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Stone Magnet 05-09-2006 12:29 PM


That's not an answer, that was generic as f*ck.
It is an answer. Read it again.


This guy's got no more balls than any other.
Yes he does.


Dude couldn't ask him these questions in person, wouldn't have if givin' the opportunity.
You can't say that.


He also didn't plan on it to begin with.
You can't say that either, and even if you could, not planning on it does not make him a 'pussy'.

Doc.DGAF 05-09-2006 02:38 PM

[Ben Stein voice]Wow, that was an incredible burn.

Come on, you can't back your **** up any better than that? Alright, I can match that...

Originally Posted by Stone Magnet
It is an answer. Read it again.

It's a dodgy answer, and reading it again won't change my mind.

Yes he does.
No he doesn't.

You can't say that.
I just did.

You can't say that either.
I just did.

bungalow 05-09-2006 02:40 PM


Sneer 05-09-2006 03:02 PM

After reading that, i can safely say the interviewer is an absolute, bonified cunt. To publicly ridicule a man for the simple reason of lending a song for an advertisement campaign is ridiculous. he did it for no other reason but to promote his magazine and in the process negatively and i believe falsely presented Sully as a militant. and even if he is a pro-war, what right does he have to rip into him? he has no respect for freedom of speech, no respect for personal opinion and no understanding of free-will. you call it balls? i call it arrogance. the amount of times he twisted the guys words is pathetic. no wonder he only writes for a shitty magazine like that. i would of hit him.

Doc.DGAF 05-09-2006 03:08 PM

I'm sure Sully would've too, had they met in person.

Sneer 05-09-2006 03:14 PM

i would of made the effort to track him down and post dog shit through his letter box

adidasss 05-09-2006 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Doc.DGAF
You dumb ***, the military PAID Godsmack for the song, if it was to promote them they wouldn't have had to pay for it.

so they're not really war mongerers, they're just money grabbing whores with no principles....much better....

Originally Posted by Doc.DGAF
You's crazy Croation! Your country's a bunch of pussies. Just recently winning your independence, you bitches couldn't fight off one platoon of American soldiers. You don't know jack s**t about war!

apart from patheticly trying to insult me, the purpose of this was what? why don't you try to elaborate and explain to me how the war in Iraq is justified instead of splurting out some random slurs aye?

Originally Posted by Doc.DGAF
Like you?

no, like you. i'm sure you'll notice that i've kept my cool in this thread.

oh, one more thing, i may be a fag ( i'm assuming that was the censored insult ), but i'm far from try a bit harder to insult me next time ....

Merkaba 05-09-2006 08:27 PM

You tell him adidasss. Oh hey mate, beaten my Tetris score yet?

I'm starting to get bored, what's taking so long.

Stone Magnet 05-09-2006 08:31 PM


Wow, that was an incredible burn.
I wasn't trying to 'burn' you.


Come on, you can't back your **** up any better than that?
I could have, but I didn't feel the need to spell everything out for you. Apparently, now I have to.


No he doesn't.
How often do we see an interview in which the interviewer actually argues with the band member? Very, very rarely.


I just did.
Yes, but your statement was erroneous. Who are you to say what someone else would or wouldn't have done?


I just did.
Again, your statement was erroneous. You have no prerogative to say whether or not the interviewer planned the arguement or not.

adidasss 05-09-2006 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Merkaba
You tell him adidasss. Oh hey mate, beaten my Tetris score yet?

I'm starting to get bored, what's taking so long.

dude, i told you i'd do it tommorow, i did some travelling today...

TheBig3 05-09-2006 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Oh dear I just sullied my underpants.

See what I mean?

He's from Boston, every other guy on the street here is called Sully. If you walk into a bar in Boston, anyone, and yell "hey Sully" at least three guys will turn around.

How you get that title is your last name is Sullivan, and since we're the Irish-American capitol of the country, there you have it. I personally don't know how he got it, but its common where I hail from.

Also that interviewer was a complete spineless prick. This wasn't a band who had an opinion on the war, this was a band who didn't restrict the militery from using it in a commercial.

If we'll notice, he didn't drag some band who supported the war on because he would have probably got owned. He choose an easy target, a band who never said they supported the war, and a guy with an aganda who prepared. I hope that guy gets hit with a ****ing bus. He's a discredit to journalism and should be identified as someone who took an easy and cheap shot at a guy who was nice enough to help his ****bag magazine out.

Balls? How about we call him an oppertunist at best.

Merkaba 05-09-2006 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
dude, i told you i'd do it tommorow, i did some travelling today...

