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shandapanda 06-29-2005 05:39 PM

thanks fenixpunk. now i can't wait....

adidasss 06-29-2005 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by kinky cali
Those are all three great flicks. I love ed Dazed and confused, Cant wait to see batman begins (is that the one out in theaters?/ if not already saw it and I luv all the batman movies, lord of the rings was ok.

Recently I went to go see MR. and MRS. Smith. Great action movie with some intence emotional scenes, Love the stickin it through and battling it out plot of the movie.

The ring 2 had no fiber in it, i hated it, not at all scary, or exciting.

Anyone like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

lord of the rings was ok?!?!?!?!?!?!what....the....fuck?!
oh, and i saw batman begins...great movie...the best batman i saw, but if you liked all the batman movies you may not like this one ( personaly i hated the ones directed by shumacher...that's the last two ) because it's way more realistic and the villains are not cartoonish but real persons...
and mr. and mrs.smith is far too similar to true lies for me to go watch it...

Darkness 06-29-2005 06:43 PM

Any scary movies?

Spike*Spiegel 06-29-2005 11:15 PM

i saw batman begins, yesterday. meh, it was ok. the references to drugs were pretty cool. everyone in gotham gets all high and twacked out...

blackTshirt 06-30-2005 01:00 AM

i think it was the Hitchhiker's guide......... i know...

Fenixpunk 06-30-2005 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by shandapanda
thanks fenixpunk. now i can't wait....

no prob, its not a high action movie by any means though, its several small scenes with 2 ppl in each one and all of the conversations somehow has to do with coffee and cigarettes. The last scene with Iggy Pop and Tom Waits is my favorite.

shandapanda 06-30-2005 08:35 AM

i know what it's about, i still wanna watch it, it looks interesting! i wonder if i'll recognise all the people....

Fenixpunk 06-30-2005 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by kinky cali

Anyone like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Fear and Loathing was good, I liked Where the Buffalo Roam better. Check that one out, its pretty much the original fear and loathing (made in 1980)with Bill Murray playing Hunter S. Thompson. There isnt all of the special effects that F&L has so Bill Murray has to actually act like hes on all of these drugs rather than cutting to somesort of animation.

adidasss 07-01-2005 01:34 PM

i just watched war of the worlds and alls i gots to say is....
and...i gotta say, i feel bad for you americans, i mean, every time some shit is happenng to earth america gets hit first, be it huge asteroids threatning to wipe us out or the aliens invading earth, they all have a hard on for ....THE U.S. OF A. OF COURSE.....

PhishFood 07-01-2005 02:09 PM

i saw war of the worlds too,,,,, It happened in Ukraine first eh! The movie was s'alright but Ther wasn't a satisfactory enough ending for me,,,

adidasss 07-01-2005 02:15 PM

what are you talking about?! it was a perfect ending!
if the americans managed to beat the aliens in the end it would have totaly ruined the movie
i kept thinking, if tom crusie manages to figure out how to beat the aliens im walking out of the goddamn theatre....thank god that didn't happen...

PopIsDead 07-01-2005 03:12 PM

The last movie I watched was Kill Bill Vol. 2.

adidasss 07-01-2005 04:43 PM

hey look, i'm a groupie again....whoopy!

adidasss 07-01-2005 04:51 PM

please rent "lilya forever"'s a movie about will open your eyes to certain stuff that goes on in eastern europe's not for the weakhearted...

PhishFood 07-01-2005 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
what are you talking about?! it was a perfect ending!


Yeah, but i knew the ending was coming because NPR, and I am glad that it wasn't just the americans winning, but the ending only happened in one city.... we just assume that the rest of the world is fine because the aleins there were dieing of bacteria.....

adidasss 07-01-2005 06:51 PM

your point being? mean to tell me that there's something out there besides america?! is that what you're saying?! you blasphemic bastard!?

