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GuitarBizarre 11-18-2011 05:57 AM

Best Radiohead albums, in descending order:

HTTT, The Bends, Amnesiac, Kid A, In Rainbows, Pablo Honey, King Of Limbs

Howard the Duck 11-18-2011 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre (Post 1121251)
Best Radiohead albums, in descending order:

HTTT, The Bends, Amnesiac, Kid A, In Rainbows, Pablo Honey, King Of Limbs

so you agree with me that they should disown OK Computer?

Goofle 11-18-2011 06:07 AM

What's wrong with OK Computer? It's a typical Radiohead album. If you like Radiohead, you should like OK Computer.

Sneer 11-18-2011 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1121252)
so you agree with me that they should disown OK Computer?


OK Computer, whether you like it or not, is a stand out achievement, its cultural significance and critical success prove that. Why the hell should they 'discard' it?

I'm intrigued as to why you despise it so much?

Howard the Duck 11-18-2011 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Stu (Post 1121256)

OK Computer, whether you like it or not, is a stand out achievement, its cultural significance and critical success prove that. Why the hell should they 'discard' it?

I'm intrigued as to why you despise it so much?

i dunno how to describe it either

it just sounds monotonous and lifeless

Goofle 11-18-2011 07:02 AM

Most Radiohead albums are monotonous and lifeless, I would hesitate to say it is their intention.

Howard the Duck 11-18-2011 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by TomClancy11 (Post 1121264)
Most Radiohead albums are monotonous and lifeless, I would hesitate to say it is their intention.

but they are more layered and textured

i mean my fave Radiohead song is "Pyramid" - it's a dirge, but how they layer it and the melody makes it an awesome "dirge"

OKC sounds completely unremarkable to me

Goofle 11-18-2011 07:16 AM

That's fine, as I said, my favourite is T'Bends (I'm Northern, okay!?) but I pretty much like all of their albums to a degree. I just didn't understand how you could call OK Computrer a "crock of sh!te" when it is clearly not that bad.

GuitarBizarre 11-18-2011 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1121252)
so you agree with me that they should disown OK Computer?

I just can't decide on a real place for it. It has some great songs, but every single one of their other albums, even pablo honey and king of limbs, which I think are really quite weak, has at least one or two songs that beat the stuffing out of anything on OKC.

Its really too middle of the road for me to commit to an opinion. I could say it was terrible because its so uninspiring to me, in terms of great songs, but I'd be lying, because I think Pablo Honey is an album that trades on a couple of great songs surrounded by some pretty bad ones.

On the other hand, I could say it was a crowning achievement and nothing touches it, but I'd be talking out my ass because I don't think it holds a cndle to HTTT, which has every song a classic, and every song fits within an order that feels practically perfect from start to finish.

Goofle 11-18-2011 08:25 AM

I wouldn't worry about it, it's only Radiohead.

Sneer 11-18-2011 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1121265)
but they are more layered and textured

i mean my fave Radiohead song is "Pyramid" - it's a dirge, but how they layer it and the melody makes it an awesome "dirge"

OKC sounds completely unremarkable to me

OKC is very layered, dynamic and hugely imaginative for what is essentially an alternative rock album. It signalled the death knell of Britpop, and its highly sophisticated sound became influential on a number of bands (of wildly varying quality, granted) following its release.

I'm not trying to debase your personal opinion, I just fail to see how it's monotonous or lifeless... There's so much going on in those 50-odd minutes, Paranoid Android in itself comprises of about three different songs in 6 minutes!

It has a schizophrenic, somewhat unhinged quality that perfectly conveyed the paranoia prevalent in British society as it edged ever closer to the millennium. It's a commentary on humanity and it's relationship with capitalism, technology and death, which for me makes it an engrossing listen.

I'm not accusing you of this at all, but I do feel as if some people give it raw deal because they resent the adulation it has received, it's just too 'mainstream' and 'conventional' for Radiohead fans. It's a shame, because I think it's an album that oozes quality.

Goofle 11-18-2011 08:59 AM

Still rather a Beta Band album.

The Fascinating Turnip 11-18-2011 09:03 AM

I cetainly fail to see how OK Computer is a monotonous album. It's not as if it were a mere wave of melancholy sound and whining about computers.
I certainly don't want to attack anyone's personal taste, but I believe it's quite evident that a great deal of emotion was placed into many of those songs, and I definitely fail to grasp how, say, Exit Music (For a Film) is monotonous.