Oh okay, yeah cause you know, I think I bet your high score. I dunno, you might wanna double check, but I'm pretty sure it's my name at the top of the charts:D

TheBig3 05-09-2006 08:48 PM

/\ Can't you do that in another thread?

Merkaba 05-09-2006 09:53 PM

Sully needs an education, or otherwise find something no-one else knows anything about and write about that. So no-one can easily prove him an idiot.

TheBig3 05-09-2006 10:24 PM

Care to explain how he doesn't have an education? Do you know him?

Merkaba 05-09-2006 10:36 PM

No I don't, and yes I do. Now what?

I didn't mean in his entirety that he has no education at all. Everyone has some form of education, advanced or not. I was meaning he needs a better understanding of the things the band is covering or getting into. If he had a concept of what the music was getting at he could have fully explained, and therefore defended Godsmack's position on such things. And if Jay continued with such prick-tainted questions, Sully would then be in a strong position to launch into such a half-arsed reporter.

But since he seemed to have no real clue, he came off looking like the dumbass.

sleepy jack 05-09-2006 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
so they're not really war mongerers, they're just money grabbing whores with no principles....much better....

Once again, you listen to green day.

hiu 05-09-2006 10:50 PM

I seem to be the only one who finds the Iraqis killing Americans funny.

bungalow 05-09-2006 10:52 PM


MURDER JUNKIE 05-09-2006 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by hiu
I seem to be the only one who finds the Iraqis killing Americans funny.

I sincerely hope that you are the only one that finds it funny, I don't find it funny at all

hiu 05-10-2006 12:08 AM

I don't find it funny as such, I guess that was the wrong choice of word. More that atleast they don't have to suffer and get tortured and humiliated like many innocent Iraqis were at the hands of American soldiers.

MURDER JUNKIE 05-10-2006 12:23 AM

Maybe you don't watch the news but the same thing is happening to Americans by Iraqis, beheadings on Al-Jazeera anyone??

I am the last person to call anyone on bad taste on this forum, but that comment really made my stomach turn

hiu 05-10-2006 12:43 AM

How did Bush get France to take part in the Iraq war?

He told them Sadam was a member of Greenpeace.


MURDER JUNKIE 05-10-2006 01:03 AM

Your general comment was not directed at Bush, but the US soldiers. These people are merely doing their job, there is nothing funny about anyone getting killed doing their job

hiu 05-10-2006 01:13 AM

It would be funny if a moderator got RSI from banning too many users. Of course he wouldn't die but it would be funny.

IamAlejo 05-10-2006 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by Stone Magnet
How do you know what he was attempting to do? That's right, you don't.

It wasn't a personal attack. The interviewer said nothing about Sully's private life.

Read the interview and you can tell exactly what he was trying to do. The interview had NOTHING to do with music and everything to do with his political beliefs (which he clearly wasn't comfortable talking about). And guess what, political believes happen to be personal, making it PRIVATE life.

Doc.DGAF 05-10-2006 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Stone Magnet
...blah, blah, blah...

Well, that one was weak as the first.

Originally Posted by hiu
I seem to be the only one who finds the Iraqis killing Americans funny.


I don't find it funny as such, I guess that was the wrong choice of word. More that atleast they don't have to suffer and get tortured and humiliated like many innocent Iraqis were at the hands of American soldiers.
You have no idea what you're talking about, just shut your f*ckin' c*cksucker.

Originally Posted by adidasss
Originally Posted by Doc.DGAF
You dumb ***, the military PAID Godsmack for the song, if it was to promote them they wouldn't have had to pay for it.

so they're not really war mongerers, they're just money grabbing whores with no principles....much better....

If your military offered you the plus side of ten grand to play your song in their commercial to support the troops that fight to the death for what you and millions of others believe in, are you gonna say no? If you would

Originally Posted by adidasss
Originally Posted by Doc.DGAF
You's crazy Croation! Your country's a bunch of pussies. Just recently winning your independence, you bitches couldn't fight off one platoon of American soldiers. You don't know jack s**t about war!

apart from patheticly trying to insult me, the purpose of this was what? why don't you try to elaborate and explain to me how the war in Iraq is justified instead of splurting out some random slurs aye?

I never said the Iraqi war was justified, but that doesn't mean Imma bash on the soldiers doing their jobs (not just the ones fighting the Officers, and Warrant Officers giving them orders) and if I wanted to insult you I'd do it without the humor.

Originally Posted by adidasss
Originally Posted by Doc.DGAF
Like you?

no, like you. i'm sure you'll notice that i've kept my cool in this thread.

Yeah, in this thread. So yeah, I guess then that I'm stupid for supporting my brothers in arms, standing up for the values and morals I believe in and subsequently burning down a mutual enemy of my countrymen and yours? Damn, you sure you're not French?

