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Frownland 02-29-2016 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1683424)
Indont even think Trump is republican (or Conservative, whatever) he's just on that side because of the system in place.

Hmm, I think he's absolutely Republican (for now, at least) sans political correctness. It's why so many Republican voters are backing him because "he just says what's on everyone's minds." Or were you saying that you don't think that his current platform is genuine?

Goofle 02-29-2016 05:54 PM

Liberals can be against political correctness. Political correctness is anti-liberal.

Chula Vista 02-29-2016 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1683424)

I'm also pro guns so I don't really have an issue with that.

What you packing? I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

Paul Smeenus 02-29-2016 06:09 PM

Firearms policy in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia

OccultHawk 02-29-2016 06:13 PM


Props to Norway

Paul Smeenus 02-29-2016 06:18 PM

The Batlord 02-29-2016 06:19 PM

Man, our guns must be so much better than everyone else's. Suck it, Japan!

Paul Smeenus 02-29-2016 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1683440)
Man, our guns must be so much better than everyone else's. Suck it, Japan!

Hahaha 'Murica!

Chula Vista 02-29-2016 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1683441)
Hahaha 'Murica!

Frownland 02-29-2016 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1683430)
Liberals can be against political correctness. Political correctness is anti-liberal.

I know, but it's not like Republicans don't practice it.

Goofle 02-29-2016 07:25 PM

Pro gun doesn't mean pro giving everyone guns and people shooting each other. You need a better populus.

The Batlord 02-29-2016 07:30 PM

Nah, we just need more bullet-proof vests.

Paul Smeenus 02-29-2016 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1683459)
Pro gun doesn't mean pro giving everyone guns and people shooting each other. You need a better populus.

I don't suppose that "Members of the public may own sporting rifles and shotguns, subject to licensing, but handguns were effectively banned after the Dunblane school massacre in 1996" (the Wikipedia article I linked earlier) juuust might make acquiring the kinds of weaponry that plague the US more difficult in the UK?

Goofle 02-29-2016 07:53 PM

I don't have enough time to really express my point of view, but like I said, I'm not pro everyone having guns. And I'm not for such ease of access. And if you said to me that, with the click of a finger there would be no guns, I'd seriously consider it. But even then I understand the basic principle of having guns for protection and as a deterrent.

This and his next video (easily found on the channel) pretty much sum up my feelings on the John Oliver segment. And why the people who are trying to take him down are failing so miserably.

OccultHawk 02-29-2016 07:59 PM

Mass shootings at schools and churches and movie theaters and so on are very sad but they make up a very small minority of people killed by gun violence. America is actually better off without the vast majority of people who end up murdered.

Frownland 02-29-2016 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1683465)
I don't have enough time to really express my point of view, but like I said, I'm not pro everyone having guns. And I'm not for such ease of access. And if you said to me that, with the click of a finger there would be no guns, I'd seriously consider it. But even then I understand the basic principle of having guns for protection and as a deterrent.

This and his next video (easily found on the channel) pretty much sum up my feelings on the John Oliver segment. And why the people who are trying to take him down are failing so miserably.

1: Sounds like you agree with most American liberals on gun control, since it's a minority that's vying for outright abolishment.

2: I highly doubt that the goofy segment that closed the John Oliver show was a serious attempt at "bringing Donald Trump down." Have people forgotten that it's a comedy show?

OccultHawk 02-29-2016 08:06 PM

Most Murder Victims in Big Cities Have Criminal Records | American Renaissance

Suicides account for most gun deaths | Pew Research Center

Goofle 02-29-2016 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1683471)
1: Sounds like you agree with most American liberals on gun control, since it's a minority that's vying for outright abolishment.

2: I highly doubt that the goofy segment that closed the John Oliver show was a serious attempt at "bringing Donald Trump down." Have people forgotten that it's a comedy show?

1: That's good. I just felt the need to clarify a little. Although I'd guess that conservatives and most people across the spectrum also agree.

2: It's a comedy show, but John Oliver is a liberal at the end of the day and it's important to take that into account. His program is there to serve his agenda, even if it's only secondary to the comedy. There's nothing really wrong with that because it is just a comedy show (though it would be nice to see opinion and bias taken out of actual news shows) at the end of the day. But I'm (well, Sargon) just pointing out how flared the method was.

Frownland 02-29-2016 08:24 PM

Tbh I saw it as a parody of the weak tactics trump employs with regards to his opposition, although that might not be how it was intended.

Chula Vista 02-29-2016 08:30 PM

Nah, it was just pure comedy gold.

The Batlord 03-01-2016 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by rostasi (Post 1683602)
This was my reaction to this guy's rant.
Others seem to concur.

"You are really off the rails here.
What you're missing BIG time is that
John Oliver is an entertainer - a comedian.
A guy who, every time he speaks about Trump,
points out exactly what's insane about this xenophobic,
misogynist, racist asshat. But because he spends 2 minutes
of a 22 minute monologue (9%) on "Drumpf", you get your panties
all in a wad about something that is essential to a well-done comedic bit -
and he did it after an amazing 90+% crescendo. He's like the Paul Gonsalves
of comedy here with overwhelming support from those who've watched this and
you're berating him for a silly shit thing like informing thru entertainment?" Wow!

