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Trollheart 07-23-2015 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1617975)
Why am I banging Trollheart when I think all would agree I should be banging Sansa?

That being said, let this live forever. Theres a few cameos that haven't been made yet that should.


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1617976)
Oops. Meant Batlord. Sucks being the only chick metal fan, they always throw you to the wolves....

Goddamn it! Got my hopes up (along with other things!) there, young lady! :( :banghead:

Wait, what? You into chicks? Or dudes who dress like chicks or are half-chick or whatever the **** Sansa is?? :yikes:

Scarlett O'Hara 07-24-2015 01:22 AM

Yorkedaddy this is brilliant, I love it! Great name for my character. :D

YorkeDaddy 07-28-2015 12:39 PM

We're back in business, ladies and gents.

Chapter Four: Flashback

Four years prior...

Hatemonchan: I can't help but feel like we've been infiltrated, y'know? Le Spambots of Doom are far more clever than they appear.

Lambspoon: I know what you mean. There are certain newcomers to Music Banterus that I do not feel we should trust. Like this guy over here...he rubs me the wrong way.

James Franco Pepe Kalle Bob Marley Rick James Big Booty Bonanza Johnson: Holy moly **** **** damn dog hot diggity, you see that Strawberry over there? Do you know the things I would do to dat ass?

Lambspoon: Um...I'm not sure I want to know.

Hatemonchan: I kind of strangely do

James Franco Pepe Kalle Bob Marley Rick James Big Booty Bonanza Johnson: KIEKIEKIEKIEKIEKIEKIEKIE *runs off*

Strawberry: Someone should tell that guy that he is sexually depraved and needs attention. Also, by the way, I'm not sure if you've noticed so I have to check, but, just so you know, in case you were wondering, have you noticed that I have large breasts?

Hatemonchan: Yes we have. And, well, we're talking about important things right now so could we have just a moment?

Strawberry: Yeah, sure, just checking to make sure you guys knew. And stuff. Alright, anyway, seeya!

Lambspoon: Quite a quirky cast of characters we have here, eh Hatemonchan?

Hatemonchan: Yes, and at times I grow tiresome of the antics on display in our great kingdom. But I shall persevere, for Le Spambots of Doom will never give up. We just have to figure out how their forces have grown so large and formidable.

Lambspoon: I fear we do not have much time to waste. A full-on assault could happen any day now!

??????: Mwahahahaha, yes, YES!!! Your doom approaches!

Hatemonchan: Is that you, Doo Doo? You're babbling that doomsday crap again.

Doo Doo: I will slaughter any that oppose me! Just you wait and see!

Lambspoon: How much longer are we keeping this guy around? Surely you agree that he is a negative presence within our Kingdom.

Hatemonchan: It's alright, as long as he never manages to get ahold of the Mighty Hammer of Ban we should be okay.

Lambspoon: Um, isn't that the Mighty Hammer of Ban in his hands right now? And he's hitting people over the head with it repeatedly whilst laughing maniacally.

Hatemonchan: Oh fuck. Alright, we must take him out!

Hatemonchan and Lambspoon swiftly unsheathed their blades and confronted Doo Doo. In his crazed, maniacal state he was no match for the calculated, graceful fighting style of the two.

Lambspoon: You've swung the Mighty Hammer of Ban for the last time, Doo Doo.

Hatemonchan: We banish you from the Kingdom of Music Banterus!

Doo Doo: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooo

Doo Doo: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Hatemonchan: Ugh, let's just fucking kill him already. *stab*

Doo Doo: oooooo......................................ngh... haven't seen....the

To be continued........................

Plankton 07-28-2015 12:54 PM

Of course I read that in the Cousteau voice. Not the entire entry, just the one part.

YorkeDaddy 07-28-2015 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1620022)
Of course I read that in the Cousteau voice. Not the entire entry, just the one part.

I'd be upset if you didn't.

Chula Vista 07-28-2015 01:18 PM



Greatest thing in a long while.

Trollheart 07-28-2015 02:51 PM

Yay! Life is worth living again! :band:

Plankton 07-28-2015 07:55 PM

Also, you were high as **** when you wrote that, weren't you?

