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Aidy's Blog Blog Tools
Creation Date: 03-02-2010 02:38 PM
Aidy Aidy is offline
Music Addict
Hey, I'm currently doing a little project off my own back called 'Song A Week' a bit like Jonathan Coulton. I'm realeasing one new song every Friday for the duration of 2010. All the songs are free, and you can download them from my site the whole thing is a creative challenge, and kind of an online marketing experiment too. I'm putting out a Video Blog and Podcast with the song each week too. :-)
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Status: Public
Entries: 13
Comments: 4
Views: 18,865

In Angry Joining Entry Tools
  #8 New 05-23-2010 04:35 AM
This year I've been pretty much flat out on the whole music thing, with an ultimate goal of turning my passion into something that can support me financially. So along with the constant song writing, recording, video blogging, podcasting, twittering and sending out CDs etc.. I've now decided to bite the bullet and join

I've had a few tunes used in independent productions in the past, its something I'd like to do more of, and Taxi claim to be-able to help with that. I've toyed with the idea of joining for a while now, I've spoken to a few members and received some fairly positive feedback overall, although there are a few negative forum posts out there too.

So, I've shelled out $300 (USA) for a years worth of their service, introduced myself in the Taxi forum and begun the process of submitting songs! It'll be interesting to see how it progresses. In the meantime I've actually learnt a fair bit about tv/film music placement from their online resources and I'm attempting to write some slightly more tv friendly tunes, and cutting back on the "naughty words" lyrically ;-)
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