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MURDER JUNKIE 04-03-2006 02:21 AM

Embarrassing Things That You Do
I thought it might be funny to list some things about yourself that are kind of embarrassing, I'll start:

1) I don't like any of my food touching, I have often considered getting myself some prison trays

2) I am very jumpy, sudden movements or sounds will send me to near hysterics. I blame it on my marijuana smoking in my teens

3) I have a very large comfort bubble, if anyone is within 4 feet of me it creeps me out and I have to back up. This also applies to people touching me, no matter how innocent it seriously creeps me out

4) I watch the O.C. religiously!! I have never missed an episode

5) I drink a beer in the shower every morning when I get home from work, I justify it as a poor man's way of having a beer in the hot tub. Incidentally, you should try this

6) I have a daily routine that I never stray from, if something throws a wrench in my routine I have a mild anxiety attack until I am caught up

I have many more but I would like to hear yours

adidasss 04-03-2006 03:51 AM

i second 1. and 3. ( north americans have a tendancy to stand too close when they talk to you ).

3.i have a tendancy to include people from the internet in my dreams

4. i'm a creature of habit, if i can't get on line, i get seriously annoyed/nervous

5.i watch brasilian soap operas ( because they're damn good ), and spanish soap operas ( for the language mind you )

6. i watch gardening programs and have a slight fetish to back gardens.

7. i flirt with women

8. nine times out of ten ,i piss sitting down ( a) i'm a lazy bugger and it's just easier to sit down, especially in the morning, b) it's too messy when you do it standing up, i'm a terrible marksman )

9. i'm incredibly pissy when it comes to food, i tend to stick to one type of food , that's all i eat untill it completely disgusts me and i end up living on yoghurt for a couple of days until i figure out what i like enough to put in my mouth ( i don't enjoy food, i eat because i have to )

and there are some other highly embaressing things i'll take to my grave....

MURDER JUNKIE 04-03-2006 03:54 AM

I piss sitting down as well
for um................................................ ................other reasons

adidasss 04-03-2006 03:59 AM

well, not in public toillets obviously..that's just gross...

and what could those other reasons be i wonder...;)

boo boo 04-03-2006 04:22 AM

1. Im the biggest damn Lost fanatic you will ever meet.

2. I love ELP. :(

3. Theres this one little thing i do that involves my penis, a piece of string, a midget and some bottle rockets.

adidasss 04-03-2006 05:01 AM

ok junkie, can you please explain 4.? i mean, it's interesting for me to watch it, i can watch any american teen show, but what could a married man in his 30-ies find interesting? that's hilarious man....and the're a freak!!

oh, also, this is not very embaressing, but i don't like shaving my beard much, so i only do it when it starts to get irritating, every 10 days or most of the time, i look like a hobo...which is fine by me...

and i also hate cleaning up, and since i live alone, days and weeks go by before i clean my flat or wash the dishes...i usually wait untill i run out of clean dishes so i'm forced to wash it....( you've seen the state of my computer desk )

oh , i get easily embaressed , tend to sweat when talking to new people, and i dread uncomfortable silences, hence why i never approach people or start a conversation ( result = me not having friends and being a loser )

so yeah, essentially, i'm a lazy dirty bugger...

MURDER JUNKIE 04-03-2006 07:04 AM

I am totally with you on the shaving, I shave once every 5-7 days as you could see in my pic. I am a scumbag

As for the O.C., I was in my teens when 90210 came out and I never missed an episode of that either. Honest to God, I saw ALL of them. Even the last three years or so when it really sucked, I still never missed it. When it went off the air I was vexed as to where I would find my one hour escape back into complicated teenage life. After many pseudo 90210 failures, I tried out the O.C. Memorable characters, witty dialogue, the odd comic book reference, nubile teenage bodies. I has hooked like a dirty old man sitting on the pedestrian benches at the mall.

I am the happiest guy in the world now that Ryan has ditched that Marrissa twat, much to my wife's lament I have voiced my distaste for that troublesome bonerack for two years during every episode. I mean Christ he's just a kid from Chino tryin' to do the right things and that bitch just keeps gettin' him in trouble.

