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hissundaygirl09. 07-10-2010 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 897532)


damn thats weírd

NSW 07-10-2010 09:09 PM

I had a dream I was being chased by a t-rex, but I kept tripping over my own feet, so I stopped and hid behind a car. While hiding, I happened to notice that there was a old-fashioned soda shop behind me. So I went in to get a strawberry sundae. I really needed a break after all that running and tripping I guess. Anyway, I come out after finishing my delicious sundae and rexy is down the street terrorizing some other people. Instead, the entire parking lot in front of my is a war zone, covered with barbed wire and dead bodies. And then I woke up.

I probably need to stop drinking so much caffeine before bed...

CanwllCorfe 07-10-2010 10:13 PM

A lot of my dreams are inchoate and cryptic.. it's great! One thing I've noticed is that 90% of the time they happen at night. I hardly ever get one story I just get weird images like driving on a very, very dark foggy road, walking next to a freaky looking swamp, getting stabbed, looking at the sky, etc.

TheCunningStunt 07-10-2010 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by hissundaygirl09. (Post 898046)
i had a dream that i woke up naked in my boyfriends car and were at the school parking lot weird. . i felt weird 4 days

Ohhhh the wonders of rohypnol.

hissundaygirl09. 07-10-2010 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 898087)
Ohhhh the wonders of rohypnol.


DoctorSoft 07-10-2010 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by hissundaygirl09. (Post 898091)


Dom 07-11-2010 02:32 AM

My most memorable dream was when I was about ten or so and I dreamt I got chased by a HUGE caterpillar and I ran like Benny Hill. I woke up and was like WTFBBQ?!

I've also been told I talk in my sleep. Like for instance when I had to share a room with my brother he told me I once sat up, eyes closed, and started going "Dee ba da ba dee ba da ba dee ba da SPOOOOOOON." and when he asked if I was awake I apparently just stared at him for a minute and then fell back down.

Tea Supremacist 07-11-2010 03:51 AM

I don't really remember my dreams that often, though one I had a little while ago involved my old childhood home, werewolves and being nice to them so they wouldn't attack me. That's all I really remember.

The most recent conversation I had in my sleep (which I do A LOT) with my partner went like this:
ME: Go and get me some chocolate. I have 5 pounds.
HIM: Shut up.
ME: I'm hungry. I want chocolate. Get me a Kit Kat.
HIM: You don't like them. Shut up.
ME: I do. You have no right to tell me what I do and don't like. How much are the tickets?
HIM: What tickets?
ME: For the Kit Kats you Prick! I've only got a fiver.
HIM: You need tickets for Kit Kats?
ME: How about you stop being a prick? I'm hungry.
HIM: You don't want a Kit Kat, Gem, you don't like them and it's stupid o clock in the morning. Now sssshhhhh.
ME: Oh, so now you tell me what I want and what's good for me, eh? You telling me I don't need sweets? You saying I'm fat? I'll just fuck off down the shop and feast on pies instead, shall I? Eh? EH? (Carries on into incoherent mumbling for a few minutes....)

My partner thinks it's funny to record when I start talking. In fairness I'd never believe him if he didn't have the proof...

bannister 07-11-2010 04:32 AM

Tea Supremacist, that's funny as hell.

Last night, I had a dream that I was a journalist for Rolling Stone, and was interviewing celebrities in a bar. Jools Holland came in and sat next to me, but when I asked him for an interview, he called me a tosser and said he'd be speaking to my boss. For the rest of the dream I was freaking out about losing my job, then started thinking about writing this month's Lady Gaga cover story to make up for it.

I decided to leave and went walking through SF, looking for a 5 dollar bill I had dropped earlier, and walked into a drag bar. I ended up smoking a blunt with Jello Biafra and Nick Cave while we watched a performer, and talking about the oil spill.

