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FETCHER. 07-21-2013 03:25 PM

Completely sucks that your seizures ruined your Saturday night :(. I was gonna come in here boasting of my rakeyness (the inability to go home) but now I just feel like an ******* haha.

Did you do anything not alcohol related instead? :(

Mojo 07-21-2013 03:30 PM

Not really. Saturday I was meant to be going to a mates house for a BBQ, which I was also missing an engagement dinner to go to, and so instead I ended up staying home, cooking a curry, and watching The Watch and the Southern Rock night on BBC4.

Rock & roll.

Unknown Soldier 07-21-2013 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Mojo (Post 1347599)
Thats the question.

There seems to be no trigger I or a doctor can nail down for it. There never has been. Around a year or 18 months ago my doctor said he was wondering if what I was having these days might not be more blackouts than seizures. They definitely were seizures at one time, but he's thinking that may not be the case and without getting into it, I can at least see why he may be wondering.

I'm not sure what sounds worse blackouts or seizures. I'm guessing you're not allowed to drive or do anything that requires you to be in complete control.


Anyway, he told me that as seen as I can feel a seizure about to occur (I can now, but thats another recent change in my behaviour) he asked me to lie down whenever I can and he says that if that stops it from happening, we could be looking more at blackouts, and blackouts could be stress and blood pressure related.
I'm guessing you've looked at diet, alcohol consumption and your levels of stress. Exercise can actually be a good remedy for these things if they are stress related.


Certain things about my behaviour, and changes in my behaviour, would suggest that he could be right. However I had this seizure yesterday when I was already lying down, and far from stressed about anything.
I wouldn't imagine lying down to be the solution anyway, it's just something that you've been doing and has worked but now you've found that it doesn't work.

If I were you, I actually work up a log of when these seizures/blackouts occur. The day, the time, the place and how you were feeling prior, what you'd eaten and drunk that day etc. I know this sounds like hard work, but self-help in these type of things can reap dividends

Justthefacts 07-22-2013 11:20 PM

Seven more days till New York city. Prepare for a plethora of pictures of me soaking it all in.

Circe 07-23-2013 02:00 AM

So our heatwave seems to have been replaced with torrential lightning storms. This probably isn't a good time to mention that I'm kind of terrified of lightning...

PoorOldPo 07-23-2013 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Circe (Post 1348248)
So our heatwave seems to have been replaced with torrential lightning storms. This probably isn't a good time to mention that I'm kind of terrified of lightning...

We got lightning over here last night as well. It has been incessantly sunny for the past four weeks. Weather reports predict that August is going to be even hotter for us than July though. At one stage we were "hotter than Spain" haha.

FETCHER. 07-23-2013 04:00 AM

**** YEA LIGHTNING. I'm smoking doobies listening to the thunder and soaking in the beauty of lightning. Fuucking love this.

djchameleon 07-23-2013 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by FETCHER. (Post 1348254)
**** YEA LIGHTNING. I'm smoking doobies listening to the thunder and soaking in the beauty of lightning. Fuucking love this.

I'm jealous!

Not of the smoking up part but everything else.

FETCHER. 07-23-2013 07:53 AM

Aww the storm was much needed, we've had about a month solid of ROASTING weather and the air became really clammy and hot especially at night, it has kinda perked up now though and is gettin sunny again!

Apparently yesterday was the hottest day here since 2006!!

djchameleon 07-23-2013 07:55 AM

Geez, I feel you on that. We only had one heatwave week but it's been down pouring since last night and I love it. No where near thunderstorm type of rain but the rain helped cool us down though.

FETCHER. 07-23-2013 07:58 AM

At one point on my way home today I had to slow to 20mph because the rain was that heavy I couldn't see!

How hot has it been over there recently?

Sansa Stark 07-23-2013 08:06 AM

ass hot

with a 99% chance of fuckboys

djchameleon 07-23-2013 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by FETCHER. (Post 1348316)
At one point on my way home today I had to slow to 20mph because the rain was that heavy I couldn't see!

How hot has it been over there recently?

36 C but with the heat index and humidity it felt like 40 C.

It stayed at 36 C or a little higher for seven days straight.

