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TheBig3 11-28-2010 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by loveissucide (Post 961659)
Irish Christams sucks, so no.

How come?

Astronomer 11-28-2010 02:48 PM

Wow, I'm only the one of four who hates Christmas.

My parents are both working on Christmas Day and my brother has decided to go to Queensland. My sisters all live overseas so basically I'm going to be lonely and depressed. Yay!

s_k 11-28-2010 02:55 PM

Due to the different timezones there'll be plenty of people to talk to here.

(it's not very practical for me though, when I really need to go to sleep, it goes al busy...)

clementine 11-28-2010 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 950014)
No but it's the only time of year that I can drink a bottle of whiskey without getting moaned at.

hear hear!

Guybrush 11-28-2010 03:22 PM

I love christmas! I get to see family and friends I don't often see, get to eat good food, vacation from work/studies and there's presents. With a bit of luck, we get proper snow and dark, snowy winter evenings outside when it's cold and crisp can get so magical sometimes. This year, I'm also looking forward to taking the boat out for fishing with my girlfriend. I figure I'll see if I can catch anything in our crab pots too. I've never tried that around christmas before. It might get a bit cold for him, but I was also hoping I bring my nephew and teach him how to catch and bring home a meal. A thermos of hot cocoa might make the cold ocean bearable. :)

Summary : Christmas = pretty great!

s_k 11-28-2010 03:36 PM

"with a bit of luck we get proper snow".
I always thought that was always the case in Norway.
Misinformed again?
That's one of the reasons I would want to live in Scandinavia :).

Guybrush 11-28-2010 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 961885)
"with a bit of luck we get proper snow".
I always thought that was always the case in Norway.
Misinformed again?
That's one of the reasons I would want to live in Scandinavia :).

Well, it depends on where you are! I celebrate christmas on the very southern tip of the country and snow there is not guaranteed, although I think it's nice and snowy at present so it probably will be at christmas too.

When I lived up on Svalbard, there was snow most of the year. All the year just up on the glaciers and mountains, actually. :)

Zer0 11-28-2010 04:08 PM

I like the build-up to Christmas and the whole festive atmosphere in the centre of towns and cities. But when Christmas finally comes it just feels like an anti-climax and it's over in a short space of time. St. Stephen's day/Boxing Day or whatever you want to call it is far better, especially going out on the piss that night. The last few years have been seriously epic, anything could happen.


Originally Posted by loveissucide (Post 961659)
Irish Christams sucks, so no.

Get a bit more drink into you this Christmas :D

Astronomer 11-28-2010 04:20 PM

All your talk of snow made me think of another reason why I hate Christmas. Because I don't get snow and instead it's always disgustingly, stinking hot and sweaty!

s_k 11-28-2010 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 961894)
Well, it depends on where you are! I celebrate christmas on the very southern tip of the country and snow there is not guaranteed, although I think it's nice and snowy at present so it probably will be at christmas too.

Well there's snow overhere at some places already, here's a picture of a friend of mine who lives in the province Groningen, in the North of the Netherlands:
It's not much, but it's there.

And then, a picture from the province of Friesland, which is next to Groningen:
Three flakes of snow and the dutch can't drive anymore.
I love driving on deserted roads in the snow, having a drift now and then.
But I always keep my car under control. I guess these people trust too much of these fancy electronic gimmicks. My car hasn't got... well... any of those. Just airbags.


When I lived up on Svalbard, there was snow most of the year. All the year just up on the glaciers and mountains, actually. :)
I went searching for Svalbard and I discovered it's an Island to the north of Norway.
I didn't know that belonged to Norway as well. Looks very pretty to me :)

Where do you live now?
(I like to do a little bit of streetviewing ;D).

