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right-track 05-24-2008 06:04 PM

2 Attachment(s)
OMG...what have I done?! Attachment 2769

Attachment 2770

ProggyMan 05-24-2008 06:10 PM

Where do you guys get these damn smileys!

sweet_nothing 05-24-2008 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 483845)
Where do you guys get these damn smileys!

i know! tell!

Alfred 05-24-2008 06:17 PM

1. Where were you born?
Stratford Hospital, ON
2. What is your middle name?
3. What are your thoughts on the death penalty?
They better have cold hard facts, and the crime better be serious.
4. Have you ever dyed your hair?
5. What kind of person do you want to spend your life with?
A happy, and good looking person, who doesn't listen to sh!tty music.
6. Where would you like to go on a psychotic killing spree?
PeTA headquarters.

Loser 05-24-2008 06:38 PM

1. Where were you born?
duh. NYC.
2. What is your middle name?
3. What are your thoughts on the death penalty?
I agree with it if they have hard evidence and if teh crime is harsh enough of that result.
4. Have you ever dyed your hair?
5. What kind of person do you want to spend your life with?
great personality who loves music.
6. Where would you like to go on a psychotic killing spree?
PeTA headquarters (HAHA nice!)

Seltzer 05-24-2008 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 483755)
2. What is your middle name?


CrackledNitro 05-24-2008 08:39 PM

1. Where were you born?
Barberton, Ohio
2. What is your middle name?
3. What are your thoughts on the death penalty?
Not very effective.
4. Have you ever dyed your hair?
5. What kind of person do you want to spend your life with?
Hm. People, as opposed to a person. Each one would bring something different to the table, but we'd all complement each other as a group.
6. Where would you like to go on a psychotic killing spree?
A deserted island

Lizzie 05-24-2008 11:36 PM

1. Where were you born?
Langley, British Columbia.

2. What is your middle name?

3. What are your thoughts on the death penalty?
I don't agree with it.

4. Have you ever dyed your hair?
Nope. Unless you count that fake hair dye that like washes out after a week, in which case I have.

5. What kind of person do you want to spend your life with?
I don’t know. Someone who liked me as much as liked them.

6. Where would you like to go on a psychotic killing spree?
I wouldn’t?

Bangin Drums 05-25-2008 09:44 PM

1. Where were you born?
Amityville, New York

2. What is your middle name?

3. What are your thoughts on the death penalty?
I'm undecided really

4. Have you ever dyed your hair?
Yes, quite a bit

5. What kind of person do you want to spend your life with?
The person that completes my other half

6. Where would you like to go on a psychotic killing spree?
no killing, just peace

tkpb938 05-25-2008 09:50 PM

1. Where were you born?
Some hick town in middle-of-nowhere California
2. What is your middle name?
3. What are your thoughts on the death penalty?
Useless and barbaric
4. Have you ever dyed your hair?
5. What kind of person do you want to spend your life with?
Someone that'll keep me in line
6. Where would you like to go on a psychotic killing spree?
Everywhere!! Mwhahaha *commences maniacal laugh

right-track 05-31-2008 02:09 AM

Next 6 questions posted by a member, make this weeks 6-Pack...

simplephysics 05-31-2008 01:15 PM

Since noone else has yet... may I?

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?

6.) Would you ever skydive?


Piss Me Off 05-31-2008 01:22 PM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
About whether they were having party in the summer or not.
2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
I like the drunken experiences one, some funny stories there!
3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Yes, sprained a finger. I'm hardcore.
4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
The one that springs to mind automatically is Ice Age. Agh.
5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
I bought a £3 slush puppie today at the cinema and i'd finished it before the film even started.
6.) Would you ever skydive?
Maybe if i was terminally ill.

right-track 05-31-2008 01:33 PM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
With my daughter at bedtime.. I took my son to the War Museum today and she felt left out. We talked about where she would like to go with just the two of us.

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
My Soul Cellar thread. Not because I think it's any good, but because I had to do a bit of extra research into a genre I love to confirm I wasn't talking out of my arse about what I thought I already knew. The payback was finding out stuff I didn't already know.
There are similar threads by other members made along the same format that I enjoy reading.

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Too many times to mention. The longest I've spent in hospital (3 months..ish) was when I was knocked down, aged 14.

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
Velvet Goldmine always springs to mind, although it's probably not the worst film I've ever seen.