FETCHER. 07-23-2013 08:10 AM

Hot weather brings all the scantily clad boys to my yard. :)

Frownland 07-23-2013 01:36 PM

Had my last speech for my oral communication class today and I did great, no points off at all and this teacher is usually a rough grader. Now I am essentially done with the class apart from the final, which is comprised of common sense questions, so that shouldn't be too hard. Hence my reason to celebrate my being finished with class today by a trip to the special store and coming home with an eighth of Durban Poison and a half gram of CO@ processed hash oil. I'm in for quite a treat once my counterparts arrive :D.

The Batlord 07-23-2013 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by PoorOldPo (Post 1348250)
We got lightning over here last night as well. It has been incessantly sunny for the past four weeks. Weather reports predict that August is going to be even hotter for us than July though. At one stage we were "hotter than Spain" haha.

Am I the only one who thinks it's funny that a dude from Ireland is calling sunny weather "incessant"?

Paul Smeenus 07-23-2013 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1348496)
Am I the only one who thinks it's funny that a dude from Ireland is calling sunny weather "incessant"?

Coming as I do from the similarly damp Pacific Northwest, three consecutive sunny days seems like an eternity

The Batlord 07-23-2013 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1348615)
Coming as I do from the similarly damp Pacific Northwest, three consecutive sunny days seems like an eternity

So three days of sunny days gives you the creeps? I understand. If it went more than three days in Virginia in the summer without at least seventy percent humidity then I'd assume that the apocalypse was imminent.

Mondo Bungle 07-23-2013 09:50 PM

I sat on a slug at work today, went home and ate like seven pounds of raspberries I picked. I await diarrhea.
I'm also excited that my avatar is larger.

Janszoon 07-23-2013 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle (Post 1348782)
I sat on a slug at work today, went home and ate like seven pounds of raspberries I picked.

That's what I do every time I sit on a slug too.

ThePhanastasio 07-23-2013 10:56 PM

Worked a few hours, then took VTO (Voluntary Time Off) when it was offered; we had 80+ people in idle, and I'd not been doing much aside from reading a book and taking a call every ten minutes or so anyway. I seriously read two complete books (A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers; The ****-Up by Arthur Nersesian) in two days of approximately 12 hours combined. That's the kind of downtime we had.

Plus, I only had one book left in my purse, and was afraid that I'd finish it before the day was out and be stuck with nothing to do but doodle.

Also; there have been several explosions in former mines in my city, a few miles from my house, one of which happened this evening. It left the road all kinds of ****ed up. Built up methane gas or something.

Anyway, I've decided to go tomorrow to check out the maps of these mines, to ensure, for my peace of mind if nothing else, that I'm not living on top of that bull****. Also seriously wonder if it's got anything to do with the "earthquake" a few months back.

Interested in seeing how this plays out.

Oh, yeah! Almost forgot to mention; we have had storms for 20 out of the last 30 days, precipitation for 29 of them. There's currently a storm raging. Go weather!

anticipation 07-23-2013 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by FETCHER. (Post 1348322)
Hot weather brings all the scantily clad boys to my yard. :)

Well the gate was locked so I broke it down and took my shirt off. Glad u ain't mad gyrl u rocc my world.

Dr_Rez 07-24-2013 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by anticipation (Post 1348863)
Well the gate was locked so I broke it down and took my shirt off. Glad u ain't mad gyrl u rocc my world.

are not*

miller2013 07-24-2013 04:55 PM

Normal day until....
Standard day until I found Naphy Naphy on youtube- a 20 year old Kenyan guy whose Mum earns £1.50 a day picking tea. Despite his humble background, Naf has saved to produce this music video. Take a look- it's suprisingly catchy!

Naphy Naphy: Nimefika - YouTube

miller2013 07-24-2013 04:56 PM

I would watch in 1080p- standard 360 is a bit fuzzy

FETCHER. 07-24-2013 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by anticipation (Post 1348863)
Well the gate was locked so I broke it down and took my shirt off. Glad u ain't mad gyrl u rocc my world.


