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RVCA 05-08-2012 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jack Pat (Post 1187173)
Please tell us what you think of it. It's one of my favorite albums of the 70s, and by far my favorite contemporary folk album. :)

I guess that was ambiguous but I do really like "First Utterance". I was referring to Storm Corrosion as the album that I haven't heard, and was downloading.

duga 05-09-2012 03:43 PM
School of Seven Bells - Ghostory

While I am enjoying this album, I feel School of Seven Bells always has a few brilliant songs mixed in with songs I just kind of passingly enjoy. I'll say this...they will make one hell of a greatest hits album.

14232949 05-09-2012 03:54 PM

Had this, the new Killer Mike album, on at the gym today. Awesome lyrics and tight-ass production courtesy of El-P.

Reminds me quite a bit of Ice Cube on the angrier tracks, however there are some dope reflective tracks too. One of the better rap albums in what has been an exceptional year for the hip-hop thus far.

Key 05-09-2012 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 1187268)
I guess that was ambiguous but I do really like "First Utterance". I was referring to Storm Corrosion as the album that I haven't heard, and was downloading.

Storm Corrosion wasn't horrible the first time through for me. I may have to give it another listen to really get a feel for it.

Blarobbarg 05-09-2012 06:28 PM
The Stooges, Funhouse

Scummy and grimy protopunk at its best. Love this album so much, but haven't listened to it in awhile. Glad I dug it out.
The Dead Weather, Sea Of Cowards

Twisted blues-rock with nonsense lyrics in alternating mumbles and shrieks. Awesome, unique song structures with lots of frantic drumming and crazy guitarwork.
King Geedorah, Take Me To Your Leader

MF Doom created an album by sampling old sci-fi and horror movies and having an insane amount of rappers contribute. This just bangs. A must listen for hip hop fans.
Toe, For Long Tomorrow

Got this based on users here talking about it. Some awesome, jazzy math rock. A very fun album, with lots of piano, acoustic guitar, and even xylophone. Really great.
Johnny Cash, American IV: The Man Comes Around

I really don't know anything about Johnny Cash, honestly. I don't really listen to country, maybe out of rebellion, considering everyone around me does. For some reason, though, I picked this up. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed it. It's a cover album, but Cash really makes all the covers seem meaningful and emotionally packed. Very good.

Howard the Duck 05-09-2012 08:52 PM

really liking this, not really punk, but who cares?

duga 05-10-2012 01:52 PM
Archive - You All Look the Same To Me

Again started off just ok, but right around the 6 minute mark I was like...damn. While they are a little obvious about who their influences are, this stuff is really damn good. Just a straight ahead, thoroughly enjoyable album.

Anteater 05-10-2012 02:55 PM
Suspyre - S/T

Even in the increasingly diverse world of metal, this album stands out by miles. Lots of thrash and death elements, but throw in some bossa nova and smooth jazz and you've got something monstrously special on your hands. One track in particular, 'The Divided Son', is insanely catchy as far as melodic metal goes too.

Itunesucks 05-10-2012 04:40 PM

With Teeth- Nine Inch Nails

Huge NIN fan, never really loved this album until this week something just hit. Much more different than his early stuff

Kaimon 05-10-2012 08:11 PM
LITE - Phantasia

Reminds me of toe in the way that they mix technical skill with the accessibility that would get people who don't normally listen to math rock enjoying it, albeit more "rocking" in comparison to toe's more mellowed out discography. Good stuff.

WiiareFaded 05-10-2012 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Itunesucks (Post 1187968)
With Teeth- Nine Inch Nails

Huge NIN fan, never really loved this album until this week something just hit. Much more different than his early stuff

Great album for sure. It's his radio friendly rock album to get back on his feet after getting over drugs and being used. I'm much more into Year Zero and The Slip, but With Teeth was definitely great.

Key 05-10-2012 08:50 PM

Still really diggin' Key. One of pg.lost's finest works.

music_phantom13 05-11-2012 12:26 AM

I haven't been on here in ages but I figured this was worth coming for...

Swans - We Rose From Your Bed With The Sun In Our Head

Still the best show I've ever seen... I missed this one while I was on the boat and I was pretty pissed, luckily for me a friend picked up copy for me when it came out and gave it to me while I was home on leave. This is just a fantastic live album, if anyone manages to get a copy turn it the fuck up!

AmazingPurpleCat 05-11-2012 11:27 AM

Not posted here in a while so here's some stuff I've been enjoying
The soundtrack to the game NieR.

I haven't even touched this game but this music is great. it was composed completely separately to the game and the game was actually altered to fit the music rather than the other way round. This is probably one of the main reasons it's so good.

NieR Soundtrack - Grandma - YouTube
The Flaming Lips - The Flaming Lips And Heady Fwends

Pretty damn awesome collection of collab songs released on record store day. I had to download it because it's not available in england although I might see if I can get hold of a copy because it is that good. the track with Ke$ha on it is actually very good.

