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Sparky 02-16-2012 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Farfisa (Post 1155616)
Fuck you guys, I rock cutoffs like a beast. I only did those to 2 pairs of my jeans because they were to short to wear as pants.

Really now.

Yeah that style probably doesn't need policing, it's more just a personal vendetta.

Mrd00d 02-16-2012 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 1155615)
I absolutely detest when girls my age wear sweatpants, hoodies, headbands, and tie their hair back. It seems to only be around where I live that they do it too, and I usually get the impression that they're on the rag that particular day.

It basically means "avoid me". And I do.


Originally Posted by CanwllCorfe (Post 1155435)
I never knew what they were called for the longest time. I love them. Immensely.

I'd also like to add that sweatpants are upsetting.

Like what you said about Asics, they make me think the person that is wearing them is just giving up on everything. Ever since I was a kid I've hated the look of them. Pajamas are pretty damn bad too.

I find girls dressed casual - sweats, hoodie/t-shirt - to be extremely attractive. The only thing more attractive than sweats is spandex. :beer:

Given up on everything? Probably would have committed suicide then, ay? More like given up on givin a F*ck about what others think. I learned a long time ago not to care what other people think about you and especially your clothes. Just be yourself. Confidence in your decisions on how you want to live.


Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA (Post 1155408)
Running shoes are good for your feet, don't have leather, breathe well, and are comfortable. They also allow sprints when necessary, in case the urge or need to run overcomes the wearer.

YOU, Mrd00d, epitomize cool. You're not a follower, you think for yourself, and you don't waste money on frivolous stuff because you have more important things to care about and uses for your money.

However, just so you know, I've always thought Asics running shoes are cool, so I was surprised to read the OP thinks otherwise. People may be looking at you and your shoes and thinking, "Cool!" even though that wasn't your intention when wearing them! :)

Well I've never, ever been told I epitomize cool in a serious manner before. I kind of got the idea I was going to get shat on for my comment. So thanks for relating/understanding/...thinking I'm the epitomy of cool. /dance Have to agree about the comfort. The only shoes I find more comfortable than running shoes are skate shoes, but I can't be arsed to buy them anymore. Plus, dudes asked me to ride their skateboard once and do a kickflip - I can't ride a skateboard. :D

Remember, class: Think for yourself, question authority. <Hey don't tell me what to do> <Excellent work>


Originally Posted by Paloma (Post 1155462)

Couldn't tell if supportive or mocking, but either way, really. :D


Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop (Post 1155466)
Regarding footwear; I usually stick with black boots with steel toes. They're functional, safe, and indiscreet. I just wish more companies made extra wides.

Besides my running shoes I got for free, I bought a $25 pair of black boots similar to what you describe. Normally, it goes against my code to spend more than 15 dollars on shoes, but I knew I was heading into rainy, possibly snowy winter weather areas and would not want to be in sneakers. Not the most comfortable, but when it rains, I wear 'em. No more soaked socks/feet for me!


Originally Posted by Odyshape (Post 1155468)
Its really hard to remove yourself from marketing influence and brands etc. In my linguistics course focusing specifically on advertising the prof talks a lot about how most advertisements and brands really hit us on a subconscious level beyond our control, and because our minds are always naturally mapped to be curious about finding meaning (and being pretty good at it) in everything its really hard to not be influenced because we do this naturally. Like when we see an advertisement for a nice family driving a car, on some level we will associate "nice family" with "this car", and for many peoples they may think I want to have a nice family (or I have a nice family) this car seems right. We may not explicitly think this but its hitting us. Its not to say that this is necessarily mind control or anything but it shows that we are bombarded with so many advertisements and trends that we can't critically process all of them so naturally we are all being persuaded to some degree beyond our control since we can't be critical of every image we see.

Like even the fact that mr.dood had to point out the fact that he is not like other people shows that some influence was there already (no offense I actually think its really awesome you do whatever you want and put some extra effort into making a choice that many people don't think about). Vevangelica on the other hand haha shes on a totally different world (one totally awesome cool one).