...............................................uh, I just read what I wrote and now I'm REALLY embarrassed.

adidasss 04-03-2006 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE
I am totally with you on the shaving, I shave once every 5-7 days as you could see in my pic. I am a scumbag

As for the O.C., I was in my teens when 90210 came out and I never missed an episode of that either. Honest to God, I saw ALL of them. Even the last three years or so when it really sucked, I still never missed it. When it went off the air I was vexed as to where I would find my one hour escape back into complicated teenage life. After many pseudo 90210 failures, I tried out the O.C. Memorable characters, witty dialogue, the odd comic book reference, nubile teenage bodies. I has hooked like a dirty old man sitting on the pedestrian benches at the mall.

I am the happiest guy in the world now that Ryan has ditched that Marrissa twat, much to my wife's lament I have voiced my distaste for that troublesome bonerack for two years during every episode. I mean Christ he's just a kid from Chino tryin' to do the right things and that bitch just keeps gettin' him in trouble.

...............................................uh, I just read what I wrote and now I'm REALLY embarrassed.

hahahahaha...dude, i totally get you, but the differnece being, i'm a fag and i'm allowed to behave like a teenage schoolgirl. you are not....but i love you all the more for it....*cough/manly voice* in a strickly....friend sort of way....

and 91210 totally sucked ever since brenda left ( i love that scene from mall rats when the fat dude goes "brenda??" after seing shannon dorothy )

i like to watch the oc because of ryans best friend (, ryan annoys me....acting all shy with that whispering voice shit....besides, it's pretty clear he's 3 feet tall and midgets freak me out...

MURDER JUNKIE 04-03-2006 08:24 AM

I like Summer, she gets MAJOR points for when she dressed up like Wonder Woman

ArtistInTheAmbulance 04-03-2006 12:19 PM

I have a tardy, weakened down form of OCD. Its always to do with symmetry, like if I step one too many times on one foot in one place, I have to go back and fix it.
I dribble when I concentrate too hard [this is getting better, I swear].
I tend to walk into things; I watch my feet when I walk, and so Im always walking into people, doors and lamposts. I actually cut my face open the other week from walking into a pole..
I still have a tamagotchi and care for it.
I still have a diary that I write in every other day at minimum.
I am in love with stationary shops.
I bite everyone, and have a strange lust for forearms.
Um, when I laugh, I tend to squeal sometimes.
I'll think of more later. There are plenty of things I could think of.

And marijan, you should shave.
Facial hair's not too good.

mosesandtherubberducky 04-03-2006 12:49 PM

1. I've read all of the CTRL+Alt+Delete comics in three days.

2. I know how to foward any port through a router.

3. I read all of the Vgcats in one sitting.

4. I enjoy dipping my Pringles in chocolate Pudding

5. I can probably tell you why your computer is acting stupid.

6. I have a 99% in honors biology (not so much embarrassing but more gloating on that one)

DontRunMeOver 04-03-2006 12:54 PM

1. As almost an opposite to MJ and Marijan, I am extremely un-fussy about food. This is a source of embarrasment because...
a) I will happily wolf down things the mere sight/smell of which could make other people retch.
b) If somebody else is full, but has not eaten all of the food on their plate I will, without fail, ask if they've finished and if I can have the remaining food. It doesn't matter where it is, at home, at a fancy restaraunt or even at an all-you-can eat (think about it) I'll still do this and then proceed to clear their plate.

2. I try to kick pigeons whenever they come near me.

3. If I see a rat in the road (there are quite a few around here) I'll run after it, to try to kill it.

4. I always hide behind things and jump out on my friends, or try to sneak up on them in public.

5. I engage in face-pulling contests against small children in public (particularly on public transport) and when their parents notice that they are looking at something and giggling I stop pulling a face, look away and pretend nothing was happening.

6. I sing to myself in public toilets and in changing rooms, even when other people are there.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 04-03-2006 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver
5. I engage in face-pulling contests against small children in public (particularly on public transport) and when their parents notice that they are looking at something and giggling I stop pulling a face, look away and pretend nothing was happening.

