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hookers with machineguns 01-09-2005 11:48 AM

No, Slim Shady LP was when Em could actually rap about his experiences with poverty. But, now all he's got are his so-called "beefs" with other artists that no one has cared about for five years.

da_syco_wun 01-10-2005 02:02 AM

yeah....most peoples who had beefs with em only had them cos of the fact of his lyrics in the early years!!!

beatmaster69 01-11-2005 11:01 AM

eminem lyrics
can anyone get me eminem lyrics for mosh

Fenixpunk 01-11-2005 12:25 PM


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
And to the Republic for which it stands
One nation under God
It feels so good to be back..

I scrutinize every word, memorize every line
I spit it once, refuel and re-energize and rewind
I give sight to the blind, my insight through the mind
I exercise my right to express when I feel it's time
It's just all in your mind, what you interpret it as
I say to fight, you take it as I'mma whip someone's ass
If you don't understand, don't even bother to ask
A father who has grown up with a fatherless past
Who has blown up now to rap phenomenon that has
Or at least shows no difficulty multi-task
And in juggling both perhaps mastered his craft
Slash entrepreneur who has helped launch a few more rap acts
Who's had a few obstacles thrown his way through the last half
Of his career typical manure moving past that
Mr. kisses ass crack, he's a class act
Rubber band man, yea he just snaps back

Come along follow me as I lead through the darkness
As I provide just enough spark that we need to proceed
Carry on, give me hope, give me strength
Come with me and I won't steer you wrong
Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through the fog
To the light at the end of the tunnel
We gonna fight, we gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we gonna march
Through the swamp, we gonna mosh through the marsh
Take us right through the doors (c'mon)

All the people up top on the side and the middle
Come together lets all bomb and swamp just a little
Just let it gradually build from the front to the back
All you can see is a sea of people some white and some black
Don't matter what color, all that matters we gathered together
To celebrate for the same cause don't matter the weather
If it rains let it rain, yea the wetter the better
They ain't gonna stop us they can't, we stronger now more than ever
They tell us no we say yea, they tell us stop we say go
Rebel with a rebel yell, raise hell we gonna let em know
Stomp, push, shove, mush, **** Bush, until they bring our troops home (c'mon)


Imagine it pouring, it's raining down on us
Mosh pits outside the oval office
Someone's tryina tell us something,
Maybe this is god just sayin' we're responsible
For this monster, this coward,
That we have empowered
This is Bin Laden, look at his head noddin'
How could we allow something like this without pumping our fists
Now this is our final hour
Let me be the voice in your strength and your choice
Let me simplify the rhyme just to amplify the noise
Try to amplify the times it, and multiply by six...
Teen million people, Are equal at this high pitch
Maybe we can reach alqueda through my speech
Let the president answer a higher anarchy
Strap him with an Ak-47, let him go, fight his own war
Let him impress daddy that way
No more blood for oil, we got our own battles to fight on our own soil
No more psychological warfare, to trick us to thinking that we ain't loyal
If we don't serve our own country, we're patronizing a hero
Look in his eyes its all lies
The stars and stripes, they've been swiped, washed out and wiped
And replaced with his own face, Mosh now or die
If I get sniped tonight you know why,
Cause I told you to fight.


And as we proceed,
To Mosh through this desert storm,
In these closing statements, if they should argue
Let us beg to differ
As we set aside our differences
And assemble our own army
To disarm this Weapon of Mass Destruction
That we call our President, for the present
And Mosh for the future of our next generation
To speak and be heard
Mr. President, Mr. Senator
Do you guy's hear us...hear us...[laughing] (Hailie)

beatmaster69 01-14-2005 07:38 AM

thanks for the lyrics fenixpunk i relly apreciate it

blackTshirt 01-15-2005 01:26 AM

why don't you search on google when you need lyrics?

Metal_Head 01-17-2005 01:48 AM

Eminem is awesome. Just Lose It is the best. but his best song of all time is Without Me.

hookers with machineguns 01-17-2005 10:34 AM

^ Hmm, I woulda said those were his two worst. But thats just my opinion.

pianolp325 01-17-2005 12:08 PM

sigh, there are a lot of black eminem fans and they are the ones who reckonize eminems true talent. Eminem sells very well because very metalhead and rocker kid will say they hate rap but buy anything with eminems name on it. he gets played on kroq all the time and no one complains but when jayz gets played on kroq(the LP collab) people call in and say they shouldnt be playin rap music. I hate bringin race into the picture but it sadly does matter.

As for Encore. Some songs are really good, toy soilders, crazy in love, Encore, evil deeds, and yellow brick road. My least favorite is spend some time, and ass like that tho they are listenable. Mosh was horrible and puke is half and half. If your an eminem fan buy this album, otherwise bootleg.