Now playing: The June Brides - Every Conversation

Pretty much. Obviously the Drumpf thing isn't going to sway the election, it was just the hilarious cherry on top of twenty minutes of in-depth, intelligent analysis of Trump as a man and a candidate. If you're gonna criticize Oliver, then go and fact check his claims and call him out on any potential bull****.

Goofle 03-01-2016 01:58 PM

I don't understand how Trump is considered racist. Has he ever said anything that's actually racist? I feel like I've asked this already.

And again, the criticism is that Oliver is on the side of people that want Trump to go away, and their tactics are failing miserably. Calling him a racist when he isn't only fuels the fire of his support, who are probably fed up of living in a culture that's so predominately left wing that they don't feel free to say what they want. Just like exposing him as a bit of a bull sh*t artist isn't going to sway the voters, because they like his brashness. They appreciate that he's a human.

What you need to do is treat him like any other candidate.

Also, I think people are underestimating how many liberals are going to switch sides and vote for Trump because of the state of the Democratic Party right now.

Plankton 03-01-2016 02:07 PM

Frownland 03-01-2016 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1683613)
I don't understand how Trump is considered racist. Has he ever said anything that's actually racist? I feel like I've asked this already.

And again, the criticism is that Oliver is on the side of people that want Trump to go away, and their tactics are failing miserably. Calling him a racist when he isn't only fuels the fire of his support, who are probably fed up of living in a culture that's so predominately left wing that they don't feel free to say what they want. Just like exposing him as a bit of a bull sh*t artist isn't going to sway the voters, because they like his brashness. They appreciate that he's a human.

What you need to do is treat him like any other candidate.

Also, I think people are underestimating how many liberals are going to switch sides and vote for Trump because of the state of the Democratic Party right now.

Demonizing everyone who isn't a white Christian sounds pretty racist to me.

Goofle 03-01-2016 02:43 PM

Definitely. Trump hasn't ever done this in anything I have seen though.

Frownland 03-01-2016 02:52 PM

Why did you ask if you already knew? Calling for a ban on all Mmuslim immigration, the whole KKK thing, and painting the whole of Mexican immigrants (legal and otherwise) as rapists/murderers/etc. for some more specific examples. Using race as a fear mongering tool is quite racist, mate.

The Batlord 03-01-2016 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1683613)
I don't understand how Trump is considered racist. Has he ever said anything that's actually racist? I feel like I've asked this already.

And again, the criticism is that Oliver is on the side of people that want Trump to go away, and their tactics are failing miserably. Calling him a racist when he isn't only fuels the fire of his support, who are probably fed up of living in a culture that's so predominately left wing that they don't feel free to say what they want. Just like exposing him as a bit of a bull sh*t artist isn't going to sway the voters, because they like his brashness. They appreciate that he's a human.

What you need to do is treat him like any other candidate.

Also, I think people are underestimating how many liberals are going to switch sides and vote for Trump because of the state of the Democratic Party right now.

Pretty sure you've asked this question before, pretty sure people have posted him talking about banning Muslims. Let's just call Muslims a race, since Trump and his constituents obviously treat them as a race...

Goofle 03-01-2016 03:45 PM

Muslims aren't a race so there's not really anything else to say about that, aside from it being completely nuts and obviously unworkable. The KKK thing was hilarious to watch. What a ridiculous state journalism is in that Trump should be called out for another man supporting him, and further bashed for not instantly disavowing the guy.

I've only heard him saying he doesn't want any illegal immigration, calling for a wall to be built and moaning about Mexicans that have come to America and caused problems. An actual outspoken racist doesn't get this much support. If he were legitimately racist against Latino's, he doesn't get a majority vote from them in the primaries (Nevada at least).

And this is what I'm saying. Calling him racist despite him clearly not being so is what adds fuel to the Trump fire. People are getting tired of this sort of thing and they want a change. Trump being the only one that seems to want to point out certain issues with certain demographics, however uncomfortable, is a breath of fresh air. It's just a shame that Donald Trump seems to be the figurehead for that, as opposed to a more reasonable and measured guy.

Edit: I've watched the interview and it only adds to my last paragraph. Trump is clearly not a man who comes at things with an extremely measured approach. Not everything he said is completely reasonable, but there are problems that need to be addressed. And I don't see anybody on the opposition highlighting these issues. And Americans, from what I can tell, are aware and they want somebody who is going to try and do something about it. And it's frankly ridiculous that Trump is the man doing it.

Frownland 03-01-2016 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1683668)
Muslims aren't a race so there's not really anything else to say about that



Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1683668)
An actual outspoken racist doesn't get this much support.

You have far too much faith in Americans.

Also, not denouncing the KKK doesn't mean that you support them, but it doesn't mean that you disagree with them either, which is arguably just as bad. If a Muslim didn't denounce ISIS when asked to, people would be pissed off and assume they're a terrorist (I feel like I've seen this happen before).

