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Akira 09-16-2008 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by The Monkey (Post 519663)
I don't own any CDs or LPs, but on iTunes I sort after artist (who doesn't?).

All the music on my comp and iPod is usually viewed album. I seem to be the only one I know who does this. Everytime someone else looks though my comp or iPod they browse by artist.

Alfred 09-16-2008 06:14 PM

I don't, because I don't have a large CD collection.

dac 09-20-2008 02:38 PM

Alphabetize, couldn't imagine doing it any other way

sarahhboo 09-28-2008 12:14 PM

i organize my music by how much i like it
soo.. mi faves to mi least favorite music.. :thumb:

Bulldog 01-01-2009 10:32 AM

Nothing like a late reply :D

I'm just in the midst of digitizing my library too (about 200-250 discs to go) but they're all organised alphabetically, chronologically for each artist's back catalogue.

ya_ba 01-01-2009 12:13 PM

Just randomly, I suppose.
Well, I put all from a band together, but like - randomly.

scottsy 01-01-2009 08:27 PM

When I didn't have a huge number of CDs I used to organise them by preference - most preferred bands were usually at the top of the stack, so as to make them most easily accesible, as they'd be what I played most...

THEN, as my collection bloomed out to around 400 plus CDs thast system became completely unweildy and stupid, so I went for a alphabetical arrangement, with CDs stacked chronologically by release date within each artist category...

Then I moved to the US, so I dissassembled my CD stacks, put all the jewel cases into boxes (which are still sitting in my uncle's garage to this very day...) and loaded my entire CD collection into 3 massive wallets containing roughly 300 CDs each... they are kept alphabetically within these wallets... can be a somewhat cumbersome system, but preferable to spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars shipping massive boxes of jewel cases...

Raust 01-01-2009 09:18 PM

I organize my albums alphabetically. And then I organize the artists albums chronilogically if I have more then one of there albums.

anticipation 01-01-2009 09:31 PM


Double X 01-01-2009 09:34 PM

Alphabetically, but I rarely go from library. I have 12 playlists of stuff I usually listen to.

Roygbiv 01-01-2009 09:35 PM

Favourite albums, in descending order.

scottsy 01-01-2009 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by anticipation (Post 572094)

Hahahahaha....I'd love to be around when you buy a new CD to see how you add it to your collection - based on the air pressure it provides??!!

anticipation 01-02-2009 07:28 AM

it's quite the event.

ValeBartoloz 01-02-2009 11:21 AM

what about putting cds one above the other in a sort of primordial chaos?:shycouch:

simplephysics 01-02-2009 11:22 AM

I like the way you think.

Kirby 01-02-2009 11:41 AM

Here's how it looks on my Zune program...

This is if I have one CD clicked [which happened to be A KiD Named CuDi at the time]
The actual CD's are arrange by the latest added to the program

And if I have an artists name clicked, it looks like this.

scottsy 01-02-2009 09:14 PM

I would like to declare, however, that my usually well organised CDs are kinda messed up presently... they all had to be moved to higher ground to avoid being fingerprinted by little two year old hands... nothing's worse than the climax of a song being ruined by a fingerprinted disc...

But still, she's a cute kid so she gets away with it...

evilsica 01-02-2009 10:52 PM

my music is organize first by
Genre then Alphabetically
and Then organized the most hear

WaspStar 01-04-2009 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by scottsy (Post 572526)
I would like to declare, however, that my usually well organised CDs are kinda messed up presently... they all had to be moved to higher ground to avoid being fingerprinted by little two year old hands... nothing's worse than the climax of a song being ruined by a fingerprinted disc...

But still, she's a cute kid so she gets away with it...

You're taking that much more philisophically than I would! :D

scottsy 01-04-2009 09:34 PM

Actually after she'd taken an interest in the shininess of CDs, I found a whole stack of burned CDs I don't care much for, so I gave her a stack of those and she was as happy as a pig in mud... so now when she's eyeing off the precious collection, I give those and it takes her mind poff it. It's good for my CDs. Good for me. Good for her! It's a win, win win sorta situation...

NSW 01-04-2009 10:26 PM

I've been told that as a wee tot I used to take my mom's vinyl records and rub them against the textured walls in our apartment. Too bad they didn't have a "reserve"... :)

As for organization...I have no organization of my music whatsoever...right now I have random stacks of CD's scattered all over my home office, my vinyl is shoved off on a shelf somewhere, and my cassettes are in a couple shoeboxes...somewhere.

CalRog 01-04-2009 10:28 PM

im much more into the chaos theory. Randomly placing cds down... thats prob why i can never find what im looking for and all my **** is all scratched up.

scottsy 01-04-2009 10:29 PM

Ouch! I hope your mother really didn't want that vinyl anymore...hehehehehe!

