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CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 03-20-2009 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 617525)
I think I see the comment you mean. Thats happened to me a couple of times on Last.FM. I've seen a Captain Caveman and a different Lucifer Sam.

any captain caveman on is not me

Mojo 03-20-2009 07:34 AM

Yeah I figured that. This Captain Caveman had a load of **** on their page that no one on this site would have on theirs, or at least I hope not.

lucifer_sam 03-20-2009 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by gunnels (Post 617412)
Whoah these tags are getting dirty.
Anyways today was ok, I helped my grandma in the yard and went with her to home depot.
Then I went up to my room and listened to music for a few hours before accidentally breaking one of the strings on my bass.
And now I'm going to bed.
Also, the 9th comment on this Muse – Knights of Cydonia – Listen free and discover music at shocked the crap out of me at first.

oh christ. my doppelganger has a horrible taste in music.

dac 03-20-2009 07:21 PM

Well my mom is a teacher and was given a promotion to an administrative position. But then the NAACP stepped in and said "well we know you're qualified, but we want an inexperienced, unqualified person to take the job." The job went to some black lady who has zero years of teaching experience.

My mother is now a racist.

PinkCigarette 03-20-2009 07:28 PM

I spent the earlier part of my day playing Resident Evil 5. I then spent the second half of my day with my dad. We went to eat and then got caught up of life.

Kevorkian Logic 03-20-2009 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by dac (Post 618532)
Well my mom is a teacher and was given a promotion to an administrative position. But then the NAACP stepped in and said "well we know you're qualified, but we want an inexperienced, unqualified person to take the job." The job went to some black lady who has zero years of teaching experience.

My mother is now a racist.

I laughed, then I felt really bad.

High Voltage 03-20-2009 08:24 PM

Well, I woke up, played around online, ate dinner, and now I'm online again.

Antonio 03-20-2009 08:51 PM

woke up at like 10, went to band practice, worked on 3 new songs, and....that's about it

Surell 03-20-2009 09:25 PM

I woke up at 8 somethin, went back to sleep several times, finished a school assignment for last minute turning in, got Arby's, came home, played GTA4 for a billion hours, had Chinese, messed with computer. I shot a little hoops while trying to make arrangements also.

EDGE 03-20-2009 09:45 PM

Today was spent waking up to my friends yelling about getting high, eating three bowls of cereal, showering in my bathing suit (for what purpose, I'm unsure of). I went to my 3 hour lecture, listened to everyone else's conversations about how wasted they were last weekend, rather than what my professor was saying; people give me headaches. Went back to my apartment to cook some delicious pumpkin-cake chocolate chip cookies, and took a quick 20 minute nap before I had to head over to the library to return some books. I went to Venice beach directly afterward, bought a couple of handmade bracelets, ate an entire loaf of lemon poppy seed bread, and met some very interesting people along the way. Now, here in my living room, I sit. I sit on the couch, next to my cell phone waiting for a text from my mother saying something along the lines of "goodnight, honey .. sleep well", because this is a nightly routine for her.

Freebase Dali 03-20-2009 10:51 PM

I actually went to an audio shop to see about getting a new audio installation in my car.
600 dollars?
Fnck that.. I found better sh!t online and I'd rather **** up than pay someone else to rob me of experience.

Anyway, that's my day.

LoathsomePete 03-21-2009 12:10 AM

Went to possibly the most depressing job fair ever. Over 2000 people and only 6 employers plus the army, navy, and national guard. As I was waiting in line I was looking at the people who were walking out and not one of them had a smile on their face. It was very depressing and at the same time, could have turned very volatile.

SydMM 03-21-2009 08:47 PM

Went walking and had everyone in the world asking if I needed a ride. Then the guy that likes me shows up out of no where and decides to follow me home. :( I went walking for a reason: TO BE ALONE!

Mojo 03-22-2009 12:55 PM

Last night I found another really tiny live venue that I didnt know about and that I am now in love with. Saw my mate play an acoustic set there which was fantastic, I cant describe how impressive his music is. The same goes for the girl he plays sets with. Got really drunk and lazy so paid for a taxi home instead of leaving early, getting a metro and a bus home.

