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Fenixpunk 10-17-2005 02:50 PM

its an interesting conspiracy theory, i dont think she truly believes it is as big as some people claim. We were looking for illuminati sympols and originally she was going to get this one:

but after i found the other, we both agree that the first one would make a more visually stunning tat and its a less popular image.

adidasss 10-17-2005 02:56 PM

agreed, it is more visualy stunning..

anticipation 10-17-2005 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Fenixpunk
its an interesting conspiracy theory, i dont think she truly believes it is as big as some people claim. We were looking for illuminati sympols and originally she was going to get this one:

but after i found the other, we both agree that the first one would make a more visually stunning tat and its a less popular image.

plus, she would have to go through years of "hey, why do you have a dollar thingy on your neck?"

Fenixpunk 10-17-2005 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Gentleman Johnny
plus, she would have to go through years of "hey, why do you have a dollar thingy on your neck?"

adidasss 10-28-2005 10:47 AM

woke up to the sound of drilling at 8:00am ( the workers setting up my gas ), found out that my hot water and heating has been cut off and it'll be back on monday ( so...ima gonna have to remember the good ol war times with the heating of water on the stove.....ahhh...those were the days.....), went in town to buy some special screw driver and couldn't find a hardware store ( which is ironic because my family owns one in a town of 2000 people and i can't find one in a city of 200 thousand ) and bought me some books so i gets my self some edu-kay-shion.....(Allan Hollinghurts - the line of beauty,Ian M. Banks - Feersum Endjinn, sorry right-track, the motherfuckers didn't have the wasp factory, and Haruki Murakami - Sputnik Sweetheart )

Fenixpunk 10-28-2005 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss
couldn't find a hardware store ( which is ironic because my family owns one in a town of 2000 people and i can't find one in a city of 200 thousand )

thats is pretty damn funny, well the ironic part anyways.:)

blackTshirt 10-29-2005 01:31 AM

so go to that little town ;)

right-track 10-29-2005 02:48 PM

My day.

Spent this morning at work, doing overtime with a gargantuan hangover. Which was the product of a heavy drinking session down the local pub from the night before, singing kareoke, making a first class twat of myself and causing a pub brawl over a spilt pint.

Spent this afternoon with my wife, kids and a split lip, watching 'Wallace and Grommet - The Curse of the Wererabbit' at the local cinema.

On my return home I promptly fell asleep on the settee, from a combination of sleep depravation, the last remnants of the hangover and 'child stress'. dare the motherfuckers not have 'The Wasp Factory'. You must keep looking, it's well worth it. Other books by Iain Banks to look out for are, 'Espedair Street' (about an ageing rock band) and 'The Player Of Games'.
Not read 'Fearsum Enjinn'. Any good?

adidasss 10-29-2005 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by right-track
My day.

Spent this morning at work, doing overtime with a gargantuan hangover. Which was the product of a heavy drinking session down the local pub from the night before, singing kareoke, making a first class twat of myself and causing a pub brawl over a spilt pint.



Originally Posted by right-track dare the motherfuckers not have 'The Wasp Factory'. You must keep looking, it's well worth it. Other books by Iain Banks to look out for are, 'Espedair Street' (about an ageing rock band) and 'The Player Of Games'.
Not read 'Fearsum Enjinn'. Any good?

it's sci-fi, i cracked up at certain parts ( read my sig ), the motherfuckers don't have it because noone asks for that author,especially not in english ( i was amazed they had feersome endjinn) but no worries, i love him so i'll get more of his works....if nothing else, through amazon.....

Fenixpunk 10-30-2005 10:17 AM

i feel like ive been hit by a bus today. Friday night me and the wife and some friends went to a super huge halloween party. 2 kegs, and an open bar. shots of tequila and jungle juice kept me going till 3am. woke up nice and early saturday and went to band practice. the PA wasnt working right so i had the joy of trying to scream over the amps, needless to say, my throat is pretty sore from it. Later that night we went to see Rocky Horror Picture Show w/ a live cast. fun as hell, it was the first time they did it at a bar instead of a theatre. drank dirty martinis most of the night and ended up at Dennys at about 2am for some late night grub. and now its sunday already, the weekend went by wayyy to fast.

right-track 10-31-2005 03:01 PM

Took my two kids and their 2yr old cousin out trick or treating earlier tonight.
They loved it. :)
After trying to scare (badly) all our neighbours we went back to my sisters for fireworks.