It's not that hard to avoid marketing influence and brands. Develop a disdain for advertising. Avoid advertising (like I briefly mentioned earlier, if you gotta watch tv, download the episodes or tivo them and fast forward through the ads. Don't read magazines. About brands... they're irrelevant. I remember growing up all the kids wore Phat Farm and FUBU (lol - don't see that **** around anymore). Passing fads are passing fads. I was always more interested in finding comfort.

I do what I want, yes, but I don't put *any* effort into it. That's the point really. I'm not even sure what 'choice' you refer to that others seem to not be making, but I must say, wearing clothes isn't an ordeal. What's clean? I need one pair of pants and one ****, and grab a jacket if necessary, and out I go. People used to say "Your shirt doesn't match your pants" ... So? What? Who gives a damn? My shirt is green, my sweatshirt is brown/jacket is white, my jeans are blue. End of the world!


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 1155492)
So...yeah, you articulated what i said in a different way. Point for point. You are very "independent."
I guess i didn't explain the emotional connotations behind it a well as you did.

I was trying to address your post point by point because I was under the impression that you felt it was wrong to wear what I wear, and I felt it didn't matter at all. I was just wondering why you felt the way you did...

CanwllCorfe 02-17-2012 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1155670)
\Given up on everything? Probably would have committed suicide then, ay? More like given up on givin a F*ck about what others think. I learned a long time ago not to care what other people think about you and especially your clothes. Just be yourself. Confidence in your decisions on how you want to live.

Not exactly. I like to wear nice clothes for me, because I like to look good. It's the same reason I wear fragrances. A lot of people who get into fragrances, especially guys, do it so that girls and other people will comment on them and so on. They're not really into them, they do it for the attention. Chances are they probably only wear them on dates and to clubs with the guys, routinely wearing too much and forcing everyone around to wallow in their large gaseous cloud. I, and people who are truly into fragrances, do it for themselves. I could easily wear something time tested and crowd friendly, like Acqua di Gio, something from Hugo Boss, or Curve. I don't. I'm sure many people my age probably think I smell old, but I'm okay with that. If people who wore nice clothing did it for other people, they'd be wasting a lot of time and effort. There's also the people who have a bizarre sense of fashion and probably get laughed at by the average person. They certainly aren't doing it to just look good. I'm sure there are some people that do that, absolutely, but I think people who truly care about their appearance, clothing, etc. still do even when nobody is looking.

EDIT: For anyone interested, here's a lunch of 25 impeccably dressed men (all covered by The Sartorialist). You may recognize a few faces.

Mrd00d 02-17-2012 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by CanwllCorfe (Post 1155725)
Not exactly. I like to wear nice clothes for me, because I like to look good. It's the same reason I wear fragrances. A lot of people who get into fragrances, especially guys, do it so that girls and other people will comment on them and so on. They're not really into them, they do it for the attention. Chances are they probably only wear them on dates and to clubs with the guys, routinely wearing too much and forcing everyone around to wallow in their large gaseous cloud. I, and people who are truly into fragrances, do it for themselves. I could easily wear something time tested and crowd friendly, like Acqua di Gio, something from Hugo Boss, or Curve. I don't. I'm sure many people my age probably think I smell old, but I'm okay with that. If people who wore nice clothing did it for other people, they'd be wasting a lot of time and effort. There's also the people who have a bizarre sense of fashion and probably get laughed at by the average person. They certainly aren't doing it to just look good. I'm sure there are some people that do that, absolutely, but I think people who truly care about their appearance, clothing, etc. still do even when nobody is looking.

EDIT: For anyone interested, here's a lunch of 25 impeccably dressed men (all covered by The Sartorialist). You may recognize a few faces.

They let that ass-hat Kanye West join them? I can't speak for the others, but anyone rubbing shoulders with Kanye gets pegged as questionable in my book. That's just me, hating Kanye West... hoping he dies immediately.

