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dankrsta 08-19-2010 12:45 PM

It was a wild guess, because I'm always mixing up scenes from his many movies. I knew it wasn't from Suspiria or Inferno, 'cause those films I remember the most.

bob. 08-19-2010 12:58 PM

there are only two movies i can think of right off the top of my head that explore Rome as the wonderful place it was.....and thats to clean looking to be Fellini's Satyricon so it must be Caligula

dankrsta 08-19-2010 01:16 PM

It must be :thumb: Easy

bob. 08-19-2010 01:18 PM

dankrsta 08-19-2010 03:19 PM

Is this some modern Japanese or something sci-fi, body horror, torture and the like? I haven't seen many of those films. No idea what this is. Hint?

bob. 08-19-2010 03:31 PM

good to know

it's South Korean (although it really is an ode to Japanese cyber-punk)...came out in 2003 and is basically about a man who uncovers an alien plot to take over the world...or he is just crazy

dankrsta 08-19-2010 03:51 PM

Hey don't let me stop you posting this kind of stuff. Maybe somebody else knows. But since no one's showing up and you basically told me almost everything - Save the Green Planet (thanks google). It says it's a comedy. I'll have to catch up with these modern Asian films.

bob. 08-20-2010 10:15 AM chance does that picture have anything to do with Kenneth Anger?

dankrsta 08-20-2010 11:30 AM

Oh yeah! Now you know

bob. 08-20-2010 11:37 AM

Lucifer Rising! :)

dankrsta 08-20-2010 12:33 PM

^Is this Italian giallo again? I'm not sure.

bob. 08-20-2010 12:50 PM

american sleeze gore
Moderator cut: image removed

dankrsta 08-20-2010 01:08 PM

Then it must be The Blood Trilogy. Color Me Blood Red I haven't seen that one, only Two Thousand Maniacs.

bob. 08-20-2010 01:09 PM


you have to see Color Me Blood far Lewis's best movie

dankrsta 08-20-2010 01:33 PM

I used to watch a lot of those campy, gory films (especially from the 70s) when I was younger. I have probably forgotten many of them, but no I don't think I saw that one. I have these pictures in my head from some very hilarious scenes that I just can't place in concrete films. It's been a while since I've watched them.

bob. 08-20-2010 03:30 PM

have no idea but it looks gorgeous.....

but on a whim does it have anything to do with an opera written by Richard Wagner?

dankrsta 08-20-2010 04:09 PM

No, nothing to do with any of the Wagner's operas (I think). It is, in fact, loosely based on a horror story by one famous 19c. Russian writer. (Unless there is some connection between this story and some Wagner's opera, but I don't think so). This film is Italian, by the way.

More pics

dankrsta 08-20-2010 04:47 PM

The director is considered to be the father of Italian giallo, which is not so obvious from this film. All of his films are beautifully shot, great feeling for light and shade and later for the composition of colors (very rich colors).

bob. 08-20-2010 05:03 PM

Barbara Steele and Maria Bava....

Black Sunday

great job using of the first picture....i mainly remember that shot from the front...thats her with the dogs....famous shot

bob. 08-20-2010 05:16 PM

dankrsta 08-20-2010 06:05 PM

No idea. Would you say that if I had seen that film, I would have remembered this shot?

bob. 08-20-2010 06:14 PM

not necessarily....that part goes by fairly fast....

dankrsta 08-20-2010 06:22 PM

Matt Dillon. I had a hunch it was some boys 80s movie. At first I thought it was Rumble Fish, but then I remembered that one is black & white

The Outsiders

bob. 08-20-2010 06:28 PM

an all time favorite :thumb:

dankrsta 08-20-2010 06:39 PM

My significant other practically lived that life when he was a little punk. :)


bob. 08-21-2010 08:50 AM

a little help please?

dankrsta 08-21-2010 02:12 PM

A true surrealist film

NumberNineDream 08-21-2010 04:25 PM

the blood of a poet
It looks really good.

Edit: A classic.

dankrsta 08-21-2010 07:26 PM

Le Samourai. Alain Delon was gorgeous. And I still haven't seen his Ripley, I heard he's great in that film. I have to watch 'Plein soleil' as soon as possible.


NumberNineDream 08-21-2010 07:46 PM

Umberto D. ?

dankrsta 08-21-2010 07:50 PM

Indeed. Such a sad, depressing film. It broke my heart when I watched it. Damn this neo-realism.

NumberNineDream 08-21-2010 08:04 PM

I cried watching snippets of it in the Cinema History class. Those Neo-realists know how to make us sob.


dankrsta 08-22-2010 04:24 AM

^Is this maybe the original Cape Fear? I haven't seen it, but that looks like Robert Mitchum.

NumberNineDream 08-22-2010 04:48 AM

It is Robert Mitchum, but not Cape Fear :p:

The obvious pic from it:

dankrsta 08-22-2010 05:03 AM

Then it must be The Night of the Hunter. I have seen Night Must Fall with Albert Finney and I'm always mistaking it for this film. I haven't seen this one. It seems like the stories are very similar.

NumberNineDream 08-22-2010 05:11 AM

Indeed it is. I'm not familiar with Night Must Fall so I can't say.

dankrsta 08-22-2010 05:19 AM

Night Must Fall with Finney is a remake of the 30s film with the same name, which is supposedly better and well known, so yeah, I confuse them a lot.


adidasss 08-22-2010 11:35 AM

^^ Spoorloos (The vanishing). Absolute twisted masterpiece.

One of my favorite indies, ever?

dankrsta 08-22-2010 01:18 PM

This appears to be Me and You and Everyone We Know. I haven't seen it, but I watched some trailers and previews and it looks extremely charming (pooping back and forth, forever :laughing:) I have to see it.

adidasss 08-22-2010 01:29 PM

Indeed you do. (:

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