PhishFood 07-03-2005 10:10 PM


PhishFood 07-03-2005 10:12 PM

all I'm saying is like 5 of the things die, there's a hug, the movie is over. what happened to the hordes of them all over the world?

blackTshirt 07-04-2005 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss
please rent "lilya forever"'s a movie about will open your eyes to certain stuff that goes on in eastern europe's not for the weakhearted...

woo i got it on cd but i can't watch it since it's my evil sisters' :rolleyes:

adidasss 07-04-2005 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by blackTshirt
woo i got it on cd but i can't watch it since it's my evil sisters' :rolleyes:

it's preatty shocking....

adidasss 07-04-2005 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by PhishFood
all I'm saying is like 5 of the things die, there's a hug, the movie is over. what happened to the hordes of them all over the world?

erm.....they all die....

PhishFood 07-04-2005 09:19 AM

but where does it show you that they all die?, that's my only beef with the movie.... don't get me wrong, i loved the movie....

adidasss 07-04-2005 09:40 AM

erm....they all get infected, and then they all die.....i don't understand why you would want a picture of all of them dying....what, you wanted them to show every one of them die, from america to brasil,europe and australia...i think we got the point from just one scene of them dying....

shandapanda 07-05-2005 04:48 AM

hmmm...was lilya 4 ever in english? i saw it but i don't remember anything in english i remember the whole thing in swedish.......
i liked coffee and cigarettes! it was good...i'm gonna watch 'the life aquatic'...
the last movie i watched was with richard gere as a mentally ill person, i didn't watch the whole thing but at the end she quits and falls in love with him! i was like wtf! how the hell could they do that, i saw it happening but i denied it, i kept on thinking they couldn't turn this into a love story......good for them that there isn't a sequel, it would probably include gere killing his love interest and find another one and kills her too!..i didn't like the movie, but i was bored, and it was late

Dezzy 07-11-2005 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Gentleman Johnny
The Warriors, the greatest gang movie that doesnt have dancing.

Great film The Warriors!!!
When it first came out on video me & my mates was about 12/13 years of age and we thought we were the warriors. Obviously inspired by Swan and Ajax and the others we ripped the sleves off our denim jackets and drew a large "W" on the backs and went prowling around our neighbourhood in Manchester thinking we were tough guys.
At the time There was this other gang in our area who wore Baseball Caps that were like folded at the peak like a ducks bill. They called themselves The Ducky Boys. I later learned that The Ducky Boys were from another film, The Wanderers (I think).
Anyway we went into the area where the Ducky Boys lived just like passing through like and they (all 15/16 year olds) slapped us up a bit and sent us running home. I thought it would have looked pretty funny to local residents seeing two gangs toe to toe who were straight outta American Films.

All_Nite_Dinah 07-11-2005 08:23 PM

War of the world was a terrrible movie. The actors wernt likable at all. No real charecter development,LOTS of plot holes, iritating acting, the only thing it had going for it was special effects. Ugh, that was a terrible movie.

PhishFood 07-11-2005 08:41 PM

I hated the little girl and her incesentr questions that she somhow expected her father to know,, but i like the movie.... but that isn't the last movie i've watched any more, I just saw batman begins

.angie. 07-11-2005 08:43 PM

heh. i watched Jackass.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 07-11-2005 10:32 PM

sorority boys....god.......i died during the football scene...

adidasss 07-12-2005 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by shandapanda
hmmm...was lilya 4 ever in english? i saw it but i don't remember anything in english i remember the whole thing in swedish.......

nah, lilya 4-ever was in russian, the last part was set in sweden so there's a couple of words in sweden....

Metallica_rox 07-12-2005 03:58 AM

i last saw some western thing yesterday.... how exciting

adidasss 07-12-2005 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by All_Nite_Dinah
War of the world was a terrrible movie. The actors wernt likable at all. No real charecter development,LOTS of plot holes, iritating acting, the only thing it had going for it was special effects. Ugh, that was a terrible movie.

i could argue with you about this, but i'm not sure i feel like it...i thought the portrail of human behaviour amidst total chaos was amazing, the plot development was also very good, it's just a small segment of their lives and it was done very good not to mention the realistic portrayle of a broken family, no script holes, the movie is on the verge of being a horror flick...a thoroughly enjoyable experience...that's all i have to say...