I respect your ideas of dress. I used to wear fragrances in high school, but I didn't feel any different, and I didn't get any reactions from women or anyone actually. I view fragrances as an unnecessary expense. It they were free, I might wear a smell I liked. But they're not, and I don't prefer any fragrance in particular. I don't mind those that do, because due to smoking, I can't smell worth a damn anyway so it's all lost on me. If I can smell it, they're probably wearing WAY too much :D

I'm also the type to loathe dressing up. When I was young and had to wear my "Sunday best" to church, I began despising dressing up. I was so glad my mom decided church wasn't woo-ing me and that she didn't want to go either, and that was that. I've only dressed up real nice about one or two times since I was 10 years old. A couple years ago my parents took me on a cruise with them and for a formal dinner I donned a grey turtleneck cotton shirt and black slacks. I looked 'good', but I didn't really like it and I was very happy to change into shorts and t-shirt again when that was over with. There were formal dinners about every night, but I opted to go to the buffet the rest of the time. :D

On your last note about folks that dress up strangely. I think it's fantastic. I've never worn anything to stand out, but I think it's nice to see someone breaking the mold and dressed up in a bunny suit with a mohawk or something else outlandish. The majority that dress outlandishly might do it for attention, but I do think at least some do it just because that's who they feel they are - some might be doing it for themselves after all.

I think suit and tie is the devil. I think ties should be not only considered bad fashion, but banned from the world. Except MAYBE bowties - because "bowties are cool" - The Doctor

FRED HALE SR. 02-17-2012 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1155730)
They let that ass-hat Kanye West join them? I can't speak for the others, but anyone rubbing shoulders with Kanye gets pegged as questionable in my book. That's just me, hating Kanye West... hoping he dies immediately.

I respect your ideas of dress. I used to wear fragrances in high school, but I didn't feel any different, and I didn't get any reactions from women or anyone actually. I view fragrances as an unnecessary expense. It they were free, I might wear a smell I liked. But they're not, and I don't prefer any fragrance in particular. I don't mind those that do, because due to smoking, I can't smell worth a damn anyway so it's all lost on me. If I can smell it, they're probably wearing WAY too much :D

I'm also the type to loathe dressing up. When I was young and had to wear my "Sunday best" to church, I began despising dressing up. I was so glad my mom decided church wasn't woo-ing me and that she didn't want to go either, and that was that. I've only dressed up real nice about one or two times since I was 10 years old. A couple years ago my parents took me on a cruise with them and for a formal dinner I donned a grey turtleneck cotton shirt and black slacks. I looked 'good', but I didn't really like it and I was very happy to change into shorts and t-shirt again when that was over with. There were formal dinners about every night, but I opted to go to the buffet the rest of the time. :D

On your last note about folks that dress up strangely. I think it's fantastic. I've never worn anything to stand out, but I think it's nice to see someone breaking the mold and dressed up in a bunny suit with a mohawk or something else outlandish. The majority that dress outlandishly might do it for attention, but I do think at least some do it just because that's who they feel they are - some might be doing it for themselves after all.

I think suit and tie is the devil. I think ties should be not only considered bad fashion, but banned from the world. Except MAYBE bowties - because "bowties are cool" - The Doctor

I like dressing up nice on occassion and going out with my girl. I prefer Ralph Lauren in suits, He has a great vision for taller men and the fit is always fantastic. I like to look nice for my girl and she likes to look nice for me, but i have my days of wearing lounge gear.

FETCHER. 02-17-2012 10:40 AM

I always buy my clothes from Next and River Island because they do extra long. Otherwise I'm like a chimney sweep with a pair of 3 quarters on.

Janszoon 02-17-2012 11:40 AM

I have zero interest in brand names but I do generally put a decent amount thought into my wardrobe, which is probably a bit of a side-effect of having career where I spend my days trying to make things visually appealing.

James 02-17-2012 12:56 PM

I have two major gripes about fashion;
Paul's Boutique clothes. So ugly yet so popular amongst tarty fourteen year old girls.
Wearing leggings like they are trousers. Girl, I do not want to see your vagina. Seriously.

Sparky 02-17-2012 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 1155852)
Wearing leggings like they are trousers. Girl, I do not want to see your vagina. Seriously.

Your wrong about this one. Do you not like seeing ass?

James 02-17-2012 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 1155854)
Your wrong about this one. Do you not like seeing ass?

Of course I do, but there is such a things as revealing too much. It just looks trashy.

Thom Yorke 02-17-2012 01:00 PM

Yoga pants are seriously one of the best things ever.

