Music Banter

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blackTshirt 05-21-2006 11:28 AM

oh my god... it's raine...
you probably don't remember me, but i remember you

Levithan 05-21-2006 11:30 AM

Ive recently found out, that I shout in my sleep sometimes...Not like real words, just slurs, tis pretty funny

mosesandtherubberducky 05-21-2006 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Levithian
Ive recently found out, that I shout in my sleep sometimes...Not like real words, just slurs, tis pretty funny

I talk. My mom said that I have transgender conversations with myself and imaginary people in my sleep.

Piss Me Off 05-21-2006 12:42 PM

My brother sings really loudly, and i sleep in the room next to him. Its pretty disturbing actually, like some sort of tribal chanting, but creepier.

IamAlejo 05-21-2006 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Piss Me Off
My brother sings really loudly, and i sleep in the room next to him. Its pretty disturbing actually, like some sort of tribal chanting, but creepier.

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mosesandtherubberducky 05-21-2006 02:15 PM

too much time on your hands alejo?

IamAlejo 05-21-2006 02:29 PM

yeah i dont have work today

(but no, i just copied and pasted it)

Inquisitor 05-21-2006 03:39 PM

Jeeze, you people are animals.

1. I regularly masturbate in public

2. I buy (and then smoke) cigarettes

3. If I've just eaten something that I thoroughly enjoyed, I regurgitate it back up and enjoy it for a second (slightly more acidic and less-consolidated) time.

TrampInaTux 05-22-2006 12:21 AM

I sleeptalk/walk aswell. I'm really angry when I do then. I swear, punch walls. My sovereign ring got bent the last time I punched a wall, that's how much I go for it. I find it funny though, it's always great to hear the stories of what I've done the morning after.

Merkaba 05-22-2006 02:28 AM

^ Haha, nice. Apparently I'm a real arsehole to wake up, I'll abuse people til they start pulling me out of bed or pushing my shoulder.

One Christmas I got up too early, got sent back to bed and went back to sleep. And then an hour later the rest of the family got up and I was still sleeping, they jumped on me trying to get me up and all I could mumble was fuck off repeatedly.

rudgrljungalist 05-22-2006 02:48 AM

I talked about this site to my friends once, I then found myself feeling slightly embarassed. I've told my mom,dad and grandma to f*ck themselves while they were trying to wake me up (these were 3 separate occasions) I wake up in the middle of the night and eat. I woke up 2 nights ago, and the remains of a ring pop and some other candy were beside me on the pillow, and I really don't remember eating them...

Urban Hat€monger ? 05-22-2006 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Merkaba

One Christmas came in around 7am totally rat arsed and went to sleep. And then a couple of hours later the rest of the family got up and I was still sleeping, they jumped on me trying to get me up and all I could mumble was fuck off repeatedly.until about 6pm in the evening when I finally got up

Very much like my xmas story from a few years back , i`ve bolded the differences ;)

LukeM_UK 05-22-2006 09:53 AM

Nice truck Raine. :)

MURDER JUNKIE 06-05-2006 03:59 AM

I sh!t my pants 10 minutes ago, true story.

I had to throw out my underwear and everything, I guess I got a bit of the Mexican Mudslides. Thank god no one was around, I just coughed and out it came.

Embarrassing to say the least

Cheese 06-05-2006 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE
I sh!t my pants 10 minutes ago, true story.

I had to throw out my underwear and everything, I guess I got a bit of the Mexican Mudslides. Thank god no one was around, I just coughed and out it came.

Embarrassing to say the least


Alo 06-05-2006 04:13 AM

Omg. That's nasty, makes me think of a story my aunt once told me. She was sitting at work, and had to fart. So she did, but a splash of diarhoea came out with it. She had to walk through an entire building and sit in the car for more than an hour, with **** dripping out of her pants. She must have smelled so bad. :')

My most embarassing occasion, was after I got drunk at a party and slept at my boyfriends house. I was in his bathroom buttnaked, and I was throwing up for about half an hour, the worst thing was when he sat behind me, petting me. I fell back in his arms at one point, told him I loved him, and immediately went back to puking... I couldn't look him in the eye for quite a while. xD

LukeM_UK 06-05-2006 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Alo
That's nasty, makes me think of a story my aunt once told me. She was sitting at work, and had to fart. So she did, but a splash of diarhoea came out with it. She had to walk through an entire building and sit in the car for more than an hour, with **** dripping out of her pants.

