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hopefornothing 12-21-2004 08:00 AM

i just don't let it bother me anymore i mean really it's not my life why should a care what they do

LowLyfe10 01-31-2005 09:50 AM

Honestly....Who gives a rats ass, if they want to wear that crap, and others want to bash em, so be it. Everyone on this thread has talked **** or picked on someone somewhere. So in my opinion, were all hypocrits. Im actually getting tired of hearing this kinda thing, seems no matter where you go, you hear someone crying about this or that, and I'll admit im guilty of it too. But I realized one thing, we can sit and whine and bitch about this stuff all we want...but in the end its not going to do anyone any good. All it will do is keep giving people something to complain about, because as we all know, society isnt happy unless there is something to bitch about.

So to everyone that HAS to find fault with this person or that one.....keep living in your little world, I have better **** to do.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-31-2005 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by LowLyfe10
Everyone on this thread has talked **** or picked on someone somewhere.

Theres been plenty of people on here saying "kids will be kids, leave them be".

maxwell-cu 01-31-2005 10:30 AM

I listen to more emo than almost anyone I know and I'm pretty far from the stereotype. I wear mostly gap/abercrombie (lame I know, it's all from 5 or 10 years ago when I was a stupid kid) and J. crew clothing, for example. Semi long blonde affro'ish hair, thick beard, like to party alot, hardcore skiier. Definately never worn any emoish clothing at all or died my hair black or slit my wrists or any of that BS. Listening to a certain type of music does definately not put you into a stereotype although there is some truth to alot of stereotypes. I will say though that my new taste in music did stem primarily from my girl breaking up with me 3 weeks ago :/

Tommyrocker 01-31-2005 11:02 AM

I just live my life and listen to what i listen to. If i want to be depressed i will, its my life and im sick and tired of people trying to define me. Im live, therefore i am

hookers with machineguns 01-31-2005 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by covle
conforming to be a non-conformist kinda defeats the purpose


jibber 01-31-2005 03:09 PM

wow this is an old thread. Anyways, it just struck me as really interesting how so many people responded to this thread saying to listen to whatever kind of music you want, and that no one should be berrated for their personal taste in music, and in the rest of the threads it's a completely different story. Are people just bi-polar on this site, or could it be that some people just have a double standard? Maybe some people have the mentality that "I should be able to listen to whatever I want, it's a matter of personal opinion, but if someone listens to a band that I think is crap, they have a less evolved taste in music". Just thinking out loud really....well not out loud....on the keyboard....that didn't work, I'm gonna stop with this now. On a completely different note, maxell-cu, you ski?

Sweet Jane 01-31-2005 03:40 PM

^I know what you're trying to say, but some bands genuinely are awful, I can be a music snob but I do believe that some bands really should have their instruments taken off them, and anyone who listens to them should be given a crash course in music.

I'm really tolerant, in fact I'm very tolerant on the site as I'm not here to start arguing with people, but I notice that people who have record collections that I wouldn't touch even to play frisbee with who say my music taste is bad, they tend never to have heard most of the bands I like, therefore I can't help wondering if in some cases, bad taste is related to ignorance of the better stuff thats out there?

jibber 01-31-2005 03:54 PM

^ I see where you're coming from, and i'm guessing that a lot of the artists you're refering to as having no talent are the manufactured, mainstream bands with no more than 3 chords and repetitive melodic lyrics. A lot of their fans don't take the time to expose themselves to other music, although a lot of them do. Some people get turned on to whole other styles, with more complex instrumentals and deeper lyrics, but I have met quite a few people who have heard other stuff, and for one reason or another stick to bands that have that same simple, "pop-ish" sound that I was describing earlier. It could be argued that these bands don't have the same lyrical or musical ability as others, but for one reason or another, that's what some people like to hear.

maxwell-cu 01-31-2005 04:40 PM


On a completely different note, maxell-cu, you ski?
Yea, the goal is over 40 days this year. I live in Boulder, Colorado (one of the most beautiful college campuses in the country), and there are several world class ski resorts within 2 hours of campus. Mom lives in brekenridge too, which is 20 minutes from Arapahoe Basin and 30 minutes from Vail. I love where I live.

Where do you ski dude?

jibber 01-31-2005 04:48 PM

yeah my goal is around the same, I missed out on a whole week after getting sick earlier last week which really pissed me off. I ski fernie mainly, although right now everywhere in the rockies is basically crap, except the park of course, I'll be up in fernie next weekend, maybe make it down to nakiska one day, and the park up there is absolutely sick right now. You're so damn lucky to be living somewhere that hasn't been hit with the s*itty weather. And on a side note, I'm a girl :) oh woops, this has gone completely off topic....let's see...something wrong with kids today.....little mini-skanks are a problem.

maxwell-cu 01-31-2005 04:51 PM

The weather here really hasn't been that great, we were expecting a great snow season and it's been mediocre at best. I've been out over 20 days already and have only had one day with 6 + inches of snow. Can't complain though, vail is good even without snow.

jibber 01-31-2005 05:13 PM

yeah well we've been getting hit with a sh*tload of rain, whistler closed for a few days, so did fernie, basically everywhere is crap. but I guess I'll just stay in the park when i go up there next weekend, they've got a sick rail park up so i'm thinking I might hit that up. I'm just praying it'll get better before the season ends, park is fun, but I'm really craving some pow at the moment.

covle 01-31-2005 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by maxwell-cu
Mom lives in brekenridge too, which is 20 minutes from Arapahoe Basin and 30 minutes from Vail. I love where I live.

