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s_k 03-23-2011 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by crukster (Post 1023410)
Nah no worries man it's Citalopram for depression. They don't really do much though, just give loads of weird side effects so I might go off them. But you can't go cold turkey and just stop or the withdrawl makes you suicidal or something

That's how it works. You may want to try another one though.
It sometimes really takes some effort to find out which one is right for you

EvilChuck 03-23-2011 07:18 PM

I had a dream that involved me, Snooki from Jersey Shore, and a massive mansion. We had the place to ourselves, which was great because we could do anything we wanted (there was no sex in the dream that I can remember, we spent alot of time playing video games and watching tv though). It turned into that episode of South Park though where Cartman buys an amusement park just for himself, and then has to hire people to run it so needs a couple of visitors a day to pay the wages, which then turns into hundreds and then thousands. We had to hire people to cook, do some cleaning and whatever else needed doing (we were both lazy in this dream), and eventually the mansion was so overrun with people we were having to run around the mansion trying to escape what had become hoardes of Snooki fans that had been given admission in order to do our dirty work.

zachsd 03-24-2011 12:23 AM


I had a dream that involved me, Snooki from Jersey Shore ... there was no sex in the dream that I can remember
Thank god.

Howard the Duck 03-24-2011 12:27 AM

i just had a recent dream where i was making love to an ex, and she got up and left in the nude, saying "my mom doesn't allow me"

(I broke up with her because of her parent's restrictions against being with me)

Scarlett O'Hara 03-24-2011 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by EvilChuck (Post 1023449)
I had a nightmare that involved me, Snooki from Jersey Shore, and a massive mansion. We had the place to ourselves, which was great because we could do anything we wanted (there was no sex in the dream that I can remember, we spent alot of time playing video games and watching tv though). It turned into that episode of South Park though where Cartman buys an amusement park just for himself, and then has to hire people to run it so needs a couple of visitors a day to pay the wages, which then turns into hundreds and then thousands. We had to hire people to cook, do some cleaning and whatever else needed doing (we were both lazy in this dream), and eventually the mansion was so overrun with people we were having to run around the mansion trying to escape what had become hoardes of Snooki fans that had been given admission in order to do our dirty work.


djchameleon 03-24-2011 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1023706)

lol leave Snooks alone

It was a dream it only turned into a nightmare later on when they had to run away from the Snookie fans.

Scarlett O'Hara 03-24-2011 04:32 AM

All I have to say is: hell to the no.

crukster 03-26-2011 09:10 AM

Alright this was a weird ****ing dream man

I was in some sort of school facility a lot like Balamb Garden from ff8. It was really cool cos like, I had loads of friends and there were loads of hot girls who thought I was all awesome. You had to choose 3 subjects, the subjects I chose were Art, Music and Maths I think. lol. Then there was this evil organisation. They wanted to build something near the school or something, and they used solar power to power their facilities. I think they were gonna blow us up with rockets, but anyway we pre-emptively shone a giant mirror satellite at their facility and it overloaded and blew up. Then all the people were falling and doing wilhelm scream and dying, but some fell into the ocean and were alright. Some of em weren't though, and it zoomed in on them all falling and some dying and some being alright, one of them said "gimme a hand" and he said "HAY OK!!" and he extended an arm, but when the first dude grabbed it it was ripped out the socket and there was like camera panning and really cheesy dramatic music DUH DUH DUH DUH!!! then the second dude just floated off with no arms and legs. lol.

And then I thought. "Wow. Maybe WE'RE the evil ones."

Earlier in the dream it was like raining or sandstorming or something. But because of the siolar satellite the weather had got effected and now it was snowing but weird snow, like melty snow (not rain, melty snow damnit). At the same time though, it was really hot and everyone was naked. I was carrying a really heavy bag - which I got from another dream, ****ing weird.
So I was throwing that around and kept falling over in a slapstick sort of way. Then I was back in the classroom that I was in at the start of the dream. For some reason I had some makeup in my pocket. Loads of girls were putting on makeup, and I looked at the crap I had and I thought "I dont need this **** why have I got it?" And then I noticed there was more stuff in it than everyone elses, so I was gonna give it to someone, then I thought "dude they're gonna think I'm tooty fruity carrying makeup around in my pocket" then another little dude went "HEY NO ITS OK, You''l be metrosexual girls think thats hot" then I ate some of the makeup cos they looked like grapes. And I was sitting next to a naked girl who looked like Velicity Von, but her boobs/front were covered and I could only see her naked back. And I was thinking of a way to initiate conversation and then I said something lame like "I like it when a girl is nakedly covering her boobies its hot cos its MYSTERIOUS" then I woke up damnit

The dream I had before this, there was this weird city. There was all these computers that had a chat like the MB chat. And I was writing sht like HEY EVERYONE GUESS WHAT


and then it projected on a big screen in like a shopping centre in the middle of the city,

then it started raining money everywhere, like change, coins. So I was pocketing them, then one of the other dudes from the chat got a bag and we was getting the money but then he got arrested or beat up or something I dunno. I was filling up the bag then I woke up and lost it and when I went back to sleep the next dream above started. And then the bag I had in that was the one filled with coins, i'm pretty sure

I also had a dream abotu "broccoli weed" weird weed that looked like broccoli. I was smoking it with my little bro and I defintly remember getting a bit of a buzz off it in dream, but sort of like "watered down". It was enough though that when i woke up, I was actually stressing trying to sleep again so I could have some more, I got really disconnected from reality for like an hour just laying in bed awake. ****in crackhead even in my dreams

Howard the Duck 03-26-2011 09:34 AM

^^i wish i had your dreams

weirdest ones I had:-

some alien-ish predator was hunting me in some wild alien forest, when it caught me, it spiked a bear-trap like contraption from my chin to the top of the head, it pulled some trigger, blam! my entire skull was ripped open

i was in prison, they sent in some hookers who had glass shards on their bodies - I was forced to have sex with one of them, ended up with my flesh ripped to shreds

i went to Hell, the Lord of the Underworld was torturing me by feedings bits of me ripped off slowly piece by piece and fed to some giant boar

i was walking the streets of France, the ground broke under me, I fell into a cathedral beneath, as I walked up to the head monk, I tapped him on the shoulder, he turned to face me and said something like "surprise! this is Hell" - turned out he was Lucifer

EvilChuck 03-26-2011 03:45 PM

I had a dream last night, I was staying in the penthouse of a really run down hotel, that was basically a lobby and then floor upon floor of spiral staircases until you got to the penthouse. There were no other rooms in the hotel at all, but there were alot of floors that for some reason were all on fire and that people were running around on, but not running on to the staircase.

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