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Goofle 08-19-2017 04:05 AM

Nadia Oh - Colours (2011)

djchameleon 08-19-2017 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1865709)

Why don't you wait til Round 2 is over of the album club before going ahead and changing up the rules again?

You were too impatient to wait til after you started adding numbers next to the members that are participating before doing this?

Zhanteimi 08-19-2017 05:02 AM


Psy-Fi 08-19-2017 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1865709)
Okay guys, lets

This club has currently in excess of twenty members, more than half of whom have not made any sort of significant contribution since round two began. So fuck moving albums down; it's time to get serious. There's no reason why those who are prepared to discuss albums and take part in the club should be delayed in doing so, in order to allow room for people who will, in all likelihood, drop in for their album and then fuck off again. So

If you want out, if you find you are no longer interested, can no longer spare the time, or that despite your best efforts you're just not able to contribute, let me know and I'll remove you from the list. This will NOT prevent you DISCUSSING albums, but it will remove your ability to SUGGEST an album. What this means, in effect, is that you can still remain a part of the club, drop in and out as you like, with no real commitment, but you can only discuss the albums suggested by the members who decide to stay on as full members.

Or you can fuck right off if you want, I really don't mind.

If you intend to remain a member, and your name is NOT below - this is a list of people who have shown they are genuinely interested in participating, and have backed it up by, you know, participating - please let me know by Sunday week, August 27. Otherwise your albums (if any have been suggested) will be removed and you will no longer be considered eligible for suggestions for this or any future rounds.

I don't wish to be harsh to anyone, but why should say ten people wait twenty weeks before they can suggest their next album, to allow those who are only on the fringes their turn? If we trim the fat, as it were, those who are "proper" members can get their next album up in half the time they're currently having to wait.

The list as it stands. If you declare your interest, and back same up with action, your name can be added. People on this list will be the ONLY ones allowed to suggest an album from now on. I don't care if you did well in round one; this is not a club of one round. You want to be in, you gotta be in all the way. Shut up, Batty. ;)

So let me know, anyone who is signed up and is not

tealdeer: you want to remain a member of the club, able to pick albums? Get up off your arse and contribute.

This has been a Trollheart Wall of Text Production for Music Banter. All rights reserved. Except that one. I don't want that one. But all others are reserved.


Trollheart 08-19-2017 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1865761)
Why don't you wait til Round 2 is over of the album club before going ahead and changing up the rules again?

You were too impatient to wait til after you started adding numbers next to the members that are participating before doing this?

Bull. Despite my warnings about albums being moved down, nobody who is under threat (or was) has done anything about it. Nobody cares. So why should those who ... you know what? I'm not repeating myself. I said all I had to say in that post. You don't like it, nobody's keeping you here. I'm not going to make those who want to participate wait months before we decide to do something about the people who are not bothering. The iron is hot, and I'm striking now.

Oh, and that numbered list in the OP? That has nothing to do with punishments/infractions/moving albums down: that's to help determine the order for round three. Anyone who has reviewed all, or practically all of the albums will be near the top, those who have missed ones out will be more towards the lower end. That's the fairest way I can see to do it, and that's all I'm trying to be: fair.

Originally Posted by Mord (Post 1865773)
Can you sign me up, Troll?

Sure. I'll have to wait to see how you take part before I can allow you to select an album, though I have a feeling you'll be a "productive member of society" as it were... ;)

Ant, Goofle, I won't be taking round three albums yet till I have sorted out who's remaining and who will be picking albums. There's no problem with either of you; I just don't want to start adding albums too soon, as we're only five weeks into round two. Well, almost six.

And Goof? That new avvy? :tramp: :love:

djchameleon 08-19-2017 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1865807)
Bull. Despite my warnings about albums being moved down, nobody who is under threat (or was) has done anything about it. Nobody cares. So why should those who ... you know what? I'm not repeating myself. I said all I had to say in that post. You don't like it, nobody's keeping you here. I'm not going to make those who want to participate wait months before we decide to do something about the people who are not bothering. The iron is hot, and I'm striking now.