Today I went out for lunch for mothers day with my parents, my nana, my gran, my sister, my sisters boyfriend and my 13 year old niece. Then I watched the football and fell asleep a little as is the law to do on Sundays.

EDGE 03-22-2009 01:55 PM

I'm really just glad that this thread's tag include "dirty mcflirty" and "vaginal discharge".

PinkCigarette 03-22-2009 02:25 PM

It's crap outside (cloudy, cold and windy) so today is Resident Evil 5 day. This game is amazing.

Molecules 03-22-2009 03:16 PM

when the fiery ball was high in the sky I was listening to musiks and smoking roll ups

now the fiery ball has gone away and I am listening to musiks and smoking roll ups

(i didnt get my period... YET)

nobody i know has enough money to get me a sub woofer for my birthday, which makes me sad
this is the sort of size i had in mind:

any donations would be welcome. send your pocket money, lint and scrap metal to:

Molecules #53598256-85456345,
Room 101,
The Loke,
Lazy Town,

LoathsomePete 03-22-2009 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Molecules (Post 619890)
when the fiery ball was high in the sky I was listening to musiks and smoking roll ups

now the fiery ball has gone away and I am listening to musiks and smoking roll ups

(i didnt get my period... YET)

nobody i know has enough money to get me a sub woofer for my birthday, which makes me sad
this is the sort of size i had in mind:

any donations would be welcome. send your pocket money, lint and scrap metal to:

Molecules #53598256-85456345,
Room 101,
The Loke,
Lazy Town,

Christ all mighty they would be able to hear you the next town over in that thing!

I went out for a walk along Virginia Lake today, took some photos of the mountains, the clouds, and the local fauna.

scottsy 03-24-2009 09:29 PM

It wasn`t a bad day by any means for me! The kid I assist with at the High School was doing ok most of the day! I didn`t have to work at the deli too...Thats never a bad thing!

Plus I took delivery of my new Mylo (internet device thingy) and its darn cool! Way better than usinga Nintendo Wii! Its most likely I'll be around here more often with a real, actual device to work with! Yay!

WWWP 03-27-2009 12:17 PM

Yesterday we were supposed to go to Marine World to see the Orcas, but they don't open until TODAY. But we can't go TODAY because people made other PLANS. So we might go TOMORROW unless my cousin has a lot of homework. I WANT.. TO SEE.. THE ORCAS! :(

Molecules 03-27-2009 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 623484)
Yesterday we were supposed to go to Marine World to see the Orcas, but they don't open until TODAY. But we can't go TODAY because people made other PLANS. So we might go TOMORROW unless my cousin has a lot of homework. I WANT.. TO SEE.. THE ORCAS! :(

the Free Willy image is a lie, Orcas would eat you given half the chance. There's a Richard Attenborough-narrated clip somewhere of a pod of orcas killing a sea lion by getting it on it's own, circling it and taking turns ramming it and breaking it's bones until it is no longer a threat and then eating it. They are. f*cking. EVIL!

jackhammer 03-27-2009 02:03 PM

...and they shouldn't be kept for our entertainment either :(

scottsy 03-27-2009 03:36 PM

Well, thus far its has been a good but quite varied day... not working at either of my jobs for a decent four day period... just so darn worn out, I need to stay home and get back in touch with my kids! They've been great today and I can already feel some level of inspiration coming back! Its great just to play daddy and laze around the house today... t'is a good thing!

glutoro 03-27-2009 06:17 PM

Umm lets see. I did my friends eye brows, and then her make up and then of course took pictures!!!! oh the awesomeness. I will post some pics once I finally make enough post.

Bulldog 03-29-2009 03:46 PM

Just been a beautifully lazy Sunday today. When I haven't been lying around on what little grass remains in Bolton I've been hanging around online blaring out Captain Beefheart, Can and Zappa at frankly ridiculous volumes, getting baffled looks from anyone bold enough to pass by my open window :D

Got a pretty busy few weeks ahead of me, so it's been a welcome day off really.

