top while Live At Leeds will be somewhere closer to the floor.

yea i dont feel like reading everyones post to answer your question... i just order them alphabetically. Its just easiest that way... I wouldnt ever be able to order them by how much i like them because the bands i like change like each week.

Musefreak14 01-16-2010 09:35 PM

i do alphabetically by artist, then albumize (is that a word?) chronologically within the artist.
in my CDs, i have two piles. mixed cds and one-artist cds. the t ypical cds are sorted by what i listen to most frequently, piled on top of everything else which is in no particular order. my burned cds are roughly chronological..based on when i made them.
my burned cds are also labelled with emotions that give me a clue as to whats on the cd, so i keep them loosely together

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