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655321 05-06-2007 02:43 PM

some punks sounds a little like emo like the melody but i rarely hear punk songs aobut people wanting to commit suicide and crying about there girl friend breaking up with them so really the only thing punk and emo have in common is like the sort of stuff that started them and the guitar melody(sometimes)

Trauma 05-06-2007 03:35 PM

What a coincidence, I rarely hear emo songs about people wanting to commit suicide, other than Saetia.

Emo is the complete offspring of punk.

Edit: And don't tell me punks aren't whiners just because they happen to bitch with harder songs. If anything, the metaphorical lyrics found in most emo songs in no way compare to how much complaining is done in punk songs.

655321 05-06-2007 03:48 PM

i dont know to me theres a large difference i dontlike most emo(i love jawbreaker) but i like most punk its my opinoin im tired of arguing for it casue i find all my thought out combacks contradict something i already said so i give up

A_Perfect_Sonnet 05-06-2007 05:06 PM

It takes like three minutes to browse the emo education thread and not sound like an idiot.

Several emo bands have just as strong political messages as the punk bands (Daniel Striped Tiger for instance), and a large majority of emo/screamo bands consider themselves to play punk music. Of course you have some LATER groups (CTTS/With Horses In Her Eyes) that came along with the soul intention of progressing emo, but it is impossible to deny the links you can hear between a band like Bear and the Butterfly and bands such as The Misfits or Black Flag.

poloboy23 05-06-2007 09:46 PM

Why would anyone start a post with emo being the best genre out right now. That is pretty much bs.

swim 05-07-2007 06:04 AM

That's an empty statement with nothing behind it. As far as anyone knows you don't what emo is.

acratertocoffin 05-07-2007 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by poloboy23 (Post 364843)
Why would anyone start a post with emo being the best genre out right now. That is pretty much bs.

Read the thread there Cindy and try to not sound like a dumbass.

Trauma 05-07-2007 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by A_Perfect_Sonnet (Post 364764)
a large majority of emo/screamo bands consider themselves to play punk music.

Ampere definitely has a hardcore punk syndrome, in more ways than one.

Taylor 05-07-2007 04:15 PM

Some (stupid) emo bands say they play punk, but mostly its the stupid fans that say their emo music is punk. And that right there is what give alot of emo fans a bad name.

I love emo music and punk music, and I can the tell the ****ing difference!
So I don't want a wrong stereotype being put on me based off of other stupid emo fans.

swim 05-07-2007 04:22 PM


Emo is a form of punk.

Trauma 05-07-2007 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by swimintheundertow (Post 365037)

Emo is a form of punk.

I think you're explaining to her the descendence, but in different terms:


mushie 05-07-2007 06:02 PM

EMO is not PUNK at all-I can see a small connection but it's barely blinking!

A_Perfect_Sonnet 05-07-2007 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Taylor (Post 365035)
Some (stupid) emo bands say they play punk, but mostly its the stupid fans that say their emo music is punk. And that right there is what give alot of emo fans a bad name.

I love emo music and punk music, and I can the tell the ****ing difference!
So I don't want a wrong stereotype being put on me based off of other stupid emo fans.

You'd think being 13 you'd realize you don't know jack shit. But then again you're 13.


Mid 90s Emo/Screamo band Anomie:


Modern Hardcore Punk band Sinking Ships:

Holy crap, that was like totally different in every way ever.

acratertocoffin 05-07-2007 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by mushie (Post 365094)
EMO is not PUNK at all-I can see a small connection but it's barely blinking!

You know, I'm absolutely convinced these kids know that emo is punk, but for the sake of being dumbasses, are just reiterating the exact same statements with no new arguments or any way of backing them up.

mushie 05-08-2007 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by acratertocoffin (Post 365168)
You know, I'm absolutely convinced these kids know that emo is punk, but for the sake of being dumbasses, are just reiterating the exact same statements with no new arguments or any way of backing them up.

Kid? I'm beginning to think that a lot of people on these boards have too high an opinion of themselves-and are lambasting people to look cool.

Okay PUNK is an attitude, a way of life. A social situation. Middle class young men bemoaning their love lives (or lack of) does not constitute punk. Railing against the system, unhappiness at your lack of economic status and having political leanings are just some of the elements of punk. Jamming in a garage and releasing a rough demo shorn of a studio polish could be considered PUNK. Releasing albums on their own Independent labels is considered PUNK, not glossy studio numbers. I would much rather put early electro/hip hop along with punk not EMO.