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
Anything that I don't think I got a good deal with.

6.) Would you ever skydive?
I love the idea of Sky Diving. Doubt I'll ever try it though.

simplephysics 05-31-2008 02:05 PM

I'm going to answer my own questions. :D
1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
Why guys are *******s.
2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
This one is alright
3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
A few times, the most memorable being when I went in with a bad case of mono, was sent home and then was readmitted a week later because the doctors missed an infectious disease that sprang up because of the mono. Altogether I was in the hospital for alittle over 2 months.
4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
The Ring 2.. I think? Whichever one where the deer attack her car..
5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
Oh god, I bought a gram of salvia last night for $10. It didn't do **** besides make my friend and I extremely hot.
6.) Would you ever skydive?
**** NO!! I can barely handle a swingset..

sweet_nothing 05-31-2008 02:30 PM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
About why my bestfriend is being such a bitch
2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
hmmmm i guess this one
3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Yes but nothing i care to remember
4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
idk Flyboys comes to mind
5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
that breakfast burrito
6.) Would you ever skydive?
yeh sure

Duke Of Slander 05-31-2008 03:22 PM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
About how my brother is a retard for hanging out with drug addicts and how he has to run from confrontation

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
This one I suppose

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Twice for breaking my arm

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
I don't really remember bad movies, but Lady in the Water comes to mind

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?

6.) Would you ever skydive?
Only if I could do it into that huge pit in south america... then again that becomes base jumping

sl1ck 05-31-2008 05:16 PM

Cool thread idea

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about.
A co-worker and I talked about the parties we went to last night.

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Yes, I had a tonsillar abscess in my throat. It was the most pain I have ever been in, I pretty much just spent a week in agonizing pain, unable to drink or eat anything. I had to get nutrients and whatnot through IV's.

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
Wedding Crashers

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
An XBox, but that was a long time ago.

6.) Would you ever skydive?
No. Definitely not.

Loser 05-31-2008 07:22 PM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about.
My freind last night about something dumb.

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
anything really. I liek reading through.

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Yeah. I stopped breathing numerous times by the time I went there. I forget what was wrong because it was a few years ago, but I remeber stopping and starting breathing and was released 2 weeks later.

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
Haven't seen anything.

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
video games...I never play them.

6.) Would you ever skydive?
sure, why not.

Seltzer 05-31-2008 10:02 PM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
With flatmates about religion, morality and everything else under the sun.

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
Probably Caturday though I do like this thread.

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Asthma when I was 8.

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
Dracula 3000 :laughing:

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
$20 in one day on busrides because my flatmate forgot to return my buscard to me (and I forgot to ask)

6.) Would you ever skydive?

jibber 05-31-2008 10:41 PM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
still having it, figuring out how my friend can move to calgary

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
worst person contest thread

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
some kind of blood thing when i was really little, apendix out, norwok virus (just one night) jaw surgery, complications from jaw surgery, and dengue fever, those are all the long stays. then short visits for breaking my collarbone at 2, breaking my foot at 13, tearing acl at 14, bruising my hip bone at 18, pulling left mcl at 18, pulling right mcl at 19

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
crossroads, yes the one with britney spears in it

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
my ex's christmas present, and that was a year and a half ago

6.) Would you ever skydive?
**** yes!

sweet_nothing 05-31-2008 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by jibber (Post 486261)
2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
worst person contest thread

oh yeh I forgot about those threads, somone make a new one!

The Unfan 06-01-2008 12:07 AM

Since noone else has yet... may I?
1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
I just got done with a conversation about the culture behind ska music.
2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
Wasn't that site shut down years ago because of a pedophile sting?
3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Yes, dry socket.
4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
Titanic is probably the single most boring movie I've ever sat through.
5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
A pack of cigarettes for a friend. Iowa has some odd cigarette tax that makes them cost 5 dollars a pack.
6.) Would you ever skydive?
Its not something that interests me but I'm not opposed to it. I suppose I would try it just to say I've done it.

That was 7 questions.

simplephysics 06-01-2008 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 486276)

That was 7 questions.

Damn. I fail.

Farfisa 06-01-2008 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by ComingUpRoses (Post 486144)
1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
Why guys are *******s.

Hey!! I'm not an ******* :(, and besides that one guy couldn't handle you anywayz, so don't go all "All guys are *******s." on me ok?