Not that surreal, but still pretty odd. I woke up and was like 'wat'.
Evidently my inner self is very starstruck.

duga 07-12-2010 09:12 AM

A while ago I was really into lucid dreaming. I practiced controlling it and eventually I was able to go into one on command. It was a lot of work so eventually I just stopped, but damn lucid dreams are fun. If anyone is interested in trying, what I did to get it to happen was I put a number that was significant to me on my hand and went to sleep trying to remind myself to look at my hand. Nothing will happen for a while, but eventually you will have a dream where you look at your hand. Since nothing will be there in your dream (don't ask me why but marks like that don't show up), your brain will realize you are in a dream. There you go...lucid dream. It also helps to remember your dreams, so a journal is a good idea.

My weirdest dream happened when I was 4 or was really traumatic at that age, so I guess that's why I remember it. It was kind of fever induced, so that might explain it. My family was on vacation in California at the time. Basically, I was trapped in a cave and I was tied to a chair. These weird looking trolls were force feeding me jello. I managed to escape, but ran across this room with a laundry dryer. Some guy in a business suit came in and the dryer grew some massive teeth. The guy starting feeding my favorite blanket to it and I started to freak out. I woke up and had completely forgotten where I was, so needless to say being in a strange room made me freak out even more. You just don't need that **** when you are 4 years old.

TheCunningStunt 07-12-2010 09:17 AM

I've had a Lucid dream a couple of times, not on purpose. But something in the dream triggered my brain into realising ...this isn't real. It was cool for a few seconds, then I woke up. I don't see the point in lucid dreaming, especially training yourself to do it. Is there a point to it?

It's definitely an experience dreaming and you know you're dreaming.

duga 07-12-2010 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 898622)
I've had a Lucid dream a couple of times, not on purpose. But something in the dream triggered my brain into realising ...this isn't real. It was cool for a few seconds, then I woke up. I don't see the point in lucid dreaming, especially training yourself to do it. Is there a point to it?

It's definitely an experience dreaming and you know you're dreaming.

It can be fun and it can also teach you a lot about yourself. You basically have free range to do whatever the hell you want...and depending on what you decide to do it can really help you understand yourself better. I learned to do it in a time when I was very confused about who I was and what I was doing and yes, it really helped a lot.

FETCHER. 07-12-2010 09:40 AM

I had a dream last night about my ex... He was with another lady. It made me really depressed feeling actually. I have no idea what it means... but now I feel like I miss him, and he's on holiday... :( Sigh.

downwardspiral 07-12-2010 09:45 AM

Having sex with an octopus. And enjoying it immensely.

boo boo 07-12-2010 10:47 AM

I have a lot of f*cked up dreams, here's a memorable one.

I'm back in my old neighborhood, and I'm desperate for money, then one of my cats dies, and there's this creepy motherf*cker who lives next door who eats dead animals so I wrap the cat up in a garbage bag, walk up to his house and offer it to him for money.

He kinda looked like Randy Quaid with a moustache and he was in his underwear. Anyway, he pulls a gun on me, and he forces me to perform mock fellatio on a dead tree. Well during that humilating ordeal I manage to escape and he starts showering bullets into my general direction.

I run into my house and he follows me inside, I make it to the bathroom and my grandma is on the toilet, well he makes it into the bathroom and we struggle but I overpower him and slam his head against the bathtub faucet, impaling the back of his skull and causing blood to spew out of his mouth and nose.

And then I told my grandma to hurry up cuz I gotta use the bathroom.

And then I woke up.

The Fascinating Turnip 07-12-2010 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by downwardspiral (Post 898637)
Having sex with an octopus. And enjoying it immensely.



Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 898666)
I have a lot of f*cked up dreams, here's a memorable one.

I'm back in my old neighborhood, and I'm desperate for money, then one of my cats dies, and there's this creepy motherf*cker who lives next door who eats dead animals so I wrap the cat up in a garbage back, walk up to his house and offer it to him for money.

He kinda looked like Randy Quaid with a moustache and he was his in his underwear. Anyway, he pulls a gun on me, and he forces me to perform mock Fellatio on a dead tree. Well during that humilating ordeal I manage to escape and he starts showering bullets into my general direction.

