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Anteater 03-19-2019 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg (Post 2048641)
But that Asian supremacy is the best since they're the smartest.

Was the Rape of Nanking also white supremacy's fault?

As someone who loves a good alternative history book, I can tell you that the world would be just as terrible if the Mongols or Aztecs ended up conquering Europe. You might be riding a yak instead of driving a car, but you'd still have to pay your taxes. :p:

OccultHawk 03-19-2019 06:39 PM

Fareed Zakaria


ZAKARIA: So what did you learn? Because you went to Ukraine; you've been to the Donbass, to the part of eastern Ukraine that is, sort of, occupied by the Russians. What did you learn about what they're doing?

COHEN: Well, first, night we saw a number of tactics that we've never seen before. So we're seeing the systematic and customized targeting of disinformation on messaging platforms. It's very clear to me that the new front for disinformation is platforms where the barrier of entry is a phone number. It's much more believable, if somebody is in your contacts list, and you get information from them, you're much more likely to believe it.

We're seeing the manipulation of audio and the spoofing the phone -- spoofing of phone calls. We're seeing manufactured revenge porn, manufactured hacking of e-mails that then get dumped onto the public domain. And we're seeing a growing ecosystem of illicit merchants who are selling these capabilities to the highest bidder on the deep and dark web.


ZAKARIA: Do you think, though, that the -- is the Trump administration, sort of, attentive enough to how -- how malign Russia is?

Let me ask you, does it strike you that this is all coming out of Russia, out of the Kremlin, and the attempt is to delegitimize the Ukrainian election?

COHEN: There's certainly an attempt to -- to delegitimize the Ukrainian election, and particularly at a moment when the Russians don't have a chance of having their candidate win, running too low in the polls.

You know, on the one hand, you have democracy working pretty well in Ukraine right now because nobody knows who's going to get to the second round, let alone who's going to win. On the other hand, that ambiguity makes it more of a target for Russia.

What we're seeing also is the democratization of these capabilities. So the Iranians were all of a sudden, you know, making similar attempts in the U.S. midterm elections. We've seen other countries get into the game. So, you know, Russia has a particular focus on Ukraine. But the capabilities are going to be on full display for other countries to latch onto. And there are certainly plenty of countries out there that have an interest and an incentive to try to disrupt the U.S. presidential elections
That’s such an effective way to create disharmony and chaos. Not just the elections but just massively ****ing with people’s personal lives. Everything that can ever weaponized gets weaponized. Manufacturing revenge porn? Goddamn.

Frownland 03-19-2019 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 20486)
if the Mongols or Aztecs ended up conquering Europe. You might be riding a yak instead of driving a car


I'm just gonna pretend that you're self aware enough for these posts to be ironic.

Anteater 03-19-2019 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2048645)

I'm just gonna pretend that you're self aware enough for these posts to be ironic.

I thought everyone wanted a high speed yak. Better fuel economy. Or at the very least a steam powered vehicle.

Frownland 03-19-2019 06:46 PM

Gotta work with you got. Yaks are the best that those Hispanics can do amiright

The Batlord 03-19-2019 06:47 PM

He didn't even read my post right but still came off as ignorant white trash. That must be some deep ****.

OccultHawk 03-19-2019 06:48 PM


Was the Rape of Nanking also white supremacy's fault?
Japanese imperialism was indeed inspired by Western imperialism. They had been minding their own business for generations until we insisted on cracking them open. The Perry Expedition ended two centuries of Japan intentionally minding its own business.

Anteater 03-19-2019 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2048647)
Gotta work with you got. Yaks are the best that those Hispanics can do amiright

Mexicans would win the race war, but not on yaks.


Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg (Post 2048648)
He didn't even read my post right but still came off as ignorant white trash. That must be some deep ****.

I saw it, laughed, stepped over it very gently, then went on my merry way. Don't lead with ad hominem attacks next time.


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2048649)
Japanese imperialism was indeed inspired by Western imperialism. They had been minding their own business for generations until we insisted on cracking them open. The Perry Expedition ended two centuries of Japan intentionally minding its own business.

OccultHawk 03-19-2019 06:56 PM

This is also from Fareed Zakaria

It might be taboo but I think understanding the biology behind racism might help us get past it

This is a professor from Stanford


SAPOLSKY: When you look at the neurobiology of how we process "uses versus them," there's some incredibly hard-wired stuff going on. Flash up faces of people that somebody has categorized as either an "in group" or an "out group" and, in a fraction of a second, your brain is differentiating between them. If it's a "them," parts of your brain that are related to fear, aggression, disgust, activate. Parts of your brains that normally process faces don't activate as much as normal. Parts of your brain related to empathy don't activate as much as normal, if it's a "them." We've got this gigantic fault line in our heads as to who counts as an "in group" member, who evokes empathy, who evokes concern and who's a "them" who just gets us bristling.