Watching my kids having fun, takes me right back to my's a great feeling.

adidasss 10-31-2005 04:15 PM


i had a "me" day, decided not to study, spent half the afternoon reenacting the middle ages because i still don't have hot water ( always fun to take a bath with pots and pans of water heated on a stove....*sigh* ), spent the rest of the day reading a book and lying on the couch vegetating......sometimes i'm so much fun i even surprise myself.......:(

and i still can't find the elusive magical store they call "the hardware store"

anticipation 10-31-2005 04:17 PM

Well, I got some boxes to put my stuff in because I'm moving from Lincoln Square on the Norhtside of Chicago, to Harlem, on the West.

I just hope i dont get shot. :)

sleepy jack 10-31-2005 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Gentleman Johnny
Well, I got some boxes to put my stuff in because I'm moving from Lincoln Square on the Norhtside of Chicago, to Harlem, on the West.

I just hope i dont get shot. :)

Your too gangxta to get shot! your like fresh prince..or even dare i say carlton! :eek:

Fenixpunk 11-01-2005 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
Your too gangxta to get shot! your like fresh prince..or even dare i say carlton! :eek:

adidasss 11-04-2005 03:51 PM

i've spent the entire day fighting vigorously with a woman ( a strung out bitch ) on my movie forum ( the woman started it first attacking me for no reason and you know that i simply can't stop once the argument starts ) and at the end of the day i must have tired her out or simply baffled her with my arguing techniques ( which i have perfected on this site, so thank you fellow musicbanterians...;)) because she decided to leave?! she's 38 by the way, a very intelligent and funny woman that decided to go after the wrong guy......i'm gloating with pride right now.....nasty aren't i?

ArtistInTheAmbulance 11-04-2005 03:55 PM

Ahaha, always the charmer, adidasss...

I just had one of the greatest days Ive had in a while. Day off of college , so me and some mates decided to go back and visit everyone from school, which was crazy. Then, cause everywhere's celebrating bonfires night one evening early, we went to random peoples gardens to see their fireworks, and nabbed some vodka in doing so :) Then, went to TESCOS, which was as awesome as ever and bought freakin TONS of sherbert, then found some new people and had a huge sherbert orgy... Ok so I made up the orgy part. But it was a fun day.

Scarlett O'Hara 11-05-2005 01:07 AM

Today was wicked! I got up at 6.45am to get ready, and completed a practice English exam which I felt went well. Then still on the topic of English I met up with a new pom to New Zealand, and we spent the whole afternoon together, drinking tea and coffee, eating japanese and I even showed him around our museum! He cracked me up the whole time, even though I laugh at anything, this felt really good because it was better than just normal laughing...ah...*sighs*.

Then I came home exhausted, crashed onto my bed and watched Titanic on DVD. :)

adidasss 11-05-2005 02:21 AM update on the movie forum stuff, i got banned for revealing the secret of avoiding a bunch of uptight assholes.......can't believe it.....

blackTshirt 11-05-2005 02:51 AM

too sick to think
i miss carlton *cries*

right-track 11-05-2005 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss
i've spent the entire day fighting vigorously with a woman ( a strung out bitch ) on my movie forum ( the woman started it first attacking me for no reason and you know that i simply can't stop once the argument starts ) and at the end of the day i must have tired her out or simply baffled her with my arguing techniques ( which i have perfected on this site, so thank you fellow musicbanterians...;)) because she decided to leave?! she's 38 by the way, a very intelligent and funny woman that decided to go after the wrong guy......i'm gloating with pride right now.....nasty aren't i?

Hahaha...then that's a confirmed kill!!
You should show it with pride on your profile. Oh and post a link, I would'nt mind reading that.


Originally Posted by adidasss update on the movie forum stuff, i got banned for revealing the secret of avoiding a bunch of uptight assholes.......can't believe it.....

Rotten fuckers.;)

adidasss 11-05-2005 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by right-track
Hahaha...then that's a confirmed kill!!
You should show it with pride on your profile. Oh and post a link, I would'nt mind reading that.

Rotten fuckers.;)

bitchfight - the beggining
bitchfight - the sequel
i was so proud i text my sister to go read it.....muahahaha...and notice how i took the moral high ground works like a charm with these high and mighty characters, never stoop to insulting them but conduct yourself with dignity and come off looking like a victim, oh and use a fancy gentlemans vocabulary.....:) works like a charm......
EDIT: hahaha...i just noticed the mod edited my swearing with "dirty word edited out" ahahahahahahaha.....what are they, 9?!?!?
and after going at it with a couple of self righteous asses for a couple of pages i get banned for telling others how to avoid utterly unfair.....

right-track 11-05-2005 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss
bitchfight - the beggining
bitchfight - the sequel
i was so proud i text my sister to go read it.....muahahaha...and notice how i took the moral high ground works like a charm with these high and mighty characters, never stoop to insulting them but conduct yourself with dignity and come off looking like a victim, oh and use a fancy gentlemans vocabulary.....:) works like a charm......
EDIT: hahaha...i just noticed the mod edited my swearing with "dirty word edited out" ahahahahahahaha.....what are they, 9?!?!?
and after going at it with a couple of self righteous asses for a couple of pages i get banned for telling others how to avoid utterly unfair.....