All_Nite_Dinah 07-12-2005 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss
i could argue with you about this, but i'm not sure i feel like it...i thought the portrail of human behaviour amidst total chaos was amazing, the plot development was also very good, it's just a small segment of their lives and it was done very good not to mention the realistic portrayle of a broken family, no script holes, the movie is on the verge of being a horror flick...a thoroughly enjoyable experience...that's all i have to say...

There was no plot development. They drive and walk and thats it. Lots of special effects ad explosions. And eventually when they get to Boston miraculaosly the one block of Boston untouched by alien destruction is the block where the kids mother is and the boy is somehow untouched. Tom Cruise could have save hundreds of peoples lives by telling them that all they had to do to fix a car is to replace the starter solenoid(an emp wouldnt affect this anyway). The post alien attack scenery lkooks like something out of willy wonka with licorice laying on the ground. The charecters were sooo bad. Much of what happens is pointless. The boy stealing he car had nothing to do with the movie at all except it made Cruise go outside. Sooo much of the movie was just filler. I especially loved when he crawled into the hummer that had obviously been on fire and grabbed a belt of grnades which werent detonated or even hot. The belt wast even charred. The portrayl of human deperity goes two ways. Not only wwerew people desperate to get the car. Cruise wouldnt even allow them to ride with him. He refused to even give up the reason why the cars wouldnt start. I just htought it was a bunch of action star dribble.

shandapanda 07-12-2005 11:43 AM

i just saw 'batman begins'. it was what i expected it to be with all the action and the bad guys and the phrase that is repeated that gives him an inner strength etc..
i was mostly disappointed at the 'love' factor. sad, very sad, but otherwise it was good, it was all i thought it to be but still okay.

adidasss 07-12-2005 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by All_Nite_Dinah
There was no plot development. They drive and walk and thats it. Lots of special effects ad explosions. And eventually when they get to Boston miraculaosly the one block of Boston untouched by alien destruction is the block where the kids mother is and the boy is somehow untouched. Tom Cruise could have save hundreds of peoples lives by telling them that all they had to do to fix a car is to replace the starter solenoid(an emp wouldnt affect this anyway). The post alien attack scenery lkooks like something out of willy wonka with licorice laying on the ground. The charecters were sooo bad. Much of what happens is pointless. The boy stealing he car had nothing to do with the movie at all except it made Cruise go outside. Sooo much of the movie was just filler. I especially loved when he crawled into the hummer that had obviously been on fire and grabbed a belt of grnades which werent detonated or even hot. The belt wast even charred. The portrayl of human deperity goes two ways. Not only wwerew people desperate to get the car. Cruise wouldnt even allow them to ride with him. He refused to even give up the reason why the cars wouldnt start. I just htought it was a bunch of action star dribble.

so essentially you're saying is that if something like that happens you would stop and tell every person you see hey you know what, you should replace those batteries with something else...maybe you'd invite them for a cup of coffee and you'd reminisce of the old times while the aliens are evaporating people around know what i would do? i would take my kids and run, i wouldn't stop to warn anybody's every man for himself....
the boy stealing the car was just a normal thing that would happened before the aliens came and destroyed the earth. if cruise allowed people to get in the car he would have had to stop and take everybody and that would only slow him down and eventually lead to his death as well as the death of his kids....
in conclusion i thought it was an amazingly realistic portrayal of human behavior when faced with human beings turn in to animals when it comes to fighting for their lives....

madguru 07-13-2005 12:19 AM


madguru 07-13-2005 12:22 AM

I did see war of the worlds and i didnt think it was horrible. but the most recent movie i have seen is the fantastic 4 which to be honest slightly dissapointed me, maybe its the fact that i saw batman begins a week prior to it which i thought was top notch.

p.s. i work at a movie theatre

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