I run into my house and he follows me inside, I make it to the bathroom and my grandma is on the toilet, well he makes it into the bathroom and we struggle but I overpower him and slam his head against the bathtub faucet, impaling the back of his skull and causing blood to spew out of his mouth and nose.

And then I told my grandma to hurry up cuz I gotta use the bathroom.

And then I woke up.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Boo boo, you're bloody hilarious.

ElephantSack 07-14-2010 05:40 AM

I once had a dream that I like to call "Garfield goes to Cookie Prison".

Garfield is sitting in what I assumed was a giant sink, but actually turned out to be a prison for cookies.

He was sitting next to the drain when the biggest cookie started mouthing off to him and threatening him.
"I'm gonna **** you up, bitch! I'm gonna **** you in the shower and make you my bitch, cat!", and all that.
But he's a cookie, so he's not able to move on his own. He just sat there, stationary; talking ****. He looked like the cookie from the Chips Ahoy! commercials.

Anyway, Garfield calmly gets up, takes him and puts him down over the drain and turns the faucet on, and he drowns him in a shallow pool of tap water.

The rest of the cookies watched in a kind of shocked disgust.

That was the end of that dream.

bannister 07-14-2010 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by ElephantSack (Post 899592)
I once had a dream that I like to call "Garfield goes to Cookie Prison".

Garfield is sitting in what I assumed was a giant sink, but actually turned out to be a prison for cookies.

He was sitting next to the drain when the biggest cookie started mouthing off to him and threatening him.
"I'm gonna **** you up, bitch! I'm gonna **** you in the shower and make you my bitch, cat!", and all that.
But he's a cookie, so he's not able to move on his own. He just sat there, stationary; talking ****. He looked like the cookie from the Chips Ahoy! commercials.

Anyway, Garfield calmly gets up, takes him and puts him down over the drain and turns the faucet on, and he drowns him in a shallow pool of tap water.

The rest of the cookies watched in a kind of shocked disgust.

That was the end of that dream.


ElephantSack 07-14-2010 06:56 AM

Something else about dreams. Has anybody else had a dream when you're getting in a fight, and you go to hit the person, but you just slow down and no matter how hard you try, you're still in slow motion, and then once you connect, it's like you just gently slapped them?

I ****ing hate that!

TheCunningStunt 07-14-2010 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 898630)
It can be fun and it can also teach you a lot about yourself. You basically have free range to do whatever the hell you want...and depending on what you decide to do it can really help you understand yourself better. I learned to do it in a time when I was very confused about who I was and what I was doing and yes, it really helped a lot.

I had a lucid last night. Before I went to sleep, I got in touch with an old friend. We wanted to exchange numbers, she gave me hers and I said I'll text you so you have mine. That's the l did before bed.

I dreamt she text me, and I knew that couldn't be right. And woke up.. I don't understand how it can teach you a lot about yourself, it was really annoying. :laughing: how can it benefit you? Other than you going 'oh, that's kind of weird and cool I guess..'

homesick.alien 07-14-2010 08:29 AM

I had a dream once when I was in a playground and swinging this massive hammer throw thing around in circles and knocking little kids over like dominos :laughing:

twas fun!


Originally Posted by downwardspiral (Post 898637)
Having sex with an octopus. And enjoying it immensely.

how kinky :laughing:

ElephantSack 07-14-2010 08:11 PM

Speaking of Dreams...

Grace_Under_Pressure 07-15-2010 02:00 PM

I had a dream kind of recently.. That My boyfriend I am were at the alter and as soon as we said "I Do" the Floor started Flooding up. and we where still standing.. under water. and we kissed. and I woke up.
I looked up that dream and it said that, To dream that you are in a flood, represents your need to release some sexual desires.

and Marriage is, To dream of a marriage, signifies commitment, harmony or transitions.