For the record I'm 35 I dare say some will now trot out the old classics like old fart etc and I do like some EMO but it is not punk.

swim 05-08-2007 01:58 PM

I'm sorry but emo does all those things. House shows, self releases, cdrs, photo-copied inserts, 100 press releases, public practices, sleeping at strangers house, **** ass recordings, cassettes passed, labels run out of basements. All that junk. Emo's got it.

mushie 05-08-2007 02:31 PM

Maybe it's a cultural thing, everyone I know would not class EMO as punk over here, and maybe a lot of British punk bands are not known in America and EMO is the new punk-don't quote me-put a previous poster had an opinion of me without knowing **** all about me-I'm beginning to think that this is not a great forum-I was having arguments about genres of music @ 16-discuss our likes and dislikes but there seems to be a lot of petty minded opnions on here (not your self swim).

Trauma 05-08-2007 02:45 PM


Ampere, a screamo band from Massachusetts.

Daniel Striped Tiger, a screamo band from Massachusetts.

Antioch Arrow, an emo band from California, they broke up 95/96.

Swing Kids, an emo/hardcore punk band from California, they broke up quite a while ago.

Minor Threat, a hardcore punk band from D.C., they are also deceased.

swim 05-08-2007 02:48 PM

I'd be the first to tell you that the UK has a pretty shoddy emo scene and that I don't think you know what emo is.

It's off shoot of hardcore which was an off shoot of punk. I notice how you only described punk by ethics I think emo is the most musically ethical-elitest genre out right now. If you sell an emo record for 15 dollars you're an arsehole. If you do a show with age limits you're an arsehole. If you charge more than 10 bucks for a show you're an arsehole. If you produce polished grovel you're a god damn arsehole

ch-check out June Paik

A_Perfect_Sonnet 05-08-2007 03:17 PM

Being from Britain he probably has no clue (even at the time) about 80s hardcore in DC.

It's a shame, really.

mushie 05-08-2007 03:32 PM

....I'd be the first to tell you that the UK has a pretty shoddy emo scene and that I don't think you know what emo is....

That's because most British people don't like it-It's an American Phenomonem.

I am a huge fan of FUGAZI and supported DISCHORD records in the late 80's by getting my records direct from them-BAD BRAINS also made a lot of waves over here too.

Yes it's true I don't know everything about about the D.C scene, but then you probably don't know everything about U.K punk circa 77-82-but that does'nt mean you know less about the genre-I'm just stating that EMO is not considered punk in U.K- does nt mean I know less than others about my own particular faves.

I would say EMO has maybe been misrepresented in this country by bands like JIMMY EAT WORLD that have had a modicum of success-so maybe my view has been blinkered? Thanks for the links and i will check them out, but please dont post as though I know **** all-I can read between the lines people.

swim 05-08-2007 03:52 PM

It's not soley an American thing there are loads of European bands. It's not opinion thing though. Emo is a subgenre of punk.

mushie 05-08-2007 03:53 PM

I may have to eat Humble pie-just been listening to my beloved FUGAZI-specifically MARGIN WALKER-track PROMISES and can see a bridge of genres (what a track!), but I do stand my statement that U.K does'nt class EMO as punk-maybe we need educating? (but not told off like naughty schoolchildren thankyou!).

sleepy jack 05-08-2007 03:54 PM

Wtf was the point in mentioning you were listening to Fugazi? I think its just you need thats educating.

mushie 05-08-2007 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 365390)
Wtf was the point in mentioning you were listening to Fugazi? I think its just you need thats educating.

BYE BYE KID-all my suspicions have now been confirmed-when you grow up get back to me.

mushie 05-08-2007 04:06 PM

I have never met a bunch of opinionated bunch of ****s ever-you are (mostly) all a bunch of kids who have no understanding of music or it's social impact-u think u do but you are not yet old enough to understand yourself let alone anything else-I have only ever expressed an opinion-which has pretty much been belittled and ridiculed I was hoping to meet like minded people who could introduce myself to new music, and in turn; do the same-instead i find the same old narrow mindedness that exists in a schoolyard. Music is not a battleground-life is-music is what saves us-I have one word-elitism-a terrible concept. Don't bother replying as I'm out of here.

swim 05-08-2007 04:09 PM

Genres are not based on opinions. Maybe you should comunicate as an adult because you fail at spelling and puncuation. Age has nothing to do with music knowledge. We're not close minded. We're actually educated on the matter.

sleepy jack 05-08-2007 04:09 PM

I bet you he was like fourteen.

Urban Hat€monger ? 05-08-2007 04:10 PM

What else did you expect in an emo forum?