Chula Vista 03-01-2016 04:00 PM

Wow, seeing a total other side of Goofle here. Not liking it. Kinda reminds me of my family back east. Denial is not just a river....

The Batlord 03-01-2016 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1683668)
Muslims aren't a race so there's not really anything else to say about that

Except that he and his constituents consider them a race in all but name, and even that is questionable, since I imagine if you asked many conservatives they would call Muslims a race.

Can I just put voice to what we've all been thinking but haven't wanted to say because we like him so much? What's with Goofle becoming an uber-conservative recently? This wasn't the case a while back, and now all of a sudden he's defending Donald Trump and Men's Rights Advocates? WTF?

Frownland 03-01-2016 04:04 PM

He's filling the JWB power vacuum. I'm cool with it though, at least it promotes discussion.

Goofle 03-01-2016 04:05 PM

You're misunderstanding me Chula. I'm not in favour of Trump (aside from the obvious comedy angle), I'm highlighting why he's so popular. And trying to shed light on why I think the Democrats as voters and candidates are doing such a terrible job at stopping him.

What Trump represents is appealing to many. And he's saying things that no other candidate dares to, even if there is an element of truth to it.

Edit: I'm going to bed now but I'll end on this.

I'm not a conservative. I'm a liberal, but I'm not really a fan of how far gone my fellow liberals seem to be going right now. Ignoring problems in fear of being called names, overly sensitive and politically correct to the point of nausea. This isn't what I want to see from my side. And Trumps popularity is only strengthened by this kind of shift in liberal thinking.

P.s. Advocating for men's rights is not conservative. It's neutral.

Frownland 03-01-2016 04:11 PM

Would John Oliver be one of those doing a terrible job?

Goofle 03-01-2016 04:17 PM

If the plan was to hinder the Trump campaign? Sure. He's preaching to the choir, telling them what they already know, in the most brilliant way I have seen so far.

Honestly though, time for bed. I'll give Goofle his account back tomorrow. JWB out.

Stephen 03-01-2016 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1683679)
What Trump represents is appealing to many.

My god, seriously? I can't say I've been following his campaign but it seems like the worst possible scenario imaginable to allow him to run the country.

The Batlord 03-01-2016 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1683679)
P.s. Advocating for men's rights is not conservative. It's neutral.

In theory, yes, but in practice, not so much. And the people I've seen you stumping for are definitely of the not so much variety. For every logical statement that they spew, there is an emotional rage fist moment of misogyny.

Like, I, as a former enemy of Sansa, and a lifelong douchetroll, am worried about you, bro.

Chula Vista 03-01-2016 04:56 PM

Pleasant dreams Goof. Let's touch base again in the morning.

William_the_Bloody 03-02-2016 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1683376)
I'm certainly not sold on Trump as a candidate, but I know that - at this moment in time - he's the one I would vote for if I were an American.

You might want to reconsider that when you crunch the numbers of his budget plan...

The nonpartisan group has calculated that Trump’s proposals would cost as much as $15 trillion over the next decade, bringing the debt-to-GDP ratio from an estimated 86 percent in 2026 under current government policies to between 115 percent and 140 percent.

Donald Trump Economics: Will His Presidency Make The American Economy 'Great' Again?

Trump desire to slash tax rates dramatically while refusing to cut back on social security and medicaid would put the US in a major whole

I like Trump for his economic nationalization, his lynch pin to make America great again by re-negotiation trade deals, however this is the one part of his economic plan that would probably be very hard to implement in reality.

Clinton on the other hand has a some of the world's top economists in her corner. I can guarntee you that both Summers, Stiglitz & mabye even Krugman will most likely be economic advisors to her Presidency.


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1683613)
I don't understand how Trump is considered racist. Has he ever said anything that's actually racist? I feel like I've asked this already.

I don't think he's genuinely racist, but he's been playing with some dark xenophobic powers to win over the Republican base, and as a result, I think he's ailientated too many average Americans to win the Presidency.

His refusal to disavow David Duke two days before super teusday when he had done so a day prior was politics at its most rancid. We know he didn't disavow David Duke because he didn't want to lose white votes in the southern states to Ted Cruz, and we know the liberal media asked him that question on more than one occasion, because they could pin him to the wall on it.

At any rate, the stratedgy seemed to pay off for Trump for now, as he pretty much mopped up the floor with the confederate states, as did Clinton...just with a different voting bloc.

Trump's one Trump card, is that he has shown an uncanny ability to uttler demolish his oppenents, but I think this will be harder to do with Hillary, particulary because she is a women, and it will be very hard not to come off as shovinest or sexist.

You can also bet the Democrats will play every bigoted sondbite from Trump, from his comments on Mexican rapists, to banning all muslims (abliet temporarily) to quoting Benito Mussolini, to dancing around the question of David Duke, over and over and over again...and so they should!

Chula Vista 03-02-2016 01:31 AM


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