I posted my reason why my participation was lacking in this thread. I post my first review getting back into the swing of things and hours later you decide to change tge rules and are all well if you dont like it piss off. You didn't give those a chance to increase their participation. If you don't like my reviews and don't want me in the club. I will bounce.

OccultHawk 08-19-2017 03:44 PM

cue exception for dj by th

MicShazam 08-19-2017 03:54 PM


Trollheart 08-19-2017 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1865909)
I posted my reason why my participation was lacking in this thread. I post my first review getting back into the swing of things and hours later you decide to change tge rules and are all well if you dont like it piss off. You didn't give those a chance to increase their participation. If you don't like my reviews and don't want me in the club. I will bounce.

Wind yer neck in. I wasn't singling you out; all I was, and am, saying, is that I'll be damned if I'll wait another ten weeks or so before deciding to do anything to address the lack of participation. I don't mind if you're not taking part regularly (and I'm not aware of any "excuse", but if I was looking for one it would be in the form of a PM or post advising that you still intended to take part but couldn't for the moment for these reasons, as Pet_Sounds, Exo and others did. Never got that. "I've been busy with stuff" don't cut it pal.)

But I'm not asking for excuses. Nobody expects everyone to review every album (be nice if they could; some of us can but anyway) - just to take part. You - since you chose to make it personal - have reviewed ONE album in round two, so that's not acceptable if you want to be able to choose an album in future.

You can certainly piss off if you want, but it's stupid to throw your toys out of the pram. You were the one who accused me of being "impatient". Well, if certain people ain't done nothing for nearly six weeks now, I don't feel that's being impatient, and I also don't see it changing unless something is done. I'm doing something.

I'm very happy to have you here in the fullest capacity, but if you can't take part regularly you're not going to be allowed to block the way for those who can. Nor will anyone else. Hitler has spoken!

Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1865910)
cue exception for dj by th


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1865913)


Oh, and Goofle, sorry: I realise that is your choice for this round, yes? I'll update the OP shortly.

Trollheart 08-19-2017 04:28 PM

I see this now. I reiterate, I was not penalising you; you're just not on the "Greenlist" yet. YET. If you wish to continue selecting albums, you need to say so, like anyone else not yet on the list. That's all. You're not being banished to the wilderness or anything. Quit yer crying, and stop white knighting for others; anyone who wants to **** with me over this rule will be perfectly capable of doing so themselves. Look after your own ****, is my advice.

Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1865232)
I finally have a working laptop so I can get back into this. Idk why but not having a laptop just killed my motivation.
Also slowed down my overall listening to music experience. Also why I have been popping into plug more lately.

And as for being impatient: FYI. TWO WEEKS ago, and no response from anyone who was in Orange, which is why I decided to up the ante. I'm a patient man, but my patience has limits. And it's not just me who's getting screwed over by lazy/uninterested ****ers, you know.

Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1862514)
Just to let you guys know, I've changed the participation penalty rule, or whatever the **** you want to call it, a little. Now, if you haven't reviewed at least the three albums before yours then yours will be bumped down three spaces in the line, and each week you fail to participate you will be moved another three down, until you reach the end. At this point it's your last chance; if you don't review anything by then your album will be removed entirely. No album which begins its downward journey will be restored to its previous spot, for that round: you go down, you stay down. How far down you go is up to you. Shut it, Batty. ;) This is of course only applicable to the current round, after which you'll have another chance.

For those who care, August 27 is the deadline but it's not in stone. If you want to participate fully after that date, or find your circumstances have changed, you suddenly could be bothered etc, you can still let me know and provided you back up your words with action, you can go on the Greenlist. The deadline is just to give me some idea of who's serious, especially for round three and beyond.

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