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MURDER JUNKIE 09-30-2006 04:42 AM

I am what is known in the world of drunks as a:

characteristics include:

1) Can successfully say the filthiest things to women without them being offended

2) Can hold down a fairly effective discussion without letting it veer off and becoming one of those deep nonsense drunk conversations

3) Can make the ladies laugh (this is a very desirable quality for a drunk)

4) I can play quarters like a mofo, I have been undefeated for 8 years

5) The ladies want to bed me, the dudes want to hang out with me

Raine 09-30-2006 11:04 AM

Me and a friend got drunk on the ferry back from the tweeter and got tossed overboard.

I was drinking a couple of captain morgans at a party and I guess I passed out but when I woke up I was in a chair dancing. The worst hangover ever resulted from that incident.

I went to see dave matthews band and got drunk. I wasn't too drunk but as my friend was pulling out of the parking space I thought I saw my head out the window so i opened the door to try and get it. (yes. i have done some rather retarded things)

i was talking to this guy and i fell asleep. when i woke up he was naked and dancing on a table.
(i think i was also high that night)

me and my softball team had made it to states championships a few years ago and we all went to this frat party and I remember drinking and me and the next thing i remember is me and my friend ontop some table taking off our clothes and dancing to some song by green day.

it was my 14th birthday and we hired a dj for the event. I fell so in love with him and i drank thinking a little drunk i'd have the guts to tell him how great he was. so i drank like a camel and i guess he realized i was more or less drunk and when i started to sober up it felt like my heart was breaking. Worse hangover ever.

i was at a sorrority party and drank a lot. i woke up and someone was giving me a lap dance.

a few years ago like two days after christmas me and some guys went to this party and I was talking to this guy and had been for the majority of the night. i was working on my sixth vodka and fruit juice mix when i realize he looked like he was sick. I asked him if he was ok and before i finished i threw up on his shoes.

i was at some party for one of my school's teams and we were all getting wasted and high and someone was playing some really great music. and there was this guy there that i liked. i got drunk and next thing i know i'm in a line up to dance on a table. It's scary cause i made like 25 bucks that night.

. . . . . . .
imagine if we had a thread where we talked about our experiences being high. :laughing:

littleknowitall 09-30-2006 02:16 PM

I can't seem to keep my clothes on, i should be banned from a good few places by now but heh...maybe i'm charming too, i'm also a complete idiot and usually say or do something i'm going to regret the next day, but i'm sort of one of these lovable drunken idiots i suppose because i'm always forgiven :)

Rhia 09-30-2006 02:28 PM

I'm just a rampant drunk.. I'll go for anything almost, even the men. It's odd and confusing, but I'm always the happiest there, so that's good enough for me :).

[MERIT] 10-02-2006 09:46 AM

when i get drunk i like to play a little game called "how many punches in the face can i take"...........come to think of it, i think my friends like to play it a little more than i do lol

Doc.DGAF 10-25-2006 03:02 PM

I'm a Jimmy Buffet kind of drunk.

[MERIT] 10-25-2006 03:32 PM

im currently a non-drunk. gave it up:D

DontRunMeOver 10-25-2006 05:05 PM

If I am drunk and the music is on, the dancing starts and never stops. Thinking about it, I tend to be like that when sober, so in a way alcohol doesn't have much effect on me except for disturbing my physical equilbrium.

I did the tango* with a girl in the middle of the otherwise empty dancefloor at the academy rock club the other night. For 15 minutes, with the long-haired rock kids looking on in utter confusion. That was a good one. The best bit was whenever I leant her backwards, she'd start screaming her head off, and would then go normal again when she was back to upright.

*not a euphemism.

Whirlwind Disaster 10-26-2006 07:25 AM

It all depends on what i drink.

beer - the "one eyebrow down at your chin and one up at your forehead" drunk who believes walking involves criss-crossing your legs.

spirits - a happy drunk who would even laugh if you told me my mother had died.

WHISKY - Depths of despair drunk.

one_more_atrocity 10-26-2006 10:02 AM

when im drunk i would kind of describe myself as being a pillock, im not violent or depressed or anything, id be quite happy just sitting there smiling and talking and then im the nubbin of the group who will take on stupid bets and think that its a good idea to try and jump on the back of a truck while its moving on my way home.

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