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boo boo 07-13-2006 09:46 PM

Mr. Bungle are basically the musical version of Monty Python.

swim 07-13-2006 09:49 PM

That's not a bad thing.

boo boo 07-13-2006 09:51 PM

Of course not.

tdoc210 07-13-2006 11:09 PM


Urban Hat€monger ? 07-14-2006 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo

And Urban, before you or someone else call Tool a technical wanky band like Dream Theater, it should be noted that Adam Jones and Justin Chancellor aren't very technical at all, they can play in odd time signatures and make creative use of their instruments, but they don't do fancy neo classical shredding kind of stuff or anything remotely close to that... In fact most of Tool's guitar and bass solos (when there are any, which is rare) are very brief and simple in comparison to the whole structure of the song, when Jones or Chancellor do solo, it almost always fits the song... And the only truly technical member of the group is their drummer, Danny Carey.

Tool's music is more about the intensity and build up than anything else, they do use complex structures, but so do Radiohead, and they are by no means virtuosos.... In short, complexity dosen't always equal amazing technical skill.

Where in the hell did I say I disliked them because they were too technical?
If they`re not a technical band why even bring that up?
In fact where did I say I disliked them?

I simply said I didn`t see what was so special about them. All I was doing was responding to beat yr own KID`s post , telling him that it wasn`t just him that had his veiwpoint and that I could see where he was coming from. Now I don`t know the guy well but he seems a decent enough guy it`s not like we walked into this thread coming out with stuff like 'OMG TOOL R TEH SUCK'.
My opinion of the band was made from listening to 3 of their albums , and I would imagine from him posts that he came to that conclusion from listening to them too.
If someone walked into a Radiohead thread and said they didn`t like them because they found Thom Yorkes vocals too whiney I could understand where they were coming from even though I do love the band myself.


His reasoning for disliking Tool is similar to his statements about Pearl Jam, U2 and The Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Yes in that i`ve listened to them & don`t like them very much


He seems to mostly prefer more pop/rock n roll oriented bands in the mold of David Bowie, The Kinks and The Rolling Stones... But that's only my observation, the guy might be a Napalm Death fan for all i know.
No offence Boo Boo but where the fuck did you pull this out from? I guess you must have missed all the other stuff that I like. Did we not have a discussion about the merits of Krautrock just a week or so ago? , And just get those great power chords on those Scott Walker & Nick Drake albums I own , and didn`t I just write a fair amount on two albums Brian Eno was involved in?Hell I even went out & listened to ELP`s Brain Salad Surgery & thought it was OK , all on your recommendation. I could go on & on but it`s obvious I only go on about the Stones & Bowie.

Stone Magnet 07-14-2006 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
If someone walked into a Radiohead thread and said they didn`t like them because they found Thom Yorkes vocals too whiney I could understand where they were coming from even though I do love the band myself.

I could see how someone might think Thom's vocals are whiney, but saying that "most of [Tool's] songs are kinda like the same sludgy drone with bits added to it to make it a little different" after listening to three of their albums makes no sense at all.

one_more_atrocity 07-14-2006 10:21 AM

got to be AEnima for me.

Urban Hat€monger ? 07-14-2006 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Stone Magnet
I could see how someone might think Thom's vocals are whiney, but saying that "most of [Tool's] songs are kinda like the same sludgy drone with bits added to it to make it a little different" after listening to three of their albums makes no sense at all.

Well it`s been a while since I listened to any Tool , maybe a good 5 or 6 years.
So I dug out my copy of Aenima just to see if I was being overly harsh on them.

Maybe I was , however listening to it I found the majority of the album was made out of chugging riffs which turns me off straight away , and also done to death whisper/shout vocals , something else thats a personal annoyance with me. Had I been 13/14 years old I would have lapped this stuff up , but not now.
I can see why fans of that type of music would rate them so highly ,there is obvious talent there. But on the whole I don`t think what I said originally was that far wrong.It might be a harsh assessment of them but it`s not an ill informed one.

Stone Magnet 07-14-2006 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I don`t think what I said originally was that far wrong.

I would say it is, but there's no point in arguing about it.

Lateralus for me, by the way.

boo boo 07-14-2006 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Where in the hell did I say I disliked them because they were too technical?
If they`re not a technical band why even bring that up?
In fact where did I say I disliked them?

I simply said I didn`t see what was so special about them. All I was doing was responding to beat yr own KID`s post , telling him that it wasn`t just him that had his veiwpoint and that I could see where he was coming from. Now I don`t know the guy well but he seems a decent enough guy it`s not like we walked into this thread coming out with stuff like 'OMG TOOL R TEH SUCK'.
My opinion of the band was made from listening to 3 of their albums , and I would imagine from him posts that he came to that conclusion from listening to them too.
If someone walked into a Radiohead thread and said they didn`t like them because they found Thom Yorkes vocals too whiney I could understand where they were coming from even though I do love the band myself.

Yes in that i`ve listened to them & don`t like them very much

Fair enough, no worries then.


No offence Boo Boo but where the fuck did you pull this out from? I guess you must have missed all the other stuff that I like. Did we not have a discussion about the merits of Krautrock just a week or so ago? , And just get those great power chords on those Scott Walker & Nick Drake albums I own , and didn`t I just write a fair amount on two albums Brian Eno was involved in?Hell I even went out & listened to ELP`s Brain Salad Surgery & thought it was OK , all on your recommendation. I could go on & on but it`s obvious I only go on about the Stones & Bowie.
Thats why i said it was only my observation, i don't know jack sh*t about your tastes, i can only base an opinion on what i have observed from your comments, and i already acknowledged that, i know you like Krautrock, and it's nice to know you like Eno.

Speaking of which, have you heard Another Green World yet?

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