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Welcome to Music Banter Forum! Make sure to register - it's free and very quick! You have to register before you can post and participate in our discussions with over 70,000 other registered members. After you create your free account, you will be able to customize many options, you will have the full access to over 1,100,000 posts.

Global Announcement
08-13-2012 until 02-07-2099
Juicious Maximus III
Guybrush's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Scabb Island
Posts: 6,525
MusicBanter Forum Rules UPDATED 10/07/12

MusicBanter Forum Rules

In order to keep the forums running well and to prevent problems, please follow these simple rules.

General Rules:
While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks, trolling, purposeless inflammatory posts or members deliberately provoking another member into committing any of these acts.
Posting or linking to any disturbing, obscene, gory or pornographic material is strictly prohibited.
MusicBanter does not tolerate plagiarism of material including but not limited to album reviews, blog entries and wikipedia articles. If you wish to use this material on MB, it must be referenced.
The solicitation of--or participation in--illegal activities of any kind are not allowed.
Multiple or repeated posting in order to increase your post count is not allowed.
Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) nonsense posts, or the like.
Please wait a reasonable amount of time before bumping threads. At least 24 hours.
Please make an effort to ensure your posts are written in an intelligible way and are not formatted in a distracting manner.
If you are going to post non-English on these forums, please also post an English translation of your post.
Each member is allowed one login account. Registering with multiple accounts is not allowed.
You should never give out your MusicBanter login password to anyone. The staff will never ask for your password.
If anyone requests it for any reason, please report it to a moderator.
The Music Banter chatroom is an extension of the Music Banter website, and all of the above rules apply. If a user is observed violating the rules, action equal to that on-site will be taken on the user's account.
Impersonating staff or other users through chat or otherwise is unacceptable for any reason and will result in immediate consequence.

Advertising & Promotions:
We do not allow anyone to post threads or send private messages or emails to users that advertise or solicit any products, services, funds or donations. Advertising in signatures is also prohibited. Making an account for the sole purpose of spamming to obtain 15 posts enabling the user to post a link for advertising, or promotional purposes, is strictly prohibited and will result in an immediate perma-ban. All previous account posts will be deleted.

Band/Music Promotion
Joining MusicBanter to promote your (or someone else's) music is also prohibited. Any accounts being used for promotion will be banned and their posts deleted. Links to music in signatures are allowed, pending moderator discretion.

JOINING MUSICBANTER FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF GETTING FEEDBACK ON YOUR MUSIC IS PROHIBITED. This site does not exist for these kinds of services. We only offer them to established, contributing members of this website.

Rights & Responsibilities:
It is the responsibility of the staff to protect and maintain the well-being of these forum. Consequently, we reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way, including removal of content and user bans. If you feel that someone is in violation of the forum rules and you wish to report it please use the "report this" located below each post.

Disclaimer & Agreement:
MusicBanter cannot be held liable for the actions of its members. By using these forums, you, the registered member, understand and accept the conditions established by these rules. These rules are subject to change at any time. Please check back for updates, or view the Announcements forum for notifications.

If you have any questions please PM a moderator, or contact The Management via PM, or by email at

Rule Changes To Forum Signatures

The moderating staff have decided that the current rules for what is and isn't allowed in signatures is rather murky & confusing so we have decided to review the rules and as from today the following will apply.

If you have been a member of the forum for over 3 months nothing has changed to affect you so none of the below will apply to you.

If you have just joined us we ask that for the first 3 months of your stay here any links in your signature will have to be moderator approved. You do not need to do anything to get approval just put your link up, if it breaks any rules it will be removed and you will be informed why. If you ignore this warning your account will be banned.

For your first 3 months here only the following links will be approved.
  • Last FM charts
  • Any other social media sites as long as they are PERSONAL ones and not an outlet for music

Links that will not be approved that you may include after you have been here for 3 months
  • Band Websites,
  • Band Facebook pages
  • Any music streaming sites
  • Personal Blogs
  • Youtube channels
You may also post links to
  • Professional websites
  • Professional blogs
On the condition you are not affiliated with them. This will be at the moderator's discretion based on your posting history.

And finally, links that are banned and will get you an instant ban if you include them
  • Profit making websites
  • Pornography
  • Any sort of advertising
  • Any links related to items for sale

Also adding a youtube videos to your signature is annoying. You won't be banned but it will be removed.

Please remember this all at the moderators discretion and our decision is final.

Thank You
Guybrush is offline  

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