I love this.
I havent done it since I got caught, and the mother gave me a stare that could have turned me to stone, I swear.
What a killjoy :(

right-track 04-03-2006 01:14 PM

When I'm drunk I stand on tables and sing, to the embarrassment of my mates.
Also I hog the mic at Karaoke and tend to get carried away.
I have a very special nack of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time
e.g; I got into a conversation with a person who I had just met about baldness (he was bald) and I commented on how baldness was hereditary and that at a guess his Father was probably bald.
He replied, "that's a load of crap because he isn't".
To which I said jokingly, "then you must take after your Mother."
The lad glared at me and left the room, which by now had fallen silent.
It was then I was informed that his Mother had died recently...of cancer. :(

holdyoualways 04-03-2006 01:37 PM

mmmm lets see

1. i have a very bad habit of biting my nails. all 20 of them.

2. im constantly itching my butt or readjusting my boobs.

3. i lack common sense to the MAX.

4. i enjoy watching wild n out on mtv.

5. whenever i walk my a mirror, i feel the sudden urge to pose or make some whacked out face. i cant help it.

theres lots more

Mama Booze 04-03-2006 01:58 PM

Most all the time when I have my Ipod on, I'll start singing lowdly and not realise it.

And also, if I touch an inanimate object[with the exception of a keyboard], I have to do it with the other hand,'s'well. [It gets very annoying.]

When someone catches me off guard and asks me a question I tend to jumble my words at not make sense in math class. Tut.

I'm sure there are more that are slipping my mind.

OHHH.. Making a fool of myself on a music forum :)

adidasss 04-03-2006 02:05 PM

i also have a tendancy to say the most inappropriate things i.e.: a friend of my sister comes to my flat, i open the door, she looks sorta fucked up, i say " jesus, you look like shit" ( those words exactly ) to have her reply "well how the fuck would you look if you just came from your friends funeral?!"...:(

jr. 04-03-2006 02:18 PM

Oh my. Where to begin.

If a song comes on in a store that I enjoy, I will sing it out loud, much to the chagrine of my children.

When I buy a cup of coffee, the little hole you drink out of must be 90 degrees from the seam of the cup.

The mayo must not touch the cheese on my sandwich.

I don't like tomatos on my sandwiches, but I love tomato sandwiches.

My cds are in alphabetical order, sorted by genre. I'd like to say this is out of neccessity, because of the large number of cds I own, but the fact of the matter is, I've done this since 1986, when I converted to cds, and only owned around 20 or so.

I always thoroughly clean all silverware with my napkin before I eat, whether it's at home or eating out. This annoys my wife no end.

I meditate in public. If we're waiting to be seated, or waiting for the movie to start, I will put my palms together, under my chin, elbows out, sitting straight up, eyes closed, and focus on stillness. This, too, is a great source of agony for my family.

Well, I suppose that's all for now. I am certain there are plenty more. Most of these are more low-grade OCD than anything else. None of them embarrass me personally. Just my family.

adidasss 04-03-2006 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by jr.
I meditate in public. If we're waiting to be seated, or waiting for the movie to start, I will put my palms together, under my chin, elbows out, sitting straight up, eyes closed, and focus on stillness. This, too, is a great source of agony for my family.

oh, your poor kids/wife....i would just deny that you're my father/husband...("this nutter? never seen him before in my life")..;)

jr. 04-03-2006 02:25 PM

That's exactly right. They pretend they don't know me. LOL. It's ok. When the kids need twenty bucks for popcorn and sodas and candy, I pretend I don't know them.

tdoc210 04-03-2006 02:37 PM

ehh yeah when im listenin to music and someone bothers me and i say some like volatile threat like i will **** you up with tear gas

littleknowitall 04-03-2006 02:41 PM

i can't, and no im deadly serious on this one, keep my clothes on after booze, im not a fan of clthing anyway, but after i've been drinking they fall off me, it resulted in me streaking through penlan, got some photos taken of me in the cold my **** looking like a frickin' mangina and they inadvertantly had reached 2000 people by the next morning, i was walking through the town and people were approaching me about it anyway bout a fortnight later they'd aparently reached a spanish porn site and thats the last i've heard of them, so have a browse, but don't look too hard.