Stone Magnet 05-10-2006 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Doc.DGAF
Well, that one was weak as the first.

I don't see a cogent counter-arguement coming from you, o' charlatanic subjugator.

IamAlejo 05-10-2006 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by hiu
I seem to be the only one who finds the Iraqis killing Americans funny.

this statement isn't even worth responding to.

adidasss 05-10-2006 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Doc.DGAF
Well, that one was weak as the first.

You have no idea what you're talking about, just shut your f*ckin' c*cksucker.

If your military offered you the plus side of ten grand to play your song in their commercial to support the troops that fight to the death for what you and millions of others believe in, are you gonna say no? If you would

I never said the Iraqi war was justified, but that doesn't mean Imma bash on the soldiers doing their jobs (not just the ones fighting the Officers, and Warrant Officers giving them orders) and if I wanted to insult you I'd do it without the humor.

Yeah, in this thread. So yeah, I guess then that I'm stupid for supporting my brothers in arms, standing up for the values and morals I believe in and subsequently burning down a mutual enemy of my countrymen and yours? Damn, you sure you're not French?

what i understood from the interview was that their music is used in a commercial for the army, if their music is being used to boost moral of american soldiers in Iraq, then i have no problems with it. lord knows those people are going through some fucked up shit.

and no, saddam husein is not an enemy of Croatia, he was the enemy of the iraqui people...and perhapse Izrael....i don't see how he was the enemy of the united states...

hiu 05-10-2006 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by IamAlejo
this statement isn't even worth responding to.

Why respond then.

What do Miss Muffet and Saddam Hussein have in common?

They both have Kurds in their Whey.

Doc.DGAF 05-10-2006 02:10 PM

Saddam is no different than Osama or Hitler. These men (while I must credit their skill) are disgusting, shameless, and all together f*cked up beings. They would enslave their own in nightmarish conditions to see a corrupt dream to fruition. These kind of peole are everyone's enemy.

As for the commercials, they were actually Navy and Marine commercials...and I think the Air Force may have done it too.


Originally Posted by Stone Magnet
I don't see a cogent counter-arguement coming from you, o' charlatanic subjugator.

I throw back what is thrown at me.

Stone Magnet 05-10-2006 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Doc.DGAF
I throw back what is thrown at me.

Apparently not.

Doc.DGAF 05-10-2006 02:50 PM

What do you expect? A f*ckin' essay to comeback on a few lines, I don't think so. I'm American, we's lazy.

Stone Magnet 05-10-2006 03:10 PM


What do you expect? A f*ckin' essay to comeback on a few lines
Perhaps a few lines to comeback on a few lines.

TheBig3 05-10-2006 03:12 PM

You're all welcome to ignore hiu and Stone magnet who are just a giant waste of time.

littleknowitall 05-10-2006 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
You're all welcome to ignore hiu and Stone magnet who are just a giant waste of time.

he says what i'm thinking...

IamAlejo 05-10-2006 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
what i understood from the interview was that their music is used in a commercial for the army, if their music is being used to boost moral of american soldiers in Iraq, then i have no problems with it. lord knows those people are going through some fucked up shit.

and no, saddam husein is not an enemy of Croatia, he was the enemy of the iraqui people...and perhapse Izrael....i don't see how he was the enemy of the united states...

beacuse we are ass buddies with isreal. and we were one of the sole factors for the creation of isreal, and are strong allies with it.

Sneer 05-10-2006 03:48 PM

to whoever said Hitler was a skilled man. It has been scientifically proven through psychological research that Germans are freakishly obediant - alot more obediant than the majority of other Europeans. Check out findings from Milgram for proof. So it cannot be that hard brainwashing a nation of hugely obediant citizens with a skilled backroom to aid him.
And i hardly think Osama Bin Ladens an intelligent man either.

*by the way, hiu, explain to me your reasons behind saying what you've said prior to this post, because i dont understand your logic.

adidasss 05-10-2006 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by IamAlejo
beacuse we are ass buddies with isreal. and we were one of the sole factors for the creation of isreal, and are strong allies with it.

no, great brittain was a much biger factor in the creation of Israel. the reason why you're ass buddies with Israel is because of the Jewish lobby that essentially runs america.

Originally Posted by Doc.DGAF
Saddam is no different than Osama or Hitler. These men (while I must credit their skill) are disgusting, shameless, and all together f*cked up beings. They would enslave their own in nightmarish conditions to see a corrupt dream to fruition. These kind of peole are everyone's enemy.

oh here we go, the old "america is just trying to rid the world of evil" excuse....don't forget to invade North Korea will you? and about 50 other countries run by dictators...

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