The Flaming Lips - 2012 (You Must Be Upgraded) (featuring Ke$ha and Biz Markie) + Lyrics - YouTube

Mercury Rev - Yerself Is Steam

Awesome noisy psychedelic dream rock stuff.

Mercury Rev - (1991) - Chasing a Bee - YouTube

See above

Mercury Rev - Meth of a Rockette's Kick - YouTube

Goofle 05-12-2012 12:15 PM

Slint - Spiderland

anticipation 05-12-2012 02:55 PM

Paedantic Basterd 05-13-2012 12:01 AM

This is melting my brain.

Key 05-13-2012 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle11 (Post 1188548)

Awesome album. May need to spin that soon as well.

Goofle 05-13-2012 04:17 PM

I liked it, but not as much as everyone else seems to.

Howard the Duck 05-13-2012 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle11 (Post 1188843)
I liked it, but not as much as everyone else seems to.

same here as well

it's just "nice", not "awesome"

Itunesucks 05-13-2012 07:07 PM

Blizzard of Ozz
Just an old classic with a lot of simple rocker tunes. Cannot go wrong there.

Up the Bracket- Libertines
Have had this forever and listened to it for a while when I first got it, then put it off for the past 3 years and now back into it. Deeeeeep.

Howard the Duck 05-13-2012 07:59 PM

i'm really digging the Bach compilations i recently obtained

hodge-podge of sacred chorale music, solo piano, orchestral suites and concertos

RVCA 05-13-2012 09:41 PM

Ne Obliviscaris - Portal of I

I posted this in Last Album you Downloaded but it has firmly earned a seat in Albums You're Digging because mother of mercy this is good. I couldn't decide on a song to post so I picked this one because it's relatively shorter than the rest, and the solo at ~4m that peaks with the violin is just music porn of the utmost quality

LoathsomePete 05-13-2012 09:49 PM

I grabbed that album after seeing your post in the "Last Album You Bought Or Downloaded" thread and thought it was pretty good. Definitely a lot more interesting than some of the other progressive death metal I've been listening to this year, and it's always gratifying to find more violin laced metal.

Frownland 05-14-2012 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Bam You Have AIDS (Post 1188681)

Oh hell yes, prime mindmelt music right there. Love that album.

Zer0 05-14-2012 03:00 PM

Broadcast - HaHa Sound (2003)
I'm hooked on this album at the moment. It's weird and psychedelic yet has a strange childish innocence to it. Trish's 60's-inspired vocals also sound fantastic against the varied assortment of sounds.

DJ Shadow - Endtroducing..... (1996)
Yeah I'm a bit of a latecomer to this album, but fuck me this is good. The production is amazing, the arrangements are well thought-out, and the album as a whole feels like a statement.

DoctorSoft 05-14-2012 03:33 PM

Seriously fantastic mixtape. Love this guys voice, flow, attitude, all of it.

This is probably one of my favourite Indie Rock albums now, pretty much every song is fantastic.

RVCA 05-14-2012 10:11 PM

The Caretaker - An Empty Bliss Beyond This World

I downloaded this ages ago (thanks to Canwll, I believe) but it has grown to be my all-time favorite ambient album. Imagine a soundtrack pieced together from a patchwork of polite, downbeat jazz samples from the Dixieland era. Sounds boring right? Except it's ****ing not. It's amazing and creepy and soothing and awmghgusd****

Could be straight out of BioShock, to be honest.

ElephantSack 05-15-2012 02:07 AM
I have my friends at work to thank for getting me into these.

LoathsomePete 05-15-2012 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 1189324)

The Caretaker - An Empty Bliss Beyond This World

I downloaded this ages ago (thanks to Canwll, I believe) but it has grown to be my all-time favorite ambient album. Imagine a soundtrack pieced together from a patchwork of polite, downbeat jazz samples from the Dixieland era. Sounds boring right? Except it's ****ing not. It's amazing and creepy and soothing and awmghgusd****

Could be straight out of BioShock, to be honest.

Your description intrigued me and I have to say I will definitely be coming back to this one. It's great for late night reading background music.

RVCA 05-15-2012 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1189460)
Your description intrigued me and I have to say I will definitely be coming back to this one. It's great for late night reading background music.

Sweet! Yeah, this and Black Earth have been my go-to reading/homework albums.

Blarobbarg 05-15-2012 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 1189324)
The Caretaker - An Empty Bliss Beyond This World

I downloaded this ages ago (thanks to Canwll, I believe) but it has grown to be my all-time favorite ambient album. Imagine a soundtrack pieced together from a patchwork of polite, downbeat jazz samples from the Dixieland era. Sounds boring right? Except it's ****ing not. It's amazing and creepy and soothing and awmghgusd****

Could be straight out of BioShock, to be honest.

Guess I'll have to listen to this. Sounds great. Thanks for the recommendation!