DontRunMeOver 04-03-2006 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by moley
i can't, and no im deadly serious on this one, keep my clothes on after booze, im not a fan of clthing anyway, but after i've been drinking they fall off me, it resulted in me streaking through penlan, got some photos taken of me in the cold my **** looking like a frickin' mangina and they inadvertantly had reached 2000 people by the next morning, i was walking through the town and people were approaching me about it anyway bout a fortnight later they'd aparently reached a spanish porn site and thats the last i've heard of them, so have a browse, but don't look too hard.

Woops. How did you find out that it had reached a Spanish porn site? Was one of your friends doing their daily search for 'Manginas' (Wales' answer to chick-boys)?

Merkaba 04-03-2006 05:46 PM

I have this habit of walking down the street with my headphones on and pretending to play air guitar. Since, you know, Dimebag rocks my socks.

adidasss 04-03-2006 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Merkaba
I have this habit of walking down the street with my headphones on and pretending to play air guitar. Since, you know, Dimebag rocks my socks.

i bet people are too affraid to laugh at you ( for fear of you making them your apetizers )...hahahahaha...getit? because you're so big and you need a lot to eat? people......your apetizers.... getit?

Merkaba 04-03-2006 05:51 PM

*Stunned Mullet*

*Tunes a string on the Air Guitar Series 5000*

Stone Magnet 04-03-2006 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
i bet people are too affraid to laugh at you ( for fear of you making them your apetizers )...hahahahaha...getit? because you're so big and you need a lot to eat? people......your apetizers.... getit?


What is wrong with you?

adidasss 04-03-2006 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Stone Magnet

my mother dropped me when i was a wee lad a lot....:(

mosesandtherubberducky 04-03-2006 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Merkaba
*Stunned Mullet*

*Tunes a string on the Air Guitar Series 5000*

There are professional Air Guitar contests. You could win money. Oh and according to adidass I should be embarrassed that I talk on IRC.

sleepy jack 04-03-2006 05:57 PM

My friend and I break into dance offs, which gets embarassin' when you realize like twenty people are watching.
I tend to sing alot, and talk really loud and scream "PENIS!" at random moments....
Me and my friend ian, have this thing where we slap eachothers asses, if one of us is doing something stupid, and um his girlfriend saw ONCE and yeah......
OH just today, theres this thursday song that goes "coming to the capitol" and I screamed that really loud...and I have a tendency to do that and yeahhh people think its "weird" CRAZY!
I have certain...medical thing..that require pills...rhymes with HEY LADY..HD...which explains most of these =)

Merkaba 04-03-2006 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Stone Magnet

I think he's on something

explosions-in-my-pants 04-03-2006 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE
2) I am very jumpy, sudden movements or sounds will send me to near hysterics. I blame it on my marijuana smoking in my teens

4) I watch the O.C. religiously!! I have never missed an episode

I also am very very jumpy
and One Tree Hill is better then the O.C haha

Originally Posted by adidasss
i second 1. and 3. ( north americans have a tendancy to stand too close when they talk to you ).

cause we're so damn friendly

3.i have a tendancy to include people from the internet in my dreams
maybe you need to meet people in the real world might mix things up a bit.

4. i'm a creature of habit, if i can't get on line, i get seriously annoyed/nervous
i am also the same

5.i watch brasilian soap operas ( because they're damn good ), and spanish soap operas ( for the language mind you )
not surprising.

6. i watch gardening programs and have a slight fetish to back gardens.
also not surprising

7. i flirt with women
its a natural thing, i think!

8. nine times out of ten ,i piss sitting down ( a) i'm a lazy bugger and it's just easier to sit down, especially in the morning, b) it's too messy when you do it standing up, i'm a terrible marksman )
i personally don't understand why all men don't piss sitting down.