Scarlett O'Hara 07-28-2015 08:07 PM

But seriously guys, do you know that I have really large breasts? I wasn't sure if the story highlighted it enough. ;)

Chula Vista 07-28-2015 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1620177)
But seriously guys, do you know that I have really large breasts? I wasn't sure if the story highlighted it enough. ;)

YorkeDaddy 07-29-2015 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1620173)
Also, you were high as **** when you wrote that, weren't you?

This story would've been sooo boring if it had only been based off of my sober ideas :P

grindy 07-29-2015 12:37 AM

Finally got to reading it.
Pretty damn cool. Keep it up.

Trollheart 07-29-2015 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1620177)
But seriously guys, do you know that I have really large breasts? I wasn't sure if the story highlighted it enough. ;)

I don't think you're being fair to your bottom to be honest....

Plankton 07-29-2015 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1620177)
But seriously guys, do you know that I have really large breasts? I wasn't sure if the story highlighted it enough. ;)

I'm gonna need some kind of proof. After all, this is the internet.

innerspaceboy 08-01-2015 08:26 PM

Yorke, I just took the chapters in this evening, and promptly re-read them aloud to my fiance.

As a former member of School at Hogwarts and as the creator and codemonkey behind Red Pill (the Matrix role play site), she's read her share of fantasy epics. Yours left her in absolute stitches, and she nearly **** the bed.

Keep it up!

ladyislingering 08-02-2015 12:49 AM

I really need to read this when I'm sober.

Pet_Sounds 08-02-2015 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by innerspaceboy (Post 1621414)
Yorke, I just took the chapters in this evening, and promptly re-read them aloud to my fiance.

As a former member of School at Hogwarts and as the creator and codemonkey behind Red Pill (the Matrix role play site), she's read her share of fantasy epics. Yours left her in absolute stitches, and she nearly **** the bed.

Keep it up!

It's amazing that even someone who doesn't get the in-jokes finds this hilarious. Quite an achievement, YD.

Scarlett O'Hara 08-03-2015 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1620298)
I'm gonna need some kind of proof. After all, this is the internet.


Did you not see the last 50 pictures of my boobs in the members picture gallery?

Plankton 08-03-2015 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1621710)

Did you not see the last 50 pictures of my boobs in the members picture gallery?

I remember seeing some cleavage, but nowhere did I see anything remotely close to a Google reprimanded qualifying boob.

YorkeDaddy 08-03-2015 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by innerspaceboy (Post 1621414)
Yorke, I just took the chapters in this evening, and promptly re-read them aloud to my fiance.

As a former member of School at Hogwarts and as the creator and codemonkey behind Red Pill (the Matrix role play site), she's read her share of fantasy epics. Yours left her in absolute stitches, and she nearly **** the bed.

Keep it up!


Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds (Post 1621503)
It's amazing that even someone who doesn't get the in-jokes finds this hilarious. Quite an achievement, YD.

Agree, that's a really awesome compliment. And of course a huge thanks to everyone else for their continued praise and support!

In other news, I'm working on getting a clickable index on the OP to make it easier to find chapters. Should be done shortly.

The Batlord 08-03-2015 02:33 PM

Where's my backstory? I think that's the question we're all wondering.

YorkeDaddy 08-03-2015 03:37 PM

Chapter Five: Showdown

At the round table in the castle...

Yorkius: Well that was pretty weird.

Trolldalf: *sigh*, I can't believe I had to babysit two people on a mushroom trip right before the most important meeting in Music Banterus's history!

Yorkius: Hey man, I didn't know this was going on when I took them. I thought this was just going to be a regular Tuesday.

Trolldalf: A regular Tuesday for you is doing shrooms?!

Christophe: A regular Tuesday for me is even more than that!

Ki: A regular Tuesday for me is bitches.

Trolldalf: ...can we just get onto the topic at hand? I'm sure we all know why we've been gathered here today. We have experienced a great loss Gloofe asleep?!

Christophe: Those were some hardcore shrooms man. Don't blame him, blame the Gods of the Trip Realm.