Mancini Scratch 07-15-2010 06:48 PM

Recently in a dream monsters were chasing me. It was sometime last week. Surprisingly I still vaguely remember it. Normally for me both types of dreams, good and bad fade from my memory quickly.

DoctorSoft 07-16-2010 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by ElephantSack (Post 899602)
Something else about dreams. Has anybody else had a dream when you're getting in a fight, and you go to hit the person, but you just slow down and no matter how hard you try, you're still in slow motion, and then once you connect, it's like you just gently slapped them?

I ****ing hate that!

I kind of have something like that. Not so much anymore, but when I was younger I would have dreams I was being chased by a monster and I would try to run away fast, but I could never build up speed for some reason. I would have to stop and try to run again over and over again but I never could. I hated those dreams.

glastonelle 07-16-2010 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by ElephantSack (Post 899602)
Something else about dreams. Has anybody else had a dream when you're getting in a fight, and you go to hit the person, but you just slow down and no matter how hard you try, you're still in slow motion, and then once you connect, it's like you just gently slapped them?

I ****ing hate that!

F*ck thats annoying! I never knew that happened to other people. Merely because everytime I tried to explain it to someone they'd just give me the I'm-confused, leave-it look.

ElephantSack 07-17-2010 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by glastonelle (Post 900917)
F*ck thats annoying! I never knew that happened to other people. Merely because everytime I tried to explain it to someone they'd just give me the I'm-confused, leave-it look.

I've actually woken myself up when I punched the wall a few times because of dreams like that! haha

schadenfreude1 07-17-2010 02:05 PM

I have died 3 times in my dreams

TheCunningStunt 07-17-2010 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by schadenfreude1 (Post 901300)
I have died 3 times in my dreams

By the looks of things you have 6 lives left.

cardboard adolescent 07-18-2010 10:48 PM

i'm plagued by two recurring dreams: in one i'm a magician of some sort and am doing all kinds of crazy fun magic, at which point i realize i'm dreaming, and all of a sudden i can't do magic anymore, which is incredibly frustrating. in the other, i'm back in high school, and i slowly realize that IM NOT IN SCHOOL ANYMORE WHY THE HELL AM I HERE at which point i usually leave, but there isn't really anywhere to go. i feel the two are related somehow. any ideas?

Astronomer 07-19-2010 12:08 AM

Last night I had a dream that there were all of these centipedes in my house and they were absolutely terrifying. My brother, for some reason, was trying to help me get rid of them and he said he knew the perfect way to deal with them and then he sticky-taped the centipedes to my left thigh! What the ****! I was disgusted and I hated having these bugs attached to me and thought it was terrifying/ disgusting but I couldn't get them off. Then I woke up and realised I didn't have centipedes taped to my thigh so it was okay.

FETCHER. 07-19-2010 06:50 AM

I dreamt last night that I was walking down the main street of my town with two girls from school (that I dont like) and one saw a van of boys and put a brick in the windscreen, so I bolted away because I thought they were gypsys and would probably fracture my eyesocket. So I ran away and somehow ran 20miles from the town to my house and I was in my room. Then a boy appears with this thing that looks like a hedge trimmer and tells me he's going to kill me with it, so I ran downstairs and looked back up and he was standing at the top and threw the hedge trimmer down at me and said "look what I've got" and pulled out a genie lamp, and pulled the spout and a samuri came out (lmao) I ran into my kitchen and hid behind the closed door and he stabbed me through the door 7 times, I ran out my house and I was back in the towns main street, and my best mate was in this car with an unknown fat woman, I lay across the backseat and couldnt breathe because the window wasn't open so I opened the window and started breathing again, but started crying because I thought i was going to die of blood loss, then my best friend (male) started crying because he thought i was going to die :( then this fatty drove around for a lifetime and im losing blood, so I got out her car and walked around with 7 samuri wounds on my stomach. WTF.

duga 07-19-2010 03:06 PM

I swear if I have one more dream about my ex I am going to FLIP. OUT. I guess this situation is causing me way more stress than I realized.

