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SGR 03-15-2023 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Synthgirl (Post 2230051)
You listen to WIIFM? Is that a radio station that only plays music from Nintendo Wii games?

djchameleon 03-15-2023 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by Mindfulness (Post 2230043)
Watched uncut gems, movie was a wow! Plus the banshees of inisherin was odd. Been in Iowa this past week but can't wait to get back home too. Seeing family here, it's been cold because I wore shorts but it's okay. Took some nice photos and video for my vlog and blog. Peace out until I get home

are you the type that wears a jacket or huge coat with shorts? lol


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2230028)
Yeah but when this guy comes knocking at election time, if he helped you out or at least spoke to you and looked like he was going to, wouldn't you be more inclined to vote for him? And vice versa? We here in Ireland all listen to WIIFM, you know...

Everything you are saying TH is what more people should do. Politicians should care more about what their constituents are going through and there are times when I tell people to call their local council member or legislator for their area depending on the issue they are dealing with. Ideally if the person doesn't care then when they come around door knocking asking for support you know NOT to vote for them again because they did absolutely nothing for you when you were in a time of need. Most Americans are too disconnected from their local politics to even bother or know they can do what you have said. Nothing you have said is alien or out of the norm to be expected of someone that you voted to put into an office to represent you.

The Batlord 03-15-2023 08:36 AM

City Council when DJ walks up to the podium:

djchameleon 03-15-2023 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2230070)
City Council when DJ walks up to the podium:

lol basically! They need to be reminded and I don't care. I will constantly be in their faces. I voted for 4/7th of that council body so the least they can do is hear me out for 3 mins or less.

Trollheart 03-15-2023 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 2230067)

Everything you are saying TH is what more people should do. Politicians should care more about what their constituents are going through and there are times when I tell people to call their local council member or legislator for their area depending on the issue they are dealing with. Ideally if the person doesn't care then when they come around door knocking asking for support you know NOT to vote for them again because they did absolutely nothing for you when you were in a time of need. Most Americans are too disconnected from their local politics to even bother or know they can do what you have said. Nothing you have said is alien or out of the norm to be expected of someone that you voted to put into an office to represent you.

Yeah it's amazing to me that you guys don't do that, or consider doing it. As I say, I have not done it myself (never needed to) but when things like Karen's extension was not being built were happening, I considered it. The politicians will only do it for the political clout of course - they couldn't give a pair of fetid dingo's kidneys whether you get your extension or not - but it makes them look good. Guy stands up in the Dail (our parliament) and goes on about this woman who has been waiting x number of years to get the council to build her a downstairs extension as she's disabled, where is the accountability, what is she supposed to do, who will foot the bill if she takes a header down the stairs etc, and it all goes on his CV. Plus, if it works, then next time he needs to be voted in you can sure as hell bet his staff will make sure he knocks on your door and reminds you.

As you say, it works in the other way too. If they shrug and do nothing then you tell them to **** off when they come looking for your vote. Democracy in its purest form in action. Help me, I'll help you. Don't help me, why should I help you? And worst of all, you didn't help me but this guy (your hated rival) did, so I'm voting for him this time. Make the bastards work for their big salaries, say I. Imagine if ISB had someone in local govt he could go to with this problem. Would probably make a whole lot of difference.

WWWP 03-18-2023 09:37 AM

My manager approached me yesterday about training for a supervisory role, without knowing I had reached out to HR and my director just the day before about my interest in pursuing the same. It’s nice when we’re all on the same page.

Trollheart 03-18-2023 01:19 PM

Yup. They clearly value you.

Or are alien psychic entities who are mining your thoughts for secrets about...

No, they probably just value you.

WWWP 03-18-2023 02:36 PM

It might be that they value me, or it could be that they know I have very strict boundaries regarding my pay grade in relation to my responsibilities. Nothing fills me with more joy than turning down a task by saying “that is a managerial duty and my pay does not reflect a managerial salary.”

Trollheart 03-18-2023 08:05 PM

Or they could be aliens.

Mucha na Dziko 03-19-2023 01:07 PM

After a month of searching, and just two months left to resuming my studies again, I've come to accept that I won't find an internship in a professional recording studio.

So next week I'm leaving Paris in order to spend the remaining time in Sète, in the south of France.

These last couple of weeks I had a really hard time mustering any...artistic inspiration and resolve, I hope my holidays down by the seaside will help with that.