MUSE girl 01-17-2005 12:09 PM

i really love toy soldiers at the moment

CrAzyBeAuTiFul 01-17-2005 06:54 PM

white america -eminem show....

America, hahaha, we love you, how many people are proud to be citizens of this beautiful
country of our's, the stripes and the stars for the rights that men have died for to protect,
the women and men who have broke their neck's for the freedom of speech the United States
government has sworn to uphold, or so we're told...

Yo', I want everybody to listen to the words of this song, I never would've dreamed in a
million years i'd see, so many mother****in' people who feel like me, who share the same views
and the same exact beliefs, it's like a ****in' army marchin' in back of me, so many lives I
touch, so much anger aimed, in no particular direction, just sprays and sprays, and straight
through your radio waves it plays and plays, 'till it stays stuck in your head for days and
days, who would of thought, standing in this mirror bleachin' my hair, with some peroxide,
reachin for a t-shirt to wear, that I would catapult to the forefront of rap like this, how
could I predict my words would have an impact like this, I must've struck a chord, with somebody
up in the office, cause congress keeps telling me I ain't causin' nuthin' but problems, and now
they're sayin' i'm in trouble with the government, i'm lovin' it, I shoveled **** all my life,
and now I'm dumping it on...


White America, I could be one of your kids, white America, little Eric looks just like this,
white America, Erica loves my ****, I go to TRL, look how many hugs I get, white America, I
could be one of your kids, white America, little Eric looks just like this, white America, Erica
loves my ****, I go to TRL, look how many hugs I get...

Look at these eyes, baby blue, baby just like yourself, if they were brown, Shady lose, Shady
sits on the shelf, but Shady's cute, Shady knew, Shady's dimple's would help, make ladies swoon
baby, {ooh baby}, look at my sales, let's do the math, if I was black, I would've sold half, I
ain't have to graduate from Lincoln high school to know that, but I could rap, so **** school,
i'm too cool to go back, gimme the mic, show me where the ****in' studio's at, when I was
underground, no one gave a **** I was white, no labels wanted to sign me, almost gave up, I was
like, **** it, until I met Dre, the only one to look past, gave me a chance, and I lit a fire up
under his ass, helped him get back to the top, every fan black that I got, was probably his in
exchange for every white fan that he's got, like damn, we just swapped, sittin' back lookin' at
****, wow, i'm like my skin is it starting to work to my benefit now, it's...


See the problem is, I speak to suburban kids, who otherwise would of never knew these words
exist, whose mom's probably would of never gave two squirts of piss, 'till I created so much
mother****in' turbulence, straight out the tube, right into your living room I came, and kids
flipped when they knew I was produced by Dre, that's all it took, and they were instantly hooked
right in, and they connected with me too because I looked like them, that's why they put my
lyric's up under this microscope, searchin' with a fine tooth comb, its like this rope, waitin'
to choke, tightening around my throat, watching me while I write this, like I don't like this,
nope, all I hear is, lyrics, lyrics, constant controversy, sponsors working 'round the clock, to
try to stop my concerts early, surely hip-hop was never a problem in Harlem, only in Boston,
after it bothered the fathers of daughters starting to blossom, so now i'm catchin' the flack
from these activists when they raggin', actin' like i'm the first rapper to smack a bitch, or
say ***got, ****, just look at me like i'm your closest pal, the posterchild, the mother****in'
spokesman now for...


So to the parents of America, I am the aimed at little Erica, to attack her
character, the ringleader of this circus of worthless pawns, sent to lead the march right up to
the steps of congress, and piss on the lawns of the White House, to burn the casket and replace
it with a parental advisory sticker, to spit liquor in the faces of in this democracy of
hypocrisy, **** you Ms. Cheney, **** you Tipper Gore, **** you with the freest of speech this
divided states of embarassment will allow me to have, **** you, [vocal melody],
he, hahaha, i'm just playin' America, you know I love you...

IamAlejo 01-17-2005 07:03 PM

Well you found your lyrics, this one is done.

millybig 01-18-2005 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Ante_Up
Eminem is for 10-16 year old girls...and yes, his new cd is trash

I actually agree with you on most stuff, but not this.
1 you can like eminem at any age
2 his new cd is actually quite good

Raine 01-18-2005 12:11 PM

Oh wow.
This thread is very interesting to say the least.

At any rate I am almost 16 and I've been listening to Eminem since I was about 9. yep 9 baby.