Man, that was hilarious!
That'll teach em' to mess with a boy from the 'MB hood'.

Oh, remind me never to get in a bitch fight with you either. ;)
Good work mate!

adidasss 11-05-2005 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by right-track
Man, that was hilarious!
That'll teach em' to mess with a boy from the 'MB hood'.

Oh, remind me never to get in a bitch fight with you either. ;)
Good work mate!

haha...why thank you, people on this forum have learned that once i bite i don't let go ( until i get banned..;))....and nothing gives me more pleasure than fighting with older intelligent people, arguing with newbies and kids is not even a challenge anymore....i think it's funny how she decided to leave dramatically because she felt abused by me ( but i stress i never called her names, something she did, and very childishly,that was the key and my crucial argument....damn, i'm starting to sound like a lawyer...;), a woman of 39 years and some 5 years on the board left because some punk kid was giving her attitude? wow, just like the situation with urban, someone criticises you and you leave? i would rather kill myself than let someone run me off a shows a lack of character and balls.....and i think it's very unintelligent when someone calls you names to insult you, it only says that you are unable to put your point across intelligently and that in fact you're not very smart.....i had to bight my lip on several occasions so i don't call her a bitch with PMS, but if i had done so, the other members would have just discarted my opinions and called me a troll and an asshole.....and i'm far to smart for that.....

right-track 11-11-2005 02:22 PM

My day today was spent working, followed by overtime.
And it's Friday night and I'm stuck in the house.
But for a good reason!
Tomorrow, I go on a works outing to Blackpool, for an almighty piss up with my work mates.
Watch England v. Argentina down the pub in the afternoon, hit the clubs at night and back on the ale Sunday dinner!
Get home to Manchester by early evening.
Hope I survive.

Fenixpunk 11-11-2005 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
notice how i took the moral high ground works like a charm with these high and mighty characters, never stoop to insulting them but conduct yourself with dignity

you have proven yourself grasshopper!

demon hunter 11-11-2005 09:19 PM

my day today wasn't that bad. i went to school, came home, uh.....went to the mall with my dad and brother, and now i am sitting at the computer with my boyfriend talking to whoever is on this forum right now. i can say though that I AM GOING TO THREE DOORS DOWN TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:band: :finger:

Cheese 11-12-2005 12:59 AM

My day consisted of getting up, having a shower,shaving my head,coffee and a durrie.Then I mowed the lawns,breaking the handle on the mower in the process.
Finished that and decided to wash and polish my car.Later my fiance came inside to inform me it was p1ssing down with rain.
Mother nature can go **** herself:mad:

holdyoualways 11-12-2005 12:04 PM

finally got myself a cd burner. i burned about 10 cds before i ran out of cdrs. and ive still got 18 more to go. bummer.

Spikey 11-12-2005 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
haha...why thank you, people on this forum have learned that once i bite i don't let go ( until i get banned..;))....and nothing gives me more pleasure than fighting with older intelligent people, arguing with newbies and kids is not even a challenge anymore....i think it's funny how she decided to leave dramatically because she felt abused by me ( but i stress i never called her names, something she did, and very childishly,that was the key and my crucial argument....damn, i'm starting to sound like a lawyer...;), a woman of 39 years and some 5 years on the board left because some punk kid was giving her attitude? wow, just like the situation with urban, someone criticises you and you leave? i would rather kill myself than let someone run me off a shows a lack of character and balls.....and i think it's very unintelligent when someone calls you names to insult you, it only says that you are unable to put your point across intelligently and that in fact you're not very smart.....i had to bight my lip on several occasions so i don't call her a bitch with PMS, but if i had done so, the other members would have just discarted my opinions and called me a troll and an asshole.....and i'm far to smart for that.....

That is so kool man, I love to hear a MB kick ass!! You rule:D

madeinNY 11-12-2005 12:22 PM

my day:

Ok, I got up at 6:45 (have no idea WHY THE HELL I did that on a SATURDAY!) and got on the computer.....I haven't got off since..except that once to take my pain relievers, and that other time to walk to dog. other that that....I've pretty much been on here since 6:45.