Is there a word in English for what an artist feels when he is inspired?
In polish we call it "wena" – it describes what "comes down" unto an artist inexplicably and suddenly, and what he needs to forge into a piece.
I checked in google and a couple of other online translators, and I couldn't find any translation that made sense. Like, google translated "wena" to "luck" and "vein" (no idea where that latter one came from). And, no, it's not 'inspiration', as we have a word for that as well – "inspiracja", "pomysł'

Trollheart 03-19-2023 01:28 PM

It's when your muse strikes, I believe. I can only speak as a writer, not a musician, but for me it's that time when you suddenly get all these ideas and have to write everything down, and go through a real creative phase where you can't stop. Also called "getting the (creative) juices flowing".

djchameleon 03-20-2023 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Mucha na Dziko (Post 2230360)
Is there a word in English for what an artist feels when he is inspired?
In polish we call it "wena" – it describes what "comes down" unto an artist inexplicably and suddenly, and what he needs to forge into a piece.
I checked in google and a couple of other online translators, and I couldn't find any translation that made sense. Like, google translated "wena" to "luck" and "vein" (no idea where that latter one came from). And, no, it's not 'inspiration', as we have a word for that as well – "inspiracja", "pomysł'

Yeah the word is English is basically muse or finding a muse

WWWP 03-20-2023 12:15 PM

“Creative spark” as well maybe

innerspaceboy 03-23-2023 06:51 AM

Saw the Beetlejuice Broadway musical last night and attended in full gothic regalia. It was a great night.


Mindy 03-23-2023 02:28 PM

- bought a 6 pack of zero sugar sweet tea :)
- cantaloupe on deck in fridge

Mucha na Dziko 03-23-2023 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by WWWP (Post 2230410)
“Creative spark”

I like this one

It's so shiny

Trollheart 03-24-2023 08:16 PM

Could have died tonight.

Sitting upstairs watching telly when the smoke alarms started going crazy. Ran down, expecting I had accidentally left the oven on. Oven was off. Checked all sockets, looked for smoke, fire, nothing. Tried to switch off the alarms but I think I accidentally ****ing self-tested them, hitting them with a broom handle to try to shut them off. Went on for what seemed ages, was probably like 5-10 minutes.

After they went off, checked all other sockets, felt cables, looking for anything that might be hot. Nothing. Concluded some sort of short-circuit in one of them.

Earlier that day, we had received a replacement battery for the one in Karen's hoist that was not working, the backup one. I realised that, though it had been plugged in over 12 hours now, the indicator still showed red, which was odd. I also had been getting an odd smell throughout the day, one I couldn't tie down but which reminded me of burning, like maybe plastic or rubber. Leaned down to check the battery, nearly burned my hand! Disconnected it, picked it very gingerly up, smelled at the contact. Could smell burning. Switched off the socket, took the battery outside to cool down. An hour later it was still hot.

I now realise that the alarms, which are activated by heat and not smoke, went off because the battery was "charging" right underneath one, and had I left it charging overnight it probably would have exploded, most likely setting fire to Karen's room and presumably killing her, or maybe released acidic vapour (do batteries do that?) - either way it would not have been good.
I'm shocked the medical appliance company could release a dodgy battery into the delivery pool. I'll be calling them on Monday, but I have put in a call to their emergency dept for someone to come out and look at the battery.

A very close call, and bloody terrifying. Had I not checked the battery I might have left it overnight - probably would - and that would have been that. I'm shaking, I don't mind telling you.

innerspaceboy 03-25-2023 07:25 AM

Wow, TH! What a relief! I'm so glad to hear you're safe!

Trollheart 03-25-2023 09:55 AM

Thanks ISB! Yeah it seems it may actually have been the charger - guy came out this morning and checked both battery and charger, but seemed to think the problem lay in the latter - so we can't use it now till they get us a replacement. Luckily I have the other battery fully charged, so that should last us two weeks, by which time we'll hopefully have the new charger/battery.

Scary stuff, though. Guess someone was looking after us (probably my ma).

djchameleon 03-25-2023 10:51 AM

Close call TH good thing you found out about it sooner than later.

Trollheart 03-25-2023 11:21 AM

Definitely. I reckon otherwise the first thing I would have known about it was when it exploded and I found myself surrounded by red guys with pointy horns and pitchforks and wishing I had dressed more lightly.

Exo 03-25-2023 03:16 PM

Andrew Lincoln (Rick from Walking Dead) has been shopping in my store a lot recently. They're filming some Walking Dead spinoff show around north Jersey and he's apparently a jazz collector. Anyway, he's been coming in on his off days and we've had a lot of chats about music. He's been buying some of my recommendations and asking me questions about certain artists he doesn't know.

I find it all kind of surreal. Not that a famous person likes the same things I like, but rather how effortlessly easy it is to talk to him. Just a normal guy that kills humans and zombies on screen for a living.

djchameleon 03-25-2023 04:59 PM

Wow crazy I would fangirl way too much and he'd end up hating our interactions. Good on you for treating him like a regular joe.