To Ante Up:
1. just because you don't like him doesn't mean the rest of us can't no matter our age.
2. if we didn't listen to Eminem we'd have to resort to listening to Jay-Z and the trash he puts out. Or worse. 50 cent, who's net worth should be in the negatives.
3. I personally don't care how you feel about eminem. But I think you're over generalizing when you say Eminem is for 10-16 year old girls. Especially since a lot of the people I know who like him are male, aged 6 and 7+, and who listen to stuff like Grandmaster Flash and DJ Cool Herc. I've got friends who don't speak any english whatsoever that like this dude. So i really think you should edit your post because all of what you said is no where near true.

Now have a nice day and don't listen to anymore trash or else you might get another earache. :nono:
Peace out. :laughing:

MUSE girl 01-19-2005 11:13 AM

ok then well said!
i dont think any type of music is for any particular person. its just what they like.
please dont have ago at me cos i said that, im only trying to keep the peace!

pianolp325 01-19-2005 05:23 PM

everyone has their own opinion. people shouldnt impose how they feel about music on others.

da_syco_wun 01-20-2005 02:24 AM

and that peoples is the lesson of the month!!!!
the most sensible thing ive read anyone say!!!!!!!!

$ICE$ 01-20-2005 12:19 PM

u guys all suk i know lots of blak people who like eminem

n da cd is awsome n eminem has da best lyrics

Clay Aiken Is A Terrorist 01-20-2005 12:27 PM

em is stale and repetitve. his lyrical talent doesnt even rank in the top ten, even among white rappers. try atmosphere or sage francis.

juggalodaewoo 01-24-2005 04:22 PM

urban moshgoer raine and jeff44 i dont know what you are thinkin first of all urban moshgoer doesnt that kinda say somethin that you havent met one black that is a fan of eminem??his album was horrible dreadful horrific i had nightmares Eminem is a dr jekyl mr hyde one moment he says oh yeah i support what bush is doin this and that ya know pro us army and that stuff is somethin he stated in an MTV interview i think may of 2003 right before his third cd came out now oh i hate bush **** bush lick kerry's balls casue he doesnt want our troops over there and it isnt just eminem i think musicians rappers whatever have no say in politics that and his raine if you look at his concert footage who do you mostly see at his concerts teenage girls and teenage guys that watch TRL to much and that can actually afford his concert he is the only one left from the POP stage of music and thankfully he is almost gone he is a fake did he start wearing du-rags and all the trendy hip hop gear when he first came out no he started doing that after his second album sold millions of records and MTV was on his nuts Jay-Z has a bettter history than Em and would much rather listen to him than eminem jeff44 you are on drugs where do you live malibu

juggalodaewoo 01-24-2005 04:23 PM

ICE your a moron go back to playin raquetball at your local country club

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-24-2005 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by juggalodaewoo
urban moshgoer raine and jeff44 i dont know what you are thinkin first of all urban moshgoer doesnt that kinda say somethin that you havent met one black that is a fan of eminem??his album was horrible dreadful horrific i had nightmares Eminem is a dr jekyl mr hyde one moment he says oh yeah i support what bush is doin this and that ya know pro us army and that stuff is somethin he stated in an MTV interview i think may of 2003 right before his third cd came out now oh i hate bush **** bush lick kerry's balls casue he doesnt want our troops over there and it isnt just eminem i think musicians rappers whatever have no say in politics that and his raine if you look at his concert footage who do you mostly see at his concerts teenage girls and teenage guys that watch TRL to much and that can actually afford his concert he is the only one left from the POP stage of music and thankfully he is almost gone he is a fake did he start wearing du-rags and all the trendy hip hop gear when he first came out no he started doing that after his second album sold millions of records and MTV was on his nuts Jay-Z has a bettter history than Em and would much rather listen to him than eminem jeff44 you are on drugs where do you live malibu

Paragraphs & grammar are you friends.

Raine 01-24-2005 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by juggalodaewoo
urban moshgoer raine and jeff44 i dont know what you are thinkin first of all urban moshgoer doesnt that kinda say somethin that you havent met one black that is a fan of eminem??his album was horrible dreadful horrific i had nightmares Eminem is a dr jekyl mr hyde one moment he says oh yeah i support what bush is doin this and that ya know pro us army and that stuff is somethin he stated in an MTV interview i think may of 2003 right before his third cd came out now oh i hate bush **** bush lick kerry's balls casue he doesnt want our troops over there and it isnt just eminem i think musicians rappers whatever have no say in politics that and his raine if you look at his concert footage who do you mostly see at his concerts teenage girls and teenage guys that watch TRL to much and that can actually afford his concert he is the only one left from the POP stage of music and thankfully he is almost gone he is a fake did he start wearing du-rags and all the trendy hip hop gear when he first came out no he started doing that after his second album sold millions of records and MTV was on his nuts Jay-Z has a bettter history than Em and would much rather listen to him than eminem jeff44 you are on drugs where do you live malibu

For starters I've read this about six times, and I refuse to read it again because if I do I wil be as stupid and ignorant as you are.
Now you should edit this so that poeple can understand the point that you're trying to make, if there is one.
And to help you, I will tell you that you need commas just about everywhere, and that my name has a capital R in it not a lowercase one.
If you're going to address something to me, the least you can do is get my name right.

