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OccultHawk 11-14-2017 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1894605)
All right. Noted. Thanks. Really.

Trolls, it’s bull****. You’re fine. When it comes to pussy Frown and Bat are Puritans. It’s ironic but true. So what if you tend to mention women’s sex appeal. That’s exactly what you’re biologically programmed to notice. Why be a robot or a phony about. The pussy looks right, say so. It’s a compliment.

Trollheart 11-14-2017 05:41 PM

Song's still **** though.

Oriphiel 11-14-2017 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1894610)
Song's still **** though.

But would you fuck the song, though?

The Batlord 11-14-2017 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1894609)
Trolls, it’s bull****. You’re fine. When it comes to pussy Frown and Bat are Puritans. It’s ironic but true. So what if you tend to mention women’s sex appeal. That’s exactly what you’re biologically programmed to notice. Why be a robot or a phony about. The pussy looks right, say so. It’s a compliment.

It's really not. I don't want to be looked at as a man who should be judged by his role as a potential breadwinner for a family I don't want and a wife I don't intend to be the first among equals for, or my ability to knock a mother****er out to defend the honor of my woman/country/whatever, and yet I am ****ing constantly, and it's ****ing degrading and dehumanizing, and I imagine that it's much the same for women who are judged for their looks and ability to be trophy wives.

I'll talk about a woman's looks, but I try not to mix that with when I'm trying to talk about their worth as people. They're two separate issues and it's very ****ing easy as a man to mix the two without realizing it, which is really what I'm talking about TH doing, as he often does it subtly clearly without realizing it.

OccultHawk 11-14-2017 06:00 PM


I'll talk about a woman's looks, but I try not to mix that with when I'm trying to talk about their worth as people. They're two separate issues and it's very ****ing easy as a man to mix the two without realizing it, which is really what I'm talking about TH doing, as he often does it subtly clearly without realizing it.
Bull****. Trolls is just commenting on his opinion of their ****ability, same as you, when you comment on a woman’s appearance.

I actually don’t remember Frown or Elph doing it but if they want to live in self-imposed asexuality that’s fine. Frankly, I prefer your hypocrisy to their repression.

The Batlord 11-14-2017 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1894629)
Bull****. Trolls is just commenting on his opinion of their ****ability, same as you, when you comment on a woman’s appearance.

I actually don’t remember Frown or Elph doing it but if they want to live in self-imposed asexuality that’s fine. Frankly, I prefer your hypocrisy to their repression.

When people are talking about whether or not they're good artists and he responds with, "But you'd screw em, though, right?", then no, he is not. He is diminishing their worth as artists in respect to their role as **** dolls. As a standalone statement it's not the worst thing ever by any means and men and women do similar all the time, but he's had a history of condescending comments like this, and that's what I'm talking about. The pattern.

The biggest example I can point to is how he would talk to Vanilla as if it was just okay to mention how he thought she was hot every other post. She took it in stride, but it was weird and I doubt that she wasn't just being polite in not saying so.

Frownland 11-14-2017 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1894609)
Trolls, it’s bull****. You’re fine. When it comes to pussy Frown and Bat are Puritans. It’s ironic but true. So what if you tend to mention women’s sex appeal. That’s exactly what you’re biologically programmed to notice. Why be a robot or a phony about. The pussy looks right, say so. It’s a compliment.

Pretty sure that objectifying women is more puritanical than avoiding unfiltered creepiness.

OccultHawk 11-14-2017 06:12 PM


He is diminishing their worth as artists
Jesus ****ing Christ, **** you, Mother Therasa.

OccultHawk 11-14-2017 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1894638)
Pretty sure that objectifying women is more puritanical than avoiding unfiltered creepiness.

Christ you’re ****ing suburban.

Frownland 11-14-2017 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1894640)
Christ you’re ****ing suburban.

By definition.

To be fair though, the majority of dudes I would describe as suburban are rapey ****boys with sociosexual philosophies similar to yours.