Trolldalf: Anyway, I think we all know that we can't simply go on without a leader. Something like this has never happened to our great kingdom before, and it is very important that we find a suitable replacement immediately.

Yorkius: But who will his replacement be? 'Cause I mean...I'd be down.

Christophe: Ha! Like anyone would want to take orders from you. Obviously it should be me, especially because I have an awesome mustache. And all the great leaders have had a sweet mustache.

Ki: Nah you guys would suck, but hey by the way have you heard of this band pg.lost?

?????: I'll tell you who'd be a good leader. My dick, bitch!

Just then, the doors to the round table room swung open violently. In the doorway stood Droltab.

Christophe: The hell? What are you doing here?

Droltab: I'm here to kick ass and get laid, with an extra side of titties. Now come here so I can teach you a lesson!

Droltab unsheathed his blade and charged at Christophe. However, he was immediately prepared to counter-attack. An epic duel ensued.

Yorkius: Damn this is pretty entertaining. Hey if anyone's taking bets I'm putting $5 down on Christophe.

Ki: I don't know, Droltab seems pretty pissed off. I wonder what he's mad about?

Trolldalf: I wonder if we should stop them?

Yorkius: It's probably best to let them work out their problems. Who knows, they might even be friends after they're done!

Droltab: I'm gonna tie you up and break each limb one by one while pooping on you each day and periodically dipping you into a vat full of scorpions and...other stuff!

Christophe: I'm gonna break into your house and steal all the macaroni!

Droltab: You...wouldn't...dare!

Yorkius: ...Alright, maybe they won't be friends after they're done.

Trolldalf: Oh, what a pain. Alright, time for some magic.

?????: Magic? Boy, it's been some time since you've resorted to that, Trolldalf.

Ki: *gasp*, it's you! Lambspoon!

Trolldalf: I-...I thought you weren't going to come with us?

Lambspoon: Initially that was my decision, but I think I have one more adventure left in me. But before we can discuss the terms of that, we should take care of these fools.

Lambspoon reached out his hand and said some unimportant arbitrary spell name to launch the blades from Droltab and Christophe's hands.

Droltab: Oh hell no, we're settling this here and now!

Lambspoon: That is just about enough, Droltab. However, it is clear that once you're pissed off enough you become quite formidable with a blade. Perhaps you should come with us on this journey?

Droltab: Hmm...the opportunity to set out on a brave quest, return to find fame and glory and infinite bitches is difficult to pass up...even if it means travelling with you losers. Although I do have just one question: where would we be going?

Trolldalf: We must set out to find...The Sacred Yak.

To be continued....................

Key 08-04-2015 01:44 AM

I love how everyone has a ridiculous name and I'm simply "Ki". I love it.

grindy 08-04-2015 06:20 AM

I'd love to see the ISIS-O vs. JWB thing (well, it sometimes seems like an ISIS-O vs. all of MB thing) referenced here.

The Batlord 08-04-2015 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1622148)
I love how everyone has a ridiculous name and I'm simply "Ki". I love it.

You could be Kia. And you could give us all a ride in your Kia. And while we were driving you could try to tell us how great a Kia is and how we should buy a Kia, and we're all just awkwardly silent cause we're not in the market for a car.

Frownland 08-04-2015 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1622217)
You could be Kia. And you could give us all a ride in your Kia. And while we were driving you could try to tell us how great a Kia is and how we should buy a Kia, and we're all just awkwardly silent cause we're not in the market for a car.

Let's see if we can get them to sponsor a movie so we can do that product placement.

Trollheart 08-04-2015 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1622191)
I'd love to see the ISIS-O vs. JWB thing (well, it sometimes seems like an ISIS-O vs. all of MB thing) referenced here.

Huh? What are you talking about? :confused:

YorkeDaddy 08-04-2015 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1622284)
Huh? What are you talking about? :confused:

The E5I5O guy methinks

Isbjørn 08-04-2015 03:48 PM

This is perfect! :clap:

grindy 08-04-2015 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1622295)
The E5I5O guy methinks


Exo 09-30-2015 05:10 PM

It's been two months. This needs to continue.