To clarify, I "broke up" with this girl about 2 years ago. We slept together for a year and half after that...half a year of which she started dating some other guy. I acted like I didn't care, but I did and I really wanted to be together with her again. I went overseas for an internship and once I got back I lived with my parents for a while. She effectively got engaged to this guy last month. I always had this small hope we would get back together but that hope is obviously gone.

The dream part. Right. I keep having these dreams about me confronting her about the whole engagement thing. It never goes well. They are the most straightforward dreams ever, but they suck. The last one had us visiting Singapore together (where we met and started dating) and eventually I started grilling her about the whole thing and it never got anywhere.


TheCunningStunt 07-19-2010 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 902455)
I swear if I have one more dream about my ex I am going to FLIP. OUT. I guess this situation is causing me way more stress than I realized.

I can relate. She plagues my mind when I'm asleep. (My ex, not yours.) Her new boyfriend pops up a fair bit as well. I had one dream where we spent all day together, in a jungle. Then she fell from the top of a cliff and her new boyfriend catched her and they f*cked off together. With her in his arms.

I mean, what the f*ck?

And weirdly enough I broke up with her coming up 2 years in December.

right-track 07-19-2010 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 902088)
i'm plagued by two recurring dreams: in one i'm a magician of some sort and am doing all kinds of crazy fun magic, at which point i realize i'm dreaming, and all of a sudden i can't do magic anymore, which is incredibly frustrating. in the other, i'm back in high school, and i slowly realize that IM NOT IN SCHOOL ANYMORE WHY THE HELL AM I HERE at which point i usually leave, but there isn't really anywhere to go. i feel the two are related somehow. any ideas?

I'll have a stab at this, just for fun.

The school reference is a recurring dream I have too.
Only you're lucky, because in mine I always end up walking down the corridors in full school uniform, minus my trousers!
I think your dream relates to the kind of common insecurity we all have.
You know you've moved on in life (away from school) but you haven't yet found your vocation. At least the one you know deep down inside you'd be happy with.
Hence the sense of, "there isn't really anywhere to go."
Which of course there is, but not where you want to be.

Which brings me to your magician, "doing all kinds of crazy fun magic."

You're a creative person. Your frustration suggests you're frustrated in real life too.
Make any sense?

cardboard adolescent 07-19-2010 04:27 PM

that's too simple :p:

last night i had a really vivid dream that i can't quite remember the beginning of, but at a certain point i was carrying around a quartz crystal and i found some strange dude with a staff who held it over my crystal, at which point it started glowing all kinds of crazy colors. i wandered off to see what it could do but before i'd gotten too far he shot me with a poisoned arrow that paralyzed my entire body. he dragged me off somewhere and told me that i would wake up, but until then i would have to have some uncomfortable dreams. at which point i woke up (into "real life"), and realized i was indeed terribly uncomfortable and hot.... weeeird

right-track 07-19-2010 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 902188)
I dreamt last night that I was walking down the main street of my town with two girls from school (that I dont like) and one saw a van of boys and put a brick in the windscreen, so I bolted away because I thought they were gypsys and would probably fracture my eyesocket. So I ran away and somehow ran 20miles from the town to my house and I was in my room. Then a boy appears with this thing that looks like a hedge trimmer and tells me he's going to kill me with it, so I ran downstairs and looked back up and he was standing at the top and threw the hedge trimmer down at me and said "look what I've got" and pulled out a genie lamp, and pulled the spout and a samuri came out (lmao) I ran into my kitchen and hid behind the closed door and he stabbed me through the door 7 times, I ran out my house and I was back in the towns main street, and my best mate was in this car with an unknown fat woman, I lay across the backseat and couldnt breathe because the window wasn't open so I opened the window and started breathing again, but started crying because I thought i was going to die of blood loss, then my best friend (male) started crying because he thought i was going to die :( then this fatty drove around for a lifetime and im losing blood, so I got out her car and walked around with 7 samuri wounds on my stomach. WTF.

