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bruise_violet 07-08-2006 04:13 PM

I wish it wouldn't rain. I want to take my dog on a big walk tomorrow :(

Laces Out Dan! 07-08-2006 04:14 PM

Well its nice and warm here...i think its about 28C right now...and im thinking about jumping in my pool

MoonlitSunshine 07-08-2006 04:15 PM

...... damn you...... *shakes fist*

swim 07-08-2006 04:21 PM

Stupid America and it's non-use of celsius (sp).

MoonlitSunshine 07-08-2006 04:23 PM

around 85 fahrenheit

Laces Out Dan! 07-08-2006 04:28 PM

My day has just gone way downhill....i just got a flat on my bike...!

Raine 07-08-2006 10:51 PM

my day has been pretty . . .
well it ended wonderfully.
And right now I'm in the kitchen eating a hoagie, and talking on the phone to my friend.
Me, my cousins, a really good friend of mine, and some guy are trying to make a movie. We started today. It was pretty fun. and tiring.

under 07-08-2006 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by _LesPaul43_
if i told you..that i prayed to god......would you kill me?


Kripes 07-08-2006 10:57 PM

I pray to God. Are you going to kill me now, H.I.M.? Hmm?

mosesandtherubberducky 07-08-2006 11:21 PM

My day is gonna end in an hour because I still need to shower and go to sleep for the next day to start. But today I went to a friends house and tried to find the BFG in Doom 3 ^^

MoonlitSunshine 07-09-2006 12:46 PM

Hmmm. Today I played cricket. Right now I'm making a point of not watching the World Cup Final. We won, so I'm happy.

bungalow 07-09-2006 01:24 PM

I just got done digging some holes.
I want to go to the theatre later, but I'll have to find someone to go with.

Kripes 07-09-2006 01:30 PM

I slept in and then wrote stuff on bass and guitar. Pretty boring day.

Raine 07-09-2006 11:51 PM

My day was great.
My friend made it to NY fine. Kinda tired from the 2 hour train ride. Kinda disturbed by my living arrangment.
He fed Tjandra and then stuck his hand in the tank. I told him not to do it and then Tjandra tried to bite him. It was very funny.
He bought some old recrods with him since he knows I have a record player.
So we've been listening to The beatles and Styx all day today.

We went to an arcade and to my new favorite store: Victoria's Secret. We bought a bunch of stuff and then pretended we were models.

We went to an arcade. I took him to my place of work and yeah . . .

Earlier I showed him the HIM thread and we were laughing so hard. And we were drinking juice at the same time and it kinda hit the floor.

We went to a 7-11 and were kicked out. We went to the McDonald's (the one on canal street) and we weren't kicked out but some craxy black chic the size of the building yelled at us for not having any home training and a bunch of other stuff and my friend just blatantly looked at her more than ample rack and the lady turned red and we left. She threatened to call a manager or something and my friend said told her a "you're so fat" joke and . . . yeah we left. .

One of the last things we did today was I tried to teach him how to play the bass. It was funny.

I took him to meet me neighbor/friend. Had I not been there she would've probably tried to rape him. It was fun.

We saw some guy ont he street painting pictures of famous musicians. People like 50 cent and Eminem. He saw a picture of 50 cent and eminem and he said "Oh my god. he's fucking hideous" The gy laughed and gave it to us for free. So right now there is a picture of 50 cent hanging up on my wall. It's coming down as soon as he leaves.

We buoght some scarves while we were down there too. He was jokign around and wrapped one around his head and some guy taps him from behind and he turned around and the guy jumped back, thinking he was a girl and not a guy. This stuff could only happen to us.

We got home by train and it was a pretty long train ride and he started talking about some girl he saw while we were at a burger king. So he's making all the hand gestures and some homosexual guy walks over to us and asks for his number. He gave the guy my number and the guy called twice so far.

and there's tons more, bu that's it for now.

Oh and right now my friend is sleep on the couch. he fell asleep watching some reruns of the chappelle show. And I'm in the kitchen. I'm contemplating giving him a wet willy.

tdoc210 07-09-2006 11:56 PM

^ was it addidas?

mosesandtherubberducky 07-09-2006 11:58 PM

I had to go to church (:x)

Raine 07-10-2006 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by the death of capitilism
^ was it addidas?

at the scarf place it was a white dude.
on the train it was a black dude

adidasss 07-12-2006 04:37 AM

i passed an exam yesterday...yay for me....1 down, 8 to go....
i'm going home today for the computer should arrive shortly after ....try to survive without me for a couple of days eh?
ciao peeps....

Levithan 07-12-2006 04:45 AM

I passed my driving theory exam...Im well happy. Now im off to get very drunk! Ha

sleepy jack 07-12-2006 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Levithian
I passed my driving theory exam...Im well happy. Now im off to get very drunk! Ha

And let me guess you're gonna then gonna...DRIVE HOME UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL? :nono:

Yeah so, my day having only been four hours long as been boring, until I heard noises and went to investigate. A raccoon was in my house, crazy shiz.

MURDER JUNKIE 07-12-2006 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss
i passed an exam yesterday...yay for me....1 down, 8 to go....
i'm going home today for the computer should arrive shortly after ....try to survive without me for a couple of days eh?
ciao peeps....