Salami 11-18-2011 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by TomClancy11 (Post 1121268)
That's fine, as I said, my favourite is T'Bends (I'm Northern, okay!?)

Man up northern England! I love Lancashire so much....
I think T'Bends was the best they got musically, but I'm happy to appreciate that the rest of their work was very important culturally and shaped the course of alternative rock.

blastingas10 11-18-2011 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Mighty Salami (Post 1120095)
"OK Computer" is the album where Radiohead started experimenting with new kinds of sound, not just synths, but different kinds of guitar distortion too. "Subterranean Homesick Alien" demonstrates this pretty well; you have Johnny Greenwood's guitar riff given some really unusual distortion and even some ambience.

Why am I writing this? I don't even like Radiohead (apart from "Just", which is one of the top ten best songs of all time)

Ya, I don't really like them either. Never understood the big fuss about them. They got a few good songs.

Unknown Soldier 11-18-2011 04:59 PM

Nothing to really say about the band, other than this thread has got 358 pages on them, is this some kind of MB record for a band:eek:

GuitarBizarre 11-18-2011 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Unchained Ballad (Post 1121287)
I cetainly fail to see how OK Computer is a monotonous album. It's not as if it were a mere wave of melancholy sound and whining about computers.
I certainly don't want to attack anyone's personal taste, but I believe it's quite evident that a great deal of emotion was placed into many of those songs, and I definitely fail to grasp how, say, Exit Music (For a Film) is monotonous.

I just don't think the album has as much contrast as it needs. I'm sure some people think of it as "cohesive" or "thematic" but to me a lot of OKC sounds like the same song. Compare that to HTTT, where you have Sail To The Moon, Backdrifts, and Go To Sleep within the space of 3 songs, the Gloaming, There There, Punch Up at a Wedding, and Myxomatosis, on the album too...

HTTT has way more straight variety than OKC, but it still feels, if anything, more like a single, solid structure of an album, than OKC does, because of the contrast if anything.

Goofle 11-18-2011 06:25 PM

I do think a 358 page thread is massively too much. They are a good band, pretty much all there is to say.

Salami 11-19-2011 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by TomClancy11 (Post 1121490)
I do think a 358 page thread is massively too much. They are a good band, pretty much all there is to say.

Definitely right. I think I'd rather have that than heated discussion over every word of each song, every finest bit of distortion and every odd plopping noise someone was sure they heard in the background of "How To Dissappear Completely"

GuitarBizarre 11-19-2011 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Mighty Salami (Post 1121634)
Definitely right. I think I'd rather have that than heated discussion over every word of each song, every finest bit of distortion and every odd plopping noise someone was sure they heard in the background of "How To Dissappear Completely"

Considering the alternative is to talk more about music that isn't as good, I'm fine with 358 pages of radiohead. Roll on 358 more.

Goofle 11-19-2011 12:08 PM

Are you basically telling me that Radiohead are the best band in the World ever?

Surell 11-19-2011 12:40 PM

I am. Excluding Pablo Honey, of course.

DareUtoLoveMusicMore 11-19-2011 12:43 PM

The Bends IMO

GuitarBizarre 11-19-2011 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by TomClancy11 (Post 1121783)
Are you basically telling me that Radiohead are the best band in the World ever?

Well they've been voted that in Q at least twice.

For my money, I think they're definitely up there. Although I long ago gave up playing favourites in music. There are too many apples to oranges comparisons for anyone to make a real decision after their collection grows to a certain size and level of diversity. I have a huge collection of bands and artists I would say are real contenders for best band in the world ever, but the problem with saying that is people expect me to be able to name one. Ain't happening.

Howard the Duck 11-20-2011 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by TomClancy11 (Post 1121268)
That's fine, as I said, my favourite is T'Bends (I'm Northern, okay!?) but I pretty much like all of their albums to a degree. I just didn't understand how you could call OK Computrer a "crock of sh!te" when it is clearly not that bad.

i can't make it through half of the album before "okay, moving along"


Originally Posted by Stu (Post 1121280)
OKC is very layered, dynamic and hugely imaginative for what is essentially an alternative rock album. It signalled the death knell of Britpop, and its highly sophisticated sound became influential on a number of bands (of wildly varying quality, granted) following its release.

I'm not trying to debase your personal opinion, I just fail to see how it's monotonous or lifeless... There's so much going on in those 50-odd minutes, Paranoid Android in itself comprises of about three different songs in 6 minutes!