ZAKARIA: And you talk about how it's very easy, as a result of this dynamic, to scape-goat. You say scape-goating is a, kind of, very human response?

SAPOLSKY: Well, one of the more interesting parts of the brain that's pertinent to this, an area called the insula -- the insula, if you're a normal mammal, what it does is tell you if you've bitten into some disgusting food. It keeps you from getting poisoned. And in humans it does that, but in addition it also activates at morally disgusting acts, at people whose actions we consider to be disgusting.

What it does is give this tremendous viscera to who we think is appallingly different. And what that winds up meaning is we're incredibly easy to propagandize into "thems" as vermin, "thems" as malignancies, "thems" as cockroaches, all these historical examples of genocides being built around, sort of, dehumanizing "thems."

And, basically, if you're some autocratic tyrant, if you can get your followers to activate the insular cortex as soon as they contemplate the "thems," you've just checked off half of your to-do list on your, like, ethnic cleansing shopping list.

ZAKARIA: You know, you've studied this all, you know, very deeply. But you also talk about how you -- you've come to this even personally. You grew up in a very small, insular Jewish community that was suspicious often of the outside world. Is this something that one can do anything about?

SAPOLSKY: Well, there's -- there's some good news lurking in there. It's some very fragile good news. But it's one of the ways in which we're different from your typical chimp or baboon going about an "us- them" dichotomy. We belong to multiple groups. We belong to multiple groups, and thus we have multiple "thems" in our heads. And who counts as a "them" could change in a fraction of a second.

ZAKARIA: So the hope is that we, kind of, embrace the idea that everybody has multiple identities; we're -- we belong to many different groups, that no one can -- you know, people can't just be put into a box. Is that right?

SAPOLSKY: Well, the hope is that could be used for good. Of course, we have no shortage of examples of it being used for the worst. During the Rwandan genocide, Tutsi and Hutu people there, who had been neighbors for years, suddenly a neighbor, a classmate, a student, a parishioner, all of those were transformed into a "them," thanks to the propaganda of that. Insofar as we are a smart species that can juggle lots of categories in our heads at once, we are species that could be terribly vulnerable to manipulation.

I think it's fair to say we are fairly hard-wired into dividing the world into "uses" and "thems" and not being very thrilled about the "thems." But who counts as an "us" and who counts as a "them" could change in a fraction of a second. ZAKARIA: Wow, sobering stuff. Professor Sapolsky, pleasure to have

Anteater 03-19-2019 07:06 PM

^ That's pretty on-point actually. You see it all over the world in every major culture across time.

You'll start to see something similar to racism across all demographics and socioeconomic classes once functional AI and automata become a norm as well.

One day we'll all look back and say "It all started with Flippy..."

USA Today - Hamburger-making robot Flippy is back at Calif. chain

The Batlord 03-19-2019 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 2048655)
^ That's pretty on-point actually. You see it all over the world in every major culture across time.

I hate how you word things. Like this. ****ing duh. Tribalism isn't a new concept. And yet for this point you paint the aesthetic that it's only now just being brought up and you are assuming the role of the generic middle class white pseudo-intellectual who is recognizing new information and as a gatekeeper to generic middle class white pseudo-intellectualism (which you manage to imply in one sentence IS intellectualism) you are giving the idea legitimacy that it needs by virtue of being recognized by one of your caste.

You do it so ****ing much in different ways and it's the smarmiest bull****.

Anteater 03-19-2019 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg (Post 2048660)
I hate how you word things. Like this. ****ing duh. Tribalism isn't a new concept. And yet for this point you paint the aesthetic that it's only now just being brought up and you are assuming the role of the generic middle class white pseudo-intellectual who is recognizing new information and as a gatekeeper to generic middle class white pseudo-intellectualism (which you manage to imply in one sentence IS intellectualism) you are giving the idea legitimacy that it needs by virtue of being recognized by one of your caste.

You do it so ****ing much in different ways and it's the smarmiest bull****.

Other people have brought up all these points before on other threads. Just because I say something doesn't make it special. You need to smoke some weed or something and relax. Nobody is going to come up with some magical remedy for white supremacy here (or whatever eventually replaces it).