YorkeDaddy 12-09-2015 10:46 PM

Notice that chapters will begin again in early January after I release the album I've been working on the past 6 months, sorry everyone for the long delay.

The Batlord 12-11-2015 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1658861)
Notice that chapters will begin again in early January after I release the album I've been working on the past 6 months, sorry everyone for the long delay.

**** off. Never forgive, never forget. You're officially on probation as far as I'm concerned.

YorkeDaddy 12-12-2015 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1659575)
**** off. Never forgive, never forget. You're officially on probation as far as I'm concerned.

Bitch we both know you're hype as **** for new chapters

Isbjørn 12-18-2015 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1658861)
Notice that chapters will begin again in early January after I release the album I've been working on the past 6 months, sorry everyone for the long delay.

NathanTMusic 01-10-2016 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds (Post 1608095)
Who on earth is Strawberry?

i like strawberries

YorkeDaddy 06-25-2018 08:51 PM

Chapter Six: Scattered

...Still at the round table in the castle...

Yorkius: Holy shit did we just stand here in place for almost three straight years?

Trolldalf: Yeah, uh, considering the circumstances...that didn't really make sense, did it?

Lambspoon: Hmm, yes. Indeed. Ah, mmhmm, that is fine.

Yorkius: You're very agreeable today, Lambspoon.

Lambspoon: Hmm, yes. Indeed. Ah, mmhmm, that is fine.

Yorkius: Is that...all you really do around here nowadays?

Lambspoon: Hmm, yes. Indeed. Ah, mmhmm, that is fine.

Christophe: So......What uh...what exactly were we doing again?

The group sat around, racking their brains to figure out why exactly they had all gathered there on that day, nearly three years ago.

Suddenly, the group heard an awful wailing noise from off in the distance. Everyone grabbed whatever weapons they had on them, except Ki who only fought with the power of friendship.

Droltab: Aw hell naw, I'm the only one allowed to cause a ruckus out here!

The warriors ran outside to confront the cause of the distressed noise, only to be surrounded by an army of hawks wearing cult-like robes.

Hawk 1: Caw-caw! We will take over Music Banterus with our penetrating wit and questionable sensibilities! Caw-caw!

Hawk 2: Caw-caw! We have come for the throne!

The hawks began swooping down on the heroes, and were too fast to be counter-attacked. But rather than strike to do the most damage, the hawks strangely nibbled on the heroes' nipples for a moment before ascending back into the air.

Droltab: *pant* This is *pant* fucking weird, guys! *pant*

Christophe: Do they *pant* mean us any harm?

Gloofe, at this point, had laid down on the ground and removed his shirt, allowing the hawks to do their bidding.

Gloofe: Just go with the flow, maaaaan.

Trolldalf: Good God, man, is he still high on those shrooms?!

Christophe: I got some strong shit.

Hawk Leader: ENOUGH.

The swarm of hawks flew off, leaving only the leader and a sense of sexual tension and unexplored potential.

Hawk Leader: I called off my forces because I have just noticed something. A certain...power the resonates within the lot of you.

Droltab: Can we get back to the nipple stimulation?

Hawk Leader: me next week. Anyway, despite my best efforts to break you, everyone here managed to withstand the might of my endless army of mildly-annoying-but-strangely-endearing hawks. You lot may just be the band of heroes I've been seeking for so long!

Ki: Now hold on here, are you the mysterious dark bird from the future that spoke to me?

Christophe: What the fuck, you mistook him for another mysterious dark bird from the future that spoke to you?

Ki: Hey man, I can only process so much at one time.

Hawk Leader: Oh shit, that's you, Ki? Damn you look even wimpier than I remember. But...yeah, I came to you from the future, and I've been searching ever since for the true warriors that can save this realm.

Trolldalf: Oh, mighty, Hawk leader dude, I believe I know what it is we must seek to defeat the evil forces of Le Spambots of D-

Hawk Leader: Le Spambots of Doom? *laughs hysterically however a giant humanoid bird would laugh*. Oh, you don't even know the half of it...

To be continued....................

Key 06-25-2018 09:10 PM

Oh my god. This. Rocks.

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