And secondly I don't give a darn what you think about eminem. If you don't like them that's not my problem. But you have a major one if you can't type or use spellcheck on your computer.

Peace out

hookers with machineguns 01-24-2005 05:28 PM

Em's recent attempts at being political were more of a joke than Green Day's bubble gum take on the Bush administration. You can't just drop a verse like, "Fuk bush, bring the troops home" and suddenly be a political rapper. Dont get me wrong, Em has dropped some good verses in his earlier days (check out Hellbound, Murder Murder, If I Get Locked Up Tonite), but he has always been an icon for "rebel" teens who started with Britney and graduated to Shady. Just look at his current rhyme book. His lyrics are stale, repetitive, and in certain instances outright pathetic. Even for a white rapper, he receives too much attention. Check out Atmosphere, Sage Francis, Aesop Rock, and Eyedea. They don't resort to shock tactics about killing your estranged wife to establish themselves as solid rappers/songwriters. I was able to de-code juggalo's post, and I agree with what he/she had to say.

pianolp325 01-24-2005 06:20 PM

Mosh was the worst track on the album. But im still a eminem fan.

pianolp325 01-24-2005 06:20 PM

correction one of the worst songs that tried to be political ive ever heard

and i hate green day. with a passion. I respect them for their attempted talent. but i still hate them.

Raine 01-24-2005 06:44 PM

I do not rescend anythind I said in my previous post. And the reason I'm writing this one is because sometimes I let my own ego and arrogance runaway with me.
So this one is for the juggalo dude.

I kinda understand what's you're saying. But to be honest with you, people (or a good deal of them) are what my friend likes to call 'sheep.' They follow what they see everyone else doing without really knowing why they're following a trend or fad.
And a lot of the people I go to school with are like that. Heck some of my friends are like that about some things. And I'm not trying to say I'm my own person as much as I'd like to believe that, and so I'm pretty sure I am just like everyone else in the sense that there are things I do that I probably do because other people do.
To get to the point, yes Em is not the best rapper in the world, and I do have a personal rudge against him because you often hear about him making appearances on MTV instead of BET. And I dunno why I like him as much as i do. And I don't really care. I mean lets think about it. He is one of the many rappers today who thrives on the media who is at least half way decent. I'm sorry but I have a personal grudge against 50 cent and Jay-Z. And I don't consider 50 cent rap and you don't wanna hear my views on Jay.
Eminem is one of the few rappers today who is in the media and who is commercial and who just about everyone knows and who is half way decent. Snoop doesn't count because can you actually call some of his latest songs rap? Dre hasn't put out an album in who knows how long.

And yes I have seen Eminem in concert. Of course I also went to the concert because it featured Papa Roach. (It was an angermanagement concert)
I also went because Limp Bizkit was there. but I'm straying from the point yet again.

For starters I didn't and still don't care too much for your attitude towards my views on Eminem not that it matters to you since it barely matters to me.
Secondly you obviously haven't met that many people if you haven't met a black fan of Eminem cause i know quite a few. Although most of the black people I know who like eminem usually like him because everyone else around thm likes him or because they see him as the only alternative when your other options are Jay-Z, 50 cent, Lil Bow Wow (who is not a rapper), Lil Zayne and all those other crazy people with Lil in their name, and lets not forget Cashmoney.

And I think part of the reason you see white teenage girls at his concerts is because of the fact that Eminem is also currently one of the more attractive rappers out there. I mean take a poll and you won't even find a black chic who finds 50 cent, Jay-Z, and any other black rapper. I'm don't even pass for white most days of the week and I think Eminem is sexy.
Whole 'sex sells' concept is no longer limited to Britney Spears (who is ugly), Avril Lavigne (who I loathe) and all of those other white chics out there who are in the pop industry.

And I can't address the clothes issue because I don't understand what the hype is about du-rags, wife beaters, wearing your pants around your knees and stuff.
if that is what you call trendy hip hop fashion then please don't show me what isn't trendy.
Although I own about 16 wife beaters and most of them are black, grey, white and blue.

