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Zarko 08-05-2010 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by boardsofcanada (Post 913681)
(ps, it's just one guy.)

it's this guy:

About what I was expecting tbh as well.

Dayvan Cowboy 08-05-2010 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Zarko (Post 913752)
About what I was expecting tbh as well.

Tyondai's a pretty cool guy, man. have you ever heard of battles? he's the singer:


abdullah424 08-05-2010 09:27 PM

Sorry for the Delay NumberNine

NumberNineDream sent me The Selecter - Too Much Pressure

Ska's a genre I usually ignore, not because I don't like it but because most of what I've heard from the genre sounds the same (I haven't heard a lot mind you). With that being said I really enjoyed The Selecter. What stood out the most for me were the vocals and the fun energy to all of the songs. I put it on my ipod and it's great music to get you in the mood for a night of bar hopping.

I can't think of a better way to describe this album than to just say it's a really fun album that's easy to listen to over and over. It actually inspired me to check out some more ska albums but I got distracted and checked out afrobeat instead which I found really enjoyable so I guess that worked out for the better.

Thanks NumberNine, next time I promise I'll get my review up quicker.

NumberNineDream 08-06-2010 10:10 AM

No prob! As long you listened to the album.
Plus I really enjoyed the album you sent me, so I was already satisfied lol.

Edit: Glad you liked the album. I'm not that knowledgeable in Ska, so I had my doubts about you liking it, as I'm not the perfect person to give Ska recommendations.

Antonio 08-08-2010 01:26 AM

OctaneHugo sent me

Described to me only as “some really noisy psychedelic from two Japanese people”, I really didn’t know too much what to expect. Christine 23 Onna is a two person instrumental band formed in 1993 by Yamazaki “Maso” Takushi and Toda Fusao. This album could be described as 60’s space psychedelic, with the effects giving you both a retro and otherworldly feel. even with it's abundance of "freak out" moments and tracks, it hardly ever seems to get too jarring or grating, it's that laid back kind of psychedelic that you can have on in the background and at the same time take notice when it kicks in.

Fantastico: Well the first thing I notice with this song is the combination of grounded distorted riffing and experimental soundscapes. It really hooks you into a groove that emulates a 60’s psychedelic bash.

Acid Now: Oh man, HERE’s where sh*t gets crazy. Everything hits you at once and the way that everything gets quiet and loud again melts your face in the minute and a half it goes on.

The Last Hunter: Things calm down in this next song and picks up the 60s vibe again. Has a good amount in common with the first song, but that’s not a bad thing, the fuzzy guitar and ethereal effects stick around.

Acid Eater: A freak out track, as was Acid Now, just this time everything’s a lot more defined and less wonky. While I’m not too big on freakout tracks, this is pretty good in how it’s not too all over the place but can still keep you interested.

Planet Unknown: This has a bit of a different vibe from the previous songs. The fuzz from the guitars isn’t here and is switched up for a more ambient feel. A real way to relax from the onslaught of psychedelic music you just went through.

Space Mondo Topless: Lovingly borrowing the name of this song from one of the works of sexploitation film maker Russ Meyer, this definitely has a carefree, fun in the sun kind of feel. The fuzz is back and in full force but not overbearing

Love Galactic: At this point it seems that the album has blasted off into space. Some more freaking out with a cool bleep-bloop sounding effect that plays off of the drums and other effects.

Top of Spot: The computer overlord feel of the last song gives in to a more subdued and frankly groovy song. You can’t help but move with the guitar lines and mood

Wild Private: The rhythm guitar takes a decidedly different turn and gives into a clean funk guitar sound, but there’s still another one in fuzz mode. This song has more of a drive than some of the previous ones.

Erotopia (The Climax): The last track ends on a freak note and culminates in the building up of a lot into a blistering white noise that gives in to a fade out.

So in closing, this is a pretty fun romp of effects and trippiness, but a few parts of this album feel like they’d be forgotten immediately after listen. It also gets a bit samey after a couple of songs and doesn’t have too much surprise going for it. Even so, if you’re a fan of psychedelic music and are looking for something to chill out AND freak out to, I recommend this little gem.