Piss Me Off 03-29-2009 03:51 PM

Recovering today after a good night, the DJ must have loved me since he treated me to both This Charming Man AND Something Is Squeezing My Skull! Times are good.

dac 03-29-2009 04:52 PM

Well me and the two guys I'm living with next year signed our leases last night and decided to celebrate with a bottle of Captain Morgan's Private Stash on top of the vast amounts of beer. Fast forward to this morning and I'm hungover and had no clue how I got home. I looked over at my clock and my intramural soccer championship game started in 20 minutes so I had to book it over to the rec. We lost. The rest of my day will be spent studying. Not a good day.

333 03-29-2009 09:27 PM

Mexican food in the morning and loads of water = The Hangover Cure. Quality time with MB, bong rips, Bio homework and made a bracelet. Started the morning off with some instrumental and strings, but listened to mostly grunge and punk today.

scottsy 03-30-2009 10:44 AM

Well, if we're talking hangover cures... nothing beats McDonalds breakfast... enough grease to soak up whats left of the alcohol...

My day today is easy, laid back, even. Just hanging out with my youngest daughter, her mommy comes back from her trip today, and she has been missed by all the kids, and me as well... definitely feeling kinda on the lonely side thisw afternoon... but my wife really needed some time out to herself... she has basically been stuck in the house for seven months... her cabin fever was high!

Freebase Dali 04-01-2009 03:30 PM

I haven't had a drink yet.
I'm pretty much on the down side of the see-saw about it.

anticipation 04-01-2009 03:34 PM

17th birthday in montreal yesterday, rural quebec is very nice.

333 04-01-2009 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by anticipation (Post 627214)
17th birthday in montreal yesterday, rural quebec is very nice.

Lucky! Happy belated birthday to you.

mr. goth glam 04-02-2009 07:43 AM

Well, my interview with Bret "The Hitman" Hart went up:
Gabriel Ricard at Unlikely 2.0

coryallen2 04-02-2009 07:45 AM

all that happened to me today is a damned belly ache:afro:

Bulldog 04-02-2009 09:15 AM

Just been taking it easy after a heavy night today. I'm off to uni in about an hour, after which I'm off on holiday to sunny old Norfolk for a couple of weeks (well, I call it a holiday, I'll still be working my arse off on assignments and stuff).

Piss Me Off 04-02-2009 09:25 AM

I did detect some sarcasm there so i would like to say that it was pretty bloody sunny yesterday...

Bulldog 04-02-2009 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Piss Me Off (Post 627928)
I did detect some sarcasm there so i would like to say that it was pretty bloody sunny yesterday...

Yeah, but this is England - give it a day or two and there'll be a typhoon by Sheringham or some equally freakish turn in the weather :D

Seriously though, I'm actually kinda looking forward to being back home again. I think I'm just gonna go all reclusive and work like some sort of working thing for the two weeks.

333 04-02-2009 12:16 PM

So far, I've experimented with some pill bugs in Biology class. We were curious to see their reaction to ethyl alcohol, water, and a dryer environment. 6 died. 9 will never be the same again. Now, I've a break between classes and I'm spending some good 'ol quality time with MB.

boo boo 04-02-2009 06:56 PM

I swear, BungalowBill did everything in his power to ruin his forum, thankfully he failed.

Unfortunately now he's buttf*cking my other forum with his unbearable snobbery.

glutoro 04-02-2009 07:15 PM

Um my day...Well lets begin with me waking up at 8am to both of my dogs barking at a random person walking down the street; to then falling back to sleep only to be woke up by my kitten licking my nose. AS cute as animals are I love them more when there sleeping. Alright so to continue; the house is a mess as I've been letting it get that way just to see if my roommate would clean up after herself... she didn't. I have no idea how to bring this up to her. Her room is always clean but yet every time she gets something to drink she always gets a new glass, puts the dirty one on the counter to add up and up. Its been three days and she didn't do anything. I've tried doing this like clean loudly so she would take notice and feel a need to help out.. BUT NO! She has been smoking in the basement and so I've not emptied the ashtray its been 3 weeks maybe a month and its just more ew day by day. I sweep, mop, and do the dishes every day... but today. No help!!! When she washed her clothing she leaves it there in the washer all day long until I go and put it in the dryer so I can wash my clothes.. ****! Needless to say my day ended by me just doing three days worth of dishes.

Can someone please tell me how to talk her? Thanks.

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