My daughter did do a pretty good kiddie version of "Bulls on Parade" by Rage Against the Machine when she was 11 months though, so all her CD maruading was forgiven when she started jammin'...heheheh

NSW 01-04-2009 10:31 PM

I think we need to see a youtube video of that. :)

scottsy 01-04-2009 10:37 PM

I'd love to put one up, but all she'd sing now is songs from Yo Gabba Gabba or the Wiggles...

My attempts to stave off the attack of children's music has failed... :-(

I don't blame her, damn that kiddie music is so darn happy and catchy, and the singers wear so many interesting colors, which really appeal to her developing senses...

I can't stay mad with the little girl, even when she doesn't something, bad and you have to tell her off... she's just too cute to stay mad with... having three kids certainly reminded me how much mileage you can get out of cuteness...

NSW 01-04-2009 10:49 PM

The hubby and I don't have any kids, so thankfully I haven't fallen victim to the Wiggles yet.

I have a hard enough time keeping my CD's halfway decent and scratch-free...I can only imagine what they'd be like if we had kiddos in the house.

scottsy 01-04-2009 10:54 PM

My advice would be if you have kids... put the CDs on the high shelves... keep them well out of reach... you'll thank yourself!

And be rigorous about putting them away... don't even lea ve them in the CD player if its on a low shelf, because they will watch you and learn how to press the eject button!!! Children are absolute sponges, and they learn FAST!!! They especially watch their parents because they idolise them at this age, anyways... they watch and learn things you'll never imagine they could pick up... kinda interesting and disconcerting all at once!! heheheh!

Dr_Rez 01-04-2009 10:56 PM

I have always found if you put it all in one place and Alphabetize it all the media program will automatically sort by almost any variable you can come up with.

scottsy 01-05-2009 10:28 PM

LOL... it does indeed suck when that happens, especially if you spend ever so long trying to organise your music...

TiffanyTuneUp 01-07-2009 03:23 PM

As far as CD collections go, I love a stacked audio library alphabetical by artist name... although that rarely manages to happen. But I keep my itunes crazy organized. For the most part, I like to use the 'Recently added' tab within my library. I get lots of music all the time, so it keeps me sane and able to listen to the newest stuff in my collection. I am super OCD about my digital music library - perfect mp3 tags, no blank album art, etc. Since working for a company called TuneUp, I've been avidly using our program to clean up and organize my itunes library and its been awesome. Thanks for the thread - interesting question... the maintenance of a music collection says a lot about the listener, I think. :hphones:

Rainard Jalen 01-07-2009 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by TiffanyTuneUp (Post 575079)
As far as CD collections go, I love a stacked audio library alphabetical by artist name... although that rarely manages to happen. But I keep my itunes crazy organized. For the most part, I like to use the 'Recently added' tab within my library. I get lots of music all the time, so it keeps me sane and able to listen to the newest stuff in my collection. I am super OCD about my digital music library - perfect mp3 tags, no blank album art, etc. Since working for a company called TuneUp, I've been avidly using our program to clean up and organize my itunes library and its been awesome. Thanks for the thread - interesting question... the maintenance of a music collection says a lot about the listener, I think. :hphones:

lemme guess... you're not here to advertise TuneUp, are you? :D

jackhammer 01-07-2009 03:37 PM

I hope not otherwise I will have to wield the mighty hammer and that would be a shame after such a good opening post.

TiffanyTuneUp 01-07-2009 03:38 PM

Well, not intentionally. But recommendations happen. I mean... I found this forum and got super stoked on how active and engaged everyone is. Plus, to have my job, I have to banter about music all the time - so its a good fit! Good guess, but the answer is far more interesting ;)

Dr_Rez 01-07-2009 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by TiffanyTuneUp (Post 575090)
Well, not intentionally. But recommendations happen. I mean... I found this forum and got super stoked on how active and engaged everyone is. Plus, to have my job, I have to banter about music all the time - so its a good fit! Good guess, but the answer is far more interesting ;)

Just avoid bring it up every 6 posts. Then all are pleased.

VoidIfRemoved 01-09-2009 07:03 AM

very unorganised piles on a bookcase but at least segregated by compilation, album, best ofs etc

CaseNumber:825 01-09-2009 11:22 AM

Well on iTunes they are usually organised either alphabetically by artist or by album name

My physical albums are really organised at all..... mostly they're place in the order I buy them
Though at the moment I have a few albums on my desk and on my drawers

So no... not really any order

Antonio 10-12-2009 01:13 AM

on my computer, everything is alphabetical, but i also organize by genre and song rating (1 to 5 stars). WMP also does it by year too, but i don't bother with that.

NumberNineDream 10-12-2009 02:58 AM

The songs are put into folders by Artists, that are then put in 3 main folders:
[Complete Discographies] [Unfinished Discographies] [Scattered Files]

Astronomer 10-12-2009 03:15 AM

Alphabetically by artist/ album, because it's the easiest way to find stuff. Organising in genres never works because often music doesn't fit into one block genre and it's harder to locate stuff quickly.

FETCHER. 10-12-2009 07:50 AM

alphabetically :). by album name. i dont have many cds by one artist.

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