Laughing Boy 06-01-2008 04:09 PM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
I don't have one.

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Yeah a few times.

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
Napoleon Dynamite.

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
This horrible piece of crap sandwich.

6.) Would you ever skydive?

GravitySlips 06-01-2008 05:29 PM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
The gig I was at tonight.

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
"Urbans guide to The Fall" or whatever it's called, very informative and a great read. There's a few goodies though.

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Nope i am indestructible.

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
Saw this ludicrously bad B-movie once, can't remember the name though. Another bad one was "The Gingerdead Man"...hilarious title and the movie was atrociously bad.

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
Tickets for the band, but I really can't afford it at the moment. My friend roped meinto buying them though.

6.) Would you ever skydive?
I'd love to say yes, but I'd probably not cuz I hate heights.

jackhammer 06-01-2008 05:45 PM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
A monetary issue with my est friend.
2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
Any top 100 etc

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
No, never. I must be extremely lucky.

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
Dirty Dancing.

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
A *****.
6.) Would you ever skydive?
For charity-yes!

Lizzie 06-02-2008 02:34 AM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
Catching tadpoles.

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
Not Sure.

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Nope, never.

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
Most the movies I see are pretty awful to tell the truth.

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
A hat. Why the **** did I buy a hat

6.) Would you ever skydive?

misstiff 06-02-2008 02:52 AM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
Mario Kart on Wii

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
My own :P

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Yeh, for getting my arm cut open at in science class with a metal ruler.

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
hmm tough call.. thats surprisingly hard tbh

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
train ticket

6.) Would you ever skydive?
no way jose'

misstiff 06-02-2008 02:56 AM


4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
I don't really remember bad movies, but Lady in the Water comes to mind

mamanuthead 06-02-2008 07:34 AM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
The idiot who backed into my suv over the weekend.

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
This one is pretty good.

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Yep. Had my tonsils removed.

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
Charly - it was a stupid story with extremely bad acting.

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
That extra round of drinks on Friday night.

6.) Would you ever skydive?

adidasss 06-02-2008 08:29 AM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
Last night over the phone with my sister about some films we'd watched.

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
Don't have one.

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?

Yep. Had my tonsils removed.
Moi aussi, as a wee baern.
4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
I think Desperation rates pretty high. Thankfully I was stoned so it was hilarious....but still...

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
I can't honestly remember...

6.) Would you ever skydive?
No way. Too big of a pussy for that...

CrackledNitro 06-02-2008 11:12 AM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
Filtering emails in Outlook. It must be Monday.

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Yep. I broke my arm in crash in the first turn of a BMX race.

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
The Core

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
Gas. $4.63 out here!!

6.) Would you ever skydive?
I have. And I'd do it again.

NSW 06-02-2008 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by CrackledNitro (Post 486570)
Gas. $4.63 out here!!

The latest rumor is that it's going to be $8.00/gallon by October. Holy ****e!

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
My wicked ass sunburn. :(

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
Motivational posters and New band recommendations.

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
Not really. I went to the hospital briefly when I dislocated my pinky toe. Damn, that hurt like a mofo...

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
Dragon Wars

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?
Vanilla Coke Zero...that stuff ain't right.

6.) Would you ever skydive?
Possibly, I always say I'd try anything once.

CrackledNitro 06-02-2008 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife (Post 486620)
The latest rumor is that it's going to be $8.00/gallon by October. Holy ****e!

Ugh. CalTrain, here I come! I feel bad for our Euro friends on this site. I think it's $8.00+ over there now!

simplephysics 06-02-2008 10:58 PM

I feel like this is relevant..

posted for truth!

jackhammer 06-03-2008 06:48 PM

1.) What was your last conversation with someone about?
Excluding here? A friends middle of the road music tastes.

2.) What is your favorite thread on Music Banter?
Any thread that replies succinctly. Also any that has naked human flesh.

3.) Have you ever been hospitalized and why?
No. I am a lucky SOAB.

4.) What is the worst movie you have seen?
Dirty dancing. I love movies, so i aproached it a serious film. It is still crap and has no redeeming qualities.

5.) What is the last thing you regret spending money on?

6.) Would you ever skydive?
I do like a bit of a dive sometimes.....

ProggyMan 06-03-2008 08:36 PM

You replied twice...:p:

adidasss 06-04-2008 07:40 AM

Senility already setting in...:(

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