Guybrush 11-28-2010 04:48 PM

Cool that you have snow in Netherlands! I've been there quite a bit as I had a girlfriend who lived in the Hague some years ago. I didn't often see snow there, but I remember one time in particular, there was a real blizzard just as I was about to board the plane back to Norway .. of course we got stuck for hours. ;)


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 961905)
I went searching for Svalbard and I discovered it's an Island to the north of Norway.
I didn't know that belonged to Norway as well. Looks very pretty to me :)

Where do you live now?
(I like to do a little bit of streetviewing ;D).

To be exact, Svalbard is not an island, but an archipelago! The island I lived on would be Spitsbergen. Actually, Svalbard was discovered by a dutch explorer, Willem Barentsz, in 1596. The first permanent settlement there established in the early 1600s was called Smeerenburg and you guys were whaling up there until the 1800s. The region has an interesting history :)

s_k 11-28-2010 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 961916)
Cool that you have snow in Netherlands! I've been there quite a bit as I had a girlfriend who lived in the Hague some years ago.

The Hague. That's probably the worst city to drive a car here.
It's not my piece of cake, that city. But I get there a few times a year as I have some friends living there (I have friends throughout the entire country, which is really practical!).


I didn't often see snow there, but I remember one time in particular, there was a real blizzard just as I was about to board the plane back to Norway .. of course we got stuck for hours. ;)
It really doesn't happen that often here. Last winter was the most snow I've seen in my life so far.
That's me. And I have no idea what that chair was doing there.

Here's some pics and video's of last winter:

So, yeah, we have snow here. But it's rare.
And last winter was just... Incredible. God I loved it.


To be exact, Svalbard is not an island, but an archipelago! The island I lived on would be Spitsbergen.
Which is funny, since we have a town here called Spitsbergen.
Wonder which one came first ;)


Actually, Svalbard was discovered by a dutch explorer, Willem Barentsz, in 1596.
And died there, but that's not the point ;D

Burning Down 11-28-2010 07:48 PM

I love Christmas. Getting the whole family together and having a great time - it's the only time we get to see everybody! Giving and receiving gifts is nice too, but being with the fam is the best part.

thomasracer56 11-28-2010 08:06 PM

Yeah, I do. Presents, food, and the freedom to be carefree and not worry about anything. Sure. Plus, Christmas marks my birthday coming(my birthday is in January).

s_k 11-28-2010 08:08 PM

Mmm... Looking forward to all the lights and the food.
Can we post pictures of our christmas decorations here as well?

someonecompletelyrandom 11-28-2010 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 948654)
I don't undertsand the point of the thread.
Who doesn't like christmas?

inb4 grinch pic

*proudly stands up and says I*

Guybrush 11-29-2010 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 962077)
*proudly stands up and says I*

What is it about not liking christmas that makes you proud?

Scarlett O'Hara 11-29-2010 02:23 AM

I've only once had a white winter Christmas - which was in Antarctica!

This is a kiwi Christmas:

ThePhanastasio 11-29-2010 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 961934)

All of your pictures are gorgeous, but I wanted to comment on how absolutely adorable this cat is!

someonecompletelyrandom 11-29-2010 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 962110)
What is it about not liking christmas that makes you proud?

That was a joke. Like Janszoon, I don't believe in the relgious aspect of it, only unlike him - I don't even celebrate it. It also has no traditional or sentimental value to me because most of my family doesn't. So I didnt grow up with it either. I do love the season and def see the appeal, but it's not my thing.

s_k 11-29-2010 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 962124)
All of your pictures are gorgeous, but I wanted to comment on how absolutely adorable this cat is!

Haha, I'll tell him that when he wakes up.
And yes, Frits (the cat) is really really adorable.
He's very sweet, very interested in people and very talkative.
Everybody here loves Frits :)

docfunkenstein 11-30-2010 09:29 PM

i'll be spending my second christmas in northern germany this year. the holidays seemed a lot more festive and genuine there, a lot less about commercialism etc. new years was also pretty crazy, everyone in town setting off fireworks everywhere, not like here where its illegal

s_k 12-01-2010 07:14 PM

Overhere we're allowed to set off fireworks starting on the 31th of december at 10 o'clock in the morning.
Problem is, in Belgium, fireworks are less expensive and more exciting, so people are already buying them now. Since the closer you get to newyear, the more they will check at the border whether you have illegal fireworks with you.
So I hear a bang now and then already. I'm fine with that.
I usually buy a little big of fireworks and enjoy the show the others make :).