CanwllCorfe 05-17-2012 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 1189324)

The Caretaker - An Empty Bliss Beyond This World

I downloaded this ages ago (thanks to Canwll, I believe) but it has grown to be my all-time favorite ambient album. Imagine a soundtrack pieced together from a patchwork of polite, downbeat jazz samples from the Dixieland era. Sounds boring right? Except it's ****ing not. It's amazing and creepy and soothing and awmghgusd****

Could be straight out of BioShock, to be honest.

I'm glad you like it! :D I got a few of his albums and this one was the definite winner for me, though his last release is quite good too. I can't recall the name right now. I know it's based around samples of Franz Schubert though.

Itunesucks 05-17-2012 08:36 AM

Damaged- Black Flag

Emergency and I- Dismemberment Plan
Takes a few listens to really get but there are a ton of good tracks on here.

Deserter's Songs- Mercury Rev
A bit of a Flaming Lips sound to them for a more popular reference. I don't care for the Flaming Lips but I feel that these guys are really good at taking you on a long, relaxed and mystical journey.

Blarobbarg 05-17-2012 11:01 AM

Well I've listened to The Caretaker's An Empty Bliss Beyond This World. I'd listened to it when it came out and thought it was okay back then. Listened to it the other day and thought it was... still okay. Thought better of it, but wasn't blown away.


I'm listening to A Stairway To The Stars right now and it is waaaay better than An Empty Bliss. In my opinion, anyway. My problem with An Empty Bliss is that it skips. Literally. The Caretaker has the old jazz records he samples literally skip and repeat over and over, and though that gives it a very cool atmosphere, it gets boring. A Stairway To The Stars, however, is constantly changing and different and new. He uses less straight-up samples and mixes his own ambient pieces with the sampled jazz and classical. He alters the old records more dramatically in cool ways. This record is fantastic, listen to it!

duga 05-17-2012 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Zer0 (Post 1189198)

Broadcast - HaHa Sound (2003)
I'm hooked on this album at the moment. It's weird and psychedelic yet has a strange childish innocence to it. Trish's 60's-inspired vocals also sound fantastic against the varied assortment of sounds.

This album is amazing. All their albums are pretty good, though...except the one where they collaborated with the Focus Group. It got rave reviews, but I just can't get into it. I can't decide if this is my favorite or if I like Tender Buttons better.

I was pretty heartbroken when Trish died. Sad thing is, this band is not widely known, so no one shared in my sadness.

Sneer 05-17-2012 07:21 PM

Roy Montgomery - Temple IV

Great album this. Montgomery's performed with members of Bardo Pond as Hash Jar Tempo, which is where I first came to hear of him, and his solo work isn't dissimilar to the throbbing psychedelia found on a HJT album. This one in particular really delivers a punch, and whilst it may be a cliché, with the aid of a good pair of headphones it really does take you somewhere else.

Blarobbarg 05-18-2012 10:27 PM
Clutch, Transnational Speedway League: Anthems, Anecdotes, and Undeniable Truths

Revisited this just awhile ago. Forgot how incredibly pissed this is. Despite Clutch's current stoner rock/blues metal/whatever, they used to be totally hardcore. This is a straight-up, come-at-me-if-you-dare, fists swinging, hardcore punk album. With stoner influences. Thought it was waaaaaay better than the last time I listened to it.
Clutch, Live At The Googolplex

Another revisit. Unlike the last, I've always thought this was great. It's actually NOT recorded at "The Googolplex," that's just the name. The songs were all recorded at various gigs and spliced together. Still, it sounds seamless. This was farther along in their career, but not quite totally bluesy yet. As a result, it's less intense that Transnational, but still sounds... shouty. Also adds really interesting psychedelic twists to songs that did not have them before. Love it.
Codeine, The White Birch

Apparently, this is "slowcore." I've always laughed at that so-called "genre," but this doesn't have me laughing. In fact, it's quite depressing, but in the best possible way. Suuuuuuper slow tempos, but with great technique. Gotta give props on the drums, too. It's very hard to make slow drums sound excellent, but the drummer pulls it off.
Sound-wise, the album sticks to the typical 90's alternative rock schtick of quiet-loud-quiet-loud, but they do it very very well. Definitely check it out.

I have several more, but this will do for now.

Ravenheart 05-18-2012 10:34 PM

David Bowie - Low

Amazingly eclectic and ahead of its time. Some fans are critical of Low, but I find its ambitions and experimentations amazing. Helped pave the way for various post-punk and electronic bands.

Faith and the Muse - Evidence of Heaven

A breathtaking mix of lo-fi Gothic, darkwave, celtic, folk, and post-punk. One of my favorite bands right now.

Paedantic Basterd 05-19-2012 03:33 PM

Cheveu - 1000 (2011)

Oh ****. Excellent, diverse post/synth/art punk album. It's sick and angry sounding. I'd say that if you like Wire's 154, then you'll like this.

Oh, and there's a sick as **** cover of Ice Ice Baby (of all things).

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