Spikey 11-12-2005 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by madeinNY
my day:

Ok, I got up at 6:45 (have no idea WHY THE HELL I did that on a SATURDAY!) and got on the computer.....I haven't got off since..except that once to take my pain relievers, and that other time to walk to dog. other that that....I've pretty much been on here since 6:45.

Poor thing I got up at eight and I hated it..Sweet dreamies hun:D

madeinNY 11-12-2005 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Spikey
Poor thing I got up at eight and I hated it..Sweet dreamies hun:D

aw, lol, thanks. I feel like taking a nap. Maybe I'll go do that.:)

riseagainstrocks 11-12-2005 01:53 PM

I went to a party last night. and ended up with a girlfriend.

weird how things work out huh.

madeinNY 11-12-2005 02:02 PM


demon hunter 11-13-2005 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
finally got myself a cd burner. i burned about 10 cds before i ran out of cdrs. and ive still got 18 more to go. bummer.

Great! now you can get me one.

holdyoualways 11-13-2005 01:00 PM

if you have an extra 100 bucks laying around, sure.

madeinNY 11-14-2005 03:53 PM (disregard all names here, since you don't know anyone I'm talking about....unless you're my stalker. lmao)

Got up....layed around, got out of bed, got dressed&did hair&makeup, took dog out, went to school, sat in home room, went to science and hung out with Lacee (we were working in groups) then we switched activities and I had to go sit with Josh and Grahm....that made me mad. Then I went to English with Matt&Oreo (2 of my really good friends.), sat through boring, boring English lesson...then I went to French and got to listen to Corey, Corey, Skeet, and Peter be screwballs again, (kept me amused, non-the-less), me and Lacee also goofed off and stuff...Then I went to lunch, and decided to sit with Lacee, Jess, Em, and Oreo from here on out because I can't stand frikken Tyler anymore at my old table....then we had DEAR (drop everything and read...perhaps the most useless waste-of-20 minuets-class ever.)Then I went to Math, actually learned something...then went to Art where I sit with Matt, Oreo and Rachel....Rachel was absent. I was all over Matt because I felt like flirting with someone, lmao. It was a fun art class...mwahahaha. Then I went to study hall, which they call "team-time" nowadays *rolls eyes*, then I went to gym. In gym I couldn't change into my regular gym shirt because it was freezing outside and my reg. gym shirt is sleevless, so I had to wear the shirt I was wearing, and that cost me detention on Thursday (great)...and then Sona told me we had a SADD meeting, so I had to call my mom from the office and tell her I'm staying after, so I get up to the SADD room, and she's like "what are you doing here? We don't have a meeting." So I was like, grrr. SO then I rushed down to my bus and was off to home. I've been on the computer since.

edit, also went to social studies between math and was boring. Luke was asked to stand in the back of the room. hahahah

adidasss 11-14-2005 04:15 PM

i had an interesting day, got up at 10, went to town and bought an adidas shirt for my sister, got back at noon and then the dude for the dsl came, after he installed the modem he asked me my password, which i just remembered i lost so i frantically start looking for it, can't find it, so the guy tells me to call the telecom company, which i do, they put me on hold for ages, give me a password and username that don't work, then my doorbell rings and it's the people for the gass ( remember? i don't have any heat or hot water for like 2 weeks), nice timing guys, so they're outside ( a bit nervous, the guy is shouting at someone on the cell ) and the dsl guy is trying to figure out what's going on and getting a bit impatient, at this point i realize i have no clue to where the key to the boiler room is (which i assumed the gas people needed) so i start to search for it frantically, i start calling my sisters ( becuase they were here this weekend and cleaned the place up ), they have no clue where it is, i'm sweating like a bitch , then my father decides to call and ask me what the workers are doing, i tell him i have no idea and that i lost the key ( expecting an onslaugh of insults, strangely enough it didn't happen ), i find they key, they didn't need it and i sent the dsl guy away, i told him i'd deal with the password just to get rid of him.....and later in the afternoon, a distant cousin of mine came ( he's staying with me for a couple of days because his daughter is in the hospital ), i've never seen this man in my life and now i'm supposed to live with him for 3 days, needless to say ( what with my world famous social and conversational skills that have landed me friendless ) it was not a very pleasant evening, nor will it be a very pleasant 3 days.....*shudders*

madeinNY 11-14-2005 04:19 PM

Oh that sounds like a fun day.

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