It has a schizophrenic, somewhat unhinged quality that perfectly conveyed the paranoia prevalent in British society as it edged ever closer to the millennium. It's a commentary on humanity and it's relationship with capitalism, technology and death, which for me makes it an engrossing listen.

I'm not accusing you of this at all, but I do feel as if some people give it raw deal because they resent the adulation it has received, it's just too 'mainstream' and 'conventional' for Radiohead fans. It's a shame, because I think it's an album that oozes quality.

it just puts me to sleep

Salami 11-20-2011 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by TomClancy11 (Post 1121783)
Are you basically telling me that Radiohead are the best band in the World ever?

I don't understand how people could come to that conclusion. Clearly, they have a broad and diverse range of styles, most of which are beautiful, and they are clearly pioneers in what sounds can be achieved.
However, they just don't seem to be able to turn that into good music all the time. For instance, I can't bear the clicking and sucking of the song "15 Step", and the hideous falsetto of that song just puts me off completely. I know a lot of you probably like that song, but I don't think any of you would like it as much if it was released by a different band.
I think the "Best Band Ever" could just as easily go to Pink Floyd from those criteria, and I hate Pink Floyd!

Radical jack 11-20-2011 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by TomClancy11 (Post 1121783)
Are you basically telling me that Radiohead are the best band in the World ever?

yes. they are.

Objectively speaking of course.

Salami 11-20-2011 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Radical jack (Post 1122093)
yes. they are.

Objectively speaking of course.

I hate it when people say this. It's not funny and it's so not true. I think that "objectively", the best band ever could just as easily be Bon Jovi.

Alexthe4th 11-20-2011 04:15 PM

I'm going to cut up all the text in the posts of this thread to form lyrics sung with one droning note, and use the typing sound on my laptop as drums for 6:32 and it will be the next Radiohead song/masterpiece.

Zer0 11-20-2011 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Mighty Salami (Post 1122122)
I hate it when people say this. It's not funny and it's so not true. I think that "objectively", the best band ever could just as easily be Bon Jovi.

But how is it not true when it's an objective opinion? There's tons of people out there who think Radiohead are the best band in the world and there's no right or wrong answers. It's not a fact it's just objective opinion, you're saying "it's not funny and it's so not true" like it is a fact.


Originally Posted by Alexthe4th (Post 1122136)
I'm going to cut up all the text in the posts of this thread to form lyrics sung with one droning note, and use the typing sound on my laptop as drums for 6:32 and it will be the next Radiohead song/masterpiece.

Go for it, and post the results here when you're done so we can all listen in wonder and amazement.

Paedantic Basterd 11-20-2011 04:31 PM

Subjective, guys. The word is subjective.

TockTockTock 11-20-2011 04:36 PM

Exactly... I have no idea where these people are getting this "objective" nonsense from. Music is an art form, therefore one's experience and interpretation of it is entirely subjective. And the whole "best band ever" argument can get to be rather tiresome...

On another note... I should probably listen to OK Computer (I haven't yet).

Paedantic Basterd 11-20-2011 04:42 PM

Really? You haven't? How have you managed to avoid it?

Radical jack 11-20-2011 04:46 PM

just a joke guys .lighten up.

I personally do think they're the greatest band ever though.But it's strictly my personal opinion.

And bon jovi is simply terrible. another personal opinion

TockTockTock 11-20-2011 04:47 PM

It's just one of those albums I've been meaning to listen to but never got around to doing it. I've listened to Kid A before, though.

Sneer 11-20-2011 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Jack Pat (Post 1122145)

On another note... I should probably listen to OK Computer (I haven't yet).

I wouldn't, it's pretty lifeless...

The Fascinating Turnip 11-21-2011 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Stu (Post 1122163)
I wouldn't, it's pretty lifeless...

Oh yes, devoid of any sort of emotion.

Thom Yorke 11-21-2011 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Jack Pat (Post 1122145)
On another note... I should probably listen to OK Computer (I haven't yet).

Are you one of those people that avoids certain music just because it's mainstream?

Howard the Duck 11-21-2011 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Thom Yorke (Post 1122348)
Are you one of those people that avoids certain music just because it's mainstream?

well, he shouldn't really avoid YOUR labour of love

Thom Yorke 11-21-2011 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1122349)
well, he shouldn't really avoid YOUR labour of love

It was more due to him having more obscure picks than most in the 13 genres thread. I'm just curious as I know some people are that way.

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