OccultHawk 11-14-2017 06:52 PM


I have never played by any rules except strict adherence to classic no-means-no. No woman on earth has ever had to tell me no twice. That you consider consensual sex “rapey” demonstrates how deeply repressed you are.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 11-14-2017 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1894504)
This isn't just in response to this post, but basically anytime you see a female artist who's attractive you make a comment about how you'd bang them. I know you see it as a throwaway comment, but in the context of your greater posting history it's pretty ****ing condescending.

And no, this is not the beginning of a series of butthurt comments to all of you over this thread cause I knew full well no one else would care, but Trollheart is wide the **** open for this, I'm drunk, and I just feel like ****ing with him, cause, let's be honest, he deserves it. He's kind of a pig about female artists.

TBH I'm surprised this thread got more than two responses over the course of its entire existence.

lol at batlord trying to white knight the forum

idc if you actually feel the way that you’re saying but it’s pretty wild that you act one way and then feel the need to act superior to other people for doing something similar. objectifying women is objectifying women. you can try and act like you’re somehow morally superior because you stick to objectifying them in a thread aimed directly at doing that, but guess what: you’re not.

The Batlord 11-14-2017 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1894650)
lol at batlord trying to white knight the forum

idc if you actually feel the way that you’re saying but it’s pretty wild that you act one way and then feel the need to act superior to other people for doing something similar. objectifying women is objectifying women. you can try and act like you’re somehow morally superior because you stick to objectifying them in a thread aimed directly at doing that, but guess what: you’re not.

Okay, dude. I'm sure the bros at 4Chan will +1 your generic comment about how it's either black or white, but while I am criticizing a dude for this one thing, that doesn't mean I'm calling myself morally superior. I'm just pointing out one deficiency. Pretty simple. You don't have to be a prude, just recognize the grey areas when you can notice them.

Frownland 11-14-2017 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1894649)
I have never played by any rules except strict adherence to classic no-means-no. No woman on earth has ever had to tell me no twice. That you consider consensual sex “rapey” demonstrates how deeply repressed you are.

I know. That's why I didn't say you were rapey. I should have qualified it but do you get my point? I could give you a long form response after I finish some business.

Anteater 11-14-2017 07:41 PM

If a woman says "maybe" then she'll just say it was "no" in court later. :rofl:

Back to the main topic: there's good Adult Contemporary out there but that girl ain't it.

Trollheart 11-14-2017 07:42 PM

Well if nothing else I guess I'm glad I gave Batty's crappy thread a reason not to just fold in a few hours. Controversy: it's the lifeblood of the forums, no?

MicShazam 11-14-2017 07:59 PM

I dropped into this thread to see what the music was all about and then... all this talk about hating society and sexual objectification...

It did make me think about my own behaviour. Actually, not long ago, Batty called me a creepy perv. I'm pretty sure it was a joke, but it probably also alluded to the fact that I'm a fan of some pretty risque comic books (see Milo Manara). I don't actually see myself as neither "creepy" nor a perv, but I do have a pretty liberated view of sexuality and nudity. Honestly, to my Danish mind, American attitudes about nudity are ****ing weird. In a way, there's maybe a sort of duality to my appreciation of women - but I'd argue that it's in a purely healthy, respectful manner. As should be clear by now, I've got a record collection that's well over 50% female. Female singers, female songwriters, female musicians. There's no question that I respect the artistry of women. But at the same time, there's the aforementioned "dirty" comics, plus the fact that right there on my bookshelf, in plain sight, I've got several big collections of erotic photography. It's just one of the many things I geek out about. I imagine that many Americans would see that as pervy, but most Europeans wouldn't. Women's bodies are beautiful.

Not that I think anyone here is arguing that it's a zero sum game: Either don't talk about women's looks, or be considered sexist. No one is saying that, I know. I'm just trying to place myself somewhere on a spectrum of what's being talked about here.

I'd also say that I'm respectful towards all the women that I meet in life. I'll talk to women about any sort of subject, just like I would with a man. I'm not trying to hit on every pretty face that I meet and I don't often comment on the looks on women online either - not unless it's the obvious thing to do, given the context.