That sucks yo

Anyhoo, have a safe journey :)

Laces Out Dan! 07-12-2006 07:27 PM

I just got back from Bowling :o:

tdoc210 07-12-2006 07:40 PM

^ luck

H.I.M got banned today :)
I went swimming, with my friend and wrote an iggy bio

Laces Out Dan! 07-12-2006 07:43 PM

Well i just pre-ordered Amputechture as an import from gets in on the 10th...and it doesnt release in North America untilthe i get it 12 days earlier...the onyl that is cost $40...rather than$16

tdoc210 07-12-2006 07:44 PM

^ is that the Mars volta cd?

Laces Out Dan! 07-12-2006 07:44 PM


mosesandtherubberducky 07-12-2006 08:14 PM




i've played COV all day and now I'm downloading all the American Pies so I can burn them onto CD's and have more free HD space. Oh and I'm burning the Young Ones right now.

DearJenny 07-12-2006 08:16 PM

My, my weekend.....was effing great! Friday I had a work party and had a few drinks then my parents went out of town so I had a house party and had a few drinks and gained a boyfriend. Then last night a friend's mom was out of town so I had a few more drinks and had a chance to mess around with the above mentioned new boyfriend..........THATS the sweetest perfection bitches! Can you handle that!

Punk Floyd 07-12-2006 08:46 PM

woke up, left for my friends party.....i dont really remember the rest :beer:

crow t robot 07-13-2006 01:39 AM

Got up, checked the mail...My Animal Collective cd and PrideFC dvd's arrived..made awesome tips today..$103..I ride a bike to work, and on the way home, this guy walks out onto the sidewalk without even looking...I'm tearing ass going 20+ mph and have to jump of the curb...I called him a dumbass as I passed and he whistled and said "hey!"...So I'm thinking he wants to have some dialogue about my comment, so I turn around and go up to him..he asks me, "Do you know where I can get some black, man?" It threw me off, so I say "what??" and he says "heroin, man"...I said I don't fool with that $hit...then after that, on the way home I found $20 DOLLARS on the side of the road!! how kick-@ss is that??

DearJenny 07-13-2006 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Punk Floyd
woke up, left for my friends party.....i dont really remember the rest :beer:

I'll drink to that! :beer:

Hell, I'll drink to anything.

MoonlitSunshine 07-13-2006 04:30 PM

hmmm... today I went to sleep at half six in the morning, having been up until then (Friends up from other end of the country), then woke up at 3, ate breakfast, walked back to my house, watched Tv for a while, Walked with friends to bus stop where they got a bus back home, then went to training, came home and ate dinner, and now I sit in my usual place in front of a monitor.

DontRunMeOver 07-13-2006 05:09 PM

Did experiment most of the day, apart from half and hour spent phoning around the university finance department trying to find out who 'Margaret' was that had phoned for me and asked for me to phone back (crappest message I've ever been left, that one) and having lunch with two hot chinese girls.

At 6 I went to the cinema with these two same hot chinese girls, got some food and then one of them made me some tea. Life sure is tough.

Then I spent half and hour writing a new song (see songwriting thread for this), which is now done unless anybody flames it.

tdoc210 07-13-2006 05:17 PM

Today, I woke up around 11, i used to get up at 9, but 11 is early for me now, so i don't know what happened. Besides that, I mowed the lawn, and wrote a history on ELP. After that i went for a 20 mile bike. From My house to the whitefield town center is about 10 miles, so I obviousley had to come back, so that makes it 20 miles. So now I am attempting to recover my breath, and find ELP's Triology album online.

Raine 07-14-2006 11:59 PM

woke up
went to work
saw my cousin, took him to see my places of work, took him to the air port, went shopping.
Had the alrgets ice cream cone I've ever eaten.

Came home, got some much deserved sleep, ate take out, did some exercising and cleaned up the place a little.

Started to watch a movie but fell asleep, and that's about it.

Oh and I've eben annoyed by a certain bungalowbill357. and my mom called today.

Decoy 07-15-2006 04:38 AM

set up the wireless internet and then used it for a few hours

MoonlitSunshine 07-15-2006 12:58 PM

Emmm, got up.
ate breakfast.
Did some weeding (urrgghhh)
Went Sailing
Did pretty well (3 races)
got a train to nearest town
Walked home (1 hr)
Got some food
Went Online.

bruise_violet 07-15-2006 01:04 PM

I tried to take my dog for a walk today but she sat down and wouldn't move in the middle of loads of trees beside a road, so I sat down next to her and stayed there for ages.

Silly puppy. Love her so much :love:

ArtistInTheAmbulance 07-15-2006 04:20 PM

i got burned again!
& at work we have a new guy who kept slipping me cake & ice cream & chips & lots and lots of scampi. so that was funnn.
THEN, TONIGHT, i find out i get to meet dan [indie bar kid, to those who remember the lad] in two weeksish!
see, im goin ireland, & hes gonna come find me in some town that begins with s!
im a happy bunny.

MoonlitSunshine 07-15-2006 04:28 PM

Hey, where in Ireland?

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