This one is easy.

You don't like the two girls because they are slags (am I right, or am I right?)
The van full of boys you relate to the two girls.
They do something you wouldn't do, but would like to.
they break the window (have sex with the boys).
You run because you don't want to be like them...or do you?

The hedge trimmer and genie lamp with the samurai sword is in fact a penis.
You know this because you added lmao...which was very interesting.

We know what the stabbing is here, don't we?
Were there 7 boys in that van Kayleigh?

The car with the unknown fat woman is very interesting.
Was she pregnant...was she you?
Now you're panicking, hence the not being able to breathe...along with child birth connotations.
The friend is there because you have a guilty secret to share.
The boy crying is your yet to be born son, or the friend you secretly want to shag?

Have fun with that one. ;)

right-track 07-19-2010 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 902520)
that's too simple :p:

last night i had a really vivid dream that i can't quite remember the beginning of, but at a certain point i was carrying around a quartz crystal and i found some strange dude with a staff who held it over my crystal, at which point it started glowing all kinds of crazy colors. i wandered off to see what it could do but before i'd gotten too far he shot me with a poisoned arrow that paralyzed my entire body. he dragged me off somewhere and told me that i would wake up, but until then i would have to have some uncomfortable dreams. at which point i woke up (into "real life"), and realized i was indeed terribly uncomfortable and hot.... weeeird

You need to paint!

James 07-19-2010 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 902523)
This one is easy.

You don't like the two girls because they are slags (am I right, or am I right?)
The van full of boys you relate to the two girls.
They do something you wouldn't do, but would like to.
they break the window (have sex with the boys).
You run because you don't want to be like them...or do you?

The hedge trimmer and genie lamp with the samurai sword is in fact a penis.
You know this because you added lmao...which was very interesting.

We know what the stabbing is here, don't we?
Were there 7 boys in that van Kayleigh?

The car with the unknown fat woman is very interesting.
Was she pregnant...was she you?
Now you're panicking, hence the not being able to breathe...along with child birth connotations.
The friend is there because you have a guilty secret to share.
The boy crying is your yet to be born son, or the friend you secretly want to shag?

Have fun with that one. ;)

RT, you're pretty damn deep.

FETCHER. 07-19-2010 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 902523)
This one is easy.

You don't like the two girls because they are slags (am I right, or am I right?)
The van full of boys you relate to the two girls.
They do something you wouldn't do, but would like to.
they break the window (have sex with the boys).
You run because you don't want to be like them...or do you?

The hedge trimmer and genie lamp with the samurai sword is in fact a penis.
You know this because you added lmao...which was very interesting.

We know what the stabbing is here, don't we?
Were there 7 boys in that van Kayleigh?

The car with the unknown fat woman is very interesting.
Was she pregnant...was she you?
Now you're panicking, hence the not being able to breathe...along with child birth connotations.
The friend is there because you have a guilty secret to share.
The boy crying is your yet to be born son, or the friend you secretly want to shag?

Have fun with that one. ;)

The girls are indeed slags. Ha.
They don't have sex with the boys, one runs with me, one disappears and one disappears in my house.
I never thought it was a penis, I added lmao, as theyre pretty random. and the fact that a samuri came from a lamp was random too!
There was only two boys in the van, one in the drivers seat and one in the far passenger seat.
She wasn't pregnant and she wasn't me, I've never seen her before but she was dressed strangely in old raggy floral tshirts and kaki (SP?) shorts.
I'm struggling to think of a guilty secret I have to share but I probably do have, I have a tendency to "forget" things and they come back with a ****ing vengence. It's probably because his now girlfriend was my nemisis throughout academy before I knew him. But we don't talk about it.
I absolutely do not want to have sex with him. He's more of a brother figure, we look out for each other and stuff. Although I barely see him, we know that if one is in trouble then we'd help each other out :)

Also, how the **** do analyse that? Most of it is pretty mad how you came to that conclusion, but as I pointed out above, about half is very acurate! :O

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