I don't really care if you want to project for the sake of projection, but the whining gets tedious when people complain about something ridiculously abstract yet somehow all-powerfully pervasive. Your no different than those jackasses back in the 80's who whined about heavy metal corrupting the youth but when pressed couldn't come up with anything concrete other than "it's just there111".

The Batlord 03-19-2019 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 2048662)
Other people have brought up all these points before on other threads. Just because I say something doesn't make it special. You need to smoke some weed or something and relax.

Your points aren't the point. It's how you come off as a tedious yuppie matter-of-factly bringing up the Wallstreet Journal. It reminds me of this.

Anteater 03-19-2019 08:57 PM

Ouchies, i got called a yuppie. The absolute horror.


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2048665)
so now you're recognizing it as a problem?

In the extremely nobody-can-do-anything-about-it abstract sense, yeah. Which I was pointing to in my first few posts pages ago.

OccultHawk 03-19-2019 09:18 PM


Is it fair to say that the crux of what you’re saying is that white people dont have a monopoly on bad behavior?

Anteater 03-19-2019 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2048669)
but what if I told you there are public policies that totally do something about it

and Yang supports some of them

He's on the right track (especially if some form of UBI revitalizes middle America), but when you are talking about "white supremacy" you are talking about something a lot more vague than political power. For instance, Yang (and a few other candidates) have brought up "modernized" voting where people could vote without going to polling stations via online methods and then get verified by some massive cloud system or blockchain. Voting participation would skyrocket, but the largest voting bloc of people demographically in the U.S. right now are still white people at the moment. It's also basically forcing everyone everywhere to utilize some form of ID too.


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2048671)

Is it fair to say that the crux of what you’re saying is that white people dont have a monopoly on bad behavior?

That's fair to say. I just find it sad that we don't have more practical solutions available to defuse all the hatred and fear brewing in the hearts of both the have's and also the have-nots of the world. You often see a phrase like "money is the root of all evil" around, but it's really something more like "fear and uncertainty are the root of all evil".

WWWP 03-19-2019 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2048669)
but what if I told you there are public policies that totally do something about it

and Yang supports some of them


Lucem Ferre 03-20-2019 12:24 AM

Did anybody catch that hilarious heavy metal analogy Ant used?

So like, Ant doesn't think white supremacy is a problem because tribalism exists in all forms of culture and it'll be worse if Hispanics were the majority because they aren't white.

Anteater 03-20-2019 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2048682)
Did anybody catch that hilarious heavy metal analogy Ant used?

So like, Ant doesn't think white supremacy is a problem because tribalism exists in all forms of culture and it'll be worse if Hispanics were the majority because they aren't white.

I'm saying it doesn't matter who the majority is because they'd all act the same way once in power..which puts you back to square one if that was your big takeaway. Look at any other country in the world where one demographic dominates. Are you going to go lecture China that they should have less Chinese people so more African-expats (or anyone who is born over there that aren't biologically Chinese) can have market share? What does that even look like?

In the case of Hispanics, it wouldn't be worse. It's simply more likely that they'll be the next majority in the U.S. census-wise.

The Batlord 03-20-2019 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 2048692)
In the case of Hispanics, it wouldn't be worse. It's simply more likely that they'll be the next majority in the U.S. census-wise.

Based on what? Statistics from the 80s and 90s that assume they'll continue their immigration rates in perpetuity even though immigration and birth rates have been declining since the 00s? Congrats on being a reactionary white alarmist.

Anteater 03-20-2019 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg (Post 2048693)
Based on what? Statistics from the 80s and 90s that assume they'll continue their immigration rates in perpetuity even though immigration and birth rates have been declining since the 00s? Congrats on being a reactionary white alarmist.

Just because I bring something up doesn't mean I'm alarmed about it. White people are having less babies with other whites here in the U.S. and we've seen similar trends in other places too. It's a fact, and as an overall trend it's ideal.

Hispanics are the largest minority and have lots of kids. Odds are they'll become the next majority by default. If white people have a problem with that, they should up their sperm counts or something.

Frownland 03-20-2019 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 2048650)
Mexicans would win the race war

Tfw word choice is quite revealing.

Psy-Fi 03-20-2019 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 2048650)
Mexicans would win the race, but not on yaks.


Anteater 03-20-2019 08:43 AM

^ Yaks are friendlier than alpacas, but they're temperamental when you try to put a harness on.


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2048695)
Tfw word choice is quite revealing.

The Batlord 03-20-2019 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 2048694)
Just because I bring something up doesn't mean I'm alarmed about it. White people are having less babies with other whites here in the U.S. and we've seen similar trends in other places too. It's a fact, and as an overall trend it's ideal.

