Music Banter

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dankrsta 08-23-2010 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by tone float (Post 921935)
and danks i first herd igra throught an old freind richard who used to own cranium music, i brought all the albums he had at the time they were brand new to, they were drives , inner floww and soft explosion all fantastic albums, im off to hunt some of this stuff down, cheers guys keep it comin :) :) :)

I guess this is addressed to me. Yeah, I asked you in another thread how did you come to know of Igra Staklenih Perli. 'Inner Flow' is a compilation album, I think, and 'Soft Explosion' is a live one. I have their first S/T from 1979. (that's only 5 songs) with bonus tracks from those two you mentioned. I have to look for more. There was a re-release of their first two albums, couple years back, as one CD. They were great. That blend of Pink Floyd's psychedelia and kraut-rock is perfect to my ears.

Dylanist 08-23-2010 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Skaligojurah (Post 885943)
Off the top of my head:

Torture Garden - Naked City(And there is a LOT of weird, and weirder, Zorn beyond that but Torture Garden is more significant than most of the really weird ones.)

Ahhh Torture Garden. I feel like I'm watching Foresnic Files when I listen to that record. Actually, it feels like I'm on Forensic Files when I listen to that record. As for myself... simply because I can't figure out if they're genius or just awful.... The Shaggs!

tone float 08-24-2010 05:13 AM

i've managed to find five diamanda galas albums
- You Must Be Certain Of Devil
- with John P. Jones - The Sporting
- Schrei X
- Malediction And Prayer
- Defixiones, Will and Testament
she is out of the box allright i love it, i cant beleive i've missed her all these years, espeicialy since i have been a nina hagan nun sex monkrock since about 88 or round that time,
i've also managed to find Shpongle - Tales Of The Inexpressible
Jandek - Glasgow Sunday
swans - filth
but i havn't had time to listnin to them yet, hopefully tommorow,and il carry on hunting the other stuff, blood awsome guys, thanks, i love hearing strange music.
and how do i put music in hear for you guys to listen to,? i've noticed alot of the music you guys have put up is on youtube, do i have to put it on youtube?

dankrsta 08-24-2010 10:25 AM

^You just find it on youtube (or you can put it yourself if there isn't anything there that you want us to hear, but pretty much almost everything is there). Then you just copy the code here and wrap it in youtube tags. For example: hxxp:// The bold part after = is what you copy, or in this case: hxxp://, between = and &. I hope I managed to explain.

tone float 08-25-2010 07:13 AM

dankrsta, i'm sorry mate but you lost me somewhere in the beginning, i am very resent to the interweb and im now confuzed? i'd love nothing more than to introdus you cats into some of what listen to since you guys introduced me to so much wonderfull music, but i have no idea how the F@#k i get this stuff up for you cats to listin to, im gonna givit a go though, if you see some strange posts coming from me don't take them personaly i'm just trying to post u cats up some soundz, cheers

tone float 08-25-2010 07:27 AM

i managed to get to the manage file stage, it managed my file but my file disapeared? so how do i find my file that i was trining to send up? where has it gone?

tone float 08-25-2010 07:38 AM

im ****in frustrated now, how the **** do i get this **** up? i don't wanna have to put in youtube cause if i cant do this how the **** am i gonna do too things, i now fell like shaving the skin of my fingertips and the knuckles, this is what ****s me off about the interweb, i can't introduce you cats to my music because im too ****in stupid!!!!! how the **** do i go from managing a file from my hardrive to putting it in heare for you cats to listin to ? i opologiz for my angry frustrations if that is the way i am coming across its not because of you it;s beacuas of me, help before i throw this ****in computer agansts the ****ing wall:)

dankrsta 08-25-2010 08:02 AM

Oh man, you crack me up. You don't have to put anything on youtube. I'm sure that whatever you want to show us is already there. Just search for it on youtube. And then you do this: wrap a code in youtube tags (<<Click on this link, there's a picture of how to do it)

brighambartol 08-25-2010 11:52 AM

"Come Out" by Steve Reich. (The original recording, not one of the stupid techno covers).

The whole song is a recording of a guy saying "come out and show them" on loop, gradually going out of phase in the left and right channels. It's actually pretty trippy to listen to, by the end of the 12 minute track it's just noise

homesick.alien 08-27-2010 05:42 AM

Green Milk From The Planet Orange, japanese experimental band.

Just weird. I'm not a hardxcore avantgarde fan so I don't know how weird is weird.

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