GuD 08-12-2014 12:07 PM

people who say don't get me anything
so you don't, really- just like a card or something.

Then they get you some really extravagant gift.


My whole family is like that. Drives me bananas. That is my only qualm with christmas, other than it's pretty much take it or leave it.

The Batlord 08-12-2014 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1478038)
people who say don't get me anything
so you don't, really- just like a card or something.

Then they get you some really extravagant gift.


My whole family is like that. Drives me bananas. That is my only qualm with christmas, other than it's pretty much take it or leave it.

My family are the opposite. They tell you not to get anything and mean it. So nobody really gives anybody anything at Christmas. All we do is show up at my grandparents' house, make awkward conversation while watching football, eat dinner, and then leave. What's even the point?

DwnWthVwls 08-12-2014 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1478089)
My family are the opposite. They tell you not to get anything and mean it. So nobody really gives anybody anything at Christmas. All we do is show up at my grandparents' house, make awkward conversation while watching football, eat dinner, and then leave. What's even the point?

Are we related? Only difference is we go out to this restaurant because no one wants to have it at their house or clean up. My mom doesn't mind hosting but no one wants to drive the 2 hours just to eat dinner.

The Batlord 08-12-2014 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1478093)
Are we related? Only difference is we go out to this restaurant because no one wants to have it at their house or clean up. My mom doesn't mind hosting but no one wants to drive the 2 hours just to eat dinner.

We'd never do the restaurant thing. I guess we're traditional, but we just don't care enough to act like it.

Frownland 08-12-2014 01:57 PM

I'm one of those people who says get me a gift or don't let me even see your ****in face on Christmas or it's Eve. Jesus got gold and perfume on his birthday and this is me that we're talking about so I guess gold and perfume is your base gift level to work up from. And if I got you a gift and you didn't return the favour I'll burn that **** right in front of your eyes if you don't get me one by New Years. And if your gift sucks I'm going to be pissed.

This threads getting me excited for Christophemas!

GuD 08-12-2014 02:05 PM


Cuthbert 08-12-2014 02:29 PM

Too much dicking about with money and worrying about presents. If it was just about getting pissed, eating food and spending time with family then fine, but there's too much pressure for people to spend. I personally don't give a shit about receiving gifts, I've got my own money to buy what I want, plus you return the favour so you don't really get a gift, it's just a swap and typically you end up with something you wouldn't have bought for yourself if it wasn't Christmas.

Carpe Mortem 08-12-2014 02:40 PM

I enjoy any excuse to hang with my cool ****in family (well one side is cool at least), get a little ****ed up, and have great conversation. The occasional gifts, always from my parents and grandparents, sometimes from others, are just a nice bonus.

Then again, I have a family I see often and connect with. They're all pretty young, vibrant people. That's a pretty crucial point when considering enjoyment of holidays.

The Batlord 08-12-2014 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Christian Benteke (Post 1478107)
Too much dicking about with money and worrying about presents. If it was just about getting pissed, eating food and spending time with family then fine, but there's too much pressure for people to spend. I personally don't give a shit about receiving gifts, I've got my own money to buy what I want, plus you return the favour so you don't really get a gift, it's just a swap and typically you end up with something you wouldn't have bought for yourself if it wasn't Christmas.

****, man. My family are pure-blooded Irish Catholic, but they almost never drink. I feel jipped. If I had a family of proper alcoholics then Christmas would be great. It might be liable to end in a fist fight but at least I'd be properly tanked in the meantime.

GuD 08-31-2014 11:45 PM


FishlessExistence 09-01-2014 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1484177)

Bah humbug!

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