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Plankton 07-07-2017 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Man like Monkey (Post 1853461)
The point is that for me you either have kids or you don't. I don't want to be involved with other people's children so it doesn't matter to me whether it's one child or one hundred children it's still no, exception being I'm an old man and my partner's children have grown up and fucked off. I'm asking why two kids is OK but three of them is a deal breaker, I get that it's 50% more kid, but can't see what the issue is that wasn't there when two kids were involved.

I think it's more of a threshold kind of thing. You can have 2 beers, one in each hand, but then someone throws you a 3rd...

Trollheart 07-07-2017 03:14 PM

The worst day in years. Yes, even worse than when my Auntie Eileen passed in February. That was kind of expected, this was not. Yesterday was my birthday, but a huge cloud hung over it as I knew that today I had to take Ritchie, one of our three (now two) cats, to the vet to be put to sleep. I don't know how I got through it, but he's at peace now and I'll never forget him. He touched the lives of everyone he came in contact with, even those who (initially) did not like animals, or pets. He was just that sort of cat. Jesus! Being a pet owner is ****ing hard sometimes! :(

Mindy 07-07-2017 03:25 PM

i like the recent avys changes everyone

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 07-07-2017 03:28 PM

sorry to hear TH. my condolences.

Chiomara 07-07-2017 03:34 PM

I'm sorry Trollheart :c
Kitties are irreplaceable.

Mindy 07-07-2017 04:45 PM

sorry to hear about your cat trollheart

djchameleon 07-07-2017 05:18 PM

Sorry to hear that TH. My condolences.

Chula Vista 07-07-2017 07:23 PM

Sorry Troll.

Trollheart 07-07-2017 07:23 PM

Thanks everyone. Your thoughts are appreciated.

Chula Vista 07-07-2017 09:51 PM

My Linny.
About to turn 57 and still amazing. This is her step-brother from Chicago who made the effort to fly out for Sherri's wedding. Guy busts my balls every chance he gets but it's been a super fun game for the last 30 years. Love the dude. And love Linda to death. She's simply stunning. Inside and out.

The Batlord 07-07-2017 09:55 PM

You never told us you knew Ricky Gervais.

Blank. 07-08-2017 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1853486)
The worst day in years. Yes, even worse than when my Auntie Eileen passed in February. That was kind of expected, this was not. Yesterday was my birthday, but a huge cloud hung over it as I knew that today I had to take Ritchie, one of our three (now two) cats, to the vet to be put to sleep. I don't know how I got through it, but he's at peace now and I'll never forget him. He touched the lives of everyone he came in contact with, even those who (initially) did not like animals, or pets. He was just that sort of cat. Jesus! Being a pet owner is ****ing hard sometimes! :(

That sucks man. I'm sorry. :(

Justthefacts 07-08-2017 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1853556)
About to turn 57 and still amazing. This is her step-brother from Chicago who made the effort to fly out for Sherri's wedding. Guy busts my balls every chance he gets but it's been a super fun game for the last 30 years. Love the dude. And love Linda to death. She's simply stunning. Inside and out.

Now I don't want you take this as a dig, or that you perceive me as "crossing the line", but there's no doubt Linda was a fox when she was a wee young lassie, given how great she looks now.

Ninetales 07-08-2017 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Chiomara (Post 1853385)
I've never minded people having kids. The people I've dated/been pursued by that had kids were much more grounded and patient in ways that people without kids aren't. (Though I know that that does not necessarily have to do with the fact that they have children.) I do not particularly wish to bear my own children, though. I'm just used to them due to all my nephews + nanny experience.

its weird. I originally was never super into having kids but this has sort of changed me. idk what my long term plan is, but I like having them around. I like hangin out with them. obviously I get the easiest times, but they are cool kids. either way I think id want kids in the picture

Im still on the fence about the whole dating thing; I mostly just don't know how long this is going to last. we've been "off and on" for about a year but this is the first crack at actual relationship. and I just have bad feelings about it.