Which brings me to the "Marry Snog or Avoid" thread that Trollheart brought up. I'm a pretty frequent poster in there and I don't see anything wrong with that. It's harmless.

Then there was that weird discussion between Batlord and Occulthawk about alienation and not caring about other people... All that makes me think of is how I (fortunately) don't seem to have any choice but to care. I care immensely about other people. It's just who I am. I cried when I heard of the Utoya island massacre back in 2011, even though I know no one connected to it, or even anyone who comes from Norway. I just can't relate to the idea of not caring about people. Of course there are *******s, but I refuse to throw out all of my good will just because of that.

Sorry about the ramble. Weird threads beget weird comments.

OccultHawk 11-14-2017 08:13 PM

The Batlord 11-14-2017 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1894669)
I dropped into this thread to see what the music was all about


MicShazam 11-14-2017 08:16 PM

That's a good song. The singer just died. About which I care somewhat.

MicShazam 11-14-2017 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1894676)

What do you mean "?".

It's a thread about this Idina Menzel, right? She's got some songs. I.e. some music. So I dropped by intending to see what the hype was about. Pretty straight forward.

If you mean: "What do I think about her music then?", the answer is that I don't know, because I got distracted by all this other crazy talk.

The Batlord 11-14-2017 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1894677)
That's a good song. The singer just died. About which I care somewhat.

Just checked. Hoax. Lulz.


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1894678)
What do you mean "?".

It's a thread about this Idina Menzel, right? She's got some songs. I.e. some music. So I dropped by intending to see what the hype was about. Pretty straight forward.

If you mean: "What do I think about her music then?", the answer is that I don't know, because I got distracted by all this other crazy talk.


OccultHawk 11-14-2017 08:29 PM


Frownland 11-14-2017 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1894681)
Just checked. Hoax. Lulz.

You sure about that?

OccultHawk 11-14-2017 08:30 PM

He’s dead.

MicShazam 11-14-2017 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1894681)
Just checked. Hoax. Lulz.

Well yeah, if anybody says Mike Patton is dead, then it's a hoax. But Chuck Mosley is 100% dead from a heroin overdose.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1894681)

I'll have to get back to you on that. Remind me if I don't. There's so many damn things in here I've halfway promised to listen to.

The Batlord 11-14-2017 08:35 PM

Lol, I thought he was talking about Idina Menzel, so I Googled it and apparently there actually is a Facebook hoax that she died. What are the odds?

OccultHawk 11-14-2017 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1894690)
Well yeah, if anybody says Mike Patton is dead, then it's a hoax. But Chuck Mosley is 100% dead from a heroin overdose.

I'll have to get back to you on that. Remind me if I don't. There's so many damn things in here I've halfway promised to listen to.

They were actually a pretty fun band before Patton ruined it.

MicShazam 11-15-2017 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1894697)
They were actually a pretty fun band before Patton ruined it.

I think the best two FNM albums are with patton, but I don't think that the first one with patton is as good as Introduce Yourself. Still haven't heard the debut album.

Plankton 11-15-2017 10:13 AM

Someone please just build a snowman with Batlord.

Trollheart 11-15-2017 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1894815)
Someone please just build a snowman with Batlord.

The Batlord 11-15-2017 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1894815)
Someone please just build a snowman with Batlord.


Plankton 11-15-2017 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1894820)

I'm Batm...

No, that's not quite right.

I'm BatSnowm...

Nope. Hmmmm...

I'm melting.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 11-15-2017 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1894653)
Okay, dude. I'm sure the bros at 4Chan will +1 your generic comment about how it's either black or white, but while I am criticizing a dude for this one thing, that doesn't mean I'm calling myself morally superior. I'm just pointing out one deficiency. Pretty simple. You don't have to be a prude, just recognize the grey areas when you can notice them.

i dunno if i was drunk or what but i totally forgot about posting it. anyway, it’s weird to me that you would point it out in one person while embracing the same characteristics in your own way.

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