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Old 01-24-2014, 01:09 PM   #3152 (permalink)
Gavin B.
Model Worker
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 1,248

I committed an infraction in the forum and there was hell to pay for it. Apparently one of the Nazi forum moderators was offended when I posted a note saying I loved French Bal-mussette accordion music.

Following my musical infraction, the Music Banter Gestapo came to my house, kidnapped me to an abandoned warehouse down by the docks, and shocked me with a taser gun until I confessed my crimes against humanity to the entire forum.

Following my confession (under duress, I might add), the Music Banter Storm Troopers remanded me to a reeducation camp because I didn't like cool music. They made me listen to Trout Mask Replica and Metal Machine Music at full volume levels until I was on the verge of suicide. As a result I have post dramatic stress syndrome and often wake up screaming from vivid nightmares about my abduction.

Also I was completely horrified by their bad table manners. They didn't even know what a salad fork was for and they stuffed their napkins into the front of their shirts to use as bibs, like a bunch of cretins.

I did get a cellphone picture of the "moderator" thugs who kidnapped me and worked me over with the taser gun. If they show up at your door asking questions about your lame taste in music, tell them you're not home.

There are two types of music: the first type is the blues and the second type is all the other stuff.
Townes Van Zandt
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