Zhanteimi 07-08-2017 05:05 AM

I performed three hotel weddings today. On my way to work, I saw an altercation between the J-cops and a J-crazy at the train station. J-crazy was cackling maniacally (I think he was legit demon possessed) as four J-cops jumped on him and tried to wrestle him down. He threw them off like it was a panel in a comic book. I was impressed.

In one of the weddings, the bride had shitty bright red lipstick. Also she was crying so much that snot was literally running in two viscous lines down onto her lip. It was nasty. We kept giving her tissues to wipe it away. And then the groom had her lipstick smeared on his own lips after the wedding kiss. The guests jeered at him. I laughed inside.

I'm on my third Guinness. It's 8:05 pm on Saturday night, and the moon is full.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 07-08-2017 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1853559)
You never told us you knew Ricky Gervais.


Chula Vista 07-08-2017 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1853567)
Now I don't want you take this as a dig, or that you perceive me as "crossing the line", but there's no doubt Linda was a fox when she was a wee young lassie, given how great she looks now.

100% taken as a compliment.

Trollheart 07-08-2017 09:34 AM

You're one lucky dude, Chula.

The Batlord 07-08-2017 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Mord (Post 1853577)
I performed three hotel weddings today. On my way to work, I saw an altercation between the J-cops and a J-crazy at the train station. J-crazy was cackling maniacally (I think he was legit demon possessed) as four J-cops jumped on him and tried to wrestle him down. He threw them off like it was a panel in a comic book. I was impressed.

In one of the weddings, the bride had shitty bright red lipstick. Also she was crying so much that snot was literally running in two viscous lines down onto her lip. It was nasty. We kept giving her tissues to wipe it away. And then the groom had her lipstick smeared on his own lips after the wedding kiss. The guests jeered at him. I laughed inside.

I'm on my third Guinness. It's 8:05 pm on Saturday night, and the moon is full.

So if you see a bunch of Yakuza walking down the sidewalk do you call them a J-crew?

Trollheart 07-08-2017 12:11 PM

I'd be more interested in whether a Japanese father is referred to as a J-Pop...

Tristan_Geoff 07-08-2017 12:13 PM

Spent yesterday recording in a decked out garage with this chill-ass dude from a local band Ian played bass in for a minute. Easily one of the highlight days of my summer so far, got a few good pics from a friend that Ian brought along that we'll consider for the EP cover. Guy smoked us out and I got to add some screaming vocals to the end of one of our songs. Drove home through the Raleigh bar scene with Ian and Jake blasting Camp Lo and Anderson.Paak.

I'll post the EP when we're done with it in the next few weeks, so proud of these guys and myself for getting so far so quickly.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 07-08-2017 12:15 PM

i spot an ajj

Janszoon 07-08-2017 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1853715)
So if you see a bunch of Yakuza walking down the sidewalk do you call them a J-crew?

Also, are they j-walking?

The Batlord 07-08-2017 12:22 PM

I totally want to see Tristan high. Drunk would be my first choice, but high would be good too. But the real prize would be recording Nea after an entire blunt.

Tristan_Geoff 07-08-2017 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1853726)
i spot an ajj

Dude is cool as hell, here's his band:

I'll try to take more pics of the garage later too cause there's tons of cool **** in there.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1853731)
I totally want to see Tristan high. Drunk would be my first choice, but high would be good too. But the real prize would be recording Nea after an entire blunt.

All my friends can attest that I am very fun to be around while under the influence.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 07-08-2017 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1853731)
I totally want to see Tristan


Tristan_Geoff 07-08-2017 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1853738)

Aw <3

The Batlord 07-08-2017 12:57 PM

Frownland 07-08-2017 12:58 PM

Tom Wolfe is a gimmicky hack.

Zhanteimi 07-08-2017 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1853715)
So if you see a bunch of Yakuza walking down the sidewalk do you call them a J-crew?

There's a J- for everyone.


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1853717)
I'd be more interested in whether a Japanese father is referred to as a J-Pop...