Originally Posted by adidasss
oh, also, this is not very embaressing, but i don't like shaving my beard much, so i only do it when it starts to get irritating, every 10 days or most of the time, i look like a hobo...which is fine by me...

and i also hate cleaning up, and since i live alone, days and weeks go by before i clean my flat or wash the dishes...i usually wait untill i run out of clean dishes so i'm forced to wash it....( you've seen the state of my computer desk )

umm i would say you'll never get a women like that.. but well your not interested... but aren't most men like the way you are? most men i know are like that.. in those two ways.

oh , i get easily embaressed , tend to sweat when talking to new people, and i dread uncomfortable silences, hence why i never approach people or start a conversation ( result = me not having friends and being a loser )
i get nervous like that too.. i get shy and wonder what to say if i've said something wrong if there is a weird silence and even if the silence isn't weird i think they think it is and over think every little thing to the point where i come of as really strange and then freak them out.. or at least i think that.

Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
4. I enjoy dipping my Pringles in chocolate Pudding

5. I can probably tell you why your computer is acting stupid.

i put chocolate pudding in my vanilla ice cream... and or chocolate milk powder.

and i know and used to know a lot of stuff about computers and could fix one very easy... and now i've gone stupid. i used to be a cool nerd.. now i'm just so yesterday.


Originally Posted by some_exotic_booze\
When someone catches me off guard and asks me a question I tend to jumble my words at not make sense in math class. Tut.
Making a fool of myself on a music forum :)

in school i was the class clown and yet when i was told to get up and read or something i turn stupid or soemthing.. i would miss words.. not say them right.. studder to the point where i looked like a ass... and would sweat and almost go to tears.

and i make a fool of myself here all of the time.. i wouldn't be me if i didn't :)

1. i am a clean freak i don't care whos house i'm at if i think it should be cleaned i'll say something or start cleaning it..

2. i'm a very picky eater and in resterants i look like a noob like in 'when harry met sally' the way sally orders.. well thats like me..

3. when i'm really happy my voice turns all high and strange to the point where only dogs can hear me.

4. i love bonjovi and always have.. and always will.. and listen to them still

5. i not only own the movie ' Grease' i have the soundtrack.. and will watch it soon.

6. I love John Hughes movies and plan to someday own all of those movies... so far i have Pretty In Pink, and Breakfast Club.

7. I also watched 90210 all of the time.. and Saved by the Bell, and Saved by the Bell College years..

8. I have and try to find old 60's and 70's clothing and ware it.

9. I laugh all of the time.. even at the saddest things like a death which isn't good.. but i get nervous and laughter happens.

adidasss 04-03-2006 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by explosions-in-my-pants
maybe you need to meet people in the real world might mix things up a bit.

if only i had the block option in real life...


Originally Posted by explosions-in-my-pants
not surprising.

chinga te puto! no sabes nada...

explosions-in-my-pants 04-03-2006 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
if only i had the block option in real life...

chinga te puto! no sabes nada...


sleepy jack 04-03-2006 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss

chinga te puto! no sabes nada...

I demand we ban this unruly heathen for violation of rule number 6.


Originally Posted by FORUM RULES
6. Posting in any language but English.

tdoc210 04-03-2006 06:59 PM


Ytse Jam 04-03-2006 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
8. nine times out of ten ,i piss sitting down ( a) i'm a lazy bugger and it's just easier to sit down, especially in the morning, b) it's too messy when you do it standing up, i'm a terrible marksman )

:confused: wtf, pissing while standing is arguably the best part of being a man

tdoc210 04-03-2006 08:39 PM

well yah cause when i piss sittin down it goes on my nuts and it pisse me off and why are nuts hairy ok they itch and its not cool

bungalow 04-03-2006 08:45 PM

I hate to get this technical but;

If when you piss sitting down, the piss gets on your balls, it only stands to reason that your penis doesn't hang below your balls, since piss usually flows out of the penis in a southward direction. So, if when the urine leaves the urethra, and makes its way down to your balls, one can only conclude that you have a ridiculously small penis.

Ytse Jam 04-03-2006 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
I hate to get this technical but;

If when you piss sitting down, the piss gets on your balls, it only stands to reason that your penis doesn't hang below your balls, since piss usually flows out of the penis in a southward direction. So, if when the urine leaves the urethra, and makes its way down to your balls, one can only conclude that you have a ridiculously small penis.


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