:laughing: :rofl: :laughing:

Alo 06-05-2006 05:13 AM

That was my reaction too! :')

Especially when you think she is in a very high function.

TrampInaTux 06-05-2006 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE
I sh!t my pants 10 minutes ago, true story.

I had to throw out my underwear and everything, I guess I got a bit of the Mexican Mudslides. Thank god no one was around, I just coughed and out it came.

Embarrassing to say the least

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I would have put the smiley rolling on the floor, but I couldn't be arsed to click the 'more' button.

LukeM_UK 06-06-2006 05:16 AM

^ Lazy c*nt... ;)

TrampInaTux 06-06-2006 12:06 PM


I bet you're now wishing I was to lazy to reply...

LukeM_UK 06-07-2006 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by hobojesus
I bet you're now wishing I was to lazy to reply...

You can say that again... :soapbox: (not literally!!) ;)

For a minute then, I was thinking I might have accidentally clicked on the - 'Insult the person above you' thread... :laughing:

Alo 06-07-2006 06:57 AM

Hey hey, be nice! :laughing:

LukeM_UK 06-08-2006 05:50 AM

^ To someone who calls me a "Bus collecting crazy motherf*cker"?? :yikes:

- You must be joking!! :laughing: ;)

LukeM_UK 06-09-2006 11:15 AM

I sometimes dance... not like the bear - but like this guy. :o:

And now I - - Make a sharp exit...

rkingpin 06-09-2006 06:29 PM

pick my nose with eyes closed

MURDER JUNKIE 06-10-2006 04:40 AM

Do you peek at it when it's on your finger??

Barnard17 06-10-2006 10:48 AM

Last night I got highly paraplegic with the help of alcohol. Though I cannot remember the events myself, I'm told that I said to the person who was taking care of me "I'd kiss you, but I taste of sick"

Yes. I am the King of pick up lines ;)

bruise_violet 06-10-2006 12:13 PM

It was to a girl, yeah?

I did a pretty embarrassing thing today, I had a drama thing and I needed to use a little tiny box as a prop, for a jewelry present. Well, on stage I discovered that I had left this box in my handbag, and there was no way I could get it. I hunted around backstage with my friend for a subsitute, as this was vital for the improvisation. All I could find was a big green shoebox with 'CHINESE' written on it, and I had to go on stage so I just grabbed it. It got an odd reaction, I heard someone in the audience whisper "what the fuck??"

Barnard17 06-10-2006 01:21 PM

Yes, it was a girl.

Sadly, I didn't score :(

But I did grab some ass :)

bruise_violet 06-10-2006 01:33 PM

Ah well good enough :D

The Ten Thousandth Fist 06-10-2006 03:22 PM

I tend to talk to inanimate objects at random times. That tends to garner some confused looks from friends and people in the general vicinity. That and I am very expectant of my Internet and computer... if the Internet goes down (due to a storm or something... DSL's main flaw) I am not a happy guy.

I don't like depending on others, either, which means I don't trust very well either.

jr. 06-10-2006 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by bruise_violet
It was to a girl, yeah?

I did a pretty embarrassing thing today, I had a drama thing and I needed to use a little tiny box as a prop, for a jewelry present. Well, on stage I discovered that I had left this box in my handbag, and there was no way I could get it. I hunted around backstage with my friend for a subsitute, as this was vital for the improvisation. All I could find was a big green shoebox with 'CHINESE' written on it, and I had to go on stage so I just grabbed it. It got an odd reaction, I heard someone in the audience whisper "what the fuck??"

You see, now I thought that was funny. You went from drama to comedy. You should have improvised a line.

"Here, I got you a brass Buddha"

bruise_violet 06-11-2006 03:00 PM

Hahaha it was supposed to be a very serious drama, so the green chinese kinda ruined it!

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