Where do you ski dude?

haha mom. you crazy kids.

maxwell-cu 01-31-2005 11:24 PM

well i go to college and am fairly independant (as much as you could expect from a busy, friendly college kid with alot of habbits and too lazy to get a job) but i still hit up my mothers house every other weekend to hit up the mountains and get in some fat skiing ~

A2L 01-31-2005 11:32 PM

I just got back from class and in need of shower so I haven't read all these posts yet but I have a simple question.

Ever since I moved back from Frisco, people I know have been calling me a metro/emo kid or whatever. I kicked it with a bunch of 'punk rockers', asians, metros, ***s, idiots, etc. Anyways, so instead of dressing in my usual way too baggy clothes and sweat pants, I developed some sort of style. It was much tighter and a cleaner look, yet I came to the conclusion that despite what everyone thought about me, when it came down to it I am a complete loser.

I am a nerd, geek, etc. I decided to open up and let the world know. I don't dress to impress so to say, I don't dress like I want to be cool, I dress like I picture most nerds would dress if they wanted to fit into a stereotype. I've always dyed and ****ed with my hair, have some piercings covering the left side of my face and I've always dug those black framed glasses.

So picture a short guy with spiked dyed red hair, the black box frame glasses (which are HUGE in SF), with just some actual fitting clothes (Smalls) (jeans, vests, chucks, etc). I'm curious to see if I fit into the stereotype cuz I associated with people who enjoyed emo but dressed however they want.

I can probably post a pic later when I get all my **** hooked up, if i felt like it... but yeah just curious. Cuz if i don't cool, if I do, then whatever, I"m not going to change cuz it's 'trendy'. I'm going to stay like this cuz I enjoy the way I look, like some loser trying to be cool =)


the starred out word is just G4Ys... not f4g or anything derrogatory like that.

This_isnt_highschool 02-04-2005 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
Fecking stereotypes!!! Not all people who like emo are like that. Emo started out as just another stupid music genre, but as soon as someone realised only certain types of people were listening to it, everyone who now listens to it is stereotyped as some depressive, attention seeking loser.. That's the sort of person you are, not the music you listen to most.

Tis no different than if someone said all rockers have long hair or mullets, or all boys who wear eyeliner are ***. I hate stereotypes, they make fools of everyone...

here here!! Why do people judge your music sence on how you look?!? its ridiculous! then again it should make you feel special! these people are worrying more about what you look like than their own lives, im honoured lol

Anarchy doll 02-04-2005 07:47 AM

I have to say that that is a very good point, but kids will hang with kids whom they are better at getting along with, so if it's punks, there is something drawing them to that crowd, or whatever crowd you are reffering to. I have gone through the phases, and am sick of trying, I have 2 boys and have found that pnk is my style due to personality, I can't always match my colors, and have perfect hair that is not sticking up, so I just go with it, so if that is punk, it works, not to say that I don't like to listen to the odd Patsy Cline hit....however, the Sex Pistols are god! LOL!

riseagainstrocks 02-04-2005 02:36 PM

wear what you want, do what you want. if it bothers you than deal with it.

i wear girls pants and tight pants. whatever. i have been since 8th grade. i like the way the look and feel and alot of girls think their hot. when my manhood is called into question i either brush it off or if its serious enough i offer to show them, this scares off most people. the others well, we end up fighting. i got bros. i win. i didn't capatalize one single i this entire time. i'm lazy...

bmxpunkr 02-05-2005 11:24 AM

The real problem is when bands see that thier form of music is trendy so they sell out and start to get played on radio and MTV. Then every trend whore kid pretends to like them just to be popular. This is what I hate. All the damn 12 year old mainstream girls that don't know **** about the genre suddenly think that emo is cool even though a month ago they had no idea that it existed.

A2L 02-05-2005 12:40 PM

Man, Emo is like a source of shame amoung the people i know and the area I live in. I realized along time ago that there are enough problems inthe world, we shouldn't make them worse by judging and insulting people by their taste in music. But, I swear, you listen to emo here and people will talk **** because they associate emo with simple plan and good charlotte and the likes of the MTV brand names. Greatest bumper sticker i ever saw in a head shop was, "Mtv Makes Me Want to Smoke Crack"

ArtistInTheAmbulance 02-06-2005 03:45 AM

Whether emo is something to be proud of or not just depends on where you are in the world. If there are alot of people who start saying that emo is bad, most of the people around will agree. Its not a bad thing, its just the way it is.

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-06-2005 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by bmxpunkr
The real problem is when bands see that thier form of music is trendy so they sell out and start to get played on radio and MTV. Then every trend whore kid pretends to like them just to be popular. This is what I hate. All the damn 12 year old mainstream girls that don't know **** about the genre suddenly think that emo is cool even though a month ago they had no idea that it existed.