Janszoon 02-17-2012 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Thom Yorke (Post 1155857)
Yoga pants are seriously one of the best things ever.

Yes. Yes, they are.

FETCHER. 02-17-2012 01:14 PM

Leggings should be worn with long tops. Still love them though :).

James 02-17-2012 01:22 PM

Nobody agrees on this one? Camel Toes are just nasty.

Sparky 02-17-2012 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 1155873)
Nobody agrees on this one? Camel Toes are just nasty.

Yeah but it's not a 100% ratio camel toe to tights. It's just a sometimes thing.

It's a small fault in a otherwise amazing fashion style.

Farfisa 02-17-2012 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Aurora (Post 1155870)
Leggings should be worn with long tops. Still love them though :).

I'm more partial to hose and skirts *drool*.

Frownland 02-17-2012 02:10 PM

Sequins, rhinestones, and flashy things on shirts. You're not a male stripper, leave that sh!t at home.

This one may be more attitudinal, but I hate when white men forget their race and that we just can't pull some things off.

Farfisa 02-17-2012 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1155893)
This one may be more attitudinal, but I hate when white men forget their race and that we just can't pull some things off.

Race shouldn't matter, at all.

Zer0 02-17-2012 02:22 PM

Jeans with elasticated cuffs

Just... why?

Frownland 02-17-2012 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Farfisa (Post 1155897)
Race shouldn't matter, at all.

No it shouldn't, but the suburbanites that I see in California dressing in this outlandish fashion, it makes me sick.

DoctorSoft 02-17-2012 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Zer0 (Post 1155899)
Jeans with elasticated cuffs

Just... why?

the hell? I can literally never see anyone wearing those. Those are awful.

FRED HALE SR. 02-17-2012 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by DoctorSoft (Post 1155905)
the hell? I can literally never see anyone wearing those. Those are awful.

The Vans are pretty solid, but the cuffed jeans and no socks is pretty deplorable.

CanwllCorfe 02-17-2012 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1155730)
I respect your ideas of dress. I used to wear fragrances in high school, but I didn't feel any different, and I didn't get any reactions from women or anyone actually. I view fragrances as an unnecessary expense. It they were free, I might wear a smell I liked. But they're not, and I don't prefer any fragrance in particular. I don't mind those that do, because due to smoking, I can't smell worth a damn anyway so it's all lost on me. If I can smell it, they're probably wearing WAY too much :D

Yeah many people do. For me it's an art form. Many don't see all that goes into a fragrance, and the fragrances that people are exposed to are usually just good smelling and have no real thought process behind them. It's all just marketing and business. It's sad. I quite like that it isn't so popular as a hobby, especially for a guy. It makes for an interesting conversation! :laughing:


On your last note about folks that dress up strangely. I think it's fantastic. I've never worn anything to stand out, but I think it's nice to see someone breaking the mold and dressed up in a bunny suit with a mohawk or something else outlandish. The majority that dress outlandishly might do it for attention, but I do think at least some do it just because that's who they feel they are - some might be doing it for themselves after all.
Yeah I love people like that. I can never understand what's going through their head when they picked out what they were going to wear, but that makes it so much more interesting!


I think suit and tie is the devil. I think ties should be not only considered bad fashion, but banned from the world. Except MAYBE bowties - because "bowties are cool" - The Doctor
I quite like suit and ties! I don't ever see myself being able to afford wearing them in the foreseeable future, but I do like them.

If I could afford an actual wardrobe of clothes I really like, I'd probably dress like these guys.

Frownland 02-17-2012 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by CanwllCorfe (Post 1155927)
I quite like suit and ties! I don't ever see myself being able to afford wearing them in the foreseeable future, but I do like them.

If I could afford an actual wardrobe of clothes I really like, I'd probably dress like these guys.

I agree, had I the funds I would live my life in Tom Wolfe's three piece suit and other suits. It would be a bomb way to look, I guarantee it.

James 02-17-2012 03:55 PM

Bottom left...what even is that? Ugliest clothing I have ever seen.

CanwllCorfe 02-17-2012 03:57 PM

I forgot what the shawl kind of thing he is wearing is called to be honest. Then a trench coat, jeans, shirt, and boots.