Paul Smeenus 07-24-2013 06:15 PM

I left work & saw my doctor. I'd been standing for a few hours, and my right thigh all of a sudden went so numb I don't think I'd have noticed if it was on fire. So I talked to a nurse, she suggested I come in, & when I got out of the chair I'd been sitting in it felt like a hundred bees stung my thigh at once. Initial probable diagnosis, neuropathy

Scarlett O'Hara 07-24-2013 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1349162)
I left work & saw my doctor. I'd been standing for a few hours, and my right thigh all of a sudden went so numb I don't think I'd have noticed if it was on fire. So I talked to a nurse, she suggested I come in, & when I got out of the chair I'd been sitting in it felt like a hundred bees stung my thigh at once. Initial probable diagnosis, neuropathy

**** hun that sounds awful! Is that going to be permanent?

Paul Smeenus 07-24-2013 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1349186)
**** hun that sounds awful! Is that going to be permanent?

I dunno. I'm making an appointment with the neurology dept. tomorrow. I don't know if the damage is irreversible or not

Janszoon 07-24-2013 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1349201)
I dunno. I'm making an appointment with the neurology dept. tomorrow. I don't know if the damage is irreversible or not

Jesus Paul. I hope all goes well.

Paul Smeenus 07-24-2013 09:59 PM

Heh, it's only my leg. I have another one.

Blarobbarg 07-24-2013 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1349162)
I left work & saw my doctor. I'd been standing for a few hours, and my right thigh all of a sudden went so numb I don't think I'd have noticed if it was on fire. So I talked to a nurse, she suggested I come in, & when I got out of the chair I'd been sitting in it felt like a hundred bees stung my thigh at once. Initial probable diagnosis, neuropathy

Damn Paul, that's awful. Please let us know the results!

butthead aka 216 07-24-2013 10:39 PM

well if worst comes to worst paul you could get one of those blade runner legs and maybe do some cool tricks or even a wood leg and grow old and tell neighborhood kids you were a pirate

jk just tryna lighten the modd hope its not serous

Scarlett O'Hara 07-24-2013 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1349204)
Heh, it's only my leg. I have another one.


I am sending you love over here from the Pacific, I hope it isn't permanent!!

FRED HALE SR. 07-25-2013 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1349204)
Heh, it's only my leg. I have another one.

My mother suffers from neuropathy. She suffers from diabetes which is the most common reason for neuropathy. They also say it can occur due to bad nutrition also. Its strange how many things are caused by diet. My dad had issues with gout awhile back because he used to eat so much red meat. Once it was cut from his diet he felt instantly better.

The Batlord 07-25-2013 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1349204)
Heh, it's only my leg. I have another one.

Plankton 07-25-2013 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1349162)
I left work & saw my doctor. I'd been standing for a few hours, and my right thigh all of a sudden went so numb I don't think I'd have noticed if it was on fire. So I talked to a nurse, she suggested I come in, & when I got out of the chair I'd been sitting in it felt like a hundred bees stung my thigh at once. Initial probable diagnosis, neuropathy

Ouch! Hope you mend up. That sounds pretty serious bro.

Last week I had band practice three nights in a row with 2 different bands, so I had to lug my rig all over town for three days. My Line 6 4x12, doesn't have casters on it like my Crate 4x12, so I pulled my back muscles out. I'm just starting to feel better, since I haven't been doing anything stressful since Sunday. Disc Golfed on Saturday, then lugged a backpack full of beer all over a Festival on Sunday, all with a twinge of back pain. Monday hit, and I could hardly walk, let alone stand up straight.

I'm playing Foster Fest on Saturday, running a 5K on Sunday, and have two more gigs the following weekends, and band practice twice each week with two different bands...

I need a roadie.

Blarobbarg 07-25-2013 10:45 AM

Today is only the second day I've had since I've been back in the States that I don't have to meet with anyone, and am not expected to do anything. At all.

I am fully relishing this.

Sansa Stark 07-25-2013 12:25 PM

I'm the happiest I've been in a really long time, and I'm really lucky to have the people in my life that I have right now :) :) :)

FRED HALE SR. 07-25-2013 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Hermione (Post 1349432)
I'm the happiest I've been in a really long time, and I'm really lucky to have the people in my life that I have right now :) :) :)

I'm very happy for you sincerely.

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