Thats what happens to all genres , stop being so anal about it.

bmxpunkr 02-09-2005 02:22 PM

I just hate it when underground bands start to play ****ty pop music with the purpose of going mainstream to make more money. It seems like bands can only make one or two good records and then they go to **** ass pop.

Zealious 02-09-2005 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by bmxpunkr
I just hate it when underground bands start to play ****ty pop music with the purpose of going mainstream to make more money. It seems like bands can only make one or two good records and then they go to **** ass pop.

You're just not listening to the right bands yet

ArtistInTheAmbulance 02-09-2005 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by bmxpunkr
I just hate it when underground bands start to play ****ty pop music with the purpose of going mainstream to make more money. It seems like bands can only make one or two good records and then they go to **** ass pop.

Well I guess they gotta get money. And maybe they change cause they like the style, you never know.

It gets really annoying when everyone complains about this. If you dont like their new sound, then dont listen to it. Theres nothing stopping you from listening to their old stuff, you dont have to go off that band altogether. Unless youre easily swayed and would be embarassed to admit you like a band that has moved towards the pop end of the spectrum, but if thats youre case then I feel sorry for you. Thats no life to live...Thats everyone elses life youre living.

Ok I just went completely off topic so.. Yeah back to whatever everyone was talking about before.

David Frost 02-09-2005 06:13 PM

you are a retard.

sleepy jack 02-09-2005 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by David Frost
you are a retard.

:beer: Dude see whi have to live with? Finnaly though someone who agrees with me.

bmxpunkr 02-12-2005 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Zealious
You're just not listening to the right bands yet

This has only happend to like 5% of the bands I like. I just see other bands doing it all the time. But it seems like more and more bands are doing it these days. I just don't want the bands that I listen to doing this.

hopefornothing 02-22-2005 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Taking back thursday
Dude being a band is a job People cant live on nuthing. If they changed their sound for the money its cause they need it DA!! I mean if someone has to change they way the cook teh hamburgers at Mcdonalds does that mkae them a sell out?

when you stop playing what you like and playing what everyone else likes than yes that is selling out :usehead:

phoenixflames 04-24-2005 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Oi_To_The_World
i like the original post (whoever wrote it) saying that not conforming is conforming. i think i said something along those lines in another post somewhere.
i think people have this unintentional fixation with labels. i think it is just as common with adults as it is teens or children. most of the people on this site are still in high school, so there's yer typical clique-label crap that everybody goes through. In the workplace however, there are just as many useless labels. People are constantly conforming to their political (or nonpolitical) affiliations, religion, social standing and etiquette, gender, race, etc. etc.
in general, i think people should not concern greatly over what they or someone else is wearing. it seems really trivial once you get outta high school, where image is force-fed to the impressionable. let people do what they want. and you do what you want. because in the end, no fashion is original or creative. No label is withstanding...
If you talk to an intelligent person, they will not care what you are wearing. At least, i hope not...

I agree 100%!!!!!

pastor of muppets 04-24-2005 08:55 PM

in answer to the original post i think that kids are all too insecure in themselves to go off and be an individual and thats why they act like sheep... most of them anyway.....

.angie. 04-24-2005 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by pastor of muppets
thats why they act like sheep...


although it is very true.

pastor of muppets 04-24-2005 09:35 PM


phoenixflames 04-24-2005 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by pastor of muppets
thats why they act like sheep... most of them anyway.....

Would they then be more aptly called "sheeple"?

pastor of muppets 04-24-2005 10:18 PM

that depends on your perspective is suppose...

princess_jenney 04-28-2005 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by tiaw
I have one of the most diverse taste's in music, clothing and pastimes of anyone i know, simply because i really dont care if i fit into someone else's idea of what is "emo" or "indie" or "gothic" or "pop" or whatever the hell else?

Question is, why cant other's be like this?

I am the same way and often get shunned for "hey you're not punk so what are you doin' at this show?" my answer is because of the music not the scene.

.angie. 04-28-2005 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by phoenixflames
Would they then be more aptly called "sheeple"?

lol! also quite amazing.. i like sheep, just not being one? that would suck with all that wool stuff.

and i agree that it is stupid that people are categorized by how they dress.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 04-29-2005 09:33 AM

^But everyone does it to some extent, some just judge more than others. If I see someone wearing all black and covered in pentagrams, I dont think nothing of it. It just happens in your head, you dont neccessarily think about it, but you do.

phoenixflames 04-29-2005 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
^But everyone does it to some extent, some just judge more than others. If I see someone wearing all black and covered in pentagrams, I dont think nothing of it. It just happens in your head, you dont neccessarily think about it, but you do.

I agree with you about that. But there is a division between those who catagorize people in their mind (everyone does it as you said), and those who allow that judgement to affect their treatment and demenor towards that person.

I think as human beings its natural to catagorize and grade people in your mind. Just think about when you see someone of the opposite sex. Most (if not all) people will grade that person, dertermining their attractiveness in their mind. Its just human nature. Where it turns bad is when people use that judgement to cloud their eyes to peoples true nature. But here I go, rambling on...

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