This place is full of some of the most highly strung kids you'll find and you picked the easiest arguement to get flamed for.
If you are looking for likeminded people such as yourself I suggest leaving the emo forum & going to a different one on here.

swim 05-08-2007 04:10 PM

No doubt. I don't understand why people get so upset when we try to correct them.

Trauma 05-08-2007 04:11 PM

So I gathered those links to show you....?


A_Perfect_Sonnet 05-08-2007 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by mushie (Post 365394)
I have never met a bunch of opinionated bunch of ****s ever-you are (mostly) all a bunch of kids who have no understanding of music or it's social impact-u think u do but you are not yet old enough to understand yourself let alone anything else-I have only ever expressed an opinion-which has pretty much been belittled and ridiculed I was hoping to meet like minded people who could introduce myself to new music, and in turn; do the same-instead i find the same old narrow mindedness that exists in a schoolyard. Music is not a battleground-life is-music is what saves us-I have one word-elitism-a terrible concept. Don't bother replying as I'm out of here.

The irony of these statements is we gave you SEVERAL links to education threads as well as band myspaces. You didn't look at ANY of them.

beat yr own KID 05-08-2007 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by mushie (Post 365394)
I have never met a bunch of opinionated bunch of ****s ever-you are (mostly) all a bunch of kids who have no understanding of music or it's social impact-u think u do but you are not yet old enough to understand yourself let alone anything else-I have only ever expressed an opinion-which has pretty much been belittled and ridiculed I was hoping to meet like minded people who could introduce myself to new music, and in turn; do the same-instead i find the same old narrow mindedness that exists in a schoolyard. Music is not a battleground-life is-music is what saves us-I have one word-elitism-a terrible concept. Don't bother replying as I'm out of here.

lol what? people are just trying to tell you what bands ACTUALLY fit into the emo genre and you're getting yr ******* tight about it. The only person being narrowminded would be yourself. And it seems like yr pretty ignorant to the fact as well! Listen to the bands posted in the links they gave you and then listen to "jimmy eat world" or "my chemical romance". If they don't sound completely different than lordy lordy I dunno what to tell you mate.

right-track 05-09-2007 11:05 AM

Well...there goes another new member. :(

MURDER JUNKIE 05-09-2007 11:28 AM

It's amazing how many people get run off this board for having the sheer audacity of "not knowing what emo is"

right-track 05-09-2007 11:41 AM

So it seems.
Maybe it's about time something got done about it.
It's way overdue.
There seems to be a group here that mug members the moment they put a foot in this forum and it's beginning to spread across to other forums too.

MusicBanter isn't an elite club.
These boards are for everyone.

adidasss 05-09-2007 12:24 PM

I'm not mourning his/her loss...I think in this case the kids were right (I trust they know their shit when it comes to this particular sub-genre) , they supplied he/she/it with plenty of sources to educate him/herself (and were unusually nice about it all if I may add) which was somehow misinterpreted as elitism and rude behavior? I remember when I first came to these boards, I got flamed but did I run away crying? No, I was actually ashamed that I didn't know as much as the people who flamed me and I made damn sure that doesn't happen again. One has to be willing to accept criticism and well-meaning advice from others...those who aren't willing to do that have no business being on here...

right-track 05-09-2007 03:50 PM

Well I happened to think the guy had a point. This isn't the first time this has happened on these boards.
And it's the usual suspects.
Never once in my time here on MB have I ever treated anybody in this way.
I really don't see what the problem is when a new member doesn't happen to agree with the regulars point of view.
Yes, he has an opinion. Yes, he may be wrong.
Does it really take several members to take him down?

PopIsDead 05-09-2007 03:59 PM

Emo is literally "music with emotion". Going by that definition, any band that isn't an emo band would have to be robots. Like Daft Punk.

adidasss 05-09-2007 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 365633)
Well I happened to think the guy had a point. This isn't the first time this has happened on these boards.
And it's the usual suspects.
Never once in my time here on MB have I ever treated anybody in this way.
I really don't see what the problem is when a new member doesn't happen to agree with the regulars point of view.
Yes, he has an opinion. Yes, he may be wrong.
Does it really take several members to take him down?

Well I was under the impression that this was a place of discussion (that means more than one opinion is included), not just for expressing your point of view and then sod everyone else if they don't agree...especially when the matter seems to be fairly clear cut (like I said, I tend to side with the older members here, not only because I've grown attached to them, but because they've proven themselves to be quite knowledgeable in this area). Elitists wouldn't try to dissuade the other party with various resources, they'd just point and laugh. I really don't see what they did wrong here David. Should they have just said "you're right, emo isn't punk"?

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