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Old 02-25-2014, 08:20 AM   #91 (permalink)
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My friends and I always talk about music but we don't really share similar tastes. It's a great way to discover new music you may not have thought to listen to before!
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Old 02-25-2014, 08:57 AM   #92 (permalink)
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There's 2 friends at school, and I talk about music with them almost every recess. They're always together, ususally listening to a song on their phone. 1 of them doesn't really have the same taste as me, but it's still fun talking about music with him. The other has a pretty simialar taste as me when it comes to punk and metal, so talking about music with him is usually more fun. But we do have out smaller differences in taste, and that's what makes talking about music with him more interesting.
before I had these friends I never really talked about music much, except for one other dude which likes a few bands that I do.
it's hard to find people that love music that you love, but when you do, sharing that love for music is a pretty awesome thing.

Than there are people that have a few bands that I like that they also like. I ususally talk about those bands with them, but they mostly have tastes so different that I ususally don't talk about music with them.

When somone asks what I like I ususally just list some main genres. I ususally tell them I mainly listen to punk, metal, rock and ska. But that I also like genres like reggae, rocksteady, funkm Rythm n blues/rock n roll, soul, blues and Jazz. It's just that I didn't really listen to those genres much yet, but I'm interested in them.

edit: If somone says they like bands that I really dislike, I ususally try to avoid talking with them about music. But I am willing to give any genre a chance. I used to think all rap sucked, but than I heard a few older songs that weren't about bitches and nike shoes that actually weren't bad. I respected those songs, but they're not my cup of tea. But than there's artists that I have so much irrational hatred towards that I REALLY should avoid talking to those people about music in further detail.

Last edited by Dylstew; 02-25-2014 at 09:25 AM.
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Old 02-25-2014, 10:08 AM   #93 (permalink)
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Default Kinda Sorta...

My tastes differ from others my age because I dislike mainstream pop, and K-pop, and rap, and metal, etc. The music I listen to is either from another era (Billy Joel, Beatles, Glenn Miller, Tchaikovsky, Bach, etc.) or obscure (Tame Impala, Animal Collective, etc.). The only people I know interested in the older stuff (with the exception of a couple of friends who know some Beatles' hits, primarily through me) are thirty years older than me, and I don't anybody who's even heard of Tame Impala. So when I talk music IRL, it's usually with someone thirty years my senior, or discussing our dislike of One Direction.
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Old 02-25-2014, 06:31 PM   #94 (permalink)
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I've encountered a lot of persons who are interested in knowing about my musical interests. I love curiousity. I am proud of my taste, so I am NOT afraid to exclaim it aloud in public in front of a person or group.
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Old 02-26-2014, 09:28 PM   #95 (permalink)
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I'm fortunate enough to have a significant other who loves music too, so yes all the time.
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Old 04-26-2014, 01:30 PM   #96 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Goofle11 View Post
I had an excellent convo with Steph, Manky and Hermione on FB last night about music and other things. Not sure it counts as IRL though, considering it was with between internet friends on the internet.

May as well share it here:

Stephenie Darnielle

Tom Clancy
The truth isn't rude. She won't let me help

Stephenie Darnielle
I just empathize with bad cooks because I'm dreadful myself. Haha.

Hermione Matilda Stark

Tom Clancy
She doesn't use onions. Not even not serious.

Hermione Matilda Stark
Onions are fucking disgusting

Tom Clancy
Onions have feelings too.

Chris Steven
Onions have layers.

Hermione Matilda Stark
you have chlamydia.

Tom Clancy
Chris sprouts little white hairs when he is exposed to sunlight. Dumb Scotch.

Hermione Matilda Stark
Chris lives in a cave by a the sea and eats his own children then makes more children from his children

Hermione Matilda Stark
fucking Scots

Chris Steven
Cake. Everybody loves cake.

Tom Clancy
Parfaits are delicious.

Stephenie Darnielle
Someday you will fiiiiiind meeee caught beneath the laaaaaandsliiiiiiide

Hermione Matilda Stark
innnn a champagneee supernovaaa in the skyyyy

Tom Clancy
Is that Radiohead?

Stephenie Darnielle

Tom Clancy
Ahh yes, Blur. That band with Ian Brown.

Hermione Matilda Stark
I thought it was The Stone Roses?

Hermione Matilda Stark
Dude Ian Brown is in the Happy Mondays

Stephenie Darnielle
Ohhhh Ian Brown, I was thinking Mark E Smith.

Tom Clancy
Didn't they form Gorillaz?

Stephenie Darnielle
No that was RZA.

Hermione Matilda Stark
Mark E Smith? Isn't he that guy who did some crazy rap album and killed a Korean guy???

Stephenie Darnielle
Kathleen Hanna killed Kurt Cobain.

Tom Clancy
No, that was Noel Gallagher, frontman of The Fall.

Hermione Matilda Stark
Noel Gallagher? No Noel Gallagher's in Coldplay. They just won like 5 grammys

Tom Clancy
He just got lucky.

Hermione Matilda Stark
Aint that that Robin Thicke song everyone hates?

Stephenie Darnielle
Called Mumford and Sons or something? That he made with Kanye West?

Hermione Matilda Stark
No that was Macklemore's first single, he stole it from them I think??? Then he tried to make a song for Rick Santorum's campaign & divorced all the gays he just married. It was terrible

Hermione Matilda Stark
‪#‎kanyewouldhavenever‬ ‪#‎yeezuslovesthegays‬

Tom Clancy
Wipe that tear away now from your eye - Kanye West

Sean Betteridge
This was beautiful.

Hermione Matilda Stark
turn around, Kanye West.

Hermione Matilda Stark
every now and then Ye falls apart

Stephenie Darnielle
I'm tired, you tired, Jesus wept.

Tom Clancy
Beyonce was hot in that video **hides behind Internet**

Hermione Matilda Stark
Kardashian all on his mouth like liqqa

Hermione Matilda Stark
this is the best status + comments ever

Amandria Vanesa
I want to tape this conversation to my wall.

Luke David Tyler
Haha yes classic shoutbox banter here
Still the best but I fixed the part you left out
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Old 04-26-2014, 01:36 PM   #97 (permalink)
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Yes I do!
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Old 04-26-2014, 01:40 PM   #98 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sansa Stark View Post
Still the best but I fixed the part you left out
Thank you m'lady.

Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
Originally Posted by Mindfulness View Post
2. What was the strangest/best/worst party you ever went to?
Prolly a party I had with some people I know
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Old 04-26-2014, 01:43 PM   #99 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds View Post
My tastes differ from others my age because I dislike mainstream pop, and K-pop, and rap, and metal, etc. The music I listen to is either from another era (Billy Joel, Beatles, Glenn Miller, Tchaikovsky, Bach, etc.) or obscure (Tame Impala, Animal Collective, etc.). The only people I know interested in the older stuff (with the exception of a couple of friends who know some Beatles' hits, primarily through me) are thirty years older than me, and I don't anybody who's even heard of Tame Impala. So when I talk music IRL, it's usually with someone thirty years my senior, or discussing our dislike of One Direction.
Really? cause i can't get all my friends to stop talking about Tame impala!

I mentioned one time SOAD is a decent band and they looked at me like they wanted to revoke my hipster card. >_>
"Hey Kids you got to meet the MIGHTY PIXIES!"
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