Hispanics are the largest minority and have lots of kids. Odds are they'll become the next majority by default. If white people have a problem with that, they should up their sperm counts or something.

Why Birthrates Among Hispanic Americans Have Plummeted

Anteater 03-20-2019 03:09 PM


The implications of the Hispanic decline are broad. With the white population shrinking, Hispanics account for the majority of the population gains in the United States. And while their fertility rates are still the highest for any major racial and ethnic group, the steep drops in recent years are having an effect.
I get your point about the overall slowing U.S. birthrates among most major demographics, but your article's information basically supports the conclusions of the article I shared.

I don't think the U.S. will find itself in the same position that Japan has arrived at (immigration trends rise and fall for various reasons here), but the cultural landscape in 2045 is going to be an interesting one.

The Batlord 03-20-2019 03:11 PM

I guess if you assume they'll stop declining and stay static long enough for your racial apocalypse fantasies to come to fruition.

Anteater 03-20-2019 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg (Post 2048737)
I guess if you assume they'll stop declining and stay static long enough for your racial apocalypse fantasies to come to fruition.

My "fantasies" would be the greatest graphic novel ever created. I'll go find and hire some shunned former interns who worked on the Judge Dredd comics and make something so apocalyptic that Watchmen will look like a bad Japanese LN in comparison.

Lucem Ferre 03-20-2019 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 2048692)
I'm saying it doesn't matter who the majority is because they'd all act the same way once in power..which puts you back to square one if that was your big takeaway. Look at any other country in the world where one demographic dominates. Are you going to go lecture China that they should have less Chinese people so more African-expats (or anyone who is born over there that aren't biologically Chinese) can have market share? What does that even look like?

In the case of Hispanics, it wouldn't be worse. It's simply more likely that they'll be the next majority in the U.S. census-wise.

If I lived in a racist **** hole like China or even Japan I would lecture them about being bigoted but I live in the glorious USA where I don't want white supremacy to keep thriving despite how much it benefits me. If you have a hard time understanding that I think you should move the **** out of my country.

The Batlord 03-20-2019 11:50 PM

Have you seen his hair? He has no concept of anything that isn't white.

WWWP 03-21-2019 12:43 AM

Let's keep it friendly

The Batlord 03-21-2019 12:53 AM

Go eat a peach, Quisling.

Anteater 03-21-2019 08:08 AM

Have a bad day Batso?


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2048782)
If I lived in a racist **** hole like China or even Japan I would lecture them about being bigoted but I live in the glorious USA where I don't want white supremacy to keep thriving despite how much it benefits me. If you have a hard time understanding that I think you should move the **** out of my country.

I think you missed the thread a few pages back. I'll give you some time to catch up.

The Batlord 03-21-2019 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 2048815)
Have a bad day Batso?

Keep it friendly, mother****er!

Anteater 03-21-2019 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg (Post 2048818)
Keep it friendly, mother****er!

I very rarely (if at all) go into the realm of personally insulting people based on what they look like unless we're just ****ing with eachother because we've known eachother a long time.

If you're legitimately mad, I don't really get why. The only way what you guys think of as white supremacy is going to go away is if demographics continue to shift. There's no government policy you can pass that people who are truly dedicated to destructive extremes (basically xxx-nationalism) wouldn't be able to skirt around.

The Batlord 03-21-2019 08:38 AM

I insult you people every day and yet when I do it during an argument everyone just assumes I'm mad.

Frownland 03-21-2019 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 2048821)
I very rarely (if at all) go into the realm of personally insulting people based on what they look like unless we're just ****ing with eachother because we've known eachother a long time.

If your legitimately mad, I don't really get why. The only way what you guys think of as white supremacy is going to go away is if demographics continue to shift. There's no government policy you can pass that people who are truly dedicated to destructive extremes (basically xxx-nationalism) wouldn't be able to skirt around.


Anteater 03-21-2019 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg (Post 2048822)
I insult you people every day and yet when I do it during an argument everyone just assumes I'm mad.

That's true.

To be fair, sometimes I have trouble reading "tone". When I talk about politics or get into a discussion-mode, I just enjoy the back-n-forth nature of the discussion even if it gets heated or snarky. Not everyone's like that though.

WWWP 03-21-2019 09:45 AM

Snarky back and forth is what this place is all about. But bringing someone's appearance into it is whack.

OccultHawk 03-21-2019 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by WWWP (Post 2048832)
Snarky back and forth is what this place is all about. But bringing someone's appearance into it is whack.

You’re pretty.

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