Good one. Clever!

Pet_Sounds 07-08-2017 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1853432)
Spoken like a non-Tralfamadorian.


AP exam scores come out tomorrow at 8 a.m. EDT and I can't sleep because I'm so ****ing nervous. Also I saw Barenaked Ladies and it was one of the best concerts of my life.

Justthefacts 07-09-2017 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1853726)
i spot an ajj

I'm sure I'm not the only one who sees ajj and doesn't think you're referring to Andrew Jackson Jihad

Mindy 07-11-2017 02:35 PM

finished typing up the practice questions in the work book that im doing. drank some energy drinks to keep me going. went to the park for maybe 15 mins to shoot some hoops.

Chiomara 07-11-2017 04:18 PM

Horrible day. Doctors are, as always, completely useless.

Spoiler for boring personal information:
I went in to get my eye thing looked at (I'm 95% sure it's blephartis) seeing as it has now spread to the other eye. That plus the mystery rash on my face that's now spread to my chin. I look like a disgusting monster. The doctor poked at my eye for a minute and essentially shrugged. She didn't diagnose me. She just gave me antibiotics. And she was extremely condescending and rude the entire time. Guess I'll be going to a dermatologist + eye doctor if necessary. I will likely end up having to order whatever they give me on a canadian or indian online pharmacy which is annoying because the shipping takes a long time, but oh well.
edit: well, I did actually manage to clear the rash from my cheeks but seeing as I have rosacea I look bad regardless.

And I completely forgot to ask for Prozac. That's the one antidepressant (the one SSRI, that is-- they won't let me try the older antidepressants for some stupid reason) I haven't tried yet. The rest haven't worked at all and I really need something for my OCD and depression but I cannot afford a psychiatrist. Part of me doesn't want to bother ever trying more medication again, but seeing as everyone around me likes to guilt-trip me and treat me extremely strangely when I'm depressed, I figure I might as well try one last time.

Cuthbert 07-11-2017 04:25 PM

Did you mention that you think it might be blephartis?

Lazy doctors prescribing antibiotics <<<

Chiomara 07-11-2017 04:29 PM

I mentioned it offhand, yes, but in my experience, doctors don't like when you so much as imply that you might be self-diagnosing and will be even more condescending toward you as a result and/or think you're a hypochondriac.

There is exactly ONE good doctor in the whole Dallas/Ft.Worth metroplex but he is very much in high-demand so you have to wait months to get an appointment with him. I adore him though. He's very short and wears cowboy boots.

Cuthbert 07-11-2017 04:40 PM

Yeah noticed the same, they don't like it. I've had a similar situation to you, and it turned out I was right after several visits and different doctors but it was a thing you need a quick diagnosis for otherwise the damage is done and well the damage was done.

Really annoys me that they just prescribe things so quickly.


He's very short and wears cowboy boots.

Lucem Ferre 07-11-2017 08:11 PM

Today is stupid.

Chiomara 07-12-2017 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Man like Monkey (Post 1854732)
Yeah noticed the same, they don't like it. I've had a similar situation to you, and it turned out I was right after several visits and different doctors but it was a thing you need a quick diagnosis for otherwise the damage is done and well the damage was done.

Really annoys me that they just prescribe things so quickly.

Yeah, and I hate they they seem to discourage patients asking questions. I know that with more serious conditions it's best to have someone with you, as you'll receive better care if you have your own personal advocate of sorts.

I've personally managed to get rid of certain ailments with kooky-seeming home remedies because that's just what you have to do sometimes if you're poor and living in the hell hole that is America.

Zhanteimi 07-12-2017 05:30 AM

Read a lot about net neutrality today. Looks like this is an American problem, since the rest of the world doesn't use Verizon, AT&T, or whatever else.

I do have one question though here at the end of the day. The abolition of net neutrality means extra fees for internet users, right? So does that mean fewer poor people online? If so, I'm in favor of the abolition of net neutrality.

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