Best Tracks: Fantastico, Planet Unknown, Space Mondo Topless, Love Galactic
Worst Tracks: Acid Now, Erotopia (The Climax)

Final Verdict: 6/10-Slightly above average.

Dayvan Cowboy 08-08-2010 10:58 AM

Zarko Sent Me....

L'onironote: Les Chimeres Exquises

First off, this album is Super-Amon Tobin-Esque. It reminds me of a violin-filled version of Out From Out Where. that's not a bad thing either. L'onironote tranlates into the Dream Sailor assuming that "L'onir" means dreamlike and the "note" part is a wordplay on "-naute" meaning sailor. But I could be mistaken, I speak Canadian french while the band/person speaks France french. translations aside, this album is good. It's violin filled, it's downtempo, it's the french version of amon tobin. here's a track by track review:

Il Est L'heure (It's Time...): I'm really digging the repetition here, and the twinkly sounds! This song is aptly titled, it reminds me of somebody about to be executed waiting for their death, thinking about what he's done, and what he's about to face. He has to be brave. The tension is rising. It's very creepy and eerie.

Amoureux (Lover): This track especially reminds me of Amon
Tobin. I don't know why, though. It just does. Maybe it's the drums, maybe it's the Atmosphere, Maybe it's the guitars. I'm not sure.

Sous L'arbre Bleu (Under The Blue Tree): at the beginning, this reminded me of Aphex Twin's Boy/Girl Song, and then it got bluesy. I think this song is pretty top-notch.

Hazim (?): I couldn't contribute a translation here, but this sounds like something off of Supermodified

Les Chimeres Esquises (Exquisite Chimeras): Another very tense track. It's waiting for something to happen. something very bad... the percussion is very crisp and deep,

Au Palais (At the Palace): Trippy... Reminds me of Prep Gwarlek 3B off of DrukQs.

L'igaune (The Iguana): Beautiful and atmospheric. This album has a very tense vibe to it. like it's going insane.

Fender: Reminds me of a very hot desert, like the time I went to the Alberta Badlands for a tour and almost got lost. That's a very scary experience, by the way. lots of snakes...

Scaphandre (Spacesuit): A pretty ambient track, lives up to its name.

Overall, I felt like this album was claustrophobic, it was afraid. It reminds me of the ideology behind Geogaddi.

VERDICT: 7.5/10

CanwllCorfe 08-08-2010 10:59 AM

F'in love that album

Dayvan Cowboy 08-08-2010 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by CanwllCorfe (Post 915202)
F'in love that album

I had a feeling you'd comment :laughing:

CanwllCorfe 08-08-2010 11:32 AM

To actually recognize an album posted on here is unprecedented for me.

It's a big day

bob. 08-08-2010 12:36 PM

from RezZ

this album was sent to me via pm with the note "Colour Haze got me into German Rock"

judging from the album cover i was expecting some good psych/stoner metal and or that and more

almost exactly 3 minutes into the first track i stopped the album....turned up my stereo and re-started from the when it kicked in it would be thunderous

this is a great blend of...what i would called "traditional" psychedelic music...and good....with moments of heavy distortion and break downs....

vocal delivery is actually really times somewhat whispery and at times much more prominent but never taking away from the music....which i feel is what these guys are all about....the vocals were never guttural...which i feel is a mistake many bands like this make....i just wish they sang in German...the couple of songs where i could really grasp what the lyrics were...were in english

another great thing is that the songs are just long enough to create a great feeling without over staying its welcome....although i think these guys could easily produce good 20 minute songs....these songs where fairly short....ranging from 8 minutes to 3 minutes....which for a first time listen was really good

this album will certainly stay in my rotation for a was also great for a nice long flat bike ride i took yesterday....just good seductive rock n roll...i look forward to checking out more of their albums

thanks RezZ good choice!

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