Danzaburou 03-25-2023 06:33 PM

There's a quote from Mozart's journal that perfectly describes my day

"Today I experienced nothing. Also nice."

I'm currently on a 10-days vacation from work

Lisnaholic 03-25-2023 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Danzaburou (Post 2230683)
There's a quote from Mozart's journal that perfectly describes my day

"Today I experienced nothing. Also nice."

I'm currently on a 10-days vacation from work

^ That's a good quote, Danza ! I bet Trollheart wishes his day had been like that!

That's a horrible experience, TH: when what you assume is the safety of your own home is called into question. Lucky you were able to track down the source of the problem. Well done.
A side of Trollheart we don't often see:-

Trollheart 03-25-2023 07:51 PM

Not quite. This is more my style.

Danzaburou 03-25-2023 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2230695)

Uje I hope nobody got hurt

Trollheart 03-26-2023 09:12 AM

No but it was a close thing. Had I gone to bed and left it plugged it it probably would have exploded or gone on fire. I'm trying not to think about it. Luckily all was well.

Lisnaholic 03-26-2023 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2230695)
Not quite. This is more my style.


I hope your sister wasn't too agitated by what was going on around her.

...and I have to admit that is more and more my style too as I get older. :( That Simpsons guy could have been me yesterday when, in front of a class, I couldn't get the computer-to-projector connection working right. Luckily, there was, as is usually the case, a tech-savvy student who took pity on me and sorted things out.

Mucha na Dziko 03-26-2023 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2230636)
alarms are activated by heat and not smoke

Oh, wow, I never knew that

why are they called smoke detectors then though
And why do they go off in train bathrooms


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2230636)
most likely setting fire to Karen's room and

Im sorry if I'm prying too much or not knowing enough about you from the things you posted earlier, but aren't you married?

You have separate rooms?

Trollheart 03-26-2023 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Mucha na Dziko (Post 2230760)
Oh, wow, I never knew that

why are they called smoke detectors then though
And why do they go off in train bathrooms

Sorry I meant OUR alarms are activated by heat. Most are indeed activated by smoke, hence the name (and these are called smoke detectors too, cos I guess they also detect smoke, just not only smoke) in order that you can, for instance, have a cigarette without the alarms going off, or cook, as happens next door regulalry. It's much better. After all, by the time smoke is in the air it's often too late.

Im sorry if I'm prying too much or not knowing enough about you from the things you posted earlier, but aren't you married?

You have separate rooms?
I'm not married, no. Karen is my sister, disabled with MS and sleeps downstairs in the purpose-built extension at the back of the house.

Mindy 03-27-2023 09:50 AM

Went and got the new google pixel phone in Norwich, CT, I was nervous and it went better than I thought. This new phone is big, I got the liquid glass protection and a nice case, and no mostly no problems with apps and everything. It was funky switching over to Google Authenticator but you just need to scan a code on your old phone with the new phone.

I got $440 bucks for my old phone (way more than I thought), the total cost was $909. Minus the $440 so $469, which is just added to my monthly bill.

Thankful that it was such an easy switch, in my mind, I figured it would be hella hard.

Trollheart 03-27-2023 12:07 PM

Isn't it weird how initially the trend was for phones to go smaller and smaller (remember the clam shells?) and now it's reversing as everyone makes phones with bigger screens. Soon they'll be on a par, size-wise, with tablets.

Mindy 03-27-2023 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2230832)
Isn't it weird how initially the trend was for phones to go smaller and smaller (remember the clam shells?) and now it's reversing as everyone makes phones with bigger screens. Soon they'll be on a par, size-wise, with tablets.

I used to use the samsung mega, (real big phone), but this new one I got is the 2nd largest phone I've ever used. Yeah it's like a mini-tablet kind of.

Mucha na Dziko 03-28-2023 03:14 PM

I really like you guys

Trollheart 03-28-2023 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Mucha na Dziko (Post 2230881)
I really like you guys

Well we all hate you. :)

Mucha na Dziko 03-29-2023 10:12 AM

I figured as much

Trollheart 03-29-2023 02:53 PM

Lucem Ferre 03-29-2023 11:30 PM

Day 4 going through withdrawals, for the 5th or 6th time, because Weber Human Services is too incompetent to just fill my prescription in a timely manner.

Last time I was on here I was going through withdrawals.

I hate Ogden.

Personal family stuff that I won't talk about here because I don't trust a lot of people on this site has triggered a lot of buried PTSD. I don't want to talk to family and make a situation that isn't about me about me, I don't want to talk to my smarmy dick head therapist & I don't trust my friends not to gossip or use it as ammo to hurt me when convenient.

This place is bull****.


Marie Monday 03-30-2023 01:44 AM

I'm sorry man, hold on. If there's any way I can help let me know

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