And if that's the ugliest clothing you've ever seen, you haven't seen much at all. :laughing:

James 02-17-2012 04:11 PM

It would be okay if it wasn't for the shawl I guess, it just looks ridiculous.

FRED HALE SR. 02-17-2012 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 1155936)
It would be okay if it wasn't for the shawl I guess, it just looks ridiculous.

The shawl looks like the emperors from star wars. Looks like the guy could use another pizza also, hes about 75 lbs soaking wet.

CanwllCorfe 02-17-2012 05:32 PM

Yeah the shawl bit is from Layers London, who definitely appeal to a certain niche. I definitely wouldn't wear something like that all the time.

Farfisa 02-17-2012 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by CanwllCorfe (Post 1155978)
Yeah the shawl bit is from Layers London, who definitely appeal to a certain niche. I definitely wouldn't wear something like that all the time.

2 grand for a pair of ****ing shoes, 2 grand.

CanwllCorfe 02-17-2012 05:51 PM

Yup. I honestly couldn't tell you why.

Mrd00d 02-17-2012 07:45 PM

I have a vendetta against ties. It's like a fashionable leash. Or it's like your neck is throwing up silk/whatever ties are made of. I don't like what it represents. I detest that it takes a tie for someone to think you're well dressed. Corporate culture ... blech.

CanwllCorfe 02-17-2012 08:21 PM

You really feel that strongly about ties? :laughing: I definitely don't think it takes a tie for someone to be well dressed. At all. You can even wear a suit without a tie.

ThePhanastasio 02-18-2012 12:27 AM

This colour seems to be in vogue presently, although I've yet to find a single male who finds it attractive; more often than not, it's associated with skanky ladies, so uh...let this be a warning to you if you intend to have this shade in my general vicinity.

Dudes will **** you because that hair color makes you look easy, but won't stick around, because it's not their thing.

Fair warning.

No idea how it is elsewhere, but don't do this in OH, KY, or WV.

Mrd00d 02-18-2012 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by CanwllCorfe (Post 1156025)
You really feel that strongly about ties? :laughing: I definitely don't think it takes a tie for someone to be well dressed. At all. You can even wear a suit without a tie.

Yeah I feel very strongly that way about ties. And I know/am sure that some can consider you well dressed without a tie, but try working an office job or government job or some such with a suit but no tie - no go. Ties are mandatory attire for a lot of "high-class" stuff and that is what I meant and that is part of what irks me. I feel like dressing up in suit and tie is to throw away my identity and don "society's costume".

"I'm clinically bonkers and hate just about everyone God's great earth offers/I won't be getting dressed up to impress your family, dear/and if I can't wear jeans and sneakers then I won't be landing there."

-Aesop Rock

On a P.S. I used to hate jeans, and still barely put up with them. I was cargo pants/shorts or die. But when I got above size 40 back in the day I couldn't really find any that fit. I'm back to 38's but wear jeans because I've become accustomed to them and the fact that they are long-lasting. Denim is very durable. Rips don't come as often as they used to with cargos. I wore my first pair of jeans when I was ... 19.

FETCHER. 02-18-2012 05:23 AM

I love wearing ties if the opportunity ever comes up. I feel nice and smart.

steve0211 02-18-2012 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1156094)

No idea how it is elsewhere, but don't do this in OH, KY, or WV.

I think this look could work on the East or West coast, and overseas, but i agree it does not work in the Midwest/Rust belt. I rather like it actually

Farfisa 02-18-2012 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Aurora (Post 1156180)
I love wearing ties if the opportunity ever comes up. I feel nice and smart.

Are you a tomboy?

FETCHER. 02-18-2012 10:37 AM

Yes, what gave you that impression haha?

LoathsomePete 02-18-2012 01:55 PM

Cyber goth... I just cannot stand this fashion. Everything about it is impractical to the point where it detracts from everyday use. I'm not the biggest fan of most goth style to begin with, although at least some of the less ostentatious does have some aesthetic beauty and intrigue to it. Cyber goth... ugh. I think it's the pipe hair extensions, they just look ugly.

Face it, there is no way you could ever imagine what this person looks like when they wake up in the morning.

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