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Trollheart 04-23-2017 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by 1blankmind (Post 1825895)
Is it possible for me to join in still?

Yep, jump right on. We're doing a new one now.

Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1826560)
Wait, so how long till we can rec another album?

Once everyone on the list has had their go, we'll go around again. That's how it works.
Edit: in your case, 21 weeks.

Electrophonic Tonic 04-23-2017 08:29 PM

Pasty Cline


This is probably going to be the most difficult album I'll have to review. It's really hard to separate all the individual factors that make up this album and give it an objective score. You have Patsy Cline's immense vocal talent (she recorded nearly all of her material in one take), her legendary status due to her untimely death, a genre that I'm not the biggest fan of and an album of songs that I have been exposed to at some point either as these versions or because of ubiquitous cover versions.

The biggest compliment that I'll give to this album that has nothing to do with Pasty Cline is there is a surprising variety in the backing tracks. Not that there isn't some repetition between tracks, but considering the era this album was made in, the actual music doesn't sound completely mailed-in. I also like the little flourishes of the Jordanaires backing vocals.

As for Patsy Cline's vocals themselves, aka the Showcase, she's still an incredibly talent and is one of the more effortless singers ever put to record. Not that there is anything wrong with the power of an opera singer, or a Janis Joplin, but I can imagine Patsy Cline lying in bed after a long night at the honky tonk, and still being album to sing as well as she does on this record. This album would gets a passing grade alone just based on her. But there is enough else here that elevates it a bit more.

I do admit I wouldn't actively seek out Patsy Cline, but that's the worst that I can say about this. But even then, I can't deny what has actually been put to record even if I'm not exactly a fan of what I'm hearing. I'm not around enough to know everyone's tastes all that well, but consider me pleasantly surprised that this was Bat's pick. Kudos for making me actively listen to Patsy Cline and this album.


The Identity Matrix 04-23-2017 08:44 PM

I missed on Gris Gris last week so sorry about that...

Patsy Cline: Showcase

Yeah sorry batty, this ain't my kind of jam.... I can certainly appreciate it for what it does, showcases Cline's vocals. But I mean there really isn't anything musically going for it. Thus, we are relying entirely on Patsy Cline herself in grabbing the attention of the listener. I appreciate the fact that she has a good voice, and she really executes the sound of the era flawlessly, but other than that there really isn't a lot to grab on to. Many of the tracks on this record just blend together. I won't say this is bad or even average. I think it's just ok to me. Blame it on my parents who never played any of this kind of music for me as a kid. Blame it on the musical environment I grew up in, but this album just completely missed the mark for me. It's not for me, and that is pretty easy to accept for me. I certainly won't be going back to this any time soon, and it does not really invigorate me to check out her other work or other artists of the same ilk.

I'll give it a 6.1/10

Trollheart 04-24-2017 08:53 AM

Right guys, it's time to move on. No more Patsy reviews please. It's Bootsy now capische?

Trollheart 04-25-2017 05:44 PM
Never having got down with my bad self, really, in my life, I have never been anything like an aficionado of funk, so the name Bootsy Collins meant nothing to me, unless you imagine the ex-drummer from Genesis wearing very tiny shoes. But I see that he's super respected in the genre, and has been a member of at least two formative bands in the funk sphere, and the names helping out here – Bobby Womack, George Duke, Snoop Dog and Chuck D, as well as non-musicians such as the Reverend Al Sharpton and Samuel L Jackson – hey, even Buckethead! - bear this reputation out. So, like they (maybe) say in funk circles, let's get down on it, gentlemen.

1. What were your VERY FIRST impressions on listening to the album, say from the first five minutes in?
Oh, that's weird. Slow, creepy, dark voice but then the first actual music track is good.

2. What did you think of the opening track?
Let's discount the spoken intro and go to what I would consider the first actual track, “Hip hop @ Funk U”. Yeah, this is okay but it's not, as they say, really my jam. I actually prefer marmalade, but you know, whatevs.

3. What did you think of the next track?
****ing amazing! Album took a serious turn for the better. Jimi? Sampling Jimi talking? And is that one of his songs? Excellent.

4. Did you like the vocalist? Hate him/her? Any impressions? (see note 1)
Hard to say, as most of the time I'm not sure if it's Bootsy or one of the guests singing. From what I (think) I heard of him though, the guy sounds like a real fun dude, not taking himself too seriously but with some serious talent. I like him a lot and I bet he'd be a blast to party with. If I partied. Which I don't. I had fun once, and it was awful. But if I was going to party, I'd want to party with Bootsy.

5. Did the music (only) generally appeal to you, or not? (see note 2)
Oh yeah. One thing you'll never accuse funk of is being boring or up itself. It may often have messages but a lot of the time the general idea that comes across seems to be have fun and enjoy yourself. Real “up” music. Very enjoyable.

6. Did the album get better or worse as you listened to it (first time)?
Much better, for the most part. There were a few tracks I wasn't mad about, but despite being 17 tracks long it held my interest, and when I thought no way am I listening to that again, I found myself doing so. And again. And again.

7. What did you think of the lyrical content?
I kind of found myself not really listening too deeply to them, plus some of the speaking parts were a little off-putting. Samples I guess. The exception was Hendrix's speech, totally engrossing.