And I'd much prefer to listen to Eminem than Jay-Z. I'm sorry my hate for him is just that strong.

Peace out.

hookers with machineguns 01-24-2005 07:55 PM

I'm not big on Jay-Z myself, but have you heard Reasonable Doubt? One of the best rap albums ever. Lyrically, I rather listen to what Jay-Z has to say over Em anyday.
Another good album: Doggy Style. I could care less what Snoop is doing now.
I don't like 50 at all, but I understand his street cred, because Guess Who's Back had a few good cuts and Many Men & Patiently Waiting(which had your boy Em put a sick verse on it) make up for the rest of the crap on Get Rich or Die Trying. He's not even worth holding a grudge against, really.

Raine 01-24-2005 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns
I'm not big on Jay-Z myself, but have you heard Reasonable Doubt? One of the best rap albums ever. Lyrically, I rather listen to what Jay-Z has to say over Em anyday.
Another good album: Doggy Style. I could care less what Snoop is doing now.
I don't like 50 at all, but I understand his street cred, because Guess Who's Back had a few good cuts and Many Men & Patiently Waiting(which had your boy Em put a sick verse on it) make up for the rest of the crap on Get Rich or Die Trying. He's not even worth holding a grudge against, really.

My personal grudge with 50 lies with the fact that he came out with that song '21 questions' and still callhed himself a rapper.
And the fact that he can't rap and that he was shot 9 times and is still alive to make music because had I been given the opportunity to put 9 rounds in him I sure as heck would have killed him around the 4th one. The other 5 would have been for my sick need to see blood.

And my grudge against Jay-Z is nothing really aside from the fact that his lyrics are not as hardcore as the rap I'd prefer to listen to which is why i prefer Eminem over Jay-Z anyday.

Peace out.

juggalodaewoo 01-25-2005 01:39 PM

funny **** raine ill agree that i would have at least gotten him by the fourth too hahaha

juggalodaewoo 01-25-2005 01:46 PM

oh by the way raaaiinnnnnneeeee and urban penisfondler if i wanted to be grammatically correct,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i would its a damn forum and who the **** cares wwethhhhehr uuuuuu sppellls somefin rriiiighhtt or if you use commas........... Grow the **** up!!!!!!!!If thats all you could come back with to support you arguements thats pretty sad. It wouldnt take long for a retard to figure out the point it was meant for a few specific forum useerrrees

Saito 01-25-2005 09:36 PM

fandom is dangerous...Encore just felt like that: an encore, not a full performance!

Encore is mediocre. I'm not sure if there's anything worthy there besides Yellow Brick Road, and even if Mosh was a good political song, it still would be too little, too late!

Raine 01-26-2005 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by juggalodaewoo
oh by the way raaaiinnnnnneeeee and urban penisfondler if i wanted to be grammatically correct,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i would its a damn forum and who the **** cares wwethhhhehr uuuuuu sppellls somefin rriiiighhtt or if you use commas........... Grow the **** up!!!!!!!!If thats all you could come back with to support you arguements thats pretty sad. It wouldnt take long for a retard to figure out the point it was meant for a few specific forum useerrrees

juggalodaewoo don't grow a ego or self-esteem. Neither are things any guy should have.

I only made a comment about your poor grammar, lack of punctuation, and spelling because this is a forum and since the only way we can communicate with each other is through typing.
If you have bunch of stuff to say and no punctuation or correct word ordering it takes us longer to try and figure out what you have to ssay. And I have no patience to read something 6 times or until my eyes start seeing stars in an attempt to try and figure out what you wanted to say.
Either what you had to say wasn't all that important or you didn't care what you typed.

Peace out.

sk8erbabii69 11-09-2005 05:13 AM

wutz the best eminem song?

Spikey 11-09-2005 06:42 AM

Those are NOT the best songs by eminem in that poll by the way.. Slim shady, without me, lose yourself..But Quesie...Why is eminem in a rock forum?:)

[MERIT] 11-09-2005 07:07 AM

slim shady or forgot abt dre

cheetah101 11-09-2005 07:19 AM

i Would Have 2 Say Da Best Eminem Song Would Be Mockingbird I Luv Dat Song!! Its Da Greatest!!i Swear!! Luv Ya Bye!!

[MERIT] 11-09-2005 08:16 AM

every time mockingbird comes on the radio my 1 year old niece starts dancing to it. its hilarious.

Angel01 11-10-2005 08:42 AM

I would have to say The Way I Am, Lose Urself, Cleaning out my closet. To be honest, check out his oldest albums cuz they r the most meaning full songs he's ever made.

Spikey 11-10-2005 08:45 AM

Eminem latest song is great:)

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