8. Did you like the instrumental parts? (see note 3)
Oh yeah, this music is smooth with a capital smoo!

9. What did you think of the production?
Sounds real slick but I guess you'd expect that.

10. Did you know of this artiste prior to listening to the album, and if so, did that foreknowledge colour your perception of this album?
No and no.

11. Is this, generally, the kind of music you listen to or not?
No. Like I say, funk is not my jam usually.

12. Assuming you listened to the album more than once, on repeated listens, did you find you liked the album more, or less?
Liked it better each time I listened

13. What would you class as your favourite track(s), if you have any?

“Mirrors tell lies”, “Don;t take my funk”, “Stars have no names”, “Chocolate caramel angel"

14. And the one(s) you liked least?
“Siento bombo”, “Jazz greats”, “Minds under construction”, “Garry Shider tribute”

15. If the album in question is a debut, did that fact allow it, in your mind, any leeway, and if so, was that decision justified or vindicated? (see note 4)

16. Are you now looking forward to hearing more from this artiste, if you have not heard any of their other material?
It's odd: the Spotify carried on without me noticing it, and I ended up listening to “Bootsy's Boot Leg” or something, and I really enjoyed it, so I may indeed indulge in some more of this guy's music.

17. Were you surprised by your reaction - positive or negative - to the album?
I was, yeah. When I saw it was a funk album I was expecting to be bored and have to struggle through it, and in general I found I really enjoyed it and had no problem with repeat listens.

18. Did the album end well?

Personally I didn't think it was as strong a song as the two that preceded it, and it went on way too long but it was a decent closer. Didn't ruin it, not by a long shot, but I found it slightly weak as a final track.

19. Do you see any way the album could have been improved?

I would take out some of the samples (not Jimi) but then, what do I know?

20. Do you think the album hung together well, ie was a fully cohesive unit, or was it a bit hit-and-miss?
Again, I know nothing really of funk, but this certainly seemed a well thought-out album and quite cohesive. Do I hear a Prince influence here, or was he a fan of Bootsy? I find a few of the songs so like him that I thought I might find him guesting....

Came close, DJ, real close, but I can only muster a 9/10. Pure Love though brother! Pure Love all the way.

innerspaceboy 04-26-2017 06:43 AM

Bootsy Collins - Tha Funk Capitol Of The World

I’ve picked up all ten of Bootsy’s solo and PFunk LPs released between 1972 and 1980, and tracking down original pressings of all the Parliament and Funkadelic LPs was my first foray into vinyl collecting, so I was intrigued to see a Bootsy album I’d not yet heard in the roster for this thread. But while I’m highly proficient in “first-wave” OG funk, my exposure to funk and hip-hop post-1988 is sorely limited. If memory serves, It Takes a Nation of Millions… is the most recent hip hop LP in my collection, and Digital Underground’s Sons of the P is the latest album I’ve heard from the genre. (I’ve never actually heard Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, or any of the other rappers of the 90s.) So I was definitely curious to see what I’d think of this more contemporary recording.

“Spreading Hope Like Dope” was a most welcome introduction. I was happy to hear that the PFunk mythos was still alive and well. And the legend continued with the opening lyrics of “Hip Hop and Funk U” getting on board the Mothership. But I was even more pleased to hear Bernie still on keys!

There’s definitely a nostalgic wave throughout the entire album, with frequent instrumental and lyrical nods to the classics of funk. (The instrumentation on “JB Still the Man” achieves this brilliantly!) And that’s in no way a bad thing - celebrating the golden age of funk has been a time-honored tradition from Digital Underground onward. I also liked that Bootsy kept the subject matter of the album consistent with the spirit of the P - songs like “Mirrors Tell Lies” and “Freedumb” preach messages of love, acceptance, positivity, and being true to yourself.

Halfway into the record, I had to pause it, get on the one, and dig out my Horny Horns, JBs, James Brown, Meters, Skull Snaps, and all my other funky LPs I hadn’t spun in years. I confess- Bootsy’s hit me with the bop gun and I’ve got to have some more. I’ll be revisiting them in the days ahead.

The all-star line-up of collaborators just keeps growing as the record plays on, with even Buckhead joining the party on “Minds Under Construction”. I had to dig up the full album credits just to keep track of them all. And Bootsy touches a wide array of musical stylings here, from funk to soul, from Latin to jazz, (and to whatever the hell Buckethead is).

There aren’t really any monstrously stand-out, grab-you-by-the-face tracks here, no airplay A-sides or earworm hooks, but that’s alright with me. This album is more of a celebration - getting musicians together to pay tribute to the funk and just to have a bit of fun. And to that end, the album succeeds splendidly.

Thanks, DJ Chameleon!


OccultHawk 04-26-2017 04:12 PM

Bootsy Collins - Tha Funk Capitol Of The World

This album accomplishes everything it sets out to do and more. Very fun and entertaining. I never heard it before either. 4/5 stars. Highly recommended.

Trollheart 04-29-2017 05:19 AM

Guys can we get moving on this please? It's Saturday and we have three - count 'em, three! - reviews. Try to get yours in today or tomorrow if you can so we can move on Monday.

Goofle 04-29-2017 05:27 AM

I'll try and get this review tomorrow but maybe Monday.

Trollheart 04-29-2017 09:14 AM

OK but I don't want double-figure reviews spilling over into Monday so can we please engage the gears guys??

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